Unit 10 Global Success Đáp Án

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LPN 22M. APD», f UNIT 10: THE ECOSYSTEM ! eee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee eee PART |. VOCABULARY | /// + New words (Tir méi) co Dw sect n /insekt! cén tring 2. butterfly n— Pbstefla! con buém 3. ecosystem n_ ickeusistam/ hé sinh thai 4. flora n I fh:ret ‘thuc vat 5. fauna n J fanel Ong vat 6. essential adj seni’ cn thiét, quan trong 7. survival adj /se’varvi/ su song sét, ton tai 8. raw adj ito! tho 9. destroy v drstrov pha huy 10. damage vs dasmid3/ gay thiét hai 11. overuse n /eovelju:s! str dung qué mire 412. natural resources np /nastfral sos! ti nguyén thién nhién 13. v Inrstox(ey/ wu tree 14, n— [bareudar'vs:seti/ da dang sinh hoc 15. ad /'nestv/ ban dia 16. tropical forest np /troprkl fost! ring nhiét 6% 17. species n F'spifizs loai 18. conservation n / konso'verfn/ su bao ton 419. mammal n Fmeeml/ dong vat 66 vi 20. living things np (livin 8nz! cc sinh vat song 21. nature reserve np /nertfa nzs:v/ khu bao ton tu nhién 22. endangered adj in’'deind3ed/ 6 nguy co tuyét chting 23. rare ad /rea(ry’ hiém 24. rich ad inti phong ph, tra phi 25. mangrove n /'maengrasv! cay duéc 26. habitat n [hasbrteet! méi truéng song 27. pangolin n— Fpaengaln/ con té té 28. wildlife n— waaldlart! Ong vat hoang da 29. mass tourism np /maes tuanzem/ du lich hang loat 30. coral reef n Pkorel ricfl rang san ho 31. food chain n J fued tfern/ chudi thire an Idar vs:sati/ su da dang adj /ma'rin/ ‘thudc bién, duéi nudc 34, green ad /gh:n/ (Idi s6ng) xanh 35. delta n — /deltel dong bang 2 1. be home to la nha, noi 6 ctia thir gi 2. runout hét, can kiét PART Il. GRAMMAR »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) 1. Compound noun ~ Danh tt ghép (compound noun) duoc cau thanh ti viée ghep cac ti lal vol nhau. Ba phan danh tt kép tao nén khimét danh tir hay tinh tir két hop v6i mét danh ter kha. - Mi danh tie ghép déng vai tré nhur mat don vi déc lp. ~ C6 3 dang danh tr ghép: Mo" DAU- DONG ‘Sip dung khoang tréng > primary school ‘Sir dung dau gach ngang Khéng ding khoang tréng/ dau = > brother-in-law (anh 1) > bathroom Ex: Green (mau xanh) va house (i néng Ién toan cau). hha) d€u cé nghia riéng nhurng khi ghép lai greenhouse (hién trong a. Cac loai tir ghép trong tiéng Anh Cach két hop N+#N N + gidi tir/ Adv Nev Adj +N a Adj +V Gi6i tir/ Adv + N VtN 2 8. V+ gioi tir/ Adv 9. Te + gioite+ Te ty Adj trong N ghép Vidu - bathroom (phéng tam) - fruit juice (nwoc trai cay) - passer-by (khach qua éuréng) - haircut (ct tc) - sunrise (mat trdi moc) -snowfall(tuyét roi) - primary school (trong tiéu hoc) - full moon (trang ram) - greenhouse (nha kinh) - software (phan mém) -biackdress(vay den) - well-trained (dao tao t6 - underground (tau dién ngam) - swimming pool (hé boi) - washing machine (may gidt) - driving license (bang lai xe) ~ check out (lam cdc thii tuc r6i khach san) - check-up (kiém tra strc khée) - brother-in-law (anh ré) ic OpSACOMP duoc str dung déi véi danh tir ghép. + Opinion: tinh tiv chi quan dém, su danh id. Ex: wonderful, lovely. + Size/Shape: tinh tl chi kich c6.Ex: big, small, long + Age: tinh tir chi 6 tudi. Ex: old, young, old. + Color: tinh tir chi mau sac. Ex: green, blue, orange. + Origin: tinh tir chi ngudn géc, xuat xtr. Ex: Vietnamese, American, Korean « Material: tinh tir chi chat liéu . Ex: leather, steel, silk Purpose: tinh tir chi muc dich, tac dung, 86 tir ghép tiéng Anh théng dung | Pree) cacy [HEI advertising company ng ty q 1g z= anymore application form assembly line bathroom (EQ bedroom | birthday blackbird Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 »> nira mau don xin viéc day chuyén lap rap phong tam. phong ngdi sinh nhat chim sao (Global Success) breakdown bus driver chopstick classmate coal-mining company policy consumer loan cupboard dress-code regulation driving license evaluation form FN) face value Fy firefly 22 friendship gender discrimination gentleman grandmother green house greenhouse hanger-on high schoo! homesick housewife information desk living room looker-on lorry driving mother-iniaw newly-born newspaper nobody outbreak outside passer-by pickpocket postman riverbank sand castle secretary-general shoelace software step ladder sunrise sunset sweetheart washing-machine weightiifting whitewash d. Dang sé nhiéu eda danh tir ghép su suy sup tai xé xe bus dia ban cling lop viée khai thac mé than chinh sach céng ty khoan vay khach hang ke, tram ngi quy an mac gidy phép lai xe mu danh gi ménh gia dom dém tinh ban phan biét gioi tinh ngurai dan dng lich thiép ba ng@i nha xanh nha kinh ké an bam trvong THPT néi nho nha ni tro” ban théne tin phang khach ngudi xem vide lai xe tai me chdng, me vo 0 sinh bao khdng ai ca su bing no bén ngoai ngudi qua dvong tén méc ti ngudi dua thr ba séng lau dai cat tdng bi thu, tng thu ki day gay phan mém_ cai thang binh minh hoang hén ngudi yéu may giat vide cb ta nud voi Théng thuong, ban chi cn thém “s/es” vao sau danh ti? cua danh tu’ ghep. »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) Soit ‘$6 nhiéu a tennis shoe three tennis shoes one assisiant headmaster five assistant headmasters the sergeant major some sergeants major a mother-in-law two mothers-in-law an assistant secretary of state | S% assistant secretaries of state my toothbrush our toothbrushes a woman-doctor five women-dociors a doctor of philosophy three doctors of philosophy a passerby, a passer-by four passersby, four passers-by Not Nhung danh tu ghep dang Danh tu + danh tu’, khio’ sé nhiéu danh tu dung truec gitr vai tro tinh tu nén khéng them “Ss”. Danh tu ghép dang s6 Dang sé nhiéu day du nhiéu (Danh tu + danh tu) 10 trees with oranges __| 10 orange tees 100 cables for 100 cellphone cables cellphones 200 boxes for tools 200 tool boxes 50 stops for buses 50 bus stops 400 wheels for cars 400 car wheels, W/E Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. destroy C. endangered D. resource 2. A. mammal B. native, C. national D. habitat 3. A. tropical B. coral C. conservation D. flora, 4A parents B family C attitude D. happen 5. ASkill B life C. mind D. identify 6. A figure B legend C. legal D gravity 7. A studied B. improved C. failed 8. A. laugh B. enough C. high D. cough 9 AlWative B habitat C. mammal D natural 10. A. destroy B. resource Olea =D. endangered Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the n of primary stress in each of the following questions. 41. A. ecosystem B. habitat C. pangolin D. scientist 2. A resource B. species C. wildlife D. fauna 3. A. nature B. deta C. flora D. destroy 4. A measure B. restore C. allow D. create 5. A. concentrate B. relation C. romantic D. engaging 6. A. apology B. relationship. C. sympathetic D. initiate 7. A engage B confide accept D offer 8. A. open B involve C. listen D. common 9. A. organism B preservation C. ecosystem D. naturalism »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) 10. Algeneration B diversity ©. environment D. community B, VOCABULARIES AND GRAMMARS Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Itis important to encourage environmental and awareness. ‘A. conservation B. community C. fora D. organism 2. The motivation for the control policy is to reduce the negative impacis of A. tropical forest B. planet C. climate change. D. natural resource 3. Plants obviously do not have minds; nor do things like tables and rocks A insect B bacteria C. survival D.non- living 4, Humans, dogs, elephants, and dolphins are all but birds, fish, and crocodiles are not. A. mammals B. wetland C. mangrove D. forest 5. Pollution can have disastrous effects on the delicately balanced A scenery B material ©. nondiving D ecosystem 6. Many plant and animal are found only in the rainforests. A. waterway B. wetland C. species. D. material 7. Toursm is damaging the of the island. A. pangolin B. flora and fauna. C. biodiversity D. habitat 8. The country can undertake conservation measures to build up or maintain its A biodiversity B. species C. delta D. shelter 9. There are many examples of resource decline and low production, particularly in the humid forest. A. unemployment B. restoration C. forest. D. disaster 10. All iving have to adapt to changes in environmental conditions. A. pangolins B. species C. organisms D. deltas 11. The government has measures to restore and protect the ecosystem A. given B driven C. taken D. put 12. We can find a jot of flora and fauna in Cuc Phuong National Park. A. species B. kinds C. regions D. types 13, Many species are saved from disappearing by efforts A. conserve B. conservative C. conservation D. conservationist 14. Reducing the use of fresh water can help to protect marine A. ecology B. ecosystems C. ecologists D. ecotourism 15, That humans overuse natural resources may the loss of biodiversity. A invest in B refer to C. depend on D lead to. 16. In an ecosystem, plants, animals ang other living and non-living things form a B. society C. village D. world 17. Flora refers the plant life present in a particular region or ecosystem A. about B.of on D. for 18. We don't want our planet to biodiversity, do we? A.win B.lose C. keep D. remain 19, isa land protected by the government because of its natural beauty or special history A. Destination B. Habitat C. Ecosystem 20. forest is a thick forest that grows in the hot patts of the world. A. Tropical B. Warming C. Heating D. Native 21. Tigers are because they give birth to live young, not eggs and feed their young on milk. A insects B reptiles C. mammals D. camivores 22. There are many factors that to global warming A. leads. B. refer C. mention D. contribute 23. This national park alarge area of freshwater wetlands A. covers, B. accounts C. makes D calculates »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) 24. to 228 species of plants, U Minh Thuong is the region with the richest biodiversity in the Mekong River Delta. A. House B. Place C. Home D. Site 25. The ideal time to this place is from August to November, known as the floating water season of the region. A. exploration B. explore C. exploring D. explorers 26. Ecosystems a lot of biodiversity are generally stronger and more resistant to disaster than those with fewer species. Avin B. for C. of D. with, 27. The horse is not native ‘America- it was introduced by the Spanish. A for Bto Cat Din 28. The region is rich mineral and coal deposits Ain B.out C. with D.up 29. Water is essential living things. A. of B with C for Dain 30. When the biodiversity of an ecosystem is interrupted or destroyed, the economic impact the local community could be enormous. Aon, B. out C. with D.up Exercise 2: Complete the sentences th the adjectives ( rich raw tiny tropical non- living | colourful native natural essential _national 1. Bone iss. — . co 2. If we continue to deplete the earth’s ABHFZl resources, we will cause serious darnage to the environment. 3. The problem needs to be addressed both at a(n) flatioflal and international level 4, The cost of our fail material has risen significantly. 5. The country has vast oil reserves and fiGH deposits of other minerals. 6 7. 8 In cool climates you have to grow ff@pieal plants under glass. Government support will be BS8hitial if the project is to succeed. Henderson Island in the Pacific has more than 55 species of laliVé flowering plants 9. During surgery, doctors sometimes use a laser beam to vaporize fifiy bloods vessels. 10. The garden was full of SBISUMll and fascinating flowers. Exercise 3: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Itwas once described as the most &ifilazinig reef in the West Indies. (amaze) 2. Between 2009 and 2018, it was declared endangered because of pollution and the (4e.strayy BStFLCHOR of its ecosystems. y) 3. Healthy ecosystems are essential for human health and Siifwival because they provide us with many things such as food, energy, clean water and air 4. U Minh Thuong is considered one of the most important sites for the ecosystem EORSEWAIION in the Mekong River Detta (conserve) 5. Ecosystem restoration can help end BOWERY fight climate change and prevent loss of flora and fauna on every continent and in every ocean. 6. Some largest wildlife FESBNVES in Congo occupy more than one-third of the north-east forest of the country. 7. We should find ways to use this abundant Mlaillifall resource effectively and economically. (nature) 8. We nee to limit the consumption of fossil fuels because the GVEFUSE of the materials will lead to damaging effects on the environment. 9) Effective environmental fStSEHGA requires a reduction in fuel consumption (protect) 10. Rising sea level is not one nation's problem but it creates a @lOBAl impact. Every country in the world will be effected »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) (survive) (poor) (reserve) (use) (globe) Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. The building has many features that make it more eco-friendly as well as reducing heating costs. A. environmentally friendly B. climate-friendly C. supportive D. ecological 2. There ate more serious problems such as unemployment and poverty. They should be solved immediately. A. dangerous: B. severe, C. urgent D. important 3. The government is planning to restore some old buildings for tourist destinations A. revive B. resume C. restate D. repair 4, I'm not a big fan of films about wildlife animals. | love action films. ‘A. disappointed with B. excited about C. crazy about D. bored with 5. Laws have been enacted to protect animals from eruelty and mistreatment A harshness B kindness C hardship D rudeness Exercise 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. Many chemicals have a damaging effects on the environment. A. harmful B. injurious C. difficult D. harmless: 2. A good way to deal with a big problem is to break it down into a series of smaller ones A. remove B group C. throw D leave 3. We are running out of natural resources, so it’s time to save them. A. using up B. depending on C. investing in D. having a lot 4, An imbalanced ecosystem may cause a lack of food, water and fresh air. A. polluted B. sweet C. clean D. spoiled 5. We may talk about a lot of benefits provided by a healthy ecosystem. One of themis that it provides us with a lot of products. A. advantages B harms C. disadvantages D. damages Exercise 6: Match 1-10 with a ~j to make compound nouns. 1. solar A. species 2. GM (genetically modified) 1 B.rain 3. carbon E C. effect 4. global ' D. layer 5. endangered a E. disposal 6. greenhouse c F. emissions 7. acid a G. forest 8. waste a H. foods 9. ozone oD I. power to.rain a J.warming Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with compound nouns from Exercise 6. 1. Many forests have been damaged by ida. 2. The GPSERROUSEIEEET is causing the earth's atmosphere to heat up. 3. Gléballwarming will cause the icebergs to melt. 4. The Amazon faifi|fOF8St is in the Amazon Basin of South America. 5. The BZORENaVEt helps to protect the earth from harmful radiation from the sun. »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) 6. Coal burning power stations are a source of GaiGORTERISSIONS. 7. Some BMINGBIESPEEES canon be sen zoos 8. SolaBOWEr is 2 renewable source of energy. Exercise 8: Complet compound nouns belo ("football pitch floods lights mountain range _ tower block | tennis courts swimming pool safoty not seashoro ‘A $OWEPBIBER is a tall building containing apartments or offices. Many tennis players prefer feninist6ouirts with a grass surface The game will be played under floddslights. The two teams will play a big match at the world-famous Wembley f6Btballpiteh. ‘She takes her inspiration from shells and stones she finds on the SaShore. A BBStYIREt is the one that is put below people performing at a great height to catch them if they fall, The outdoor SWiffiminiglpeAl is open during the summer months. They tried to climb up the creat (OUNtAIN ANGE of the Alps. Ban word phat hanh trén website Taiieuchuan.vn Exercise 1: Listen to an interview. Complete the notes with suitable information. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER. Cod is in danger because the number of cod is very (46) [6W. The level of cod stocks in the North Sea has decreased 31% since (47) 2015. Cod are endangered because of (48) BVEMShiNG. People are still overfishing cod around the world, except in (49) Gaal Dr Wallace suggested trying (50) , such as hake. Audio scripts: Interviewer: Welcome to the show. With us is Dr Wallace, a marine biologist studying cod populations in the British Isles. Welcome. So why are our fish in danger? Dr Wallace: Quite simply because the number of cod in the waters is very low. In fact, the level of North Sea cod stocks has fallen 31% since 2015 Interviewer: What's the cause? Is it a result of pollution? Dr Wallace: Actually, it's overfishing. Some places, such as Canada, have banned cod fishing already because of this. However, people still overfish cod in Europe and other parts of the world. Interviewer: That's terrible, I didn't know that my fish and chip dinner put ocean life at risk. Dr Wallace: Believe it or not, British people eat around 115,000 tonnes of cod every year! This amount doesn't just come from the North Sea either. Fishermen catch 15,000 tonnes there with the rest coming from other places. Interviewer: So, what can we do? Dr Wallace: Simple. Try something different. Instead of cod, buy hake. Personally, I prefer it and it is cheap EN EAhONS too. Interviewer: Well Dr Wallace, thank you for joining us. You've certainly given us all plenty of food for thought!” Exercise 2: Listen to the dialogues. For questions (1-5), choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 1. You will hear two friends talking. What does the boy suggest using? A. paper plates B recycled paper plates Glregulariplates 2. You will hear a teacher talking to a student. The student is going to A. talk to the headmaster C. putup posters »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) 3. You will hear two friends talking. What is she probably going to do with the bags? A. throw them away C. recycle them 4. You will hear a girl talking to her mother. The girl tells her mum she's going to A. give someone else her toys B. donate her toys to charity C. recycle her toys 5. You will hear two friends talking about buying a new table. What type of table will he probably buy? A. one from reused wood B. one that isn't wood C. one that is second-hand Audio scripts: Dialogue 1 ‘Man: Hi, Brenda! What are you doing? Woman: I'm looking for some paper plates for my birthday party, but I want ones from recycled paper. Man: Why not use regular ones? You can easily put them in the dishwasher. Dialogue 2 Boy: Mrs Green, can | have permission to put these posters up? | want mere people to recycle. Woman: Sure, but how about asking the headteacher for more recycling bins instead? Boy: | have a better idea. Can | organise a clean-up day? Woman: That's a brilliant idea. Go ahead. Dialogue 3 Boy: Are you putting those plastic bags in the recycling bin, Jenny? Gir No - these aren't for recycling. They're eco-friendly reusable ones. Boy: That's good; tons of plastic we throw away ends up in the oceans harming marine lif. Girt: | know! That's why I use them. Dialogue 4 Woman: Are you donating those toys to charity? Girl: No, I'm not, Mum. Woman: I'm not sure you can recycle them. Girl: | know. I'm giving them to Anna, and she's giving me some of hers! Then, we'll both have new toys! Dialogue 5 Man: | want to buy a new table, but theyre so expensive. Woman: You can get a cheap plastic table. Man: True, but | want natural materials. Woman: What about second-hand? Man: Yeah, I'd save money and help the environment, too Exercise 1: Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs. 1. A: Try to protect the ecosystem to maintain B biodiversity. 2. A: Ecosystems only include living things. 3. A: We should leave natural resources to B. future generations. 4. A: Some people do illegal hunting in U Minn B Thuong National Park. 5. A: Is it OK if we allow mass tourism in national B parks, »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 14 (Global Success) b/ Of course. It's unlimited, b/ Right, they're living organisms al It depends on each nation al It has rich biodiversity. al Yes, and we educate people about Biodiversity Cs 6. A: Some tourists throw piastic bags into the B sea a/ Never mind. The sea can cope with it. b/ Oh, no. It's harmful to marine life 7. A: The ecosystem is at risk due to human B sppesja"shSull BEInIGRECELERE activities b/ Are you aware of the danger. 8. A: More elephants work in circuses. 5 2) Entertainment is importantto us b/ It's not a good deed to do so. 9. A: Are those birds native to Viet Nam. 5 al No, they only migrate here. b/ No, i's their habitat here. 10. A: We're using up fossil fuels. 5 2/ OK. They include petrel, coal, and so on Exercise 2: Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. There is one extra that you do not need. A. damage the ozone layer B. the overuse of natural resources C. have eco-labels D. energy conserving light bulbs E. without the use of chemicals and pesticides F. eco-riendly appliances G. the percentage of the ingredients Phong Cur team is going to present ways to protect our local biodiversity. Can you contribute your ideas : to the speech? | think we can practise protecting biodiversity by being aware of the things we buy, consume and Nick: — use. We should buy products that (1) © because these labels allow consumers to leam exactly what products are made from and (2) 6 in an item In my opinion, we should recycle all plastic and glass products. This process prevents (3) B in Mai: making them, as well as protects trees and forests used in paper products. Jane: Besides that, we should also reduce or eliminate the use of products that come in aerosol cans. ~ These products (4) A, the environment and add to air pollution. Nick: W“@ Should purchase (5) E for our home and office. There are many brands and types of appliances that are designed to use less energy and to reduce utility costs. Phong We use (6) B around our home. It is possible to buy LED light bulbs to improve efficiency and : protect the environment. And | think that's enough for our presentation now. Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer. 1. “How would you like your tea?" — * C. Yes, please. Thanks. D. It's fantastic. 2. ‘Do you like rock music?” - " A. I's not quite well B. Im very interested in them. C. Ido not love it so much. D. That's understandable. 3. “Ilove strawberries. How about you? Do you like them?” — A. I'm pretty fine, thanks. B. No, I can’t stand them. C. No, they always stand there D. No. Im standing here 4. Nick. “I enjoyed myself so much at your birthday party.” Patrice: * 7 A. Oh, that's kind of you. B. Oh, Im glad to hear that. »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) C. Congratulations! D. I's my pleasure. 5. Mary: “Why do you like red colour?” Tom: ° A. You make me feel more confident. B. It’s the colour of love and passion. C. You didn't do anything for me. D. I's @ good idea, thank you 6. Mother: ‘Watching television is a waste of time, Tom.” Tom: “Mum, : A. Lenjoy watching cartoons: B. I don’t think so, either C. Ilove your new hairstyle D. Ihave no taste for news 7. Kim: “We should use visual aids to make our presentation more effective.” Daisy: * : ‘A. There's no doubt about it. B. I think we need to practise more C. Dont mention it D. Have you ever done it before? 8. “Did you enjoy he movie yesterday?” > A Certainly, 'd be glad to B. Yes, it is warmer than today C. Not really. | couldn't follow the story. D. No, | dislike moving C. READING Exercise 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5. © Tourism is an important part of the global economy and eco-tourism has grown (1) than any other sector in the industry recently. Eco-tourism aims to be the most sustainable, environmentally friendly kind of tourism possible. The term ‘eco-tourism has been used (2) 1983 to refer to vacations that are spent in natural environments without disturbing or damaging natural habitats. Profits from this type of tourism generally help support the local economy and (3) projects. Quite often, eco-tourism is done in remote parts of our planet which not many tourists have ever seen before. Therefore, it is also a great way to experience new cultures and original lifestyles. Unfortunately, (4) eco-tourism tries its best to keep the adverse impact on our environment to a minimum, chances are that the local wildlife: will stil be disturbed to a certain extent. Let's look at Kenya, where trips on safari are usually in the morning. This is also the time when lions go hunting. However, the eco-tourists (5) many other animals away, meaning that lions in the area have to hunt in the hot, tiring hours of the day. Clearly, t's better to shoot pictures of animals than to shoot guns at them, but whether you are eco-tourists or not, the animals would probably just prefer to be left alone 4. Aas rapidly B. more rapidly C. much rapidly D._ far rapidly 2 Ain B. from 3. A. environmental B. organic C. wild D. natural 4. A. additionally B. asa result C. although D. because 5. B. throw C. annoy D. shock @ ‘SAVE OUR NATIONAL PARKS Governments have different rules that (1), various national parks in the world for many reasons, one of which is to conserve and improve their natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage. For example, the United States’ Yellowstone National Park is famous for its deep gorges, grand canyons, active geysers and amazing waterfalls. The Kruger National Park in South Aftica is (2), to magnificent wildlife. In Tanzania's Serengeti National Park, you can see leopards, zebras, gazelles, wildebeests and beautiful acacia trees. In reality, the preservation of different national parks in the world is becoming much more difficult than ever because of many natural reasons, one of which is global warming. The rising temperature has put many national parks (3), serious danger over the past 100 years. For example, Glacier National Park in »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) Montana, USA, has lost 40% of its glaciers since 1966. In other words, it has become smaller, and many local species have become endangered because they have (4), their homes. Consequently, the park conservation has been in trouble since then. In some marine national parks, global warming has also caused the sea temperature to (5) and negatively affected miles of coral reef as well as thousands of types of fish. If we don't reduce our carbon footprint or conserve our local environment, our homes and local wildlife can't avoid the seriously harmful effects of global warming, Ban word phat hanh trén website Tailieuchuan.vn 1. A. ignore B. purchase C. protect D. tisk 2. A. house B. home. C. centre D. shelter 3. Aat B.on C.of Din 4. Alt B. found C. damaged D. harmed 5. A. fall B. drop Crise D. decrease Exercise 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C [or D] on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 5. © Tourism will always have an impact on the places that people visit. Sometimes the impactis positive, but most of the time it is negative. For example, a large number of visitors in one destination can cause bad effects on the environment. The question is, how can we minimize the problems while stil allowing people to travel and visit places? The main goal of eco-tourism is to limit the bad impact of tourism on the environment and local people. The task is to encourage tourists to think about what they do when they visit an area. There are many key points. Tourists should not litter, should stay on the paths, should not interfere with wildiffe and should respect local customs and traditions. Some people consider eco- tourism to be 2 double-edged sword that has both advantages and disadvantages. They argue that tourism requires infrastructure such as roads and airports. The more tourists visit a destination, the more of infrastructure is necessary so that the tourists can stay and benefit the local community financially. However, it's difficult to avoid damaging the environment and develop local tourism at the same time. Eco-tourism can only develop in the right way if govemments can deal with the negative effects and make sure that modem improvements benefit the local people and environment, not just the tourists In 2002, the United Nations General Assembly celebrated the International Year of Eco-tourism (IYE) to evaluate global eco-tourism experiences. More and mare people have chosen eco- holidays over the past 20 years. Eco-tourism truly plays a key role in the tourism industry in many countries like Kenya, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Nepal 1. What is the main idea of the text? A. Benefits and drawbacks of eco-holidays: B. Something that eco-tourists shouldn't do_ C. A brief introduction about ecotourism D. Some rules for tourists 2. What does the word “it’in paragraph 1 refer to? A. damage. B. impact, C. environment D. tourism 3. According to the text, what does the eco-tourism aim at? A. Preventing tourists from traveling B. Stopping ecotourism altogether C. Reducing the negative effects of tourism D. Finding a new form of tourism 4. What is the meaning of the word “avoid” in paragraph 2? A. present. B. pretend C. prevent. D. protest 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? A. The local people need more buildings. B. New infrastructure is necessary if they can beneft the local people and natural habitats. C. Tourists shouldn't use infrastructure on eco-holiday. D. The government plans to build more infrastructure for ecotourists, ® Conservation is the sensible use and protection of natural resources including plants, animals, mineral deposits, soils, clean water, clean air, and fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas to ensure an adequate supply for future generations. »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) Natural resources are grouped into two categories, renewable and nonrenewable. A renewable resource is one that may be replaced over time by natural processes, such as fish populations or natural vegetation, or is inexhaustible, such as solar energy. The goal of renewable resource conservation is to ensure that such resources are not consumed faster than they are replaced Nonrenewable resources are those in limited supply that cannot be replaced or can be replaced only over extremely long periods of time. Nonrenewable resources include fossil fuels and mineral deposits, such as iron ofe and gold ore. Conservation activities for nonrenewable resources focus on maintaining an adequate supply of these resources well into the future. 1. What is the purpose of conservation mentioned in the passage? ‘A. To make use of natural resources C. To replace renewable resource D. To maintain an adequate supply of water for future. 2. The word “inexhaustible” in paragraph 2 is similar in meaning to A. unlimited B bottomless C. boundless D never-ending 3. Natural vegetation is an example of A. nonrenewable resources B. the resources to feed fish populations D. inexhaustible resources 4. Conservationists work to ensure that A. fish are consumed faster than fossil fuels C. nonrenewable resources are consumed faster D. renewable resources are replaced 5. Gold ore is mentioned as B. a renewable resource C. an example of fossil fuels D. an adequate supply for future Exercise 3: Read the following passage, and decide the statements are true (T) or false (F). Once there were lots of pandas in the mountain of Western China. Today they are becoming extinct The reason is that they cannot find enough food. Pandas eat bamboo leaves. They do not like another food. The bamboo grows very slowly. It can take 10 years for a bamboo cane to grow trom a seed to a big plant. Some types of bamboo have seeds every 60 years. Pandas must wait many years for their food to grow. While the bamboo is growing, pandas do not have enough leaves to eat Farmers are using more and more of the land on the mountain side to grow food for man. The farmers cut down the bamboo. Bamboo leaves become less plentiful. Pandas cannot find enough food to eat. They starve and die. China and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are trying to save the panda. In 1979 they began to set up special parks where pandas live. One such park is the Wolong Reserve in Sichuan. The Wolong Reserve has the highest number of pandas in the world. Scientists come here to study the panda’s eating and mating habits. By learning more about the panda’s habits, scientists can save it from extinction. 1. There are many pandas in China nowadays 2. Some kinds of bamboo grow quickly. 3. The favourite food for pandas is the bamboo leaves. 4, The Wolong Reserve is the World Wildlife Fund Organization 5. Setting pandas reserves in the mountains of China is a good way to save pandas. »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) Exercise 1: Complete the essay about how to protect the ecosystem with appropriate supporting ideas below. There is one extra phrase that you do not need. A. consume a great deal of money from governments. B. the environmental problems, the poor management of our natural resources C. no longer available, industrial and daily activities will face a lot of difficulties D. dealing with the present problems on our Earth to keep on living here E. no wars, hunger, or social problems F. to live and new ways to exploit natural resources there In the future it seems to be more difficult to live on the Earth. Some people think more money should be ‘spent on researching other planets to live on. On the one hand, finding other planets to live on is a good idea. Firstly, there are limited natural resources that we will use up spoon. Once these resources are (1) C. Secondly, setting a goal of settling down on a new planet will make sciences and space exploration develop more faster. Scientists will find out new places (2) F and communicate with aliens to exchange universal knowledge On the other hand, the discovery of new planets should not be the only solution for our future. The Earth is facing (3) B. We still have enough time to take action now to solve these problems. Moreover, the cost for discovery and settling on new planets is much higher than protecting and regenerating our planet. Spaceships, research projects, space exploration programmes will (4) A In conclusion, it is necessary to research for new planets to live on in the future, but (5) Dis a promising answer to the question Exercise 2: Complete the essay about how to protect oceans with appropriate supporting ideas below. There is one extra sentence that you do not need. A. Over 90% of the addition heat caused by global warming is stored in the oceans. B. We should carry out campaigns to prevent pollution of the coastal environment and reduce the use the plastics so that less of it ends up in our oceans C. They host 80 percent of the planet's biodiversity, and they are the largest ecosystem on Earth D. Scientists have discovered that marine life, such as horseshoe crabs, seaweeds, provide many herbs and medicines. E. Better management of the ocean resources is crucial to ensuring global food security F. Devices are being developed to generate electricity from waves and tides, as well as offshore wind farms. Oceans are an essential part of the Earth's ecosystem. They are a source of biodiversity, food, and life. According to FAO, over 40 percent of the world’s population lives within 100 kilometres off the coast. (1) B It is not early to start their restoration because of the benefits our oceans provide Oceans are an important source of food. (2) 6 Oceans absorb a quarter of all the carbon dioxide that humans put into the atmosphere. (3) @. Oceans also affect our weather. The water cycle from oceans brings us our drinking water. 40 It's high time that we needed to take action (5) B. We should take part in beach clean- ups, and involve others, especially the youth. SHORT TEST UNIT 10 Mark the letter A, B,C, 0) wwwen pe ete iwse wiueinnes pers wilfers from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A native B habitat C. mammal D_ natural 2. A destroy B resource C. delta D. endangered 3. A forest B. ecosystem C. conservation Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the posi primary stress in each of the following questions. »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) 4. A organism B preservation ©. ecosystem D. naturalism 5. A. generation B. diversity C. environment D. community Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 6. Deforestation activities are destroying the local as well as the archaeological sites. A fiora and fauna. B. floral and fauna C. nature D. community 7. The newcomers can pose a threat to of species by altering ecosystems. A. existence B. biology C. biodiversity D. balance 8. Mountain gorillas ate a(n) species, A. endanger B. endangered C. dangerous D. alive 9. They realised they would have to ban fishing in some areas in order to keep healthy. A. ecotourism B. ecosystems C. biodiversity D features 10. Their environmental policies are focused on some global issues, such as and ozone layer depletion, A. peace and security _B. law and justice C. gender equality D. climate change 14. The organisation promotes conservation of forest A. sources B. resources C. supplies D. qualities 12. The host country can undertake conservation to build up or maintain biodiversity A. identifies B. compares C. determines. D. measures 13. They are hoping to discover organisms in the soil A living, B live C. life D livable 14. It is now considered essential for any new fish- farming businesses to consult the relevant agency. A. conservationist B. conservative C. conservation D. conservatism 15. The county has vast oil reserves and deposits of other minerals. A. wealthy B. rich, C. full D. plentiful Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word below. There are some extra words. ecosystem flora resources organisms efforts materials biodiversity wildflowers Biodiversity is more than simply the collection of plants and animals on Earth, it is about local ecosystems and promoting healthy conditions for (16) GAGANISMS to thrive. While protecting the rainforests, there is a lot you can do to promote and preserve local biodiversity at home. Regularly buying trom small local farms at stands and markets helps to Keep money in the local economy and supports agricultural (17) BfOHS to conserve biodiversity. Bees are important to preserving biodiversity, and they are increasing under attack from mites. You can help save them by planting nectar- producing (18) {#ildff6WErS in your backyard, or even building bee boxes for local bees to call home. Plant local flowers, fruits and vegetables. Research the (19) fl@fa, fruits and vegetables native to your area, and plant a variety in your backyard or a hanging garden. By supporting local wildlife, you are helping to preserve the (20) BiSEiVEISity of your area and support its local ecosystem. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 21. Grand Canyon is a land of breathtaking natural beauty and wide regiondiversity which is created by massive mountains, plain areas and deserts. A. difference B. similarity C. stability D. feature 2. In the Philippines, illegal logging is already occurring on a mass scale, which causes the decline of 20% the entire forest area. A. small B. modest C. vast D full Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 23. We always turn off all the electric appliances after working houts to conserve energy in the office »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) A. save B. overuse C. have D. produce 24. Something must definitely be done about global warming or wildfires will start more easily and spread more rapidly. A. undoubtedly B surely C. certainly D. possibly, Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. '5.- "Have you ever visited the Yosemite National Park?" A. Thave visited three different national parks in the USA. B. Itis one of ten best wildlife reserves in the USA. C. Yes, | have read an article about its history in National Geographic. 16.- "Its very kind of you to donate such a big amount of money to help protect native wildlife" A. Itmakes my day to do that B. Its no bother. C. Thatis amazing! D. | am very proud of you. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 27 to 31. Tropical Rainforests Tropical rainforests have (27) us with very many sorts of plants for food, medicine and industry. They could probably supply man more. They also reduce (28) and droughts, keep water clean, and slow down the Greenhouse Effect, (29) the tropical forests are being destroyed to make room for things like farms, ranches, mines and hydroelectric (30) About 20 million hectares are lost each year- an area more than twice the size of Austria. The World Wildlife Fund is working to protect and save the forests that are (31) danger, to plant new trees for fuel wood and to slow down the Greenhouse Effect; and to encourage Govemments to think about the forests and their importance when giving international aid 27. A. given B. brought (CySuippli€d D. donated 28. A. deserts B. floods C.heat —D. hazards 29. Aso B. for C. because Dit 20. A sources B. energy O@USaME =D. cables 3 Aat B. within C onDai Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 32 to 36. Man and most animals need a constant supply of water to live. Farmers need water for their crops. Hydroelectric dams hold back needed water and provide power for homes and industries. Trees and grass, and other piant life play an important part in the natural circulation of water, thus help conserve it. Without plants, most water would run off as soon as it falls, taking away valuable soil. Rapid runoff would cause frequent floods, and leave litle water during dry seasons. Nature has many ways of conserving and controlling water. But man often upsets the water balance in his desire to grow more crops. He drains ponds, swamps and wet land. He ploughs under the natural soil, cuts timber, and dredges and straightens streams. These changes reduce natural storage of water and speed runoff. Water can be held on the land by planting vegetation. Forests and grass should be planted where there are natural growths. Dams built across rivers help hold back the water. Reservoirs behind the dams store water during wet seasons for use in dry seasons. Dams help prevent floods by controlling the flow of water Note: to dredge = to make a river deeper 32. What is the topic of the passage? A Water circulation BUWAtSPESRSERatioh = C. Controlling water D. Use of water 33. What is the consequence of having no plants on land? A. no water B. frequent floods C. dry crops D. valuable soil 34. Which is one of the ways that men do to affect the water balance? A. shortening streams B. cutting down trees »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) (3) C. preserving water D. protecting ponds and swamps 35. What is NOT a natural way of conserving and controlling water? A. ponds B. streams C. swamps D. reservoirs 36. What do people use reservoirs for? A. growing plants B building dams C. storing water D. preventing floods Match the definitions to their corresponding compound nouns given. There is one extra compound noun that you do not need. air- traffic control answering machine junk mail greenhouse effect _ package holiday 37. It's pa 38. They say that working there is much more stressful than being a pilot 39. It's much easier not to have to make your own travel arrangements, 40. It took my mother ages to get used to leaving a message on mine. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 41. A coral reef is one of the most BiGGIVEFSIY ecosystems in the world that is a source of food and A B Cc medicines and protect coastlines from storms D > biodiverse 42. Sea level rise increases the risk of coastal flG6diNGS and has intensified the impact of storms. A B c D > fiooding 43. Although shipping is considered one of the lowest emitting means of transportation, bf the industry A B c D accounts for nearly 3% of global emissions. 30 44. You should draw up a [engetemmed plan which includes creating new areas of habitat, restoring existing B c existing habitats or leaving some areas wild. D > long-term 45. The park welcomes volunteers at its nine ¥iSi{6IS! centres at its headquarters and project areas. A B Cc Bo > visitor Write sentences about the future of ecosystem, using the words given. 46. honestly’ I ike/ live/ planet where/ residents! take care! ecology and environment! > Honestly | would like to live on a planet where residents take care of the ecology and environment. 47. now! wel problems/ garbage and pollution/ because! many factories/ emit/ a lot/ pollutants/ atmosphere > Now we have the problems with garbage and pollution because many factories emit a lot of 48. adcition/ people/ use/ public transport! instead/ their cars/ > In addition, people will use public transport instead of their cars. 49. there/ be/ new technologies/ allow us/ fly/ other planets/ high speed/ > There will b= new technologies to allow us to fly to other planets at high speed. 50. there/ be/ no wars, hunger, of social problems/ and/ everyone! live! peace! and/ enjoy/ lives > THE END— »> Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success) 13 » Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11 (Global Success)

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