Practice 1

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Some examples of violations of law and legal responsibilities:

Breach of contract: Failure to properly perform obligations under a signed

contract, for example, failure to pay money, failure to deliver goods on time, etc.
Legal responsibility is to compensate the victim based on the actual level of
damage and release the contract
Speeding: Driving over the speed limit is a violation of traffic laws. The liability
is to pay fines and possibly face other consequences such as license suspension
or increased insurance premiums. Intentionally causing injury: Causing harm to
the health of others. Depending on many factors such as the level of injury and
purpose, there will be civil and criminal liability
Theft: Taking another person's property without their consent is a violation of
the law. The liability in this case is to return the stolen property and may face
criminal charges.
Violating personal rights: Infringing on the honor, dignity, and reputation of
others, such as slander, insults, humiliating others, etc. Legal liability is
compensation for material and mental losses; serious cases may face criminal

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