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1.this photo shows that the girl is sitting next to her dog and looking the sunshine.

They are sitting on the

grass field and turning the face to the lake which is at the center of the lake. The color of the picture
looks very gloomy and has a sad vibe. Maybe she is meeting some problems in her life

2.This is the photo of a dog putting its face(resting his head) on the laptop. The dog has brown fur and its
eyes stared at the camera. Behide the dog, I see the body of one person so I think the dog is clinging to
its owner and waiting for him to finish his work.

3. this picture shows the action of someone who is doughing. He is using two his hands and putting force
into them to make the perfect dough on a brown table. He might prepare for a cake to give a present for

4.this is a picture of two elderly women who are probably good friends. One lady is standing up with her
hands on the other’s shoulders. The lady who is sitting down is looking at the camera. They are probably
reviewing old memories together.

5. this is a picture of the inside of the train. Inside the train, there are no person who is sitting to wait to
the next destination. For that, maybe this is a final tour of the day and the driver is driving back to the
station to rest and end the day.

This is a picture of a completely empty subway car. It looks like a modern subway with two rows of clean
blue seats on each side of the car with advertisements above them.

6.this is a great photo of an amusement park at night time. The two rides in this image are lit up with
orange lights and are spinning quickly

7.this is a picture of a woman throwing colorful powder and smiling. There is a group of women around
her doing the same thing and laughing. This photo was probably taken at a festival.

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