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Ancient Civilization




The excavations carried out at Hathial mound at east of

Taxilla museum revealed for the first time Gandhara
grave culture. Gandhara is the name of ancient kingdom
Mahajapada which lasted from 1st millennium BC to
11th century AD. Gandhara’s language was Prakirit,
stucco as well as stone was widely used by sculptors.
Taxilla is considered as pearl of Gandhara civilization.
Gandhara was located in the northern trunk road;
several roads branch out from there providing access
through rivers and passes, isolated by natural
boundaries. This ideal geographic location
transformed Gandhara into the meeting place of
several cultures through traders’ invaders religious
leaders. Primary cities were Purushapura, Takshashila
and Pushkalavati which remained capital of it
until 2nd century AD.

Gandhara known as the second holy land of
Buddhism was a center of Buddhist religious
practices. From where it spread towards Japan,
Korea, China and South East Asia. Buddhism is a
religion that developed from the teachings of Buddha
(SANS: Awakened eye) a teacher who lived in
northern India between mid-6th and 4th century
BCE. Gautama Buddha through his ideas played a
central role in the spiritual, social, and cultural life of
Asia, born as a prince and annoyed by the comforts
of life he once experienced outer world. What he
taught is nothing is lost in universe, matter turns into
energy and energy turns into matter, a dead leaf turns
into life, we are born of our parents our children are
born of us. Siddhartha Gautama who was the only
man in the history to be regarded as god by a larger
part of mankind said of himself: Buddhas only point
the way.

A new style of art was created particularly in sculpture
which was due the influence of Greek on local style and
culture. The basic iconography however remained
Indian. The art crafts are approximately 15000 years
old. Most recent excavations point to 3000 years before
present. The foremost contribution of Gandhara art is in
portrayal of Buddha in the human form. The materials
used for Gandhara sculpture were green phyllite and
gray-blue mica schist which they used to paint and
sculpt Buddha in realistic details. Rock carvings are
remnants by Buddha found at specific locations where
one could have perfect solace, serenity and isolation
from humdrum life, along these carvings only
melodious chirping of birds can be heard. In their
interpretation of Buddhist legends, Gandhara
interpolated many motifs and techniques from classical
roman art which they used to paint episodes of Buddhas
life from his birth to death.


These mainly consisted of stupas built for veneration

above Buddhas relics, among which the important one
is sanchi stupa built by Emperor Asoka. Religious
architecture comprised of monasteries and prayer halls
or shrines which were named as Viharas and Chaityas
respectively. Several architectural features of the stupa
have a symbolic meaning transforming it into a model
of cosmos.



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