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The national

Michael Callow, the main character of the

Susannah, The Princess. the princess

Newsmedia play a very important role in history. news media

The criticism is direct to the society. the society

A member of Royal Family is kidnapped, The
Princess Susannah, and her kidnapper blackmails
her in exchange for the princess’
life...Nevertheless, the kidnapper orders a
strange and disgusting order that involves a
pig, many cameras and the Prime Minister...
a n o f f e r to P r i m e M i n i s t e r :
The kidnapper makes
MA K E L O V E W I T H A P I G, A T 4 P M ,

This message was leaked on Youtube!

this is so
e co ur se of st or y, we we re th in ki ng “W il l
In th
he do sexual acts with a pig or not??

Fisrt, a search for the kidnapper and the

ss is done , but th ey di dn ’t fi nd . Th en , a
woman who works to Prime Minister has an
...W hy do no t we us e vi su al ef fe ct s, a po rn
actor and a pig?

ti me , we tr ac k th e ne ws me di a an d th e
At the same
et y re ac ti ng to th is si tu at io n . Al mo st th e
la ti on wa s wa tc hi ng th is li ke a ba na l
entire popu
rtai nm ent, bu t it wa s ab ou t th e li ve s of tw o
peolple: the Princess and the Prime Minister.
d mo me nt is came .. .w il l he ma ke lo ve
At 4 PM, the awaite
with a pir or not?

Yes...he will do it!

le wa tc h, wi th ou t ce ns or sh ip , th e
About 1,3 billion peop
sg us ti ng ac t. I wo n’ t gi ve th e de ta il s,
shameful and di
because i think it’s not necessary.

th e pr in ce ss is fo un d on a br id ge.. .s afe
After that,
and sound.
In this episode, we can see a criticism of
society, because instead of just not watching
the embarrassed situation...Everybody laughed
and had fun with the fatal case.

We often do this and don’t realize it,because we

are living a “Banality of Evil”, in another
words, bad and negative things are normal to us.
It’s just another day...
It’s just another Saturday...

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