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Conversation Implications in Ryan Coogler's film "Black Panther"

1. Latar Belakang Masalah
Human interaction can be well established because of communication which is mutually
understandable between them. One of the tools used in communicating is a language.
“Language is a system of arbitrary sound symbols used by members of social groups to
cooperate, communicate, and self-identify ”(Muhammad, 2011: 40). When communicating
humans has a purpose and purpose in speech. In linguistics, one aspect which discusses
human language is called pragmatics. Rahardi (2016: 3) states that, pragmatics is essentially
linguistics of ordinary languages used by humans, in line with the purpose and purpose of
their lives, with all the intentions, efforts, wills and limitations.
In a film, there is a storyline that is developed in the form of a narrative in the form of
dialogue between the players, it can be seen clearly how a person performs speech acts and
expresses the expressions of the characters they play (Effendi 2011: 19). The world of film is
one of the literary creations in in it there are conversations between players who have
different roles which are regulated in different contexts, so that it is possible that there is
meaning in the speech implied by the speaker and his speech partner.

2. Masalah
a. what are the implicatures the conversation in the film Black Panther?

3. Metode Penelitian
The method used in this research is descriptive method. Descriptive method used in this
study because this study aims to describe the narrative between characters that contain
implicatures, namely data in the form of implicature and function contained in the speech
between the characters in the film Black Panther.
The technique used in data collection in this study is to using the see method. Mahsun
(2007: 92) calls it the observation method because it is for obtaining data is done by listening
to the use of language both orally and writing. This method has basic techniques in the form
of tapping techniques. In practice Furthermore, this tapping technique is followed by an
advanced technique in the form of an involved listening technique competent, listen free to
engage proficiently, take notes, and record techniques. In this study, the researcher used the
listening method followed by an advanced technique: the listening-free speaking technique
and note taking technique.

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