C 09 PHY Mechanical Properties of Fluids 16.4.2024 - 0001

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PltY$lGs c-09
SYLLABUS : I\,4echanical Properties of Fluids

1. The fraction of a floating object of volume vo and density (a) rises till half the number of stones are unloaded and
do above the surface of a liquid of density dwill be then begins to fall
(b) remains unchanged
d^ ddo
(a) ; &) 7A (d)
ddo 6. The force acting on a window of area 50 crn x 50 ctn of a
(c) ; -d^
(d) 7-, submarine at a depth of2000 m in an ocean, interior ofwhich
is maintained at sea level atmospheric pressure is
2. The pressure at depth i below the surface ofa liquid of
density p open to the atmosphere is
(Densityofseawater: 103 kgn-3, g:
(a) greater than the atrnospheric pressure by pgh (a) 106N &) *s
" l05N
(b) less than the atmospheric pr€ssure by pqh (c) 25 x 106N (d) 5 x lo6N
(c) equal to the atmospheric pressure 1 . Ice pieces are floating in a beaker A containing water and also
(d) decreases exponentially with depth in a beaker B containing miscible liquid ofryecific gravity 1.2'
3. Water is flowing through a horizontal pipe having a When ice melts, the level of
resfiction, then (a) water increases inA (b) water decreases in A
(a) pressure will be greater at therestriction. (c) liquidinBdecreases (d) liquidinBincreases
O) pressure will be greater in the wider portion. 8. If the atmospheric pressure is Pu, then the pressure P at
(c) pressu€ will be same through out the length of the depth h below the surface of a liquid of density p open
pipe to the atmosphere is
(d) None of these
(a) P^-T O) Pu-PBh
4. A block of wood floats in water with (3tn *n, volume
(c) Pa (d) Pu + pgh
liquid, the density
9. A homogeneous solid cylinder of length L (L < IV2). Cross-
suknerged. Ifthe same blockjust floats in a
sectional area A"/5 is immersed such that it lloats with '
ofthe liquid (in kg m-3) is axis vertical at the liquidJiqurd interface u'ith iength L/4 i
(a) t2s0 O) 600 (c) 400 (d) 800 the denser liquid as shown in the fig. The lower densit',
5. A boat carrying a few number of big stones floats in a water liquid is open to atmosphere having pressure Pr. Thc
tank. Ifthe stones are unloaded into water, the water level density of solid is given bY
Spacefor Rough Work
PHYSrcs [c-oeJ
16. The onset of turbulence in a liquid is determined by
(a) Pascal'slaw (b) Magnus effect
Gi Reynold'snumber (d) Bernoulli'spnnciple
17. i"rnooili'* principle is not involved in the workingl
explanation of
(a) movementofsPinningball
(b) carburetor ofautomobile
d (c) blades ofakitchen mixer
"d (b) d (c)d (d) (d) heartattack
4 5 1 flows through a tube of uniform cross-section with
The working ofventurimeter is based on
18. eiiquia
10. a constant speed in the direction as shown by the
(a) Torriceili'slaw (b) Pascal'slaw
in fig. The liquid exerts on the tube
i;i Bemoulli'stheorem (d) Archimedes'principle ..
11. A fireman must reach a window 40m above the gto"n{-*'lh {- a-
a water jet, from anozzle 3cmdiameter
discharging 30 kg/s'
Assuming thenozzleheight of 2m, determine the greatest 1
fireman stand and
Jittur"" iot" the buildin[ where the can
{- <-
still reach the jet into the window'
(a) l4ktl O) l02nt (a) a net force to the left
(d) (b) a net force to the right
(c) l82m 120m
(c) an anticlockwise torque
12. Choose the correct statement
(d) a clockwise torque
iui- i"t*inul velocities of rain drops are proportional to
square oftheir radii
19. iptrericat tatls ofradius'R' are falling in a viscous fluid of
(b) fater proof agents decrease the angle of contact viscosity'q' with a velocity'v'' The retarding viscous force
between water and fib'res acting on the sPherical ball is
(c) Detergents increase the surface tension ofwater (a) inrrerselyproportional tobothradius'R' andvelocity'v'
iO Hydrailic machines work on the principle ofTorricelli's CI directlyproportional to both radius 'R' and velocity 'v'
law ("i directly proportional to' R' but inversely proportional
13. Toricelli's theorem is used to find to 'v'
(a) the velocity ofefflux through an orifice' (d) inverselyproportional to'R' but directlyproportional
O) the velocity of flow of liquid through a pipe' to velocitY 'v'
(c) terminalvelocitY 20. Ifthe terminat speed ofa sphere ofgold (density = 19't Ur-"
(d) criticalvelocitY. is 0.2 m/s in a viscous liquid (density: l '5 kg/m3), findthe
14. issertion : Pascai's law is the working principle of a :
terminal speed of a sphere of silver (density l0'5 kg/mr) of
hydrauliclift' the same size in the same liquid
d""too : Pressure is equal tothe thrust per unit area'
(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason ls a (a) 0.4mls 0) 0'133m/s
(c) 0.1m/s (d) 0'2m/s
corr@t explanation for assertion'
21. Ufni"n ofthe foltowing is the velocitytime graph of a small
O) Assertion is correcto reason is correct; reason is not a spherical body falling through a long columns of a viscous
correct explanation for assertion
(c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect liquid?
(.1 Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct'
15. iiu"t i, filled with water upto a height H. water is allowed
lo come out of a hole P in one ofthe walls at a depth h below
the surface of water (see fig.) Express the horizontal distance (b)
X interms Handh'
(a) x = lfiG-h)

o) x=F ;
(c) x = 2fi-1r{-+t (c) (d)

(d) x = arF(E-$ t
Spucelor Rough Work
PHYsrcs [c-oeJ 3l
22. An air bubble ofradius I cm rises with terminal velocity 0.2 I 30. Surface tension may be defined as
cm/s in liquid column. If the density of liquid is 1.47 x 103 (a) the work done per unit area in increasing the surface
kd*3. Then the value of coefficient of viscosity of liquid area of a liquid unde.r isothermal condition
ignoring the density of air, will be (b) the work done per unit area in increasing the surface
(t f .it , l0apoise (b) l-82 x l0apoise area ofa liquid under the adiabatic condition
(c) 1.78 x 10a poise (d)
1'52 x 104 poise (c) the work done per unit area in increasing the surface
area of liquid under both isothermal and adiabatic
23. The relative velocityoftwo pmallel layers ofwater is 8 cm/
sec. Ifthe perpendicular distance between the layers is 0' 1
cm. Then velocity gradient will be
(d) free surface energy per unit volume
(a) S0isec (b) 60 /sec 31. A glass tube of uniform internal radius (r) has a valve
(d) 40/sec separating the two identical ends. Initially, the valve is in a
(c) 5Oisec tightly closed position. End I has a hemispherical soap
24. \l'hat is the velocity v of a metallic ball ofradius r falling in
bubble ofradius r. End 2 has sub-hunispherical soap bubble
a tank ofliquid at the instant when its acceleration is one -
as shown in figure. Just after opening the valve
half that of a freely falling body ? (The dansities of metal
andofliquid are P and o respectively, and theviscosityof
the liquid is t1).
r'o r g
(a) ,fto-z"l (b) Sftzo-ol
2 1

(a) air from end 1 flows towards end 2. No change in the

,2o 2r2s
(c) (d) volume of the soaP bubbles
fto-"1 (b) air from end I flows towards end 2. Volume ofthe soap
bubble at end I decreases
25. Column Columnll
(A) law
Stoke's (1) Pressure energy (c) no change occurs
@) Turbulence @ HYdrauliclift (d) air from end 2 flows towards end l. Volume ofthe soap
(Q Bernoulli'sprinciple (3) Viscous drag bubble at end I increases
(D) Pascal's law (4) Reynold's number 32. If two glass plates have water bstween them and are
(a) (B)-) -+(l) +(2) separated by very small distance (see figure), it is very
(A) -+ (3) ; (4) ; (C) ; (D)
diffrcult to pulI them apart. It is because the water in between
O) (A) +(1) ;(B)+ (2) ; (C)-+(3) ; (D)-+ (4) forms cylindrical surface on the side that gives rise to lower
(c) (A)-+(2) ;(B)+(l) ;(c)-+(2);(D)-+ (3) pressure in the water in comparison to atmosphere. If the
(d) (A) -+(3) ; (B)-+(a) ;(c)-+(2) ; (D)-+(1)
radius ofthe cylindrical surface is R and surface tension of
26. A rain drop ofradius 0.3 mm has a terminal velocityin air =
water is T then the pressure in water between the plates is
I m/s. The viscosity of air is 8 * l0-5 poise. The viscous
lower by
force on it is
(a) 45.2 x 10-4dyne (b) 101.73x10-5 dyne
("i 16.95 x lOa dyne (d) 16.95 x l0*s dyne - Cvlindrical surface
27. A spherical ball ofiron ofradius 2 mm is falling through a
column of glycerine. If densities of g-lycerine and iron are -of
respectivety t: x 103kg/m3 and8 x 103 kg/m3. qfcrgllcerine
:0.83 Nm-2 then the terminal velocity is
(") * 2T
oT 4T

(a) 0.7mls O) 0.07m/s T T

(c) 0.007m/s (d) 0'0007m/s G) (d)R
28. With the increase oftemperature, the surface tension ofthe
liquid 33. Angle of contact with a solid surface does not depend on
(a) may increase or decrease depending on the density of (a) angle between solid and liquid surfaces.
liquid O) the nature of liquid and solid,
(b) remains the same
(c) the nature of solid surface.
(c) always increases (d) always decreases
(d) medium of the liquid surface.
34. Angle of contact varies between
29. The angle ofcontact between pure water and pure glass, is
(a) 0ton (b) nl2to3n/2
(a) (b) 4s" (c) 0 to 2n (d) nto2 n
o 9f (d) 135"
SPacefor RoughWorh
l4 PHYStcs [c-oeJ
35. A waterproofing ageot changes the angle of contact (c) Assertion is correcl reason is incorrect
(a) from obtuse to acute. (d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
(b) from acute to obtuse. 42. A 20 cm long capillary tube is dipped in water. The water
from obtuse lo NfZ. rises up to 8 cm. Ifthe entire arrangement is put in a freely
(d) from acute to r/ 2. falling elwator the length ofwater column in the capillary
36. Cotumnl C-olumntr tubewillbe
(A) Bemoullis theorem (1) Narrower pipes have less (a) 10 cm O) 8 cm (c) 20 qn (d) 4 sn
pressure 43. A capillary tube (A) is dipped in water. Another identical
tube (B) is dipped in a soap-water solution. Which of the
@) Ballmovingwithspin (2) Paintgun
(Q Artificialhighpressure(3) Non-viscous fluids following shows the relative nature ofthe liquidcolumnsin
@) Streamlineflow (4) Conservation of energy the two tubes?
(5) Uplift due to Pressure
(a) (A)'+ (3,4) ; (B) -+ (s) ; (C) -+ (2) ; (D) -+ ( 1,3)
O) (A) -+(l) ; (B)-+ (2) ;(c)-+(3) ; (D) -+ (4)
(c) (A)+(2) ;(B)-+(s) ;(c)-+(a);@)-+ (3) (a)
(d) (A) -+ (3) ; (B) -+ (s) ; (c) + (2) ; (D) -+ ( l)
37. Kerosene oil rises up in a wick of a lantern because of
(a) diffusion of the oil through the wick A B
(b) capillaryaction
(c) buoyant force ofair
(d) the gravitational pull of the wick (b)
38. The rise in the water level in a capillarytube of radius 0.07
cm when dipped vertically in a beaker containing water of
surface tension 0.07 Nm-' is 19: 19 rn -',
(a) 2qn O) 4m D

(c) 1.5cm (d) 3crn

39 . tn a capillary rise experiment, the water level rises to a height
of 5 cm. If the same capillary tube is placed in water such
that only 3 cm ofthe tube projects outside the water level,
(a) water will begin to overflowthrough the capillary A B
(b) angle ofcontact decreases
(c) angle ofcontact increasss
(d) the meniscus completely vanishes (d)
40. Wax is coated on the inner wall of a capillarytube and the
tube is then dipped in water. Then, compared to the unwaxed
capillary, the angle ofcontact 0 and the height ft upto which 44. Work done in increasing the size of a soap bubble from a
water rises change. These changes are : radius of 3 cm to 5 cm is nearly (Surface tension ofsoap
(a) 0 increases and i also increases solution = 0.03 Nm-l)
O) 0 decreases and ft also decreases (a) 0.2mmJ (b) zntll,l
(c) '0 increases and i decreases (c) 0.4nmJ (d) 4nrt''l
(d) 0 decreases and ft increases 45. An open glass tube is immersed in mercury in such a way
41. Assertion : Lifting of aircraft is caused by pressure that a length of 8 cm extends above the mercurylevel. The
difference broughtbyvarying speed of air molecules. open end ofthe tube is then closed and sealed and the tube
Reason : As the wingd aerofoils move against the wind, is raised vertically up by additional 46 qr.. What will be
the streamlines crowd more above them than below, causing length ofthe air column above mercury in the tube now?
higher velocity above than below. (Atmospheric pressure:76 cm of Hg)
(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct: reason is a (a) l6crn (b) 22srt
correct explanation for assertion. (c) 38crn (d) 6crn
(b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a
correct explanation for asssrtion

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