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Name : Saqib shah

Roll Number: 1031

Assignment : Media
Submitted To : Sir
shakeel Adnan Hashmi
Freedom and power must be tempered by responsibility. We
recognize the roles and responsibilities that parents, schools,
churches and grassroots organizations have in fostering healthy
communities. We also recognize the roles and responsibilities
of those in the media industries – film, television, video games,
Internet, electronic and print – in that same process.
As a media student I hope that a partnership between
communities and communication industries on the basis of this
media menifesto can forge a “mantle of stewardship” so vital to
healthy living. We urge those interested in assuming this
mantle to adopt the Statement of Media Responsibility, which
states that a responsible media will:
• Represent our pluralistic society so that media control
rests not in the hands of the few but the many.
• Restrict gratuitous violent and sexual content that serves
merely to titillate and degrade individuals.
• Create a children’s hour on network television that carries
diverse and appropriate programming including news,
education and entertainment.
• Encourage parents to monitor their children’s media
consumption, familiarizing parents with V-chip
technologies and ratings systems.
• Increase support for public broadcasting, which provides a
space for children’s educational shows and offers greater
visibility to programming that highlights art and culture.
Together – artists, producers, teachers, parents and
children – we can make our understanding and use of
media a blessing that can help us develop and maintain
healthy communities throughout our nation, well into the
21st Century. Communication technology plays a great a
role in our lives than ever before. We can’t afford to wait.

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