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Lucky Animals in the East and West

1. possess (v) = have / own possession (n) ____________

obsess (v) ___________ obsession (n) __________
be obsessed with (v) __________
session (n) a period of time
2. contemplate (v) think about
3. prosperity (n) success / wealth prosper (v) develop / thrive
prosperous (a) successful
4. longevity (n) long life
5. legend / rumor has it (v) = it is rumored that / according to a legend
6. endangered (a) (sth) that is in danger
7. grant (n) an amount of money given by the government
grant (v) allow sb to have grant sb’s wish (v) _______________
take sth for granted (v) _________________
8. lucky charm (n) ________________
9. abundant (a) plentiful
10. gratitude (n) the feeling of thankfulness be grateful to sb for sth (v) ___________
11. take a peek at = take a look at
12. attach … to = link… to / relate … to
13. draw a parallel between …. and …. = associate …. With
14. deliberately (adv) = intentionally / purposely / on purpose →
accidentally (adv) = by chance / by accident
15. curse sb with …. (v) wish sb with (a bad forfune)
16. perceive …as (v) regard … as
17. in a row (adv) one after another
18. feature (v) ____________
19. escort (n) (v) go somewhere with a person for protection or to keep them from escaping
20. sacred (a) holy
21. encounter (v) run across / run into / be faced with
22. alongside (prep) beside / together with
II Practice
1. 祝你平安健康、來年發大財
Wish you peace , ________________ and __________________ in the following year.
2. 他們正在思考是不是要跟政府申請紓困款
They are _____________ whether to ask for a relief ______________ from the government.
3. 世界上很多人將COVID-19 和中國病毒聯想在一起
Many people in the world _______________________________________________________.

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