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Oxford Matura Trainer. Poziom Podstawowy.

Answer key

1 CZŁOWIEK 9 Możliwe odpowiedzi:

1 astonished, surprised, pleased, happy
Słownictwo, page 6 2 upset, worried, ashamed, embarrassed, terrified,
1 1 name 3 upset, worried, annoyed, angry
2 age 4 upset, worried, annoyed, angry
3 sex 5 ashamed, embarrassed, upset
4 place of birth 6 relaxed, calm, pleased, happy
5 nationality 10 1 keep away from, stay away from
6 occupation 2 haven’t got a problem with, feel all right about
7 level of English 3 dislike, hate, despise, get nervous when
8 email address
9 telephone no: home/mobile 11 Zadanie otwarte.

2 Zadanie otwarte. 12 1 in
2 spend
3 Build slim, plump, medium built, overweight, thin 3 particularly
Height tall, medium height, short 4 spare
Hair brown, curly, long, wavy, blond, straight, short, 5 find
thin, dark, green, fair, bald 6 into
Eyes brown, expressive, blue, dark, green 7 on
Age in his/her early/mid/late twenties, elderly, 8 without
young, middle-aged 9 about
Looks handsome, pretty, beautiful, good-looking, 10 in
Distinguishing features moustache, tattoo, wrinkles, 13 Zadanie otwarte.
scar, freckles, beard
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 8
4 Zadanie otwarte.
1 Zadanie otwarte.
5 1 e 2 d 3 g 4 i 5 c 6 h 7 f 8 b 9 a
2 Zadanie otwarte.
6 positive friendly, hard-working, confident, generous,
3 1 E 2 H 3 C 4 D 5 F 6 G 7 A
polite, clever, gentle, sensible
negative aggressive, mean, unfriendly, lazy, stupid, Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: B.
rude, silly 4 Zadanie otwarte.
positive or negative quiet, shy, talkative
5 1 simplicity
7 un- untidy, unkind, unselfish, unreliable, unrealistic, 2 strength
unambitious 3 happiness
in- insecure, intolerant 4 truth
dis- dishonest, disloyal 5 honesty
im- impatient, impolite, immature 6 kindness
ir- irresponsible 7 relaxation
8 1 upset worried 8 boredom
2 relaxed calm 6 1 for 4 on
3 ashamed embarrassed 2 on 5 in
4 astonished surprised 3 from 6 for
5 terrified scared
7 1 protect … from
6 annoyed angry
2 succeed in
7 envious jealous
3 depend on
8 pleased happy
4 forgive … for
5 insist on
6 blames … for

© Copyright Oxford University Press 1

8 1 annoying 3 Zadanie otwarte.
2 relaxed 4 1 late 6 dresses
3 boring, bored
2 curly 7 trust
4 excited
3 expressive 8 cheerful
5 disappointing
4 quite 9 generous
6 interesting
5 height 10 tolerant
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 10 5 I’m keen on computer games and the rock music. I’m

1 Zadanie otwarte. also interested in an Italian cooking. I’m supposing

I suppose I’m really good at it. I’m on the Facebook
2 1.02 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F now and I look I’m looking at the photos my friend
3 Zadanie otwarte. has just added. He looks so funny on them! What are
you doing now? Have you got an account on the
Mówienie, page 10 Facebook, too?
4 1 Singing lessons. 6 Zadanie otwarte.
2 You are a student who has decided to take up
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 14
signing lessons. The examiner plays the role of your
friend from the USA. 1 Zadanie otwarte.
3 The examiner.
2 a 2 b 1 c 4 d 3
5 1 d 2 b 3 g 4 a 5 f
3 1.04 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 B
Zdania, które zostały podane dodatkowo: c, e.
4 Zadanie otwarte.
6 Zadanie otwarte.

5 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 d
1 A 1 walk, is giving
2 look 6 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 B
3 is working
4 are using
5 wins Zadania otwarte.
B 6 A, The
7 the
8 −
1 1 curly (doesn’t describe build)
9 The
2 intermediate (not a character feature)
2 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 C 3 fair (not a synonym of impolite)
3 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 A 4 males (doesn’t refer to appearance)
5 mature (doesn’t describe hair)
Mówienie, page 12 6 confident (not a synonym of afraid)
7 height (not connected with hair)
1 Zadanie otwarte.
8 mean (not a synonym of attractive)
2 1 In the picture I can see/The picture shows
2 1 on 6 immature
2 in the foreground
2 loyal 7 embarrassed
3 On the left/In the background
3 mind 8 avoid
4 on the right
4 shy 9 for
3 Zadanie otwarte. 5 about 10 honest
4 Zadanie otwarte. 3 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:

1 usually watches, she is reading a new book
Uczennica wybrała ilustrację 1. (uzasadnienie
2 is becoming/getting very popular
wyboru na podstawie zapisu nagrania).
3 often calls/phones me, really annoying
6 Zadanie otwarte. 4 Does she really hate
5 In the foreground I can see a woman and a man.
The man is
1 Zadanie otwarte. 6 I don’t mind impatient people
7 How can you depend on
2 W liście nie uwzględniono punktu pierwszego:
8 in her late twenties, a pretty girl
przedstawienie się.

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4 A 1 c 2 a 3 b
B 1 c 2 b 3 a
C 1 b 2 a 3 c
5 1 is the IT specialist
2How you How do you
3Are you speaking Do you speak
4blame your son in blame your son for
5He not listen He doesn’t listen
6We enjoy We are enjoying
7Do she need Does she need
8You are going Are you going
9What does your father look? What does your
father look like?
10 Peter is most handsome Peter is the most

© Copyright Oxford University Press 3

2 DOM 10 1.05 Zadanie otwarte.
11 1 d 2 e 3 i 4 b 5 c 6 h 7 f 8 g 9 a
Słownictwo, page 18
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 20
1 Zadanie otwarte.
1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 Living room carpet, mirror, armchair, sofa, fireplace,
2 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 D
lamp, bookshelf, light switch, radiator, coffee table,
picture, DVD player, curtains, coffee table 3 Zadanie otwarte.
Kitchen fridge, dishwasher, microwave, cooker,
4 1 sign 6 flat
washing machine, light switch, sink, rubbish bin,
2 remind 7 sign
radiator, picture
3 get 8 place
Bathroom mirror, basin, bath, shower, rug, washing
4 place 9 remind
machine, light switch, rubbish bin, towels, toilet
5 get 10 flat
Bedroom carpet, mirror, armchair, bed, lamp,
bookshelf, wardrobe, light switch, radiator, blanket, Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
picture, DVD player, curtains 1 Spodziewałem się zastać Johna w kawiarni, ale go
Study carpet, armchair, sofa, lamp, bookshelf, light tam nie widziałam.
switch, radiator, picture, curtains 2 Czy przypomniałabyś mi o jutrzejszej wizycie u
3 Zadanie otwarte.
lekarza? Pewnie zapomnę.
3 Ta restauracja jest tak zatłoczona w sobotnie
4 Types of houses terraced, detached, semi-detached, wieczory, że wątpię, czy dostaniemy się do środka.
bungalow, mansion, cottage, palace, villa 4 Jakie miejsca odwiedziłeś we Włoszech?
Parts of a house shutters, drive, doorbell, attic, 5 Czy w tym roku dostałaś pocztówkę od Betsy?
balcony, staircase, chimney, ceiling, cellar, terrace, 6 Krajobraz w centralnej Polsce jest dość płaski, bez
garage większych wzgórz czy gór.
Adjectives to describe houses enormous, 7 Na skrzyżowaniu jest znak, który wskazuje drogę do
renovated, cosy, cluttered, spacious, impressive biblioteki publicznej.
5 1 cluttered 8 Sarah zaprosiła mnie do siebie na kolację dziś
2 terraced wieczorem.
3 bungalow 9 Jego obrazy przypominają mi o miejscu, gdzie
4 doorbell spędzaliśmy wakacje, gdy byłem dzieckiem.
5 shutters 10 Nie miałam przy sobie pompki, więc kiedy złapałam
6 drive gumę, musiałam iść do domu pieszo.
7 spacious 5 a look up d look into
8 terrace/balcony b look after e look up to
6 make the beds c look down on f look for
clean the windows, the floors 6 1 looks down on
do the shopping, the ironing, the dusting 2 had been looking for
throw away the rubbish 3 look after
lay the table 4 look up
tidy your room 5 looks up to
hoover the carpets 6 look into
7 Zadanie otwarte.
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 22
8 1 village
1 1.06 a 1 b 4 c 5 d 3 e 2
2 countryside, condition
3 home town 2 1.061 B 2 F 3 A 4 D 5 E
4 tower block, tiny, fully furnished Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: C.
5 suburbs 3 Zadanie otwarte.
6 old town
9 1 estate 6 fitted
Mówienie, page 22
2 unfurnished 7 central 4 1 F 2 T 3 F
3 flatmates 8 rent
4 ground 9 tenants 5 1.07 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 a
5 location 10 landlord 6 1.07 Zadanie otwarte.

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7 Zadanie otwarte. 2 1 C 2 F 3 A 4 D 5 B
Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: E.
3 1 nervousness 4 heights
1 A 1 Have you polished the floors still yet? 2 downstairs 5 damage
2 I’ve lived here since for three years. 3 residence 6 break-ins
3 How long have you been look looking for a new
4 Have you ever gone been to Spain? 1 Zadanie otwarte.
B 6 Did you go anything anywhere nice at the
weekend? 2 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 C 6 B
7 I can’t find the tickets everywhere anywhere.
8 This family needs anything something bigger
than this flat. 3 Prawidłowa kolejność: B, A, D, C
9 I don’t know nobody anybody in this Część druga: zadanie otwarte.
4 Zadanie otwarte.
10 Has somebody anybody been to the new
football stadium?
2 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 A
Zadania otwarte.
3 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 C

Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 24

1 1 f 2 c 3 h 4 e 5 i 6 a 7 b 8 d 9 g
1 1.08 1 The number of people living on houseboats 2 1 behind/in front of
is growing. = more and more people are making
2 study/living room
this decision
3 bills/rent
2 Ben and Lizzie’s houseboat is very large. = it felt
4 look up/find
quite small to me; it didn’t seem much smaller than
5 sink/dishwasher
my own one-bedroom flat
6 shutters/curtains
3 It can be difficult to work on a houseboat like
7 hoover/tidy
theirs. = working from home and keeping in
8 spacious/cosy
contact with people isn’t a problem
4 The couple have a good social life. = they 3 1 has been living in this house for
particularly liked the people; they say they get on 2 have you had
with everybody in the community and that there’s 3 have never stayed
always a party or a barbeque happening on one of 4 I’ve been looking after their dog for
the boats’ 5 have been renovating their kitchen since
5 It’s necessary to fix the boat quite often. = there are 6 hasn’t thrown away the rubbish yet.
always repairs that need to be done 7 look down on hostels
8 Have you ever visited
2 1.09 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T
4 1 make 5 place
3 1.091 decision
2 floor 6 take
2 didn’t seem
3 floor 7 make
3 people
4 take 8 sign
4 always
5 1 never do anything
4 Zadanie otwarte.
2 Are you looking for anyone/someone/anybody/
Mówienie, page 24 somebody
3 No one/Nobody wants to buy
5 Uczennica wybrała ilustrację 1. (uzasadnienie
1.10 4 I’ve already cleaned
wyboru na podstawie zapisu nagrania). 5 reminds me of my family home
6 1.10I think we should choose photo number … . 6 I’ve always looked up
Photo number … is not a good idea because … . 7 Have you lost
I wouldn’t choose photo number … . 8 Haven’t you seen our brochure
9 Have you furnished
7 Zadanie otwarte.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 25

1 Zadanie otwarte.

© Copyright Oxford University Press 5

3 SZKOŁA 9 1 nursery
2 primary
Słownictwo, page 30 3 secondary 8 mixed
4 comprehensive 9 college
1 Zadanie otwarte. 5 grammar
2 1 physics 10 1.11 Zadanie otwarte.
2 art 11 1 done 6 do
3 geography 2 take 7 take
4 music 3 do 8 making
5 history 4 took 9 take
6 IT (Information Technology) 5 do 10 doing
7 biology
8 chemistry 12 Zadanie otwarte.

3 1 c; geography Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 32

2 d; maths
1 Zadanie otwarte.
3 i; chemistry
4 g; history 2 1 c 2 c 3 b
5 h; foreign languages
3 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 B 6 C
6 f; art
7 b; biology 4 Zadanie otwarte.
8 a; PE (Physical Education) 5 1 formal 4 fit in
9 e; social studies
2 syllabus 5 timetable
4 Zadanie otwarte. 3 individual 6 bullying
5 1 library 6 1 bullying 4 fit in
2 locker 2 formal 5 syllabus
3 staff room 3 individual 6 timetable
4 cafeteria 7 1 teach 5 practise
5 computer lab
2 practice 6 borrow
6 gym
3 lend 7 learned
7 lab
4 sensitive 8 sensible
8 office
9 football pitch Mówienie, page 34
10 playground
1 1.12 Poruszone tematy: rozkład zajęć, dojazd do
6 1 d kolega/koleżanka z klasy szkoły, obowiązujący ubiór.
2 g dyrektor szkoły
2 Uczeń nie przekazał informacji 3.: zajęcia dodatkowe.
3 a przerwa
4 c zeszyt Część druga: zadanie otwarte.
5 f podręcznik 3 Zadanie otwarte.
6 h wywiadówka
4 1.13 Tak.
7 b świadectwo szkolne
8 e dziennik 5 Zadanie otwarte.

7 1 do 8 retake 6 Zadanie otwarte.

2 attend 9 skip
3 make 10 prepare
4 give 11 revising 1 1 finished, started
5 making 12 get 2 broke, was doing
6 did 13 dropped out 3 had already begun
7 failed 14 cheated 4 did your brother graduate
8 do voluntary work, a sailing course 5 used to be
practise sport 6 was studying, was playing
play in a band 7 had left
organise charity events, a sailing course 8 Did students use to wear
go on trips 2 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 C 6 A
Część druga: zadanie otwarte.
3 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 A

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Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 36 Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 38
1 1 Dwa razy. 1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 Cztery. 2 1.16 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F 7 T
3 Życie studenckie.
3 1 primary
1.17 4 subjects
2 1.141 D 2 A 3 E 4 B
2 fun 5 social
Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: C.
3 agreed
3 Zadanie otwarte.
4 Zadanie otwarte.
Mówienie, page 36 5 Możliwa kolejność: e, a, c, b, d.

4 Ilustracja 1: look new and modern, take part in social

events, students look relaxed and happy
Ilustracja 2: offer a traditional model of studying, the 6 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 A 6 B
building is old and historic
5 Zadanie otwarte.
Zadania otwarte.
6 1.15Extra money for food, clothes and social life,
gaining work experience, financial independence from
your parents.
1 1 PE
7 It is true that … but … . 2 classmate, head teacher
One advantage is that … . 3 lockers
Another (big) advantage/disadvantage of … is 4 textbook
that … . 5 boarding school
8 Zadanie otwarte. 6 staff room
7 doing
8 evening
1 Zadanie otwarte. 2 1 carried 5 registers
2 solve 6 examining
2 Kolejność informacji w liście jest zgodna z treścią
3 memorize 7 certificate
4 library
3 1 A few days ago
3 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
2 During the visit
1 never failed any examination/exam while he was
3 Then
4 A funny thing happened after
2 used to get a glass of milk in the school canteen
5 I will never forget
3 were carrying out an experiment in the chemistry
4 (1) I’d like to tell you about something rather unusual lab
that happen in my school. happened 4 How many students dropped out
(2) It was my class who had invited him and we was 5 was writing something in the class register while
very happy … . were the students were drawing
(3) … he talked about his old and new films and how 6 had been studying
he had became an actor. had become 7 used to be very formal
(4) The actor comed to our lesson … . came 4 1 Would you like me to help you with this project?
(5) Robert Więckiewicz was so natural that we don’t
2 How about skipping the last two lessons today?
feel stressed … . didn’t feel
3 I found it easy to learn and I liked doing experiments.
5 1 happened 7 had 4 What was it like to attend a single-sex school?
2 came 8 was leaving 5 I’d rather do some revision for my biology exam.
3 invited/had invited 9 said 6 You have made great progress with your English
4 had lived 10 felt this year.
5 settled 11 didn’t thank 5 1 to lend borrow books
6 was
2 George has been was absent
6 Zadanie otwarte. 3 I was remembering remembered
4 attended to comprehensive schools
5 Why weren’t you going didn’t you go,
6 sensitive sensible and grammatically correct
7 We weren’t used didn’t use to have

© Copyright Oxford University Press 7

4 PRACA 11 Zadanie otwarte.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 44

Słownictwo, page 42
1 Zadanie otwarte.
1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 1 It is for food lovers, but the text says it is not easy.
2 1 soldier 2 It doesn’t say you need to already be a professional
2 hairdresser to apply, just that you need training to be
3 driving instructor a professional.
4 translator 3 It says the part-time job can be tedious, not acting.
5 receptionist 4 It says you have to find errors, not that you shouldn’t
6 psychologist make any.
7 musician 5 It says you will travel to exotic places, not that your
8 politician looks should be exotic.
9 surgeon 6 It says it is not as easy to become a billionaire as
10 salesperson/sales representative a writer.
Przykładowe odpowiedzi: 3 1 F 2 A 3 E 4 G 5 B 6 C
-er photographer Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: D.
-or interior decorator
4 Zadanie otwarte.
-ist dentist
-ian mathematician 5 1 tedious 5 option
Other jobs vet 2 background 6 reputable
3 Babysitting play games, prepare meals, tell stories 3 skill 7 dream of
Working on a farm pick fruit, feed animals 4 determined
Serving customers in a restaurant bring the bill, 6 1 option 5 background
serve food and drinks, clear tables, take orders 2 skills 6 reputable
Working in a shop check stock, operate a till, deal 3 determined 7 tedious
with customers 4 dream of
4 1 part-time 5 badly paid 7 1 background 6 hand
2 full-time 6 temporary 2 hand 7 attention
3 manual 7 permanent 3 fit 8 free
4 well-paid 4 background 9 attention
5 Zadanie otwarte. 5 free 10 fit

6 Step 1 Complete your … . 8 1 gave off 4 giving away

Step 2 Look at job … . 2 give in 5 give back
Step 3 Wait to hear … . 3 gave up
Step 4 When you are … . Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 46
1 interview 6 offer
1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 Curriculum Vitae 7 accept
3 qualifications 8 contract 2 1.19 a 2 b 4 c 3 d 1
4 experience 9 application form 3 1.19 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C
5 references 10 covering letter
4 Zadanie otwarte.
7 1.18 Zadanie otwarte.
8 1 salary 5 boss
Mówienie, page 46
2 colleague 6 quit 5 1.20 1 I am calling about the job advertisement
3 wages 7 self-employed that I saw online.
4 duties 8 position 2 What exactly would my duties be?
9 1 have 5 work 3 have you done this type of work before?
2 is 6 works 4 What languages can you speak?
3 do 7 in 5 Will I have to work shifts?
4 get 8 get 6 What’s the pay?
7 The pay is £7 an hour.
10 1 fired 4 unemployed 8 How should I apply?
2 retired 5 strike
3 laid 6 out

© Copyright Oxford University Press 8

6 Właściciel restauracji: 3 1 take on a job
Have you done this type of work before? 2 do volunteer work
The pay is £7 an hour. 3 enrol on a course
What languages can you speak? 4 run a business
Osoba ubiegająca się o pracę: 5 design a site
I am calling about the job advertisement I saw online. 4 Zadanie otwarte.
How should I apply?
What exactly would my duties be?
Will I have to work shifts?
1 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
What’s the pay?
1 Igrasz z ogniem, jeśli chcesz robić interesy z
7 Zadanie otwarte. Petersonem (znaczenie przenośne).
2 Kiedy samochód minął zakręt, zobaczyliśmy/
zobaczyłyśmy, że dom się pali (znaczenie
1 1 has found 6 hasn’t had dosłowne).
2 has been 7 a little 3 Gangsterzy otworzyli ogień w stronę policji
3 retired 8 any (znaczenie przenośne).
4 moved, worked 9 a few 2 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 A
5 digging 10 many
2 1 A 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 B
3 Zadanie otwarte. 3 1 To organizers of a youth camp.
2 To apply for a job at the camp.
4 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 C
3 Semi-formal.
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 48 4 1 experience

1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 advert
3 candidate
2 1.21 A 4 B 2 C 1 D 3 E 2 4 apply, position
3 1.22 1 It seems she really likes me, and I just don’t 5 wish
know what to do about it. dislikes 5 Zadanie otwarte.
2 Most people are generous and give me good tips.
3 Occasionally you get someone who complains all
Zadania otwarte.
the time about the food … service
4 As you know, we’re going to be using a new
communication system soon … computer
1 1 surgeon 5 leave
5 … so we’re scheduling a series of training sessions
in the coming year. month 2 pick 6 charge
3 clear 7 overtime
4 Zadanie otwarte. 4 interview 8 salary
Mówienie, page 48 2 1 take 5 application
2 laid off 6 bring
5 1 b
3 up 7 full-time
2 b, e
4 go on
3 a
4 d, c 3 1 Jonathan last got a pay rise three years ago.
2 little time
6 1 shows 4 is talking
3 haven’t been abroad
2 are working 5 are working
4 Robert lost
3 are sitting 6 like
5 I haven’t been
7 Zadanie otwarte. 6 has been working as a shop assistant for
7 long has Susan been
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 49
4 1 pay 4 fit
1 Zadanie otwarte. 2 hand 5 hand
2 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 B 3 pay 6 fit

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5 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
1 decided to give away
2 has spent/has been spending a lot of time
3 Did you return the books
4 a few days later he went
5 have you been working as a reporter
6 doesn’t have much experience in
7 has already designed a few websites
8 Have you sent an application

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5 Ż YC I E R O D Z I N N E 11 Zadanie otwarte.

I TO WA R Z YS K I E Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 56

1 Zadanie otwarte.
Słownictwo, page 54
2 1 c 2 d 3 f 4 b 5 e 6 g 7 a
1 Zadanie otwarte.
3 Zadanie otwarte.
2 1 set 10 take
2 go 11 put 4 1 E 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 F
3 take 12 make Zdania, które zostało podane dodatkowo: G, D.
4 brush/comb 13 search/browse 5 Zadanie otwarte.
5 make/prepare 14 check/read/write/send
6 1 acquaintances
6 read 15 watch
7 leave 16 go 2 embarrassment
8 catch 17 have 3 side effects
9 meet/hang out/chat 4 envy
5 addiction
3 1 text 6 eat 6 concept
2 visit 7 chat 7 interaction
3 work 8 play
7 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 c 5 e
4 hang 9 go
5 go 10 rent 8 1 should keep in mind
4 Like very much What I absolutely adore/love is …, 2 Never mind
I am mad about … . 3 have changed my mind
Like I don’t mind, I’m keen on … . 4 To my mind
Dislike very much One thing I absolutely hate/ 5 comes to your mind
detest is …, I can’t stand … . Mówienie, page 58
Część druga: zadanie otwarte.
1 1.23 Kwestie wspomniane: 2, 3
5 1 New Year’s Eve
Kwestie rozwinięte: 1, 4
2 Halloween
3 Father’s Day 2 Zadanie otwarte.
4 Christmas Eve 3 Zadanie otwarte.
5 baby shower
6 Thanksgiving Day/Thanksgiving 4 Przykładowe odpowiedzi:
7 Easter/Easter Sunday 1 They may be at a wedding reception in the garden.
2 They are probably saying how happy they are and
6 1 only child 6 stepmother how much they love each other.
2 daughter-in-law 7 son 3 They are probably in their late twenties.
3 great grandmother 8 aunt 4 It looks like summer.
4 mother-in-law 9 half-sister 5 They seem to be very happy.
5 niece
5 Zadanie otwarte.
7 1 e 2 j 3 a 4 b 5 i
6 d 7 h 8 g 9 f 10 c
Część druga: zadanie otwarte
1 1 are celebrating
8 1 be born 2 are going to have
2 get married 3 starts
3 buy a house 4 ’ll have
4 fall in love 5 will be swimming
5 retire from work
2 1 in; on 3 at; in
6 get a job
2 in; at 4 on; at
9 1 d 2 c 3 g 4 a 5 f 6 e 7 b
3 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 A
Część druga: zadanie otwarte.
10 1 break up 4 Zadanie otwarte.
5 fall in love
2 relationship 6 jealous 5 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 C
3 date 7 friendship
4 go out with
Część druga: zadanie otwarte.

© Copyright Oxford University Press 11

Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 60
1 Zadanie otwarte. 1 1 relatives 5 babies
2 sisters 6 cousins
2 1.24 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 F 7 F
3 aunts 7 nieces
3 1.251 time 4 huge 4 stepdaughters
2 pretty 5 argue Wyrazy, które zostały podane dodatkowo: parents,
3 sounds 6 busy uncles.
Mówienie, page 60 2 1 eat out 6 got into
2 acquaintances 7 celebrates
4 Zadanie otwarte.
3 jealous 8 chatting
5 1.26To start with … . 4 date 9 break up
Another thing is that … . 5 get together
Also, … . 3 1 I watch I’ll watch
On top of that … . 2 fall in fall out
6 Zadanie otwarte. 3 have a party are having
4 The film is starting starts
5 this therapy of this therapy
1 1 C
6 he gets well gets on well
2 C 3 B 4 C
7 What will you do will be doing
2 Kwestie wspomniane: wszystkie 8 he will drop he is going to drop
Kwestie rozwinięte: 2, 3
4 1 Could; right
3 Zadanie otwarte. 2 at; mind
4 1 I’m just writing to tell you my news. 3 heard; surprised
2 I’m going to … . 4 for, Happy
3 Do drop me a line. 5 got; Congratulations
6 sorry; awful/horrible
5 1 I’m planning to leave in Friday morning. on 7 too
2 The dinner starts for two hours. in
5 1 at seven o’clock at the concert in the park
3 We are having a party in home. at
4 They have invited me on Easter holidays. for 2 What are you doing
5 Where you at the party on last night? − 3 Addiction to shopping
6 I’m going in the mountains in summer. to 4 We are going to visit
7 Are you coming in next Monday? − 5 we will be lying
8 Her house is in the corner of my street. on/at 6 I don’t take
7 they will make up
6 Zadanie otwarte. 8 starts
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 62 9 are getting married
10 my mind, Easter is
1 Zadanie otwarte.

2 1.27 a 1 b 3, 4 c 3 d 5 e 2
3 1.27 1 F 2 E 3 C 4 A 5 B
Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: D
4 Zadanie otwarte.

5 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 a
6 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 A

Zadania otwarte.

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6 ŻYWIENIE 14 1 go
2 balanced
5 feed
6 cut
Słownictwo, page 66 3 stick 7 rich
4 vegetarian
1 Zadanie otwarte.
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 68
2 Fruits and vegetables pear, apple, lemon, grapes,
tomato, cucumber, lettuce, carrots, potatoes, 1 Zadanie otwarte.
cauliflower 2 1 c 2 a 3 d 4 e 5 b
Starchy foods wholemeal bread, pasta, rolls, cereals,
3 1 F 2 B 3 E 4 A 5 C
rice, potato
Milk and dairy foods cream, cottage cheese, butter, Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: D.
yoghurt, fromage frais 4 Zadanie otwarte.
Foods and drinks high in fats or sugar sweets, olive
5 D
oil, jam chocolate, fizzy drink, French fries, crisps,
juice, biscuits, nuts 6 1 fine 5 hard
Meat, fish, eggs and beans pork, salmon, trout, 2 average 6 challenge
chicken, turkey, sausages, peas, French beans 3 challenge 7 average
3 Możliwe odpowiedzi:
4 fine 8 hard
1 A good source of protein meat, fish, eggs and 7 verb noun adjective
beans; milk, cheese compete competition/ competitive
2 A good source of carbohydrates starchy foods; competitor
pasta, sweets satisfy satisfaction satisfying/satisfied
3 Low in calories fruits and vegetables; yoghurt,
achieve achievement/ −
juice achiever
4 High in calories foods high in fats or sugar; bread,
sympathise sympathy sympathetic
− possibility possible
4 1 spoonfuls 5 glasses
2 bowl 6 packet 8 1 into 4 from
3 slices 7 bars 2 on 5 to
4 cup 8 pieces 3 of 6 for

5 Zadanie otwarte. Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 70

6 1 cover 6 melt 1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 chop 7 crush
2 1.29 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 C
3 season 8 simmer
4 slice 9 beat 3 1.29 Zadanie otwarte.
5 serve 10 peel
Mówienie, page 70
7 1 sliced/chopped 6 simmer
2 chopped/sliced 7 beat 4 1 Egzaminujący nie zgodził się z
3 peeled 8 Season propozycjami ucznia dotyczącymi rodzaju lokalu,
4 crushed 9 cover menu i listy gości.
5 Melt 10 serve 2 Tak.
8 Zadanie otwarte. 5 Zadanie otwarte.

9 1 strong 5 sour
2 salty 6 well-done
1 1 advised her eating to eat
3 spicy 7 lean
4 bitter 8 fresh 2 let him to eat let him eat
3 decided test decided to test
10 1 hungry 4 canteen 4 look forward to try it to trying
2 full 5 packed 5 in so a hurry in such a hurry
3 breakfast 6 snack 6 such late so
11 1.28 Zadanie otwarte. 7 so to make so as to/in order to
8 For order to In order to
12 1 b 2 e 3 f 4 c 5 g 6 d 7 a
2 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 A
13 Zadanie otwarte.
3 Zadanie otwarte.

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4 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 A 6 C 7 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
1 to/in order to/so as to celebrate
Mówienie, page 72 2 have/organise/hold a barbecue, in order to/so as
1 Zadanie otwarte. to/to help
3 as to prepare sandwiches
2 1 O
4 in order not to scare
2 Pytanie nie pasuje do żadnej kategorii; 5 let me know, so that I can plan
sprawdza ono wiedzę ogólną zdającego.
3 R 8 Come to a party/barbecue/dinner to celebrate … .
4 I We are holding/organising/having a party to
celebrate … .
3 Zadanie otwarte.
The party/barbecue/dinner will take place … . /start at
To get there, take the bus/go to … .
4 Możliwe odpowiedzi: Please bring a traditional dish/a bottle.
a talerz, potrawa Hope to see you there!
b ciężki, ciężkostrawny Please let me/us know if you can come!
c kurs, danie 9 Zadanie otwarte.
d pełny, najedzony
e porządek, zamówienie
f bogaty, wysokokaloryczny
Zadania otwarte.
5 1 C 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 B

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 73

1 1 scrambled 5 starter
1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 wholemeal 6 dairy
2 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 D 3 canteen 7 dessert
4 spoonful 8 chops
3 1 overweight, obese
2 oversized, big, giant 2 1 fat (not a dairy product)
3 supermarkets, local shops, bakery, butcher’s, 2 trout (not a kind of taste)
fishmonger’s 3 feed (not a way of preparing food)
4 meat, poultry, fish, dairy, grains, nuts, fruit, and 4 bowls (doesn’t describe food)
vegetables 5 crush (not a unit/amount of food)
6 turkey (not a kind of vegetables)
4 Zadanie otwarte.
7 lean (not a way of preparing food)
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 74 3 1 so as to impress

1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 in order to learn
3 so spicy that she
2 a carbohydrates, fat
1.31 4 part in the competition
b meat, pasta 5 no satisfaction
c vegetables, 6 offers to do the shopping
d yoghurt, rice 7 are considering buying
3 1.31 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F 7 F 8 Do you fancy going out

4 4 1 directions, menu, course

1.31 Zadanie otwarte.
2 rich, big, high
5 Zadanie otwarte. 3 for, into, up
5 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
1 promised to bake
6 Możliwe odpowiedzi:
2 in order/so as to make/cook
1 the end of the course; a student’s birthday
3 often leads to
2 in the afternoon; at the weekend
4 such a strange smell that
3 in a garden at someone’s house; at a school yard
5 so tired that she went
6 denied eating
7 living in France and eating
8 chop, peel the potatoes

© Copyright Oxford University Press 14

7 ZAKUPY I USŁUGI 12 1 Commercial
2 persuade
Słownictwo, page 78 3 product 9 media
4 launch 10 sponsor
1 Zadanie otwarte. 5 agency 11 logo
6 brand
2 1 a clothes
b shoe Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 80
c music
d furniture 1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 e newsagent 2 1 e 2 a 3 c 4 f 5 d 6 b
f chemist
3 1 D 2 A 3 F 4 G 5 C 6 B
g baker
h greengrocer Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: E.
3 i DIY 4 Zadanie otwarte.
j department
5 1 get tired of 4 get out of
k chain
2 get rid of 5 get over
3 a 4 credit card 3 get it 6 get on
b 1 sale
6 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
c 5 receipts
1 but I just can’t get it
d 8 sell
2 to get rid of
e 4,7 cash, change
3 you can get out of it
f 3, 6 price, cost
4 got tired of
g 2 bargain
5 don’t always get on well
Część druga: zadanie otwarte.
6 soon you will get over it
4 Items of clothing jeans, blouse, skirt, jacket, cap,
7 1 disloyal 5 unrealistic
2 untrue 6 impolite
Footwear trainers, sandals, boots
3 illegal 7 incompetent
Accessories belt, tie, sunglasses, bracelet
4 impossible
Size small, large, medium
Pattern checked, striped, plain 8 1 impolite 4 unrealistic
Style smart, casual, elegant 2 disloyal 5 impossible
Material cotton, linen, silk, leather 3 illegal 6 untrue
5 Zadanie otwarte. Mówienie, page 82
6 1 try on – przymierzać
1 1.33 1 An elegant dress or a blouse with a skirt.
2 go with – pasować 2 Light grey, silver or blue.
3 put on – zakładać (ubranie) 3 A small evening bag.
4 take off – zdejmować (ubranie) 4 One hundred and fifteen pounds.
Część druga: zadanie otwarte.
2 1.33 I’m looking for something (very elegant).
7 1 scratched
Do you have any accessories to go with it?
2 replacement I would like (light grey, silver or blue).
3 refund Do you have it/them in a small/medium/large?
4 receipt How much are they?
5 fit
6 exchange 3 Zadanie otwarte.

8 1.32 Zadanie otwarte. 4 1 shop assistants

2 a deli
9 Zadanie otwarte.
3 stand behind the counter, smile
10 1 plumber 6 postman/postwoman 4 scales, a variety of cheeses and meats, be displayed
2 financial adviser 7 interior designer Część druga: zadanie otwarte.
3 beautician 8 barber
4 caterer 9 IT service engineer
5 hairdresser 10 tailor/seamstress
11 1 c 2 b 3 d 4 f 5 a 6 e

© Copyright Oxford University Press 15

5 1 asked 9 realised 3 Tak.
2 went 10 bought/had bought 4 Przykładowe odpowiedzi:
3 was looking 11 didn’t look
1 I wish to make a complaint about the shoes
4 noticed 12 told
I bought in your shop.
5 was 13 didn’t pay
2 I was upset when I saw the DVD player was
6 cost 14 was
7 took 15 got
3 I would be grateful if you could send me another
8 got
T-shirt. Could you possibly make it the same colour?
6 Zadanie otwarte. 4 I would like you to refund the entire amount.
5 I enclose the watch and the receipt.
6 I’m dissatisfied with the service in your shop.
1 1 do not delivered are not 7 I look forward to hearing from you soon.
2 being cut are being cut 8 Yours faithfully,
3 I sent was sent 5 Zadanie otwarte.
4 install installed
5 has been closed have been closed Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 86
6 will produced will be produced 1 Zadanie otwarte.
7 had her dress took taken
8 fix fixed 2 1.36 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C
9 will have taken our wedding pictures will have 3 1.37 1 furious 4 change
our wedding pictures taken 2 traffic 5 window
10 redecorate redecorated 3 polite 6 notice
2 1 A 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 B
3 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 C
4 Przykładowe odpowiedzi:
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 84 a Could I try this shirt on?
b Could I pay with a credit card?
1 Zadanie otwarte.
c Hello. There’s a problem with this camera.
2 1 b 2 f 3 c 4 a 5 d 6 e d Can I have the bill, please?
e Do you have these trousers in a large/in a size 40?
3 1.341 B 2 A 3 E 4 C
Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: D. 5 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 B

Mówienie, page 84 , page 87

4 Przykładowe odpowiedzi: Zadania otwarte.
1 The slogan suggests that the company is very
professional and the quality of their food and
service is very high. 1 1 striped 4 lend
2 I think the slogan means that the company offers 2 casual 5 save
good food for informal parties and that they don’t 3 buy 6 large
charge a lot.
2 1 try on, take off
5 1.35The advert implies that … . 2 refund, replacement
According to the slogan, … . 3 sales, bargains
Część druga: zadanie otwarte. 4 linen, silk
6 Zadanie otwarte. 5 hairdresser, beautician
6 trainers, flip flops
, page 85 7 interior designer, caterer
1 Zadanie otwarte.
8 chain, department
3 1 are usually bought
2 1 I am writing to complain
2 it wasn’t/hadn’t been advertised
2 Unfortunately
3 books we ordered be delivered
3 Could I possibly
4 you given the refund
4 I would be grateful if you would
5 for the match were being sold
5 could you/please could you
6 for the new Mercedes been launched
6 I would be grateful if you would let me know as
7 has them made
soon as possible./I look forward to hearing from you
8 large department store is being built

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4 1 Does the ticket machine give change?
2 Would you like to pay in cash or with a credit card?
3 I would like to make an appointment with
a beautician.
4 I am looking for a top to go with my black trousers.
5 I always try on clothes before I buy them.
6 Could I borrow your brown jacket tomorrow
7 Do you have these shoes in size four?
8 I bought this blouse yesterday but it does not fit.
5 1 being 5 got
2 up 6 to
3 was 7 you
4 been 8 be

© Copyright Oxford University Press 17

8 P O D R Ó ŻO WA N I E 11 Zadanie otwarte.

I TURYSTYKA Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 92

1 Zadanie otwarte.
Słownictwo, page 90
2 1 BD –
1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 T
2 Przykładowe odpowiedzi: 3 N
1 go sightseeing, take photos 4 BD –
2 sunbathe, go snorkeling, go swimming 5 N
3 go kayaking, go quad biking, go hitch-hiking, go 6 T
backpacking, go trekking 3 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 B
4 sleep in a tent, go hitch-hiking, set up camp, go
backpacking, go trekking 4 Zadanie otwarte.
5 take photos, watch the wildlife 5 1 in, at
6 go sightseeing, sunbathe, go snorkelling, go 2 around, in, in
swimming 3 on, in, in
Część druga: zadanie otwarte. 4 from, to
3 1 campsite 5 through, along, at
2 villa 6 towards, across
3 chalet 6 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
4 five-star hotel 1 come up with an idea
5 self-catering apartment 2 ran out of
6 youth hostel 3 came down with
7 bed and breakfast 4 put up with the noise
8 caravan 5 go along with their plan
4 1 book a room 4 check in
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 94
2 double 5 room service
3 en suite 1 Zadanie otwarte.
5 1.38 Zadanie otwarte. 2 1.39 a 2 b 4 c 1 d 3
6 Zadanie otwarte. 3 1.39 1 E 2 C 3 A 4 D
7 Forms of transport coach, ferry, helicopter, hot-air 4 1 a upside
balloon, yacht b negative
Places to catch transport from station, platform, taxi 2 a port
rank, airport b benefits
Things you need rucksack, single/return ticket, 3 a superb
passport, luggage, suitcase, boarding pass b brochure
People pilot, passengers, captain, driver 4 a impact
8 1 drive 5 go by b source
2 fly 6 ride 5 Zadanie otwarte.
3 go 7 travel
4 miss 8 arrive Mówienie, page 94
9 1 c 2 h 3 d 4 e 5 f 6 a 7 i 8 b 9 g 6 Zadanie otwarte.

10 1 a lose 7 1.40 Zadanie otwarte.

b miss 8 1.40 I (really) like … .
2 a memories I love … .
b souvenirs I prefer … .
3 a trip
b travel 9 Zadanie otwarte.
4 a voyage
b journey
5 a take off
b land
6 a guests
b visitors

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3 Zadanie otwarte.

1 1 if you would have if you had , page 98

2 If you will plan If you plan
3 As soon as I will save As soon as I save 4 Zadanie otwarte.
4 unless I don’t win unless I win 5 Możliwe odpowiedzi:
5 If I have If I had (1) present simple
2 1 another 4 both (2) present simple; present continous
2 each 5 Either (3) present perfect
3 each (4) past simple
3 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 A 6 1 breathtaking, magnificent
2 sunny, fine
4 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 A 3 luxury, family-run
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 96 4 sandy, pebble
5 easygoing, friendly
1 Zadanie otwarte. 6 delicious, tasty
2 1.41 Sam udziela odpowiedzi na następujące 7 cosy, double
pytania: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. 7 Zadanie otwarte.
3 1.41 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T 8 Zadanie otwarte.
4 Zadanie otwarte. Ustny zestaw maturalny, page 99
, page 96 Zadania otwarte.
5 1 fair 4 station page 101
2 last 5 coach
3 nail 6 miss 1 1 double
2 package holiday
6 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 A
3 food poisoning
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 97 4 B&B (bed&breakfast)
5 check-out
1 Zadanie otwarte. 6 self-catering apartment
2 Zadanie otwarte. 2 1 travel 5 in
2 at 6 hostel
3 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 F 3 platform 7 souvenirs
4 Zadanie otwarte. 4 missed
5 Przykładowe odpowiedzi: 3 1 as soon as our taxi arrives
1 the Gobi, the Atacama 2 can you put up with the horrible
2 Niagara Falls, Angel Falls 3 didn’t have a pleasant climate, tourists wouldn’t
3 Lake Ontario, Lake Baikal 4 Unless you bring them souvenirs from Rome
4 Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon National Park 5 is really keen on hiking
5 the Great Barrier Reef 6 travelled by sea, I would get
6 the Tatras, Bieszczady Mountains 7 Before Chris choses the holiday for his family
8 the other runs a tourist
6 Zadanie otwarte.
4 1 came 5 took
Mówienie, page 98 2 took 6 knocked
1 Zadanie otwarte. 3 came 7 knocked
4 lost 8 lost
2 Can’t we go somewhere else?
5 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
What shall we do there?
I love hiking, but we haven’t got any of the proper 1 if we book the hotel
equipment. 2 through a tunnel and then along the river; in our
I don’t think we can afford it. I’d rather stay somewhere hotel
cheaper 3 we would go sightseeing every day
Oh no! I’d rather go by train. 4 unless he wants to spend holidays
I really don’t agree with you. 5 either; Both go
How much money do you think we’ll need for this trip? 6 If I took another suitcase

© Copyright Oxford University Press 19

4 ageing
9 K U LT U R A 2 1 handsome
2 socially active 5 doesn’t affect
3 gossip 6 find
Słownictwo, page 102
3 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F
1 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 b
4 Zadanie otwarte.
2 1 horror 6 historical drama
2 romance 7 fantasy 5 Zadanie otwarte.
3 cartoon 8 comedy 6 1 for 5 for
4 science fiction 9 adventure 2 of 6 of
5 thriller 10 war 3 in 7 from
3 1 adaptation 5 cast 4 of 8 about
2 historical 6 role 7 1 guilty of 5 proud of
3 set 7 hero 2 worried about 6 interested in
4 story 3 famous for 7 afraid of
4 Type of work: fiction, non-fiction, autobiography, 4 hungry for 8 different from
poetry, biography, play, short story 8 turn away (“…men sometimes turned away when he
Parts of a book: title, front/back cover, contents, entered the room…”) = odwrócić się, odwracać się
illustrations, chapter 1 turn back 4 turn up
Parts of a story: plot, scene 2 turn out 5 turn it down
People and characters: poet, author, illustrator, 3 turn off 6 turn away
narrator, character, heroine, hero, novelist
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 106
5 1 festival 7 performance
2 live 8 rose 1 Zadanie otwarte.
3 supported 9 standing
2 1.42 a 1 b 3 c 4 d 2
4 atmosphere 10 company
5 ballet 11 modern 3 1.42 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C
6 composed 12 set 1.43 1 live
4 3 reviews
6 1 portrait 5 sketch 2 series 4 website
2 abstract 6 exhibition 5 Zadanie otwarte.
3 sculpture 7 frame
4 graffiti Mówienie, page 106
7 1 live 5 front 6 Zadanie otwarte.
2 channel 6 newsreaders
7 1.44 Zadanie otwarte.
3 host 7 viewers
4 Tabloid 8 Zadanie otwarte.
8 1 reality show
2 current affairs programme
3 quiz show 1 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 a
4 soap opera 2 1 how much do you know how much you know
5 sitcom
2 who will play who would play
6 chat show
3 know does the gallery know if the gallery
7 sports programme
4 when will the book be when the book will be
8 music programme
5 why has this film won why this film has won
9 Zadanie otwarte. 6 had he based director if he had based
10 1 download 4 participate 3 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 B
2 launching 5 visits 4 1 A 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 C
3 post 6 update
11 Zadanie otwarte.
Mówienie, page 108
1 1.45 Uczeń pominął informację 3: autor książki.
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 104
2 1.45 1 Can you tell me … .
1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 Do you know … .
3 Could you tell me … .

© Copyright Oxford University Press 20

3 1 … when the concert starts 2 1 autobiography 5 exhibition
2 … what kind of tickets are available 2 current 6 cartoon
3 … if there are any discounts for students 3 ovation 7 set
4 … if taking photos is allowed 4 tabloid 8 launch
5 … if we can bring any drinks with us 3 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
4 Zadanie otwarte. 1 would like to see
5 Zadanie otwarte.
2 why he hasn’t turned up
3 Do we have to be
6 1.46 I (completely) agree (with this idea) 4 I must read it
because … . 5 should see
I agree with the people/the experts who say that … . 6 could play the violin
Actually, I don’t really agree. 7 if you will put on/are putting on an exhibition
There might be some truth in it, because … . 8 mustn’t use
7 1.46 Uczeń: doesn’t agree with the opinion, 4 A 1 b 2 a
because horror films are just entertainment, they are B 1 a 2 b
not real, we can explain to children that it’s just a story, C 1 a 2 b
horror films can help children be more creative. D 1 a 2 b
Uczennica: agrees with the opinion because children
5 1 where is the National Gallery where the National
are unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy
Gallery is
so children feel scared in real life, they can’t sleep and
2 if can I take if I can take
cry, they become more aggressive.
3 You must Must you
Część druga: zadanie otwarte.
4 not need to book need not book/needn’t book
8 Zadanie otwarte. 5 ought read ought to read
6 famous with famous for
, page 109
7 Shall I to pick Shall I pick
1 Zadanie otwarte. 8 Don’t we need rent need to rent
9 turn away turn back
2 Zadanie otwarte.
10 Would you like go Would you like to go
3 a join for register for/enter
b we already performed we have already performed
c good well
d interested on interested in
e in the hospital in hospital
f informations information
g if is there if there is
h accomodation accommodation
4 Zadanie otwarte.

Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 110

1 Zadanie otwarte.

2 1.47 1, 3, 4
3 1.47 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 F
4 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 d

5 Zadanie otwarte.

6 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B 6 C

Ustny zestaw maturalny, page 111

Zadania otwarte.

page 113
1 1 f 2 a 3 d 4 e 5 h 6 c 7 b 8 g

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6 diet
10 SPORT 10 1 competitive
2 professional 7 approach
3 amateur 8 opponents
Słownictwo, page 114 9 pressure
4 achieve
1 Zadanie otwarte. 5 train 10 fulfil

2 1 boxing, karate 11 2.02 Zadanie otwarte.

2 basketball, hockey, volleyball 12 1 save 5 threw
3 windsurfing, diving, kayaking 2 runner-up 6 score
4 speed skating, hockey, figure skating 3 beat 7 draw
5 high jump, long jump, sprint 4 qualify 8 viewers
6 skiing, snowboarding, ski jumping
7 tennis 13 Zadanie otwarte.
8 skateboarding, roller skating
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 116
3 go skateboarding, speed skating, roller skating,
1 Zadanie otwarte.
windsurfing, skiing, diving, kayaking, figure skating,
ski jumping, snowboarding 2 1 Usain Bolt was born in a small town in Jamaica.
play basketball, tennis, hockey, volleyball 2 He first showed his talent as a runner in primary
do boxing, high jump, long jump, sprint, karate school,as a child.
Część druga: zadanie otwarte. 3 His cricket coach suggested that he should
4 1 play/do 5 lost compete seriously as a runner.
2 do 6 gave 4 He has a larger-than-life personality and is very
3 go 7 broke generous.
4 play 8 win 3 1 C 2 G 3 A 4 F 5 E
5 Zdania, które zostały podane dodatkowo: B, D.
Place Sport Sports person
1 track motor racing racing driver 4 1 e 2 b 3 d 4 f 5 a 6 c
2 ring boxing boxer 5 1 break a record
3 racetrack horse racing jockey 2 offer, a scholarship
4 court tennis tennis player 3 support a charity
5 ice rink ice skating skater 4 give, trouble
5 win a contest
6 course golf golfer
6 show a talent
7 pool swimming swimmer
8 stadium athletics athlete 6 1 runners 4 education
2 decision 5 knowledge
6 1 bat, racket, net
3 encouragement
2 racket, net
3 goggles, costume 7 set up (“He has even set up his own foundation …”.) =
4 helmet, net, goalposts zakładać, otwierać
5 net 1 set aside 3 set up
6 goalposts, net 2 set off 4 set back
7 mask Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 118
7 1 caving
1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 skydiving
3 white--water rafting 2 2.03 1 Basketball.
4 rock climbing 2 He thinks they are ridiculous.
5 bungee jumping 3 He thinks it is great, especially for young people,
6 paragliding because not only does it help you gain confidence
8 Type of event
when you win, but you also learn how to be a good
tournament, game, match,
loser and how to learn from your mistakes.
competition, race
4 It gives him support and encouragement.
Prize medal, trophy, cup
People contestant, spectators, competitor, players 3 2.03 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F
9 Zadanie otwarte. 4 Zadanie otwarte.

© Copyright Oxford University Press 22

Mówienie, page 118
5 Przykładowe odpowiedzi: 1 1 fit 3 fit
Place a bowling alley 2 matches 4 suit
People young, a group of friends, two girls and two 2 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C
Verbs to play bowling, to have fun, to enjoy the , page 122
3 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b
6 a positive, great
4 1 amazingly 4 really
b polite
c attractive, unusual 2 very 5 extremely
d dull, tedious 3 incredibly

7 Zadanie otwarte. 5 Zadanie otwarte.

8 Zadanie otwarte. Ustny zestaw maturalny, page 123

9 2.04 Zadanie otwarte. Zadania otwarte.
10 Zadanie otwarte.

1 1 motor racing – not a winter sport

1 1 the bigger of all the biggest of all 2 racket – not a person
2 isn’t enough brave isn’t brave enough 3 sprint – not a one to one sport
3 wind is to strong wind is too strong 4 skateboarding – not a watersport
4 even more bad than even worse than 5 track – not an activity
5 runs more quick runs more quickly 6 golf – not a type of prize
6 I get better the better I get 7 contest – not a place where ports are played
7 How a fast runner What a fast runner 8 pitch – not a part of equipment
8 as good as as well as 2 1 tournament 5 goalkeeper
9 is most exciting is the most exciting 2 competitive 6 events
10 fiter fitter 3 rafting 7 draw
2 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 A 6 B 4 runner-up

3 1 B 3 Przykładowe odpowiedzi:
2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 A
1 difficult for me
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 120 2 a dangerous sport
3 don’t train harder
1 2.05 a 2 b 4 c 1 d 3
4 faster than
2 2.05 1 E 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 fit enough to become
Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: D. 6 as exhausting as
2.06 1 hurt myself
7 the most difficult stage
2 3 athlete
2 injured 4 performance 4 1 matches 5 ring
2 times 6 steps
Mówienie, page 120 3 matches 7 times
4 Zadanie otwarte. 4 ring 8 steps

5 Zadanie otwarte. 5 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:

1 Are our stadiums big/large enough
6 Zadanie otwarte. 2 the best racket
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 121 3 doesn’t/don’t dance as beautifully as
4 What a wonderful performance
1 Zadanie otwarte. 5 was faster than
2 1 B
6 was the worst race
2 A 3 A 4 B
7 wants to break the world record
3 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 A 8 too fast
4 Zadanie otwarte. 9 quite well
10 will win the competition/contest

© Copyright Oxford University Press 23

4 wheelchair
11 ZDROWIE 9 1 crutches
2 deaf 5 blind
3 guide dog 6 walking stick
Słownictwo, page 126
10 1 keep 5 do
1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 follow 6 get
2 1 sprained ankle 4 flu 3 cut 7 work
2 cold 5 sore throat 4 lose 8 take
3 food poisoning 6 allergy 11 Zadanie otwarte.
3 1 cold 4 flu
2 sore throat 5 sprained ankle
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 128
3 cold 6 allergy 1 Zadanie otwarte.
4 Możliwe odpowiedzi: 2 1 E 2 F 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 G
1 take plenty of vitamin C cold, flu Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: D.
2 take some medicine cold, food poisoning, sore
3 Zadanie otwarte.
throat, flu, allergy
3 take a painkiller sprained ankle 4 Zadanie otwarte.
4 go and see a doctor food poisoning, allergy, flu
5 1 brought up 5 concerned
5 go to casualty food poisoning, sprained ankle ,
2 survived 6 perform
3 continues 7 receive
6 drink plenty of water cold, food poisoning, flu
4 reached
7 stay in bed for a few days cold, flu
8 lie down for a while sprained ankle, cold, flu 6 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
9 go to the chemist’s cold, food poisoning, sore 1 My uncle survived
throat, allergy, flu 2 I’m concerned about
5 Zadanie otwarte.
3 Mika was brought up in Japan
4 performed my first operation.
6 1 injured 4 had 5 continues to help
2 unconscious 5 broken
7 take off (“It was in 1980 that Yacoub’s career really
3 aid 6 have
took off when he led a transplant programme at the
7 1 nurse, doctor 6 nurse hospital”.) = odnieść nagły sukces, nabrać tempa
2 doctor 7 patient a take out d take on
3 doctor 8 doctor b take off e take up
4 patient 9 patient c take in
5 patient
8 1 took up 4 take out
Część druga: przykładowe odpowiedzi: 2 take in 5 take on
Paramedic – a person whose job is to help people 3 take off
who are sick or injured, but who is not a doctor or
a nurse. Mówienie, page 130
Physiotherapist – a person whose job is to administer 1 2.07 Rozmowa 1
physiotherapy. 1 Tak
Porter – a person whose job is to move patients from 2 Nie
one place to another in a hospital. 3 Nie
Inne zawody: Rozmowa 2
Midwife – a person, especially a woman, who is 1 Nie
trained to help women give birth to babies. 2 Nie
Surgeon – a doctor who is trained to perform surgery. 3 Tak
8 1 was discharged
2 Zadanie otwarte.
2 recover from
3 gave me an examination 3 Przykładowe odpowiedzi:
4 took my temperature feel bad/awful; not able to work
5 take medication 4 Zadanie otwarte.
6 am going into hospital

© Copyright Oxford University Press 24

5 It tells the story of a man who goes to a strange,
unspoiled planet where he falls in love with
1 1 had to 5 couldn’t leave a beautiful alien.
2 had had 6 was
5 Zadanie otwarte.
3 take/have taken 7 would take
4 had felt Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 134
Część druga:
1 2.10 a 3 b 1 c 4 d 2
1 You have to stay in hospital for a few days.
2 How long have you had those symptoms? 2 2.10 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A
2 Do you take/Have you taken your vitamins? 3 1 diagnosed
2.11 4 obese
4 Did you feel dizzy yesterday?
2 treatment 5 family
5 You can’t leave home today.
3 cast 6 patients
6 What is wrong?
7 We’ll take you to hospital.
2 1 myself 3 herself 4 e 1 a 3 b 7 c 5 d 2 e 1 f 4 g 6
2 himself 4 each other
5 1 A 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 B
3 1 A 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 B
Ustny zestaw maturalny, page 135
4 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 A 7 B
Zadania otwarte.
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 132
page 137
1 Zadanie otwarte.
1 1 aid 6 painkillers
2 2.08 a 3 b 1 c 4 d 2
2 cold 7 eyesight
3 2.081 B 2 A 3 E 4 D 3 unconscious 8 wheelchairs
Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: C. 4 injured 9 medicine
4 Zadanie otwarte. 5 see
2 1 crutches 5 have
Mówienie, page 132
2 runny 6 guide
5 Uczennica wybrała ilustrację 2. (uzasadnienie
2.09 3 discharged 7 rash
na podstawie zapisu nagrania) 4 deaf 8 sore
6 Zadanie otwarte. 3 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
1 if Tracy had lost weight lately
7 Zadanie otwarte.
2 (that) I would have to go into hospital
, page 133 3 to take up swimming
4 never treat each other
1 Zadanie otwarte. 5 are addicted to computer games
2 1 Tak. 6 work out in the gym
2 Nie. Mimo że kolejność informacji jest zgodna z 7 how often she took the patient’s temperature
poleceniem, brak jest zdań wprowadzających; 4 1 feeling, recovered
uczeń użył głównie zdań pojedynczych. 2 fit, taken
3 1 As you know, … . 3 overweight, go
2 My mum took me to casualty. 4 ache, poisoning
3 The good news was that … . 5 seems, temperature
4 The unpleasant thing was that … . 6 help, appointment
5 And another thing! 7 get/catch/have, stay
6 That’s all my news. 5 1 and 5 itself
4 1 They helped me a lot because they cheered me up! 2 was 6 to
2 The doctors wanted to check if everything was all 3 me 7 to
right, so I had to have an X-ray. 4 did 8 from
3 I had to take some awful medicine because I felt
dizzy. What is more, the doctors told me to lie
4 Whilst in hospital, I watched a fantastic film called
‘Avatar’ on my laptop.

© Copyright Oxford University Press 25

4 predict
12 NAUK A I TECHNIK A 5 1 adventurous
2 likely 5 luxury
3 site 6 exhibition
Słownictwo, page 138
6 1 spend 5 like
1 Zadanie otwarte.
2 space 6 spend
2 1 camcorder 6 MP4 player 3 open 7 like
2 digital camera 7 smartphone 4 space 8 open
3 DVD player 8 games console 7 Zwroty w tekstach: take a deep breath, go on a bus
4 laptop 9 e-reader tour, go on an excursion
5 satnav 1 take a breath
3 Zadanie otwarte. 2 go abroad
3 take a break
4 Zadanie otwarte.
4 take a chance
5 1 read 5 plug 5 go out of business
2 insert 6 plug 6 go on an excursion
3 Point 7 switch
8 1 went out of business
4 press 8 unplug
2 take a break
6 1 went flat 3 go abroad
2 out of order 4 going on an excursion
3 broke down 5 take a breath
4 faulty 6 take a chance
5 making a funny noise
6 crashed Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 142
7 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T 1 Zadanie otwarte.

8 1 log 4 surf 2 2.13 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F

2 type 5 look 3 Zadanie otwarte.
3 click 6 go
9 2.12 Zadanie otwarte.
Mówienie, page 142
10 1 geology 5 mathematics 4 Zadanie otwarte.
2 genetics 6 biology 5 2.14 1 bought 5 send
3 psychology 7 chemistry 2 work 6 exchange
4 economics 8 archeology 3 is 7 offer
11 1 do 4 explore 4 tried
2 get 5 discover 6 Zadanie otwarte.
3 invent
, page 143
12 1 discover 4 done
2 got 5 discover 1 A 1 the boy which won the boy who won
3 invented 6 explore 2 the book, that the book that
13 Zadanie otwarte. 3 Frank that used to be an IT expert Frank, who
used to be an IT expert,
14 1 the solar system 5 asteroid 4 Higgins, who’s science Higgins, whose science
2 comet 6 to launch 5 device it will device that will
3 space shuttle 7 satellite 6 the city which the famous inventor the city
4 space station 8 gravity where the famous inventor
15 Zadanie otwarte. 7 told me about it told me about
B 8 of Jason Jason’s
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 140
9 can I use your can I use yours
1 Zadanie otwarte. 10 scientists work scientists’ work/scientist’s work
11 the inventor dynamite the inventor of
2 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B
3 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 D 2 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 C
4 Zadanie otwarte.
3 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 C 7 A

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Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 144 page 149
1 Zadanie otwarte. 1 1 h 2 b 3 f 4 g 5 c 6 a 7 e 8 d
2 2.15 a 4 b 1 c 3 d 2 2 1 text 5 type
2 switch 6 surf
3 2.15 1 A 2 C 3 A 4 B
3 launch 7 access
4 Zadanie otwarte. 4 browsers
Mówienie, page 144 3 1 that the students wanted to do was
2 scientist who invented
5 Zadanie otwarte.
3 which is only three years old, is already
6 2.16 Uczeń najpierw poprosił o powtórzenie 4 whose father got the Nobel Prize in
pytania, a gdy nadal go nie rozumiał – o wyjaśnienie, 5 looking forward to
co ono oznacza. 6 goes flat
Część druga: zadanie otwarte. 4 1 date 5 date
7 Zadanie otwarte. 2 taken 6 spending
3 broke 7 broke
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 145 4 spending 8 taken
1 Zadanie otwarte. 5 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:

2 1 A fifteen-year-old student.
1 (that/which) she downloaded from the internet
2 use yours
2 The school is switching from paper textbooks to
3 can offer you a discount
4 exchange it for one
3 Hurricane Sandy.
5 a device which allows you
3 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 D 5 G 6 B 6 astronomers’ latest discovery
Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: F. 7 who was the first man on the Moon
4 Zadanie otwarte. 8 many/a lot of new exhibits that/which you can see/
can be seen

1 out
2 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 B

, page 146
3 Przykładowe odpowiedzi: d, b, c, a.

4 1 d punkt c
2 e punkt b
3 b punkt d
4 a punkt d
5 c punkt c
6 f punkt a
5 1 I saw an advert for your computing courses in my
local paper.
2 I wonder if you could recommend a course for
people my age.
3 I would be grateful if you would send me some
detailed information about the courses you have.
6 Zadanie otwarte.

Ustny zestaw maturalny, page 147

Zadania otwarte.

© Copyright Oxford University Press 27

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 152
13 Ś W I AT P R Z Y R O D Y
1 Zadanie otwarte.
Słownictwo, page 150
2 1 In the 1980s.
1 Zadanie otwarte. 2 in the south of England
3 The circles became more complex.
2 Zadanie otwarte.
4 They are the work of aliens, they are created by
3 1 New Zealand small currents of winds called vortices, they are
2 Portuguese man-made.
3 Canberra 5 No.
4 a range of mountains 3 1 G 2 D 3 E 4 A 5 C 6 B
5 The Nile/The Amazon
Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: F
6 in Switzerland and France
7 The Sahara 4 Zadanie otwarte.
8 Sydney 5 1 rushed
4 1 f 2 c 3 d 4 g 5 b 6 a 7 e 2 eyewitness
3 century
5 Natural disasters: hurricane, drought, flood, tornado,
4 prove
blizzard, tsunami, avalanche, volcanic eruption,
5 theory
6 complex
People involved: victims, governments, survivors,
rescue workers 6 1 responsible for
What happens (during or after a natural disaster): 2 interested in
ash, send aid, people are evacuated, high winds, 3 famous for
heavy rain, people are trapped, famine, buildings 4 annoyed at
collapse 5 excited about
6 sorry for
6 1 hurricane 7 Rescue
7 enthusiastic about
2 wind 8 trapped
8 aware of
3 floods 9 drought
4 eruption 10 Famine 7 Zadanie otwarte.
5 Ash 11 Governments 8 1 d 2 e 3 b 4 a 5 f 6 c
6 earthquake
Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
7 2.17 Zadanie otwarte. 1 „O której wróciłeś wczoraj do domu?”. „Dopiero po
8 Land mammals leopard, cheetah, zebra, elephant, północy”.
tiger, lion, giraffe, goat, cow, sheep, monkey, wolf, 2 Artykuł o nowych parku przyrodniczym zdobył duży
horse rozgłos.
Sea creatures shark, whale, dolphin, octopus, starfish 3 Możesz mi kupić mydło, kiedy będziesz w
Reptiles tortoise, crocodile, snake, lizard supermarkecie?
Insects mosquito, wasp, ant, beetle, bee, butterfly, fly 4 Latem jest tutaj przyjemnie, ale zimą robi się bardzo
Birds parrot, eagle, penguin, ostrich, swallow, owl zimno.
5 Dzwoniłam do tej firmy kilka razy, ale od nikogo nie
9 Zadanie otwarte.
zdołałam uzyskać odpowiedzi na moje pytanie.
10 1 a, c 2 b, c 3 a, b 4 b, c 5 a, c 6 Jeśli spóźnię się na ostatni pociąg metra, zawsze
11 1 Pollution
mogę pojechać nocnym autobusem.
4 fumes
2 greenhouse 5 Acid Mówienie, page 154
3 ozone 6 endangered
1 2.18 1 Nie.
12 1 wind farms, solar power
2 Jedną (miejsce na a spędzenie popołudnia).
2 electric cars 3 Nie zawsze.
3 conservation
4 recycling 2 2.19 1 probably

5 organic food 2 might

6 saving electricity 3 should
7 saving water 3 Zadanie otwarte.
8 picking up litter
4 Zadanie otwarte.
13 Zadanie otwarte.

© Copyright Oxford University Press 28

5 2.201 Nie. 3 Przykładowa odpowiedź:
2 Nie (brak opisu miejsca). Litter and Treasure Day
3 Tak. I’m in Brighton and I have a great time: swimming,
4 Tak, np. on the picture, she wearing, she putting. lying on the beach … .
6 2.21 4 Tak, np. students bringed, I decided buy.
You won’t believe it, but the family which I’m staying
with took part in the Litter Day. It’s a day for people
5 Tak.
to pick up litter on the beach. You probably want
6 Tak – na pytanie pierwsze i trzecie, nie – na pytanie
to know why they organised it. Well, everywhere is
litter and it is bad for animals and fish. Also it takes
7 Nie.
hundreds of years to die. For example, glass takes
8 Tak.
one million years to die! And wool socks even nine
7 Zadanie otwarte. years! I think people don’t know it. So we bought
plastic bags and gloves. The event was great. We
found tons of rubbish and we got rid of it. And we had
1 1 could 4 must a great time because the weather was fantastic and
2 might 5 may it was a barbecue in the evening (after it everybody
3 can’t cleaned after themselves). If such an event will be
in the future, you should come! You will help the
2 1 think there will think it will
environment and … you must find a real treasure on
2 are many there are many
the beach.
3 It was There was
4 Dangerous is It is dangerous 4 Zadanie otwarte.

3 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 B Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 158

4 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 A 7 B 1 Zadanie otwarte.

Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 156 2 2.24 a 3 b 4 c 1 d 2

1 Zadanie otwarte. 2 2.24 1 E 2 D 3 B 4 A
Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: C.
2 1 b 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 c
4 Zadanie otwarte.
2 2.22 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C
4 Zadanie otwarte.
5 Przykładowe odpowiedzi:
Mówienie, page 156
1 May I/Can I use the toilet/bathroom?
5 2.23 Tak. 2 What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow?
6 Zadanie otwarte.
3 I think that my friends may not come/turn up for
the meeting.
7 Zadanie otwarte. 4 I think it will rain tomorrow.
5 How about/What about going to the mountains
, page 157
with me?
1 1 1−2 million years 6 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 A
2 50 years
3 1 year , page 159
4 2 months
Zadania otwarte.
5 1 month
6 20−1000 years page 161
7 3−4 weeks
1 1 f acid rain
2 1 Tak.
2 d mountains range
2 Nie, informacja 2. nie została rozwinięta: opis 3 h high winds
przygotowania do akcji sprzątania. 4 g endangered species
3 Tak. 5 e ozone layer
4 Nie praca liczy ok.16 słów. 6 i rescue workers
5 Tak, np. everywhere is litter. 7 c organic food
6 Tak, it takes million years to die; it was a barbecue; If 8 a volcanic eruption
such an event will be in the future; you must find … . 9 j natural disaster
10 b wind farms

© Copyright Oxford University Press 29

2 1 reptiles 6 exhaust
2 freezing 7 recycling
3 Heavy 8 drought
4 forest 9 grow
5 avalanche
3 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
1 you must be
2 they can’t be in Florida
3 smallest island; may know something about it
4 It may be very hot
5 It has been raining
6 Were there many
7 It’s not easy
8 There aren’t many
9 it will probably be snowing
10 It’s important to save
4 1 like
2 May/Could, Certainly/Sure
3 stuck
4 forecast, going
5 do
6 shall, thanks
5 1 got to home got home
2 might to go might go
3 responsible with responsible for
4 might want not might not want
5 Could this snake is Could this snake be
6 It is possible to see wild tigers in this reserve?
Is it possible … .
7 Are a lot of There are a lot of
8 Is a sandy beach nearby? Is there a sandy beach
9 mustn’t be can’t be
10 enthusiastic with enthusiastic about

© Copyright Oxford University Press 30

14 PA Ń S T W O I 2 1 1852
2 He had a ‘butterfly’ tattoo.
SPOŁECZEŃSTWO 3 Several times.
4 1953
Słownictwo, page 162 5 The prison is now a museum.
1 Zadanie otwarte. 3 1 sentence 4 companion
2 1 murder 6 shoplift 2 notorious 5 convict
2 forge 7 mug 3 inmate 6 raft
3 rob 8 pickpocket 4 1 B 2 D 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 D
4 burgle 9 kidnap
5 Zadanie otwarte.
5 steal 10 smuggle
6 1 way
3 Verb Crime Criminal
2 includes
1 burgle burglary burglar 3 original
2 kidnap kidnapping kidnapper 4 work
3 murder murder murderer 5 original
4 mug mugging mugger 6 way
5 rob robbery robber 7 include
8 worked/has worked/had worked
6 shoplift shoplifting shoplifter
7 pickpocket pickpocketing pickpocket 7 1 government 4 justice
8 steal theft thief 2 treatment 5 criminal
9 smuggle smuggling smuggler
3 responsibility 6 satisfaction
10 forge forgery forger Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 166
4 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 f 5 d 6 g 7 h 8 b 1 Zadanie otwarte.
5 1 e 2 c 3 b 4 d 5 a 2 2.25 a 4 b 3 c 1 d 2
6 Zadanie otwarte. 3 2.25 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 B
7 1 against 5 pay
Mówienie, page 166
2 with 6 for
3 of 7 committed 4 2.26 1 Nie.
4 got 8 sentenced 2 Tak.
8 1 citizen 4 national anthem 3 Nie. Zdająca nie rozwinęła informacji 1. (wartość
2 border 5 population zaginionych przedmiotów) i 4. (działania mające
3 nation 6 religion na celu ochronę mieszkania w przyszłości).
4 Tak.
9 1 political parties 5 b
2 head 6 b
3 Prime Minister 7 Nie.
4 Members of Parliament (MPs) 8 Tak.
5 general elections
5 Zadanie otwarte.
6 vote
7 currency , page 167
8 population
9 member 1 1 have you 3 aren’t I
10 forms 2 mustn’t they 4 will he
10 1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a 2 1 although 4 While
11 Zadanie otwarte.
2 until 5 so
3 because
12 Zadanie otwarte.
3 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C 6 A
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 164 4 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 C 6 B 7 A
1 Zadanie otwarte.
Rozumienie ze słuchu, page 168
1 Zadanie otwarte.

2 2.27 1 C 2 A 3 E 4 B

© Copyright Oxford University Press 31

3 2.28 1 angry 4 points 3 1 until the Prime Minister changes/has changed
2 allowed 5 skills 2 punish my son for (his) bad behavior
3 idea 6 spend 3 while she was crossing the street
4 immediately after robbing
Mówienie, page 168 5 the first time Max has cheated on taxes
4 2.29 1 Tak. 6 even though she has the right
2 Nie. 7 Tina is interested in political issues but she wouldn’t
3 Tak. like
4 Nie, odpowiedź na drugie pytanie nie 4 1 sentence 4 take
była rozwinięta. 2 raise 5 way
5 a 3 knocked
6 a
5 Przykładowe tłumaczenia:
7 Nie. Zdająca popełniła trzy błędy, ale nie zakłóciły
1 don’t they?
one komunikacji.
2 Before he became a British citizen
8 Tak.
3 although/even though he was innocent
5 Zadanie otwarte. 4 don’t they?
5 The population of Poland and Great Britain
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych, page 169
6 It’s against the law/illegal to sell cigarettes
1 Zadanie otwarte. 7 does he?
8 is a strong currency, so many people would like
2 a 2 b 5 c 4 d 3 e 1
3 1 F 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 E
Zdanie, które zostało podane dodatkowo: B.
4 Zadanie otwarte.

, page 170
1 1 get up
2 took down/was taking down
3 taken up
4 knocked down
2 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 A 6 B

, page 170
3 1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b
4 Wyjaśnij, dlaczego zdecydowałeś/zdecydowałaś się
zabrać głos na forum. 2
Opisz krótko przebieg akcji. 4
Przedstaw swoją opinię na temat akcji charytatywnej,
w której uczestniczyłeś/uczestniczyłaś. 3
Zapytaj o opinie innych użytkowników forum. 1
5 Zadanie otwarte.

Ustny zestaw maturalny, page 171

Zadania otwarte.

page 173
1 1 d 2 e 3 g 4 h 5 f 6 c 7 a 8 b
2 1 border 5 shoplifting
2 voted 6 committed
3 against 7 mugged
4 trial/accused

© Copyright Oxford University Press 32

G R A M AT Y K A 2 1 the
2 the
3 – 13 a
4 the 14 the
1 1 live 10 plays 5 an 15 a
2 don’t live 11 don’t like 6 the 16 a
3 have 12 go 7 a 17 the
4 works 13 watch 8 the 18 the
5 don’t study 14 do you do 9 The 19 the
6 go 15 Do you have 10 a 20 a
7 visit 16 Does she share 3 1 A The Moon moves around the earth.
8 come 17 Do you speak 2 Doctors earn the good salaries.
9 listen 18 don’t speak 3 What’s a the name of the inventor who visited our
2 1 are you doing school last week?
2 am/’m studying 4 ✓
3 Are you doing 5 That’s the least comfortable car I have ever sat in.
4 am/’m not working 6 This is a the third time I have been to this museum.
5 are/’re listening 7 Students The students who took part in the survey
6 am/’m coming are all eighteen.
7 is/’s playing 8 How big is the Saturn?
8 am/’m not doing 9 Alexander Bell invented the telephone at the age of
9 am/’m looking 29.
10 are/’re playing 10 Most of today’s home appliances were invented in
the twentieth century.
3 1 is working
2 are the students studying 4 1 – 5 –
3 visit; am going 2 a 6 The; a
4 isn’t playing 3 an 7 an
5 don’t play 4 The 8 the
6 does your sister come 5 Hi Ela,
7 know I haven’t spoken to you for ages! How’s life? Are you
8 Are you listening enjoying the (−) school? Have you done anything
4 1 is 11 organise interesting recently? Things are pretty much the
2 are offering 12 don’t have to same here. I’m working hard because I’ve got the an
3 is currently starting 13 don’t want important exam next month. I don’t have much free
4 is planning 14 don’t like time, but I went out with some friends last weekend.
5 are 15 am/’m getting We did some shopping in Covent Garden. I bought
6 have 16 am/’m beginning the a new bag and a T-shirt. A The T-shirt is a bit
7 don’t employ 17 seems boring, but it was all I could find. Later we went to the
8 doesn’t have 18 say cinema and after that for the pizza. It was a a best day
9 take 19 is making I’d had for ages, but now I have to study again.
10 have 20 loves Write soon and tell me your news!
5 Zadanie otwarte.
Przedimki a/an, the i brak przedimka, 6 1 a 7 –
page 176 2 a 8 a
1 1 an 6 – 3 a 9 the
2 The 7 – 4 – 10 a
3 The 8 a 5 a 11 the
4 – 9 – 6 a
5 The 7 1 – 5 the
2 the 6 the
3 the 7 the; –
4 the 8 the; –

© Copyright Oxford University Press 33

8 a – 4 e – 6 6 1 have been talking; haven’t decided
b – 2 f the; – 8 2 have you been standing; I have been queuing
c – 1 g the 3 3 has left; have been sitting; haven’t noticed
d the 5 h – 7

Czasy perfect, page 178

1 1 c 2 a 3 a 4 c 5 a 6 c
1 1 has starred
2 1 everywhere
2 Have you been
2 everything
3 have been
3 Everyone/Everybody
4 Has the film finished
4 Everything
5 has eaten
5 everyone/everybody
6 haven’t danced
6 everywhere
2 1 since 5 already 3 1 nowhere
2 ever 6 for
2 no one/nobody
3 yet 7 just
3 someone/somebody
4 never 8 for
4 nothing
3 1 What have you been doing today? 5 everyone/everybody
I have been watching TV since this morning. 6 somewhere
2 How long has your bother been playing the electric 7 everything
guitar? 8 nothing
He has been playing the electric guitar for five years. 4 1 anything interesting
3 Have you been waiting at the bus stop long?
2 anywhere else
Yes, we have been waiting here for ages.
3 anywhere
4 How long have your parents been living in this
4 something different
5 something hot
They have been living here since 1995.
5 What have you and Max been doing today? used to, page 181
We have been playing computer games.
1 1 played/was playing 7 didn’t have
6 Has Jamie been studying languages a long time?
He has been studying Spanish since he was ten 2 went 8 began
years old. 3 arrived 9 was running
4 discovered 10 fell
4 1 I haven’t been having had any fizzy drinks this 5 didn’t start 11 hurt
week. 6 was waiting 12 lost
2 ✓
2 1 I was excited because I hadn’t been abroad before.
3 ✓
4 I’m very annoyed because I’ve been losing lost my 2 By the time I got to the party, everybody had gone
mobile phone. home.
5 We’re exhausted because we’ve run we have been 3 When Jack arrived, I had not finished my lunch, so
running in the park all morning. he waited for me.
6 How many text messages have you been sending 4 Had your sister know her boyfriend for long before
sent today? he asked her to mary him?
7 ✓ 5 How much studying had you done before you took
8 My parents have gone been going out a lot the exam?
recently. 6 By the end of the course, I had learned a lot of
5 1 has examined
3 1 Had you seen; went
2 has been taking; has swallowed
3 have been operating; have performed 2 didn’t make
4 have been 3 did
5 hasn’t eaten 4 had finished; went
6 has been practising/has taken 5 did your parents give
7 have never got 6 got; realised; had forgotten
8 have been sneezing 7 was eating; rang
9 has been exercising; has done 8 flew
10 have been swimming

© Copyright Oxford University Press 34

4 1 use to 5 used to 6 1 have been; haven’t lost
2 didn’t use to 6 didn’t use to 2 have spent
3 used to 7 Did 3 was; lived
4 use to 8 used to 4 have been solving; have solved
5 1 frowned
5 was
9 had done
6 have you been doing
2 had invited 10 picked
7 did you buy
3 told 11 glued
8 have met
4 bought 12 was filling
9 went; have returned
5 was cleaning 13 looked
6 was dusting 14 said 7 1 arrived
7 knocked 15 had 2 have been exploring
8 saw 3 have already been
6 1 were having
4 visited
6 was talking
5 has been eating
2 had left 7 Were you sleeping
6 have fund
3 opened 8 wasn’t raining
7 haven’t tried
4 didn’t use to drink 9 used to go out
8 looked
5 ate 10 didn’t watch
9 Have you ever been
Różnice w użyciu czasów, page 183 10 have never seen
11 didn’t have
1 1 a 2 d 3 c 4 b 5 c 6 d 12 Have you missed
2 1 have listened to 9 It was 8 1 did
2 was it 10 has been 2 haven’t eaten
3 talked 11 have read 3 haven’t player
4 presented 12 haven’t found 4 saw
5 gave 13 have even tried 5 haven’t had
6 have heard 14 haven’t worked 6 has been; lived
7 Has he published 15 spent
8 has written 16 have always been
3 1 haven’t heard 8 failed
policzalne i niepoliczalne, page 185
2 decided 9 was approaching 1 1 any 5 any/some
3 enjoyed 10 didn’t notice 2 some 6 some
4 did you come 11 turned 3 any 7 any
5 Did you meet 12 drove 4 any 8 some
6 has changed 13 have just got
2 1 some; a 4 some; some
7 left 14 went
2 a; some 5 a; some
4 1 Josh went to has been to Cairo twice. 3 any; some
2 How long have you been having had this mobile
3 1 a little 5 much
3 Where are the children? They have just went gone 2 too much 6 a lot of
outside. 3 some 7 a lot of
4 When has she bought did she buy this house? 4 few 8 some
5 The police didn’t find haven’t found the stolen 4 1 Do you spend a lot of money on clothes? Yes, I do.
jewellery yet. Many. Much.
6 When Sam was a child he has lived with his aunt for 2 I only bought a little few eggs. We still have some in
a year. the fridge,
7 Look! The dog ate has eaten your dinner! 3 ✓
8 Szymborska has been was Poland’s first female 4 ✓
writer to receive the Nobel Prize. 5 The whole All student were tired after a long day in
9 The modern art gallery was has been closed since the shopping centre.
last Monday. 6 We need a little a few tomatoes for this meal.
10 I knew have known Mary for ages. 7 ✓
5 1 Don’t know 4 Don’t know 8 ✓
2 Yes 5 Yes 9 How many much sugar do you want in your tea?
3 Yes 6 Don’t know 10 Would you give me a few some water, please?

© Copyright Oxford University Press 35

5 1 some paper 5 1 Hurry up! The film is starting starts at 7.30.
2 a piece of advice 2 Maya meets is going to meet her boyfriend at 8
3 a cup of coffee; (some) milk o’clock tonight outside the cinema.
4 a/some chicken 3 Look at that boy on the bike! He crashes ’s going to
5 fish crash into that tree in a minute.
6 a piece of chocolate 4 This time next week I do ’ll be doing an exam.
7 furniture 5 My sister will go is going to university in London.
8 Are; soups She already has a place.
9 hair is; it 6 I’ll be sending send you a postcard when I get to
10 money; is New York.
6 1 much
7 Oh look, we’ve run out of milk. I’m going to go ’ll
6 a few
go to the shop to get some.
2 whole 7 many
8 Don’t phone me after 10 o’clock tonight. I sleep ’ll
3 many 8 all
be sleeping.
4 a lot of 9 much
9 Sit down. I am making will make you a cup of
5 a little 10 all
7 1 any chef 10 What will are you going to do on Saturday?
2 little
6 1 leaves
3 any help
2 ’ll come
4 Few children
3 am/’m meeting
5 a few hours; a lot of
4 will/’ll be sitting
6 some new furniture
5 will/’ll be taking off / are/’re going to take off
7 whole
6 is/’s going to visit
8 many
7 ’ll phone
Czasy przyszłe, page 187 8 will/’ll be playing

1 1 are going 7 1 am/’m going

2 doesn’t end 2 am/’m meeting
3 is seeing 3 am/’m visiting
4 does the bus arrive 4 am/’m not doing
5 leaves 5 ’ll ask
6 are you meeting 6 Are you going to drive
7 have 7 am/’m getting/going by
8 isn’t going 8 leaves
9 ’ll meet
2 1 will be
10 ’s going to be
2 won’t
3 won’t Przyimki, page 189
4 Are you going
1 1 in 4 at
5 is/’s going to look
2 on 5 at
6 am/’m going to study
3 in 6 on
7 will go
8 won’t 2 1 at 6 At
3 1 ’re going to go
2 – 7 In
5 ✓
3 in 8 at
2 ’ll give 6 ✓
4 in 9 at
3 ✓ 7 ✓
5 on 10 on
4 ’ll help 8 will drive
4 1 ’ll do
2 will live 1 1 playing 5 being
3 am/’m going to travel
2 starting 6 to make/making
4 won’t tell
3 walking 7 to pass
5 is/’s going to hit
4 to take
6 is/’s visiting
7 won’t be 2 1 watching 5 to see
8 ’ll go 2 going 6 telling
9 ’m going to get 3 to stay 7 lets
10 am/’m meeting 4 becoming

© Copyright Oxford University Press 36

3 Zadanie otwarte. have something
done, page 191
4 1 ✓
2 To do Doing extreme sports is a great way to keep 1 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 b 6 c
2 1 are driven all over the world
3 Our English teacher makes us to work working
2 was invented by Thomas Edison
really hard. She gives us tests every week.
3 of TV receiver is being designed
4 ✓
4 is being interviewed for a job right now
5 Simon promised being to be on time for the class.
5 his MP3 player had been stolen
6 ✓
6 digital camera has just been found by the police
7 I have joined the gym keeping to keep fit.
7 must be done with this washing machine
8 ✓
8 will be told how long the delivery takes
9 I haven’t managed doing to do my homework yet.
9 is believed that the engine was destroyed by the fire
5 1 a meeting 10 are thought to know all the answers
b to buy 11 were given new mobile phones
2 a losing 12 this problem been solved yet
b to lock
3 1 has been fined
3 a to finish
2 was stopped
b doing
3 be fired
4 a to go
4 had been caught
b doing
5 was stopped
6 1 to do 6 have/’ve not been
2 to buy 7 are stopped
3 taking care of/looking after 8 has been made
4 going
4 1 sell
5 seeing
2 have been made
6 being
3 will send
7 go
4 is being built
8 to like
5 was offered
9 buying
6 made
10 to like
7 had already started
So i such; in order to, so as to, page 191 8 will be installed/are going to be installed

1 1 I’m taking extra lessons in order to prepare for my 5 1 is grown in India and China
matura exams in May. 2 am/’m going to have my hair dyed tomorrow
2 Mary bought an alarm clock so as not to be late for 3 leather handbag was made in Italy
work. 4 and more fast-food restaurants are opened every
3 Becky doesn’t eat right before exercises so as to day
avoid feeling sick. 5 are/’re having some trees planted in our garden at
4 I’m going on a beach holiday in Spain in order to the moment
relax. 6 is said that the rise of the internet has changed our
5 He left the office earlier today so as not to miss his way of life
dental appointment. 7 can’t be ignored
6 I phoned Julia so as not to see her in person. 8 man’s car was damaged
9 computers were being fixed when we arrived
2 1 so 5 so 10 hospital is going to be built in our town next year
2 such a 6 so 11 will never be forgotten
3 such 7 such 12 is said to be getting worse
4 so 8 such a
6 1 Where are olives grown?
3 1 so well 2 When were mobile phones first sold?
2 such a boring film 3 What great things will be discovered next?
3 so unusually 4 What can be done to help the environment right
4 so as not to now?
5 in order to 5 What has been built in your town recently?
6 so as to 6 What activities have been organised at your school
this term?

© Copyright Oxford University Press 37

Either i neither; every i each; both; another i
tryb warunkowy) , page 193 other, page 195
1 1 have 1 1 either 5 Either
2 will/’ll go 2 Either 6 either
3 ’ll come 3 Neither 7 neither
4 get 4 either
5 won’t 2 1 every 5 every/each
6 look
2 every 6 every
7 finish
3 every 7 every
8 will/’ll meet
4 every 8 Each
9 will probably come
10 ask 3 1 the others 3 another
11 aren’t 2 other 4 other one
12 will/’ll be 4 1 both 5 Neither
2 1 ✓ 2 each of 6 other
2 What would you do if you would see saw a ghost? 3 Neither of 7 either; or
3 Joe would speak really good Spanish if he doesn’t 4 another 8 another; each
didn’t miss so many lessons.
4 You won’t wouldn’t be so tired if you went to bed
earlier. 1 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 a 6 b
5 ✓
2 1 mustn’t 6 have to
6 If I lived in a hot country, I would go to the beach
2 have to 7 don’t have to
every weekend.
3 don’t have to 8 had to
7 ✓
4 has to 9 must
8 If I wouldn’t didn’t like learning languages,
5 have to 10 mustn’t
I wouldn’t do a course.
3 2 She should/ought to do a practice paper.
3 1 e 2 f 3 d 4 b 5 c 6 a
3 She should/ought to see a doctor.
4 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 a 4 You should/ought to watch a film.
5 1 go 5 ate 5 They shouldn’t/aren’t ought to talk in class.
2 keeps 6 gets 6 You should/ought to study physics.
3 would cut 7 hurry 4 1 could 5 needn’t
4 take 2 mustn’t 6 Shall
6 1 wasn’t 8 asked 3 don’t have to 7 should
2 would look 9 won’t feel 4 can 8 have to
3 doesn’t stop 10 loses 5 1 will 6 have to
4 will/’ll look 11 does 2 doesn’t have to 7 will
5 was/were 12 will/’ll stop 3 will 8 ought to
6 wouldn’t worry 13 won’t 4 mustn’t 9 can
7 would say 14 see 5 will
7 1 If Mary wasn’t allergic to strawberries, she would eat
2 have some more ice cream, we’ll eat it on the patio 1 1 Do you know if I could borrow this pen?
3 don’t make sandwiches, we’ll order pizza 2 Do you have any idea what time it is?
4 as Pam comes, she’ll help you prepare the food 3 Could you tell me what time the train leaves?
5 I don’t have time to cook, I buy frozen meals 4 Do you happen to know when the bus arrives?
6 I eat out, I don’t eat nuts 5 Could you let me know what time your arrive?
7 we have drunk all the juice, we’ll have to drink cola 6 Do you know how much these jeans are?
8 it gets mouldy 2 1 when I can start
8 Zadanie otwarte. 2 if any experience is necessary
3 if this work is part-time
4 what time you open
5 when the job starts
6 if we’re required to wear suits
7 how long it takes you to get to work
8 if there’s a canteen in the office building

© Copyright Oxford University Press 38

3 1 the working hours are 4 1 A holiday by the sea is the more most relaxing type
2 work in the company of holiday.
3 the name of the boss is 2 Their hotel room is as comfortably comfortable as
4 if there is any lunch break ours.
5 I will earn 3 The accommodation we had last year was much
6 where the interviews are more better than this year’s.
7 should send a CV 4 What is the hottest hottest place in the world?
8 kind of qualifications are required 5 Dirtiest The dirtiest beaches have been closed.
4 1 I wonder how much will I I will earn in this job.
6 Heathrow airport is more busy busier than Luton.
7 Anna drives as slow slowly as her husband.
2 My boss would like to know where did I learn
8 The engine in our new car is more loud louder than
I learnt to speak English.
in the old one.
3 Does anybody know what plans does the
managing director have has? 5 1 larger
4 Could you tell me where is the Reception is? 2 The shortest
5 I’d like to know how many times had he changed 3 the oldest
jobs before he came here. 4 more mountainous
6 I was wondering what are you you’re working on 5 most cheaply
now. 6 the most expensive
7 I have no idea why aren’t we we aren’t allowed to 7 The hottest
have a break when we feel tired. 6 1 too 5 enough
8 Do you happen to know can we if we can smoke
2 enough 6 enough
on the factory premises?
3 too 7 too
4 too 8 enough
7 1 I learn languages more than easily than I learn facts
page 198 and figures.
2 Camping isn’t as comfortable as staying as in hotels.
1 1 the worst
3 I find beach holidays less than interesting than city
2 less wisely
3 longer
4 I’m not enough good enough at driving to get
4 the least
a licence.
5 the nearest/closest
5 It’s easier than to travel by train than to travel by car.
6 slower
6 The service in the cafe was as good as the service as
7 the most nervously
in the restaurant.
8 the least clean
7 Being on holiday with the friends is the best type of
9 more
10 better
8 Last year’s holiday in Turkey was the most the
2 1 well relaxing holiday I’ve ever been on.
2 the most carefully 8 1 badly
3 more quickly
2 as tall as I am
4 less
3 as much (money) as Alan
5 the most loudly
4 learn so quickly
6 the most beautifully
5 as many books as Jack
7 worse
6 as many cups of coffee as me.
8 the furthest
9 What
3 1 The Gherkin in London is not as tall as the Palace of 1 1 that she was allergic to fish
Culture and Science in Warsaw. 2 that she hadn’t had lunch
2 Jorge is not so good at English as Claudio. 3 that they had been to a very nice restaurant
3 Wawel Castle is not as old as Edinburgh Castle. 4 that he was making breakfast
4 Moscow is as cold as St Petersburg. 5 that she would make some soup
6 that she didn’t like coffee
2 1 told 4 told
2 said 5 asked
3 asked 6 said

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3 1 that I looked tired
2 that she was getting dressed for the party then
1 1 themselves 6 each other
3 me that Joe and Ann had just got engaged
2 himself 7 each other
4 Kate that she had looked much better with short
3 itself 8 yourself
4 each other 9 each other
5 that he had to tell his boss what he thought of him
5 ourselves
6 Susan to trust him
7 Dave that they would try to have his ID ready for 2 1 The party was great. The children really enjoyed
him the next day each other themselves.
8 us that her boyfriend had given her a ring the 2 The couple split up because they didn’t really like
month before themselves each other very much.
9 somebody had broken into our house while we had 3 I often sing to yourself myself when I’m in the
been at a party shower.
10 that Martha was going to have a baby 4 The girl looked at itself herself in the mirror and
4 1 The immigration officer asked Jeff what was his
5 We need to support ourselves each other in these
address was in the USA.
difficult financial times.
2 The woman wanted to know how long I have had
6 The boys built the model aeroplane one another
been learning English.
3 Our neighbour asked how did my mother feel felt.
7 Jack drew an amazing picture of myself himself.
4 Clark asked me if I was staying there.
5 I asked Ian if was he was having a good time there.
5 1 Does Jim often play football?
I wondered if Jim often played football. 1 1 which 4 whose
2 Where is Mark going? 2 where 5 which
I asked where Mark was going. 3 which 6 who
3 When is the next bus?
We wanted to know when the next bus was. 2 1 h 2 c 3 a 4 g 5 a 6 f 7 e 8 d
4 Where has Maria gone? 3 1 My friend, who whose grandparents live in Canada,
I asked where Maria had gone. is going to Toronto next month.
6 1 had always liked 6 had ever had 2 ✓
2 spent 7 would think 3 ✓
3 wasn’t 8 to sing 4 ✓
4 wrote 9 could 5 Matt Damon, which whose films include The Bourne
5 hadn’t been 10 would do Trilogy, is one of my favourite actors.
6 Stonehenge, where which is in the south of
7 Możliwa odpowiedź:
England, is a very famous landmark.
One day Mark was working out in the gym. He saw
a pretty girl and asked her if she came there often. 4 1 There are millions of people around the world
She answered that she came every day. Mark told her whose first language is English.
that he came to the gym every day, too, but that he 2 Barack Obama, who was born in Hawaii, became
didn’t think that he’d seen her there before. Jenny was the first black US president.
surprised. She said that it was probably because it was 3 Nicholas is the person who I’ve been looking for all
her first week at the gym. Mark said that he actually day.
thought he’d seen her two days before. He told her 4 Tarantino, whose films include Pulp Fiction and Kill
that she had been running on the treadmill and that Bill, is one of my favourite directors.
he thought she looked beautiful. Jenny laughed and 5 The Ritz is a luxury hotel in London, which is
thanked him, but she said that she hated the treadmill. popular with celebrities and tourists.
Mark suggested that they should go running in the 6 This year, we’re going on holiday to Antalya, which
park. Jenny answered that it was raining. Mark then is a beautiful city in Turkey.
suggested that they should go shopping. He told 5 1 which 5 who
her that they could walk around the shopping centre 2 whose 6 where
because it never rained in there. Jenny didn’t know 3 which 7 which
what to say … . 4 which
6 1 where 4 who
2 which 5 who
3 where

© Copyright Oxford University Press 40

Formy dzierżawcze, page 204
1 1 your 5 ours 1 1 when 5 while
2 My 6 your 2 until/till 6 before
3 His 7 mine 3 before 7 after
4 your 8 theirs 4 after 8 when
2 2 my parents’ car 2 1 He ate dinner and although he wasn’t hungry.
3 the children’s bikes 2 You’re ill so because you didn’t follow my advice.
4 the women’s mobile phones 3 I had a test although so I studied all night to
5 Megan’s hat prepare for it.
6 the boys’ football 4 I like strawberries and but I don’t like bananas.
3 1 My friend’s sister
5 Come to our performance but and see yourself how
huge progress the group has made.
2 My grandparents’ house
6 We can get her a book and or we can get her
3 the title of the book
a DVD.
4 the owner of the car
5 yours 3 1 until 6 because
6 A group of teenagers 2 but 7 while
7 mine 3 so 8 or
8 of Anny’s 4 although 9 though
5 before 10 so
4 1 so she doesn’t eat them
1 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 b 2 because there was a football match in the town
2 1 b 2 c 3 e 4 a 5 f 6 d 3 Although Sally studies hard
4 but people understand
3 1 may/might 6 can’t 5 After she did her homework
2 may not/might not 7 must 6 While I was walking/going to school
3 must 8 must 7 before she cleaned her teeth
4 must 9 must 8 when I broke my leg
5 must 10 must 9 so she quit her job
4 1 must be 10 As we live by the sea
2 can’t have
3 may/might live
4 may/might not know 1 1 isn’t it 6 won’t he
5 must be 2 wasn’t it 7 hasn’t it
6 can’t like 3 can she 8 didn’t it
7 may not/might not get 4 haven’t you 9 won’t you
8 must speak 5 do you 10 will you
there it, page 206 2 1 You sister lives in Warsaw, don’t doesn’t she?
2 She’s finished her report, have hasn’t she?
1 1 It is 5 there are 3 You didn’t see the whole exhibition, didn’t did you?
2 There are 6 it is 4 The children were very surprised, didn’t weren’t
3 it is 7 there is they?
4 there is 8 it is 5 It takes an hour to get there, isn’t doesn’t it?
2 1 It is warm 6 Pete and Eva will come tomorrow, don’t won’t they?
2 There were a lot of/lots of/many 3 1 shall we 5 will you
3 It has been cold 2 don’t we 6 does she
4 There are low temperatures 3 are you 7 will you
5 There was a hurricane 4 didn’t they
6 Is there enough time
7 It is easy 4 1 isn’t it 4 don’t they
8 it is going to be sunny 2 haven’t you 5 won’t we
9 Will there be anyone 3 can you
10 it had started to snow

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