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Education and Proficiency Center

Attachment Rules and Regulations

I understand and accept the following terms and conditions:

General Regulations:

1. Training will commence on the date and duration approved by the Education
and Proficiency Center.

2. King Hamad University Hospital does not offer any type of remuneration for the
duration of the training.

3. King Hamad University Hospital is not responsible for hiring students / trainees
after completion of the training.

4. ID card must be worn visibly on the left side of the chest or with a lanyard at all
times; students / trainees will be responsible for the loss/damage.

5. Students / Trainees will be under the responsibility of the Education and

Proficiency Center throughout the training period.

6. The Education and Proficiency Center must approve any request for changes to
the training period or to any changes to the training condition(s).

7. Students / Trainees can only access their authorized department.

8. Students / Trainees will not access confidential information and will not disclose
or give to any person information or document/s that comes to their knowledge
or possession because of their affiliation with the hospital.

9. Students / Trainees may park in the parking area allocated outside of the

10. The use of chewing gum is NOT allowed.

11. Good personal hygiene is to be maintained at all times.

12. Students / Trainees will be supervised and assessed by the concerned HOD /
Supervisor / Mentor / Preceptor during the training period.

Clinical Attachment Regulations

1. Student/trainee is to have a named HOD/Supervisor/Mentor/Preceptor

throughout the entire duration of training.

2. Students/trainees will have direct supervision by HOD /Supervisor

/Mentor/Preceptor throughout the entire duration of training.

3. Students / Trainees have no authority/privilege to interfere in the management of


4. Students / Trainees have no authority/privilege to prescribe medication.

5. Clinical working hours: 8:00AM – 4:00PM or as determined by HOD / Supervisor /
Mentor / Preceptor.

6. Students / Trainees must abide by the clinical working hours of KHUH, and the
rules and regulations of their department during their training period.

7. Students / Trainees are expected to display a sense of discipline and

responsibility at all times. Staying overnight in the hospital is NOT allowed, unless
determined by HOD / Supervisor / Mentor / Preceptor.

8. Food, drinks are NOT allowed in the clinical area.

Clinical Attachment Dress Code:

1. Students / Trainees should always wear their KHUH scrubs (which can be
purchased from the laundry) along with their identity badge visible at all times
during their presence in KHUH premises.

2. Lab coat and colorful scrubs are NOT allowed in KHUH.

3. Fingernails should be clean and of short to medium length. Artificial nails are
NOT allowed.

4. Regular hair style or haircuts are allowed; males are NOT allowed to wear
unusual hairstyles. Females must tie up long hair above their shoulder.

5. Cosmetics should be used in moderation. Females are only allowed to wear light

6. Keep jewelry at a minimum.

7. Shoes must be comfortable, clean. Sandals and high heels are NOT allowed.

Trainees must understand that a violation on any of these rules and regulation may be
a just cause for the immediate termination of the training program.

I have read this document and agree to all the rules and regulations:

Trainee Name: ______________________

CPR/Passport Number: __________________________

Trainee Signature: ___________________

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