Foundation - 5 Swimming Program Kilsyth Centenary Pool, Hawthory RD, Kilsyth Monday 21st November - Friday 25 November, 2022

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Monomeith Street, Mooroolbark 3138. Telephone 9726 6931
Postal Address - Box 161, Mooroolbark 3138
e-mail address -
web address -
ABN - 89 572 786 492
Acting Principal: Ms Robyn Bellamy

October 2022

Foundation - 5 Swimming Program

Kilsyth Centenary Pool, Hawthory Rd, Kilsyth
Monday 21st November - Friday 25th November, 2022

Dear Parents,

To support the Water Awareness and Safety Program at school, a Swimming Program for
students in Foundation to Year 5 will commence on Monday 21st November and conclude on
Friday 25th November.
Sessions commence at 9:30am and finish at 12.30pm. Exact groupings won’t be known until the
week before the program commences. Closer to the time, the school will notify you exactly which
session each level will attend.

The cost of the program is $20.00 for 2022. Payment in installments will be accepted but the
final payment must be received by Friday 4th November.
Camp, Sports and Excursion Fund money can be used to pay for this excursion if you are
We are unable to offer refunds once the swimming program has commenced. Places will be
offered in the order permission forms and money are returned. For payment plans please
contact the office.

Please return the Swimming Permission Form and money

to school by Friday 4th November so we can
finalise groups and numbers with the pool. Late forms and
money will not be accepted.

Students will need bathers, towel, thongs, goggles (optional) and a sturdy plastic bag to carry
them in.

Please ensure all belongings are clearly named.

Final groupings and times will be announced once numbers participating are finalised. This
activity focuses also on the organisational skills of the children attending. To support this, we ask
that parents do not enter the change rooms to assist the children.

Yours faithfully

Kim Hardstaff
PE Co-ordinator
Yes, I give permission for my child to take part in the, Manchester School Swimming
Program on Monday 21st November to Friday 25th November.

Student Name: ______________________________________ Grade: __________

In the event of accident or illness, I authorise the teacher-in-charge of this

program to consent, where it is impractical to communicate with me, to my child
receiving such medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary. My
child at present suffers from:
(Tick) Asthma  Epilepsy  A Heart Condition  Allergy  Anaphylaxis 
None of the Listed 

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________ Date: __________

Parent/Guardian Phone No. (Home): __________________(Work):_______________

Emergency Contact (Name): ____________________________

Phone: __________________

Please return reply slip and money to your classroom teacher by Friday 4th November.

For Manchester School Swimming Program

Yes – I wish my child to participate in the Swimming Program.

Student’s Name: ______________________________________

I enclose $______ Cash

I applied to the Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund, please use this money to pay for this excursion.

I deposited $_______ with the reference

(‘< INSERT CHILD’S NAME > Swimming) (BSB: 063 231, Account Number: 1006 4271,
Commonwealth Bank)

Please debit $_______ from my  Mastercard  Visa Card

Card Number: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ Expiry Date: ___/ ___ CCV: _____

Signature: _____________________________ Cardholder’s Name: ___________________________

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