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Agreement number:2021.03.09 V4.




(Party A): Ahlan Operation Team

(Party B):

Agency Agreement

1. When signing the agreement, both parties should read the agreement carefully. After the agreement

is signed in accordance with the law, it has legal effect and both parties must strictly implement it.

2. The agreement must be signed and sealed by the legal representative of A and the legal

representative of B in person.

3. After the two parties have negotiated and determined, they should clearly fill in the blank fields in

the agreement reference text; for the blank fields that do not need to be filled in, please mark "/".

4. After the two parties reach an agreement, they can indicate in the agreement the modification of the

reference text of the agreement or the modification of the matters not covered in the agreement, or they can

sign a supplementary agreement after consensus; the supplementary agreement signed separately will be an

annex to the agreement And the agreement is executed together.

5. After the agreement is signed, it is an electronic version and cannot be unilaterally changed.

Both parties abide by the principles of lawfulness, fairness, equality, voluntariness, consensus, and
honesty and credibility to enter into this agreement.

Party A: Ahlan Operation Team

WhatsApp: 0086 18022417350



Party B:

phone number:

ID card:




Agency ID:

Agency name:

Owner UID:

After friendly negotiation, both parties decided to reach the following contract, and Party B signed a
contract to become Party A’s host brokerage company. Both parties agree to sign an agreement in accordance
with the following terms and strictly abide by it. The content of the contract is as follows:

Item 1: Scope of Cooperation

Party B is responsible for recruiting and managing the hosts, signing contracts with the hosts,
organizing the hosts to perform on Party A's platform every month, and training, supervising, and regulating
the live broadcast behavior of its hosts to ensure that the live broadcast behavior of the hosts complies with
laws, regulations and relevant regulations of Party A.

Party A is responsible for providing network platforms and technical services, and has the right to warn
and punish Party B and its selected hosts for inappropriate behavior. Party A shall pay Party B’s service fees
on time every month.

Item 2: Duration of cooperation

This agreement will be effective from the date of signing, and will be valid until December 31, 2021.
After the validity period expires, the agreement is automatically terminated. During the validity period of the
agreement, if Party B has lost qualifications or breached the agreement, Party A shall have the right to
unilaterally terminate the agreement. This agreement and the rights and obligations of both parties agreed
upon by Party A shall terminate from the date of notification by Party A, with the exception of the breach of
contract liability.

Item 3: Conditions for Party B to become Party A’s host brokerage company

1. Party B organizes hosts to perform on Party A’s network platform every period. Party B is
responsible for the distribution of the treatment of hosts, and Party B is responsible for paying taxes and
fees, and shall not violate the tax regulations of relevant countries.
2. The hosts provided by Party B must be certified by Party A before it can officially become an hosts;
3. Party A has the right to request the hosts provided by Party B to participate in the legal online
activities arranged by Party A;

4. The hosts recruited by Party B must abide by relevant national laws and regulations during the live

broadcast, and at the same time abide by the code of conduct of Party A's platform. Please refer to the
"Ahlan Chat Hosts Guidelines" for details. If there is a violation, Party A has the right to deduct the host’s
treatment (including salary or commission income) from the remuneration paid to Party B in accordance
with the "Ahlan Chat Host Guidelines". If the circumstances are serious, Party A has the right to terminate
the cooperation with the host.Party B shall replace the hosts unconditionally.

5. In view of the fact that Party A’s platform develops some small games for consumer entertainment,

gold coins are only used for platform games and rewards, and it is strictly forbidden to cash out. Party B
promises that it and the host hired shall not exchange money with platform consumers in any name.
Otherwise, once discovered, Party B’s qualifications to become a brokerage company will be cancelled and
Party A will be responsible for compensation if it constitutes a crime. Party A has the right to transfer to the
relevant national police agency.

6. In order to cooperate with Party A to create a green, safe, and high-quality online voice live

broadcast platform, Party B shall regularly conduct self-inspection of its hired hosts, establish a sound
supervisory self-examination system and report to Party A for the record. The content and scope of
supervisory self-examination include but not Limited to the host’s identity information, the host’s language
behavior, the communication and interaction behavior between the host and the platform consumers, etc., to
ensure that Party B’s own and the hired host’s behavioral norms are legal. Once the host’s behavior is found
to be illegal, Party B shall immediately notify Party A to deal with it. Party A shall provide Party A with the
corresponding information of the host involved. Party A has the right to put the illegal information of the
host involved on the platform for public notice and punishment. If a violation or crime is caused, Party A
may transfer it to the relevant state agency for punishment.

Item 4: The methods and conditions for Party B to withdraw Party A’s remuneration
1. The fees paid by Party A to Party B include the salaries of all the hosts of Party B and Party B’s
management fees.
2. Party B’s expenses (all hosts’ salaries and Party B’s management fees) will be settled by Party A once
a month, and settlement will be arranged on the 1st to 20th of each month, and it will be postponed on
3. Party B’s expenses (all hosts’ salaries and Party B’s management fees) shall be settled by Party A
(official finance) to Party B;
4. When Party B signs the agreement, it agrees to use the payment method arranged by Party A first,
and the handling fee shall be borne by Party B (the handling fee can be waived for good performance)
5. When Party B’s remuneration is less than US$100, it will pay Party B virtual gold coins
6. When the host’s salary is 0, the host’s guild president management fee is also 0
7. Party B needs to provide a collection account that can be used normally:

Account Name:
Bank Name:
Bank Account:
Union Pay Number:

If Party B’s account information is changed, it must notify Party A’s mailbox and operating personnel
by email 7 working days in advance, such as payment delays or losses due to Party B’s account, or due to
system reasons, Party B’s violation of Party A’s relevant rules or Other special reasons will lead to the
extension of the settlement cycle, and Party A shall not be liable for this.

8. The remuneration form is as follows:

Pendapatan Pendapata Komisi Gaji Total Bonus
Hari Jam Bonus1 Bonus2 Bonus3
Hadiah n Diamond( Dasar Gaji Agency
Siaran Siaran (VIP) (MOBIL) (BINGKAI)
Diamond ≈) Host Host

3000 $4 $5 $9 $1
1 10000 7 20 VIP1 - 3 HARI
4140 $6 $11 $17 $4
2 13800 7 20 VIP1 - 5 HARI
10440 $15 $27 $42 $11
VIP1 - 10
3 34800 11 20
16440 $24 $48 $72 $18
VIP1 - 15
4 54800 11 30
25440 $37 $67 $104 $26
VIP1 - 20
5 84800 11 30
43440 $63 $94 $157 $39
VIP2 - 10
61440 $88 $134 $222 $55
VIP2 - 15
7 204800 11 30 MCLAREN - 10 HARI PRINCESS/PRINCE - 10 HARI
89640 $129 $195 $324 $81
VIP2 - 20
8 298800 7 20 GOLDEN FERRARI - 10 HARI LEADER - 10 HARI

116640 $167 $255 $422 $105
VIP2 - 25
9 388800 7 20 GOLDEN FERRARI - 10 HARI LEADER - 10 HARI
176640 $253 $385 $638 $159
VIP3 - 10
10 588800 7 20 GOLDEN FERRARI - 10 HARI LEADER - 10 HARI
266640 $381 $581 $962 $241
VIP3 - 12
11 888800 7 20 GOLDEN FERRARI - 12 HARI LEADER - 12 HARI
356640 $510 $792 $1,302 $326
VIP3 - 15
12 1188800 7 20 GOLDEN FERRARI - 15 HARI LEADER - 15 HARI
566640 $810 $1,259 $2,069 $517
VIP3 - 20
13 1888800 7 20 GOLDEN FERRARI - 20 HARI LEADER - 20 HARI
866640 $1,239 $1,925 $3,164 $791
VIP3 - 25
14 2888800 7 20 GOLDEN FERRARI - 25 HARI LEADER - 25 HARI
1286640 $1,839 $2,859 $4,698 $1,174
VIP3 - 30
15 4288800 7 20 GOLDEN FERRARI - 30 HARI LEADER - 30 HARI
1766640 $2,524 $3,926 $6,450 $1,613
VIP4 - 15
16 5888800 7 20 GOLDEN FERRARI - 30 HARI LEADER - 30 HARI
2246640 $3,210 $4,993 $8,203 $2,051
VIP4 - 20
17 7488800 7 20 GOLDEN FERRARI - 30 HARI LEADER - 30 HARI
2730240 $3,901 $6,180 $10,081 $2,520
VIP4 - 25
18 9100800 7 20 GOLDEN FERRARI - 30 HARI LEADER - 30 HARI

1. Agent Bonus = The highest bonus a host receives in the agency
2. Commission of diamond = Diamond received/700
3. The commission for
diamonds in the table is an approximate commission, but the basic calculation is for every 700 diamonds equ
ivalent to $ 1. Please pay attention
4. The friendly points have an impact on the salary of hosts. If the points is 80 when the salary is settled (on
the first day of each month), hosts can only get 80% of the salary,so in order to get 100% of salary, hosts
should keep friendly points >=100.
5. Please pay attention: bad use of broadcast, moments, using bad names, insults, or other action violating
ahlan rules, all of this has an impact on friendly points and therefore has an impact on the total salary.
1. The currency unit in the table is U.S. dollars
2. The host's income is the value of gold coins received by the host. The form 1 treatment can only be
implemented after the platform is authenticated. Otherwise, salary settlement cannot be carried out
3. Valid duration: The effective duration will only be calculated if the host has been on the microphone
for more than 20 minutes in the room
4. Valid days: if the valid time per day is greater than 2 hours, it will accumulate "1 valid day"
5. The calculation rules of the hosts total salary:
When the monthly gold coin income of the hosts reaches any level in the remuneration form 1, The
host's total salary (USD) = host's commission (USD) + the basic salary of this file, Among them, host
commission (USD) = host diamond balance ÷ 700
6. When the valid days or effective duration does not meet the standard, the basic salary calculation
method is as follows:
The actual basic salary of the host = ratio A * the basic salary of the corresponding gear of the host
Host salary = host commission + host actual basic salary
Example A: Valid days/valid days of level, valid duration/valid duration of level, the minimum of the
7. Agency management fee: the host gold coin income can get the corresponding management fee when
it reaches the stall
8. When the host does not meet the first level of gold coin income, the basic salary will not be obtained,
and the diamond balance will be retained until the current gold coin income reaches any level, the diamond
balance will be converted into a commission when the salary is settled, and the corresponding basic salary

9. If the host violates the rules, the Ahlan platform will warn, if more than 2 warnings are invalid, the
Ahlan platform will have the right to terminate the contract
10. The host cannot join two guilds at the same time. If you want to transfer from the original guild to
the new guild, you can only cooperate with the new guild after leaving the original guild for one month. If
the host can prove that he has been treated unfairly, he has the right to leave the guild immediately and
transfer to the new agency.
This remuneration form is formulated by Party A and can be adjusted according to market fluctuations;
if there is any change, Party A must notify Party B 15 days before the settlement cycle. If Party B has
objections, it can unconditionally terminate the contract with Party A; if Party B has no changes in
remuneration For objections, continue to cooperate in accordance with the new treatment form issued by
Party A, and the supplementary agreement signed by both parties through consultation has the same legal
effect as this agreement.

Item 5: Disputes over breach of contract and others

1. Party A and Party B should cooperate based on the principle of friendly cooperation. Once a dispute
arises, it should be resolved through negotiation as much as possible. If the dispute develops to the point
where it can only be resolved by terminating the agreement, it should be handled in the following manner:
(If the negotiation fails , You can file a lawsuit in the court where Party A is located.) During the period of
the agreement, if either party of Party A and Party B fails to perform the agreement honestly and violates the
terms of the agreement, depending on the circumstances of the breach, the following clauses shall be
handled separately or in combination:
a. Due to Party B’s ineffective management and supervision of the host, Party A suffers administrative
penalties and losses to Party A’s platform due to third-party claims, Party B shall be responsible for
compensation. If Party A’s platform ceases operations due to administrative penalties, it shall also
Compensate Party A for all losses suffered by the suspension of business.
b. Party B and the hosts hired by Party A shall not use the platform provided by Party A to conduct
illegal and criminal activities, shall not spread obscene information, and shall not conduct money exchange
transactions with customers in any name, such as illegal and criminal activities suspected of gambling.
2. Party B signs this contract, presses the handprint and takes a photo and sends it to Party A.
3. This agreement is in duplicate, each party holds one copy, and it is invalid if altered or signed
without written authorization.
2、The attachments in this agreement have the same legal effect as this agreement.

Item 6: If this contract is not terminated, it can be renewed, but it is subject to the wishes of both

Party A: Ahlan Operation Team Party B:

Legal representative Legal representative

(or entrusted agent) (or entrusted agent)

Date: Date:

Ahlan Chat Host Guidelines

In order to create a good network environment and actively maintain the development of the platform,
Ahlan Chat has formulated a code of conduct for hosts. Every host must abide by these regulations.
Violators will be punished. According to the original regulations, we must emphasize the following
Contains all the content of the user code of conduct. When the following prohibited behaviors occur
(including but not limited to), the platform will impose the following punishments on the host and deduct the
corresponding treatment:

1. Racial discrimination, slander, continuous swearing, verbal abuse, or singing of pornographic,

violent, and other prohibited songs is strictly prohibited. (Penalty: ban)
2. It is strictly forbidden to disturb the order of the room for any purpose (Penalty: ban)
3. It is strictly forbidden for the host to make vulgar remarks in the room and continue to imitate
various sexually provocative voices. (Penalty: ban)
4. Information related to other competing products is strictly prohibited, and it is refused to be corrected
after reminding. (Penalty: ban)
5. It is strictly forbidden to discuss the treatment situation, if any, disclose it. (Penalty: ban)
6. The host account can only be used by the host, such as borrowing from others (Penalty: ban)
7. It is strictly forbidden for the host to hang up when the broadcast starts (Penalty: ban)
8. It is strictly forbidden for hosts to be hosts on other similar platforms. (Penalty: ban)
9. Any behavior that damages the reputation and image of the platform is strictly prohibited. (Penalty:
10. It is strictly forbidden for the host to make anti-party and anti-government remarks, or make insults
and slander the party and the country. (Punishment: banned)
11. It is strictly forbidden for hosts to spread drugs. Such as displaying drug samples, performing and
teaching drug use or injection methods, explaining the drug production process, etc. (Penalty: ban)

12. It is strictly forbidden for the host to perform other types of performances involving politics,
pornography, illegal, infringement, or life-threatening. (Penalty: ban)
It is strictly forbidden for hosts to exchange money with clients and other illegal and criminal activities
suspected of gambling. (Penalty: ban)

Thank you for your support! Let's create a warm and positive atmosphere on the Ahlan Chat platform.
Ahlan Chat reserves the right to finally interpret this document, and has the right to change and publish this


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