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Name of Teacher: Catherine L.

Mollenido Grade Level: 7

Learning Area: TLE 7 Quarter: First Quarter

Learning Competency:
Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PECs) needed in computer systems servicing
TLE_PECS7-12- 00-1
Lesson No.: 1 - Foundations of Information and Communication Duration: 3 hours
Key Understanding Students will comprehend the significance of ICT in today's world and its
to be Developed various components and applications.

Learning Objectives Knowledge Define ICT and explain its

importance in daily life.
Skills Use ICT in modern society

Attitude Cultivate a sense of

responsibility and ethical
behavior when using digital
Resources Needed Classroom with computers and internet access, textbooks or online
resources, handouts and study materials
Preparation Introductory  Prayer
Activity  Checking of Attendance
 Review

Presentation Activity Scavenger Hunt Items

- Make a list of ICT-related items, concepts or
tasks. List can include both physical items and
digital concepts. Ex. A computer keyboard,
WiFi Router, a mobile app for communication.
Analysis  What are the lists of physical items and digital
concepts that you have listed?

 How does the physical items and digital

Abstraction 1. What is ICT, and how does it impact our daily
2. What are the key components of an ICT system?
3. How has ICT transformed the way we
communicate and access information?
4. What are the primary goals of ICT in education,
business, and healthcare?
5. What ethical considerations should individuals
and organizations take into account when using

Practice Application Group Project: Collaborative project where students

create a simple presentation on an ICT-related topic.

Assessment Level of What will I How will I assess How will I

Assessment assess score
Process or
Products/ Assess students' Hands-On Activity Rubrics
Performances ability to perform “Fundamental
basic computer Computer
tasks and Operation”
Assignment Reinforcing Online Research and Exploration: Encourage Let the
students explore relevant websites and digital tools.

Preparing for Research the concept of hardware compatibility and
the new lesson explain why it is essential when building or upgrading a
computer. Provide an example of an incompatible
hardware configuration and explain the issues it can

Grading Rubric:

 Excellent (25-30 points): The student demonstrates a profound understanding of ICT

concepts, impeccable practical skills, exceptional problem-solving abilities, outstanding
collaboration, and a compelling presentation.
 Proficient (20-24 points): The student shows a strong grasp of ICT concepts, proficient
practical skills, effective problem-solving, satisfactory collaboration, and a clear
 Competent (15-19 points): The student demonstrates a basic understanding of ICT
concepts, acceptable practical skills, attempts at problem-solving, basic collaboration,
and a somewhat clear presentation.
 Developing (10-14 points): The student has a limited understanding of ICT concepts,
struggles with practical skills, requires substantial assistance in problem-solving,
minimally collaborates, and has an unclear presentation.
 Beginning (0-9 points): The student demonstrates minimal understanding of ICT
concepts, lacks practical skills, does not engage in problem-solving, does not collaborate,
and has a poor presentation.

Prepared by: Mrs. Catherine L. Mollenido, MSIT

Noted by: Mrs. Rebecca R. Duran

Name of Teacher: Catherine L. Mollenido Grade Level: 7

Learning Area: TLE 7 Quarter: First Quarter

Learning Competency:
Select appropriate hardware and software according to task assigned and required outcome TLE_IACSS9-
Lesson No.: 2 - Understanding Computer Hardware Duration: 4 hours/4days
Key Understanding Students will comprehend the role and significance of computer hardware
to be Developed in a computing system.

Learning Objectives Knowledge Identify the primary functions

of the central processing unit
(CPU), memory, storage
devices, and input/output
Skills Assemble and disassemble a
computer system.
Attitude Develop a curiosity and
interest in computer hardware.
Resources Needed Classroom with computers and internet access, textbooks or online
resources, handouts and study materials
Preparation Introductory  Prayer
Activity  Checking of Attendance
 Review

Presentation Activity Hands-on demonstration of computer hardware

components, their functions, and how they fit together.

Analysis  What are the various components of a


 How does the CPU process data, performs

calculation, manage and execute programs?
1. What is computer hardware, and how does it
differ from software?
2. What are the primary components of a computer
system, and what functions do they perform?
3. How has computer hardware evolved over the
years, from the early days of computing to
modern technology?
4. What is the significance of hardware
compatibility, and why is it essential when
building or upgrading a computer?
5. What are the environmental and ethical
considerations associated with computer
hardware disposal and recycling?

Practice Application Troubleshooting Exercises: Simulated Hardware Issues

Assign each student or group a specific hardware issue

to simulate. Examples of issues include:
 Loose or improperly connected RAM modules.
 Loose or disconnected data or power cables.
 Faulty or mismatched power supply.
 Overheating due to dust buildup.
 Incompatible or malfunctioning hardware (e.g.,
 BIOS or firmware errors.

Instruct students to follow the step-by-step instructions

to simulate the issue and document the symptoms.

Assessment Level of What will I How will I assess How will I

Assessment assess score
Process or
Products/ Hardware Hands-On Activity Rubrics
Performances Assembly/Disass
embly: Evaluate “Assembly and
Disassembly of
students' ability to
Computer System”
assemble and
disassemble a
computer system.

Assess students'
skills in
diagnosing and
hardware issues.

Assignment Reinforcing Hardware Upgrade Proposal:

Make research and propose hardware upgrade for a

given scenario. Ex. Slow Performance, Aging Hardware
(reaches the expected lifespan of hardware)

Preparing for Research and provide a brief overview of Microsoft
the new lesson Word, including its purpose and primary features.

Grading Rubric:

 Excellent (25-30 points): The student demonstrates a profound understanding of

computer hardware, impeccable practical skills, exceptional problem-solving abilities, a
strong sense of safety and responsibility, and a compelling presentation.
 Proficient (20-24 points): The student shows a strong grasp of computer hardware
concepts, proficient practical skills, effective problem-solving, satisfactory safety and
responsibility, and a clear presentation.
 Competent (15-19 points): The student demonstrates a basic understanding of computer
hardware, acceptable practical skills, attempts at problem-solving, basic safety and
responsibility, and a somewhat clear presentation.
 Developing (10-14 points): The student has a limited understanding of computer
hardware, struggles with practical skills, requires substantial assistance in problem-
solving, minimally adheres to safety and responsibility, and has an unclear presentation.
 Beginning (0-9 points): The student demonstrates minimal understanding of computer
hardware, lacks practical skills, does not engage in problem-solving, disregards safety
and responsibility guidelines, and has a poor presentation.

Prepared by: Mrs. Catherine L. Mollenido, MSIT

Noted by: Mrs. Rebecca R. Duran

Name of Teacher: Catherine L. Grade Level: 7

Learning Area: TLE 7 Quarter: First Quarter

Learning Competency:
Enter the data into the computer using appropriate program/application in accordance with company
procedures TLE_IACSS9- 12PCO–Id-e-5

Lesson No.: 3 - Introduction to Microsoft Duration: 2 hours


Key Understanding Students will understand the core features and functions of Microsoft
to be Developed Word and how to create, format, and edit documents.

Learning Objectives Knowledge Understand the concept of word processing and its
Skills  Create a new document in Microsoft Word.
 Format text, including changing font style,
size, and color.
 Format paragraphs, including alignment and
 Create bulleted and numbered lists.
 Save a document in a chosen file format and
 Print a document with appropriate settings.

Attitude Embrace responsible file management practices.

Resources Needed
Preparation Introductory  Prayer
Activity  Checking of Attendance
 Review

Presentation Activity Interactive demonstration of the Microsoft Word

interface and its key features.

Analysis Group discussion on the practical applications of

word processing.

Abstraction 1. What is Microsoft Word, and what is its

primary purpose?
2. How has Microsoft Word evolved over the
years, and what are its latest features?
3. Why is Microsoft Word considered a
valuable tool for word processing tasks?

Practice Application Document Management: Instruct students to save

and organize their documents in folders.

Assessment Level of What will I assess How will I How will I

Assessment assess score
Process or Skills
Products/ Formatting Tasks: Hands-on Rubric
Performances Evaluate students' Activity
ability to perform
formatting tasks in
Microsoft Word.

Document Creation:
Assess the quality of
the document created
by each student,
including formatting,
organization, and
adherence to

Printing and Saving:

Check students'
ability to save
documents in the
desired format and
print with appropriate

Assignment Reinforcing
Preparing for the Research on the fundamental text editing and
new lesson formatting features in Microsoft Word

Grading Rubric:
 Excellent (25-30 points): Thoroughly researched, well-organized, and articulate responses that demonstrate a deep
understanding of text editing and formatting in Microsoft Word. The assignment task is completed successfully.
 Proficient (20-24 points): Effective research and organization, with clear explanations and evidence of understanding,
with proficient performance on the assignment task.
 Competent (15-19 points): Adequate research and organization, with explanations and understanding of key concepts
but lacking depth and clarity in some areas. The assignment task is partially completed.
 Developing (10-14 points): Responses show limited research, organization, and understanding; they are vague and
lack detail. The assignment task is attempted but with notable gaps.
 Beginning (0-9 points): Responses are minimal, lack organization, and do not demonstrate a clear understanding of the
topics. The assignment task is not completed or lacks substantial effort.

Prepared by: Mrs. Catherine L. Mollenido, MSIT

Noted by: Mrs. Rebecca R. Duran

Name of Teacher: Catherine L. Mollenido Grade Level: 7

Learning Area: TLE 7 Quarter: First Quarter

Learning Competency:
Select, open, and close desktop for navigation purposes TLE_IACSS9- 12PCO-Ie-f-6

Lesson No.: 4 - Working with Text in Microsoft Word Duration: 4 hours

Key Understanding By the end of this module, learners will understand the essential features
to be Developed of Microsoft Word and be able to effectively utilize them for formatting
and managing text in documents.

Learning Objectives Knowledge Understand the basic interface

of Microsoft Word.

Comprehend various font and

paragraph formatting options.

Know how to create and

modify styles.

Understand text alignment,

spacing, and indentation.

Recognize the use of headers

and footers.

Understand the importance of

spell check and grammar

Skills Apply formatting options for

text (font style, size, color,

Format paragraphs and apply

appropriate line spacing.

Create and apply custom

styles to text.

Align text, adjust margins, and

indent paragraphs.

Insert headers and footers in


Utilize spell check and

grammar check effectively.

Attitude Develop a willingness to

experiment with formatting

Cultivate an eye for detail and

consistency in document

Foster a proactive approach to

proofreading and editing

Resources Needed
Preparation Introductory  Prayer
Activity  Checking of Attendance
 Review

Presentation Activity 1. Introduce the Microsoft Word interface, its

various elements, and functions.
2. Demonstrate how to apply basic formatting to
text (font, size, color, bold, italics, etc.).
3. Show how to format paragraphs (line spacing,
4. Discuss the creation and application of styles.
5. Explain text alignment, margins, and
6. Walkthrough the use of spell check and
grammar check.

Analysis Group discussion on the importance of consistent and

visually appealing formatting in documents.

Abstraction 1. What is Microsoft Word, and why is it

commonly used for text processing?
2. How can you create a new document in
Microsoft Word?
3. Explain the purpose of the Ribbon in Microsoft
4. What is the function of the Quick Access
Toolbar, and how can you customize it?

Practice Application Hands-on exercises for students to practice formatting

text, paragraphs, and applying styles.

Format a sample document that includes headers,

footers, and references.

Assessment Level of What will I How will I assess How will I

Assessment assess score
Knowledge Conduct a quiz to Pen and Paper 10 pts. each
evaluate students'
knowledge of
Microsoft Word's
interface and

Include questions
on the use of
formatting tools
and style creation.

Test their
understanding of
spell check and
grammar check.

Process or
Assignment Reinforcing
Preparing for Students will be tasked with creating a well-structured,
the new lesson professionally formatted document of their choice. This
could be a report, a resume, or any other document that
requires text formatting.

Prepared by: Mrs. Catherine L. Mollenido, MSIT

Noted by: Mrs. Rebecca R. Duran

Name of Teacher: Catherine L. Grade Level: 7


Learning Area: TLE 7 Quarter: First Quarter

Learning Competency: Process entered data using appropriate software commands TLE_IACSS9-

Lesson No.: 5 - Introduction to Duration: 3 hours

Microsoft PowerPoint
Key Understanding Understanding the fundamental concepts and functionalities of Microsoft
to be Developed PowerPoint as a tool for creating presentations to effectively
communicate information and ideas.

Learning Objectives Knowledge Understand the purpose and primary uses of Microsoft
Skills Acquire proficiency in creating new presentations,
opening existing ones, and saving presentations in
different formats.
Attitude Foster a positive attitude towards learning and
exploring new software tools like Microsoft
Resources Needed Access to computers with Microsoft PowerPoint installed & Projector or
screen for presentations.
Preparation Introductory  Prayer
Activity  Checking of Attendance
 Review

Presentation Activity Interactive tutorial session demonstrating basic

PowerPoint functions like creating slides, adding text,
inserting images, and applying formatting.

Analysis Breakdown of sample presentations to analyze design

elements, slide layouts, and use of multimedia.

Abstraction Discussion on best practices for creating engaging

presentations and the importance of effective
Practice Application  Students will create a simple presentation on a
topic of their choice, applying the skills learned
during the tutorial session.
 They will practice creating slides, formatting
text, inserting images, and adding basic
animations or transitions.

Assessment Level of What will I How will I assess How will I

Assessment assess score
Knowledge Pen and Paper 10 pts. each
Process or
Assignment Reinforcing
Preparing for Create a 5-slide presentation introducing yourself to the
the new lesson class. Include a title slide, a slide with your personal
information, a slide highlighting your interests or
hobbies, a slide showcasing your skills or achievements,
and a closing slide thanking the audience. Ensure proper
formatting, alignment, and use of visuals to enhance the
presentation's appeal. Present your slides to the class,
focusing on clear delivery and engagement.

Grading Rubric:

 Excellent (25-30 points): The student demonstrates a profound understanding of

computer hardware, impeccable practical skills, exceptional problem-solving abilities, a
strong sense of safety and responsibility, and a compelling presentation.
 Proficient (20-24 points): The student shows a strong grasp of computer hardware
concepts, proficient practical skills, effective problem-solving, satisfactory safety and
responsibility, and a clear presentation.
 Competent (15-19 points): The student demonstrates a basic understanding of computer
hardware, acceptable practical skills, attempts at problem-solving, basic safety and
responsibility, and a somewhat clear presentation.
 Developing (10-14 points): The student has a limited understanding of computer
hardware, struggles with practical skills, requires substantial assistance in problem-
solving, minimally adheres to safety and responsibility, and has an unclear presentation.
 Beginning (0-9 points): The student demonstrates minimal understanding of computer
hardware, lacks practical skills, does not engage in problem-solving, disregards safety
and responsibility guidelines, and has a poor presentation.

Prepared by: Mrs. Catherine L. Mollenido, MSIT

Noted by: Mrs. Rebecca R. Duran

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