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Peer-graded Assignment: Connecting to

Multiple Data Sources

The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate you are able to connect to various data sources and
import into Tableau. You will create a final worksheet that includes screenshots of your work to show
you were able to connect and import the data. A successful assignment will illustrate your ability to
connect, merge, and import data to set yourself up to begin analyzing your data

How to create your assignment:

Follow the instructions below to prepare your assignment:

Part 1: Using the SuperStore.xlsx data workbook, connect to the Orders data, and complete the data
import process to begin analyzing your data. Then save the output to your Tableau Public profile as
its own visualization and copy and paste the URL to a Word document.

Part 2: Using the SuperStore.xslx data workbook, connect to the Orders and Returns data sources,
and complete the data import process to begin analyzing your data. Then save the output to your
Tableau Public profile as its own visualization and copy and paste the URL to a Word document.

Part 3: Using the SuperStore.xslx data workbook, connect to and merge the Orders and Returns
data sources using a common variable, and complete the data import process to begin analyzing
your data. Then save the output to your Tableau Public profile as its own visualization and copy and
paste the URL to a Word document.

Your final assignment should be a word document or PDF version with three separate links to each
of the three parts listed on your Tableau Public Profile.

Grading Criteria Overviewless

You will be required to submit three (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) Tableau Public profile URLs to
demonstrate you were able to successfully connect and merge data from the given dataset.

Link :-

Part 1 :-

Part 2 :-

Part 3 :-!/vizhome/Assignment-Part3-

Screen shots with detail explanation :-

Part 1 :- only orders data source needs to be connected and imported to create a visualization

Step 1 – open the tableau desktop and connect to data

Click on excel
Step 2 :- select superstore
Step 3 :- Drag orders
Step 4:- Prepare a sheet using orders data source showcasing monthly orders and sales as an
example :-

Continue below….
Case 2:- it says connect to the Orders and Returns data sources, and complete the data import
process to begin analyzing your data

Sol: - For above I consider them as two different data sources and used order and return as two
different data sources. And used them with data relationship connector.

Case 3:- it says connect to and merge the Orders and Returns data sources using a common
variable, and complete the data import process to begin analyzing your data.

Sol: - Now when merge is written we have to use joins to connect Orders and Returns

Orders will be primary as it has many columns and Returns will be secondary data source

Data Analysis: - we see that Orders have 1365 distinct records and Returns have 1634 distinct
records for which common records are only 11.

In this case:-

Scenario 1:- if we want to show all orders and matching returns then left outer join will be feasible.
Scenario 2:- if we want to show only orders having matching returns it will be inner join

Result: - I fell making left outer join will help the data in all the way to get records for both scenario 1
and 2.
Worksheet: - showcasing left outer join with order and returns, analyzing no of orders delivered and

Delivered:- is a replaced with null– thought scenario only.

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