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Class: XI
Physics NCERT Textbook Part –II

Date of submission: 07/01/2024

1. Define the following terms.
Young’s modulus, Rigidity modulus, Poisson’s ratio, Pascal’s law,
Bernoulli’s principle, Hydrostatic paradox, Terminal Velocity, Thermal
Conductivity, Stefan-Boltzmann law, Degrees of freedom, Quasi-static
process, Mean free path, Simple Harmonic Oscillation, Beats, Law of
equipartition of energy.
1. The stress-strain curve for a metal is given in figure.
Mark 1)Elastic limit (or) yield point 2) Fracture point 3) Proportional limit
4)Elastic region 5) Plastic region 6)permanent set 7) yield strength (𝑺𝒚) 8)
ultimate tensile strength (𝑺𝒖 ).
2. The stress-strain graphs for materials A and B are shown in Figure. (a)
Which of the materials has the greater Young’s modulus? (b) Which of the
two is the stronger material? (c) Which of the two materials is more

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3. Prove Torricelli’s law of speed of efflux of fluid.
4. Obtain expression for terminal velocity.
5. Obtain an expression for capillary rise.
6. Write the expression for rate of flow of heat if one end of a metallic rod is
7. Differentiate between Latent Heat of Fusion (𝐋𝐟) and Latent Heat of
Vaporisation (𝐋𝐯).
8. Derive the expression for workdone by an Ideal gas during an adiabatic
9. By using law of equipartition of energy obtain the values of specific heat
capacity of of solids.
10. By using law of equipartition of energy obtain the values of specific
heat capacities of non rigid diatomic molecule. Also find the value of γ.
11. Derive the expression for period of oscillations of a simple pendulum.
12. Obtain the expression for force for Simple Harmonic Motion
13. Draw the different modes of standing waves produced in a closed pipe.
Also obtain the frequencies of harmonics .
1. A spherical ball contracts by volume 0.01%, when subjected to a normal
uniform pressure of 107 Pa. Calculate the bulk modulus of the material of
the ball.
2. The areas of the pistons in a hydraulic machine are 5cm 2 and 625cm 2 .
What force on the smaller piston will support a load of 1250N on the larger
3. An ideal fluid flows through a pipe of circular cross-section made of two
sections with diameters 2.5 cm and 3.75 cm. Calculate the ratio of the
velocities in the two pipes?

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4. A vertical off-shore structure is built to withstand a maximum stress of
109 Pa. Is the structure suitable for putting upon top of an oil well in
Bombay High? Take the depth of the sea to be roughly 3km, and ignore
ocean currents.
5. Temperature of a normal human body is 98.60F. What is the
corresponding temperature in Celsius scale?
6. An electric heater supplies heat to a system at a rate of 100 W. If system
performs work at a rate of 75 Joules per second. At what rate is the internal
energy increasing?
7. A 5 kg collar is attached to a spring of spring constant 500 N 𝒎−𝟏. It
slides without friction over a horizontal rod. The collar is displaced from its
equilibrium position by 10.0 cm and released. Calculate
(a) the period of oscillation,
(b) the maximum speed and
(c) maximum acceleration of the collar
8. A wave travelling along a string is described by,
y(x, t) = 0.005 sin (80.0 x – 3.0 t),
in which the numerical constants are in SI units (0.005 m, 80.0 rad 𝑚−1 ,
and 3.0 rad 𝑠 −1 ).
Calculate (a) the amplitude, (b) the wavelength, (c) the period and
frequency of the wave. (d) Calculate the displacement y of the wave at a
distance x = 30.0 cm and time t = 20 s ?
9. Asteel wire has a length of 12m and a mass of 2.1 kg. What is the tension
in the wire if the speed of transverse wave on the on the wire is 343ms -1.

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