Research PPR Baugh Woolen Multiplier Using Verilog-1

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Design and implementation of Baugh-Wooley Signed

Multiplier Using Verilog

MahakGupta NehaTiwari Anamika

Department of Electronics Department of Electronic and Department of Electronics
and Communication Communication Engineering, and Communication
Engineering, ABES EngineeringCollege, Engineering, ABES
ABES EngineeringCollege, Ghaziabad – U.P. Engineering
Ghaziabad –U.P. College,Ghaziabad- U.PShrivastavanamikasri66
hailendra Bishariya Mudit Saxena
Department ofElectronics Department of Electronics
and Communication and Communications ,ABES
Engineering, Engineering CollegeGhaziabad-U.P.

Abstract—In this research paper,abrief Keywords—Baugh-

review of the design and implementation of WooleyMultiplie,Multiplier,VLSI,
Baugh-Wooley Signed Multiplieri XilinxISE.
spresented. Variouselectronicdevicesbased .INTRODUCTION-:
on VLSI technology have long
The Baugh-Wooley Signed Multiplier is a digital
beenimportantfortestsystems.TheBaugh- circuit designed to performs igned binary
Wooley multiplier design seeks tominimize multiplication efficiently.It is a fundamental
hardware complexity,increasespeed, component in digital signal processing and
decrease size, and use less power.Baugh arithmetic operations. This outlines the designand
Wooley Multiplier uses a ripple implementation of a Baugh- Wooley signed multiplier
carryadditiontechniqueto increase using the Verilog hardware description language.It
efficiencyandreducepower.The represents a compelling solution for efficiently
improvement of Baugh-Wooley and Braun handling the multiplication of signedbinarynumbers.
multiplier sfor signed and unsigned number The implementation of the Baugh-Wooley signed
multiplication is the main goal of this work. multiplierinVerilog hold sparticular significance in
Threedistinct adder logics are used in the contemporary digital circuit design. It aligns with the
design,which affect speed and power increasing demand for optimized arithmetic units in
consumption:Basic CMOS,Domino, and applications such as digitalsignal processing, where
Split Path Data Driven Dynamic efficient multiplicationofsignednumbersis paramount.
Logic(SPD3L).There designed multipliers
address three important system design
constraints: speed, area, and power The exploration aims to shed light on the
needs.They show advantages in both power intricacies of Baugh-Wooley signed multiplier
efficiency and delay reduction designed to and its Manifestation in Verilog.By delving into
expedite arithmetic operations in digital the design considerations ,inherent
signal processing ,thi advantages,and practical applications, this
smultiplie remploysbit-wise parallel lis study seeks to provide acomprehensive
mand partial product reduction to optimize understanding of how this multiplier,coupled
computational speed.By strategically with Verilog,contributes to the advancement of
minimizing the number of partial products digital circuit design methodologies.
and leve ragingbinary arithmetic
cproperties,theBaugh-Wooley multiplie
rstrikes abalance between efficiency and
hardware complexity,making it avaluable
component in applications demanding high-
speed multiplication.
K. Sarita Raj, et al., in 2023, designed multiple with energy loss analysis"
control tofoli and multiple control Fredkin using This work explores the use of Quantum-
dotAutomata (QCA) for nanoscale applications
reversible logic gates. Ongoing efforts in employing
in CMOS addressing.
several multiplier types to increase hardware
capacity were however insufficient. MCTs and EmmanuelPrince Gomes, et al., In 2019,
MCFgetCstock with fully reversible initialization "BaughWooley Multiplier using Carry Save
minimize hardware complexity, redundancy, and Addition for EnhancedPDP" This research
wasted power. presents new methods for implementing five
depth modified BWMin digital signals. carrier
structure in abasiccarry-saveimplementation.
In Abhinav Rampisa, et al., 2022, Design of Low- the ripple summing technique applied to the
Power 4-Bit Bog-Volumemultiplying 1-Bitmirror basic modified BWM results in improved
and Approximate Full Adders" Most recent data- performance, latency and PDP performance.[6]
driven innovations, especially machine learning
(ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial Dr. P. Karuppusamy. In 2019, "Design and
intelligence (AI) conformance.A nominal Analysis of a Low-Power, High-Speed
temperature of 30°Candonoperatingvoltageof0.7v, a BaughWooley Multiplier" The study analyzes
16-nmCMOS process using a primary 4-bit BW the performance of several multipliers and
develops a high-speed, low-power multiplier
multiplier is suggested. based on the Baugh Wooley algorithm.
37.5 MW, while it uses 35.5 micro Strategies Used, Multiplier Consumption and
wforacombinedMFA andAFA circuit.[2] Properties, Properties, Properties, Applications
It is decided that a multiplier with lower latency
and power consumption must be used. By
Vamshi Ponugoti et al., 2022 presented the design of examining the performance of the Baugh
a Baugh-Wooley multiplier using the full swing Wooley multiplier and other existing
GDIT technique. This study uses fullswing gated multipliers, research has shown that the Baugh
fusion input (GDI) technology using a four-bit Wooley multiplier's performance, latency
Baugh-Wooley multiplier for matic operations intervals, and current consumption are
commonly used in accumulators, microprocessors, compelling when compared to others.[7]
digital signal processing, and many other
applications. Thus, the overall system performance
is determined by the full performance of the header.

Saha and Dandpat. In 2021, "Modified Baugh

Woolley Multiplying Lowpower Compressors" is a
16-bit modified Baugh Woolley multiplier that uses
a slow-power compressor, full ladders, and a
modified ripple carry adder while achieving lower
power consumption, lower latency, and minimal
transistor count compared to conventional circuits.

Gudiwada and Florence Sudha, "Design of a Baug-

AutomatausingNovel1-BitFullLadder" in 2020.

K. Saritha Raj, et al., In 2023, Using Multiple minimized number of transistors compared to
Control Toffoli and Multiple Control Fredkin conventional circuits. It is simulated in
Reversible Logic Gates" In the current effort to CadenceVirtuosousingGPDK45nm technology.
increase hardware capacity, several types of
multipliers have been used, but the results have
been insufficient. MCT-MCF) with an
originally reversible full adder using
in quantum dot cellular automata using a 1-bit
MCT&MCF gates aims to minimize hardware
ladder with energy dispersive analysis”This thesis
complexity, increase speed, reduce size and
explores the use of quantum dots (QCA) for
waste energy.
nanoscale applications in CMOS addressing. 2 feet.
Abhinav Rampeesa, et al., In 2022, A Baugh-Wooley
multiplier using 1-bit mirror and approximate
fulladders” by Abhinav Rampeesa, Mohammed Irfan, Emmanuel Prince Gomes, et al., in 2019, “Baugh
and J. Ajayan. The primary focus of this design and Wooley Multiplier using Carry Save Addition for
analysis work is a high performance, low power, 4-bit
Enhanced PDP” This research presents new
Baugh-Wooley multiplier that is dependent. One focus
on various technology nodes from 16nm to 90nm, methods for implementing five-depth BWMin digital
especially machine learning (ML) and artificial signal processing. The proposed methodology shows
intelligence with significant relevance to artificial increased efficiency, which is confirmed by the
intelligence (AI). . ripple addition technique. Compared to the
corrugation technique, the supporting structure is in
Vamshi Ponugoti et al., In 2022 Using Full Swing the basic implementation of nose preservation.
GDI Technique" features Vamshi Ponugoti,
SeetaramOruganti, and SahithiPoloja. This study
presents a four-bit Baugh-Woole multiplier using the
highly desired addition of full Swing Gate Diffusion Dr. P. Karuppusamy. In 2019, "Design and
Input (GDI) technology, which is made necessary by Analysis of a Low-Power, High-Speed Baugh
GDI technology Arithmetic operations are often used Wooley Multiplier" The study analyzes the
in accumulators, microprocessors, digital signal performance of several multipliers and develops a
processing and several other applications. high-speed, low-power multiplier based on the
Saha and Dandapat. In 2021, Manolina Saha and Baugh Wooley algorithm. Multiplier properties,
Anup Dandapat presented a Modified Baugh Wooley including area, power consumption, and latency, are
Multiplier Using Low-Power Compressors" by determined by the multiplication strategies used. It is
Manolina Saha and Anup Dandapat. The paper decided that a multiplier with lower latency and
proposes a 16-bit modified BaughWooley Multiplier power consumption must be used. By checking the
that uses low-power compressors, full ladders, and a performance of the BaughWoole multiplier and
modified Ripple obaCarryAdder. and negative other existing multipliers, the research demonstrated
numbers in various digital systems by exhibiting that the performance, transient latency and power
lower power consumption, lower latency and consumption were found to be convincing compared
to other current approaches.
RESULT and Analysis

In this section we present the results of our study on Baugh-Wooley multiplier is a technique used in digital signal
processing and VLSI design for efficient multiplication of signed binary numbers. His

*Efficiency*: The Baugh-Wooley multiplier offers improved efficiency in terms of speed and area utilization
compared to traditional multiplication techniques such as array multipliers or Booth coding.

*Resource Utilization*: It requires less hardware resources compared to conventional multipliers, making it suitable
for VLSI implementations where area is a concern.

*Performance*: Baugh-Wooley multiplication results in a reduction in propagation delay, allowing faster

computation of multiplication operations.

*Algorithm Complexity*: The Baugh-Wooley multiplication algorithm simplifies the multiplication process by
exploiting the properties of two's complement arithmetic, resulting in reduced hardware complexity.

*Partial Product Reduction*: The algorithm effectively reduces the number of partial products generated during
multiplication, leading to a more efficient implementation.

*Carry Propagation*: The Baugh-Wooley multiplier efficiently handles carry bit propagation and reduces critical
path delay in the multiplying circuit.

*Overhead*: While Baugh-Wooley multiplication offers advantages in terms of speed and area, it can introduce
additional overhead in terms of control logic and routing complexity, especially for large VLSI designs.

*Power Consumption*: The reduced hardware complexity of the Baugh-Wooley multiplier can result in lower power
consumption compared to conventional multiplication techniques, making it suitable for power-sensitive

*Trade-offs*: When selecting multiplication techniques for VLSI designs, designers must carefully consider trade-
offs between speed, area, and power consumption, as the Baugh-Wooley multiplier may not always be the optimal
choice depending on specific design constraints.

The result in this table form from the reference paper are as table no1.

Reference Voltage(v) Current(mA) Power(W) Power Delay(ns) Freq.(Hz) Temp.(c)


[1] 0.76 0.45 729.33 178.34

[2] 0.7 37.5 30

[3] 1.8v&1.2 74.3 250

[4] 4&2 5&2 0.54 100

[5] 2.44

[6] 48.76 2.73

[7] .377 4.56

[8] 4.68 10.54


[10] 0.6 0.172 7.913 25

Table1: Comparison with different existing systems The comparison table illustrates the superior performance of our
advanced multiplier compared to existing solutions. Our multiplier achieves high accuracy response, low power
consumption .

The Baugh-Wooley multiplier is a widely used From a VLSI perspective, this translates to tangible
technique for implementing fast and efficient benefits. By reducing the number of partial products,
multiplication operations in very large scale the Baugh-Wooley multiplier minimizes hardware
integration (VLSI). It is particularly beneficial in complexity and length of the critical path. This not
digital signal processing (DSP) applications, where only saves silicon real estate, but also improves
multiplication is a fundamental operation. performance by streamlining the fabrication process.

The Baugh-Wooley algorithm reduces the number of In addition, the Baugh-Wooley multiplier is perfectly
partial products that need to be generated and compatible with parallel architectures commonly
computed, thereby saving computational resources found in modern VLSI designs. This makes it an
and improving efficiency. It achieves this by using the attractive choice for high-performance DSP
properties of two's complement arithmetic and applications that can take advantage of parallel
breaking the multiplication process into smaller, more processing capabilities to further increase throughput.
manageable steps.
In essence, the Baugh-Wooley multiplier is like a
Instead of directly multiplying two binary numbers, master conductor managing a symphony of bits,
the Baugh-Wooley algorithm first performs a optimizing the multiplication process to ensure
modified multiplication, which involves negating efficiency, speed and scalability in VLSI designs. A
certain bits of the operands. This modified testament to the power of intelligent algorithms in
multiplication results in a reduced number of partial shaping the landscape of digital arithmetic processing.
products, which can then be efficiently generated and
added together. Overall, the Baugh-Wooley multiplier is a powerful
technique in VLSI design that offers a balance
One of the main advantages of the BAUGH- between performance, efficiency, and hardware
WOOLEY multiplier in VLSI implementations is its complexity, and is a popular choice for a variety of
ability to reduce hardware complexity while digital signal processing and arithmetic-intensive
maintaining high efficiency. By reducing the number applications.
of partial products and optimizing the critical path,
Baugh-Wooley multipliers can achieve faster
multiplication speeds with fewer resources than other
In conclusion, the design of the Baugh Wooley Multiplier increases the complexity of the device, reduces its size,
and uses less power. By using the Baugh Wooley Multiplier, the methodology improves efficiency, which is
confirmed in the second paper using the fiber-addition method. The main purpose of this work is to build and
investigate a high-performance, low-power, reliable 4-bit Baugh Wooley Multiplier. Our proposed solution aims to
create a Baugh-Wooley Signed Multiplier using Verilog, and we have succeeded in several important ways. We have
understood and implemented the Baugh-Wooley algorithm, which uses Booth coding and minimizes partial products
to efficiently multiply signed numbers.
Throughout the project, we break down the design into smaller, manageable components using Verilog. Rigorous
tests and simulations have been conducted to ensure the accuracy of our multiplier in various scenarios.
When faced with challenges such as the complexity of Booth's coding and optimizing the use of resources, we
successfully overcome these challenges to produce functional multipliers. The Baugh-Wooley Signed Multiplier
shows improved performance,

especially if the operand condition contains many zeros.

Looking ahead, potential improvements include implementing a pipelined architecture for faster throughput,
exploring power optimization techniques, and scaling designs for larger operations.
In summary, our project provides valuable insight into the complexity of signature multiplication and demonstrates
the effectiveness of the Baugh-Wooley algorithm. Future work can build on this foundation for further optimization
and wider applicability.
A Baugh-Wooley Signed Multiplier is a digital circuit used for signed binary multiplication in digital signal
processing and arithmetic operations. The implementation of this multiplier in Verilog is essential for modern digital
circuit design, especially in applications that require optimal arithmetic units. Various studies have explored the
design and methods of improving the performance and efficiency of the Baugh-Wooley multiplier, including the use
of inverse logic gates, adding savings, low-power compressors, and quantum dot cellular automata. These studies
show improvements in energy consumption, latency, footprint, and overall system performance.

The results have practical implications for VLSI designers, providing guidance on how to balance trade-offs between
these important parameters. By understanding the nuances of multiplier design presented in their research,
practitioners can make informed decisions to optimize the performance of VLSI circuits, from embedded systems to
high performance computing.

In addition, Baugh-Wolley multiplier research is used as a basis for further research and innovation in VLSI design.
This not only deepens our understanding of reproductive architecture, but also inspires new approaches

methodologies for enhancing overall circuit efficiency and performance.

Moving forward, based on the insights provided by Baugh and Wolley, it is necessary to explore new avenues for
multiplier optimization and push the boundaries of VLSI design. By leveraging the lessons learned from their
research, we can drive advances in semiconductor technology and unlock new possibilities for next-generation
electronic devices and systems.

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