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4th Weekly Test Pre-Entrance

Entrance P.M Dated: 12.5-2024
1. Proteins, Carbohydrates, Phospholipids and Steroid lipids mainly constitute.
(a) Plant cell membrane
(b) Bacterial cell membrane
(c) Animal cell membrane
(d) Protists cell membrane
2. Which of the following is found in least proportion in plant cell membrane.
(a) Proteins (b) Lipids
(c) Carbohydrates (d) all are almost found in same proportion
3. Basic unit of surface membrane is.
(a) Cellulose and protein
(b) Protein and Carbohydrate
(c) Protein and Phospholipids
(d) Phospholipids, extrinsic protein and cellulose
4. Plasma lemmais held together primarily by.
(a) Ionic bonds (b) Covalent bonds
(c) Hydrophobic attractions (d) Hydrophilic attraction
5. The most abundant lipid in the differential permeable membrane is.
(a) Cholesterol (b) Steroid (c) Phospholipids (d) Waxes
6. Carbohydrates are found in the surface membrane in the form of.
(a) Starch (b) Cellulose
(c) Conjugated molecule (d) Simple Carbohydrate
7. The fluid mosaic model of plasmalemma can better explain permeability by.
(a) Osmosis (b) Diffusion
(c) Carrier Process (d) Diffusion gradient
8. Pick the odd one out.
(a) Osmosis (b) Diffusion
(c) Carrier Process (d) Diffusion gradient

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COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
9. The fluid nature of biological membrane is due to.
(a) Cholesterol (b) Proteins (c) Phospholipids (d) Glycolipids
10. RNA is not found in.
(a) Chromosomes (b) Ribosomes (c) Surface membrane(d) All
11. Carrier molecules in the plasma membrane are required for.
(a) Active transport (b) Osmosis
(c) Facilitated Diffusion (d) Both a and c
12. The important plasma lemma function is to:
(a) Water conservation
(b) Move the cell from one place to an other
(c) Act as a sieve, allowing only lipids to pass
(d) control what goes into and out of the cell
13. Cell to cell recognition is the function ___________ in plasma lemma.
(a) Phospholipids (b) Proteins
(c) Extrinsic proteins (d) Conjugated Molecules
14. Membranes covering cell organelles are usually.
(a) Differentially Permeable (b) Impermeable
(c) Permeable (d) All
15. These two cell organelles are thought to have evolved independently of
eukaryotic cells and once were like prokaryotic cells.
(a) 70S ribosomes
(b) Mitochondria and Chloroplast
(c) Chloroplast, Mitochondria, 70S ribosome
(d) 80S ribosome's and 70S ribosomes
16. It is not a nucleoprotein structure.
(a) 70S ribosomes (b) 80S ribosomes
(c) Nucleoid (d) Eukaryotic Chromosome
17. Genetic material in organisms is not.
(a) Conjugated with proteins (b) Without proteins
(c) Always with proteins (d) a and b
18. The inner most portion of plant cell wall is:
(a) Primary cell wall
(b) Secondary cell wall
(c) Middle lamella
(d) Tonoplast

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COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
19. The outer most portion of plant cell wall is.
(a) Primary cell wall
(b) Secondary cell wall
(c) Middle lamella
(d) Tonoplast
20. Eukaryotic ribosome's break into.
(a) 60S and 30S (b) 60S and 20S
(c) 60S and 40S (d) 50S and 30S
21. The enzymes of Krebs cycle in mitochondria are located.
(a) Outer membrane (b) Cristae
(c) Space (d) Mitochondrial Matrix
22. The enzyme of electron transport chain in mitochondria are located.
(a) Outer membrane
(b) Cristae
(c) Space
(d) Mitochondrial Matrix
23. Mitochondria do not use.
(a) O2 (b) CO2 (c) Food (d) All
24. Maximum number of mitochondria are found in.
(a) Muscles of human thigh
(b) Bird wings
(c) Heart muscles
(d) Stomach
25. It is universally present in eukaryotic cells.
(a) Nucleus
(b) Mitochondria (c) ER (d) All
26. Which of the following is the fine network of membranes distributed through
the cytoplasm in a cell?
(a) Nucleus (b) Mitochondria (c) ER (d) All
27. Proteins that are to be used outside are synthesized on/in/at
(a) Mitochondria (b) SER (c) RER (d) Free ribosomes
28. Glycosidation is the function of.
(a) Mitochondria (b) Golgi bodies (c) ER (d) All
29. Giving out secretary vesicles is the function of.
(a) Mitochondria (b) Golgi bodies (c) ER (d) All

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COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
30. Lysosome is originated by.
(a) Mitochondria (b) Golgi bodies (c) ER (d) All
31. Vesicles bud off from.
(a) Mitochondria (b) Golgi bodies (c) ER (d) All
32. Ribosomes are.
(a) Protein factories (b) mRNA factories
(c) tRNA factories (d) All
33. Which of the following acts as a factory for the synthesis of sugar in plants.
(a) ribosomes (b) Chloroplast
(c) Mitochondria (d) Ribosomes
34. The organisms are grouped into prokaryotes and eukaryotes on the basis of.
(a) Ribosomes (b) Nucleus
(c) Plasma membrane (d) All
35. It is involved in synthesis and secretion.
(a) RER (b) SER
(c) Golgi bodies (d) All (e) Not any
36. The selective digestion of cytoplasmic organelles by lysosome's is:
(a) Lysis
(b) Heterophagy
(c) Authophagy (d) All
37. The delimiting outer membrane is not present in.
(a) Ribosome's (b) nucleolus
(c) Both a and b (d) Nucleus
38. which of the following is found in all eukaryotes?
(i) Cytoplasma (ii) Mesosomes (iii) Nucleus
(a) I only (b) II only (c) II and III only (d) I and III only
39. Underground seeds are rich in.
(a) Chloroplast (b) Chromoplast
(c) Leucoplast (d) All
40. Leaves are rich in.
(a) Chloroplast (b) Chromoplast
(c) Leucoplast (d) All
41. Functional ribosome's are not present in.
(a) Nucleus (b) Mitochondria of plants
(c) Prokaryotic cell (d) All

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COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
42. Which of the following is not considered as single membrane microbodies?
(a) Peroxisomes (b) Glyoxysome
(c) ER (d) Lysosome
43. __________ functions is intracellular digestion.
(a) Peroxisomes (b) Glyoxysome
(c) ER (d) Lysosome
44. It is originated from Golgi bodies in a plant cell.
(a) Peroxisomes (b) Glyoxysome
(c) ER (d) Lysosome
45. Chloroplasts are considered as self-replicating cell organelles because they have.
(a) RNA (b) DNA
(c) Neihters DNA nor RNA they are food synthesizer, they are replicated
(d) DNA and RNA
46. Plastids are / can.
(a) All structurally same from many aspects
(b) Differentiate into another of plastid
(c) Be food synthesizers, or food storage structures (d) ALL
47. Which of the following possesses lipo-proteinous membrane.
(a) Cell (b) Golgi bodies
(c) Mitochondria (d) All
48. It is permeable to cell organelles.
(a) Mitochondrial outer membrane
(b) Nuclear envelope
(c) Cell membrane
(d) All
49. DNA in chloroplasts is found in.
(a) Matrix (b) Outer membrane
(c) Inner membrane (d) Stroma
50. Plant cell wall is composed of.
(a) Carbohydrates (b) Proteins (c) Lipids (d) All
51. Fungal cell wall is composed.
(a) Carbohydrates (b) Proteins (c) Lipids (d) All
52. Cell wall is not absent in.
(a) Plants (b) animals (c) Protests (d) All

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COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
53. Living substance of the cell is.
(a) Peptidoglycan (b) Protoplasm (c) Cell wall (d) All
54. Cell wall is found in.
(a) Living plant cell (b) dead plants cells (c) Bacteria (d) All
55. ______________ is the largest organelle in a plant cell.
(a) Mitochondria (b) ER (c) Golgi bodies (d) Vacuole
56. A cell possesses.
(a) different parts
(b) all basic properties of life
(c) Non living parts
(d) All
57. Which of the following pair is not a mis-match.
(a) Glyoxysomes-lipid metabolism
(b) Nucleolus-site for ribosome formation
(c) Mitochondria - CO2 production
(d) ALL

Look at the following figure, answer the questions from 58 to 64

58. The figure is of a cell. It lacks.

(a) Mitochondria (b) Nucleus acids (c) Chloroplasts (d) ER
59. The structure labelled ______________ is the site for metabolism in.
(a) V (b) VI (c) VII (d) VIII
60. The structure labelled ____________ is also found in all eukaryotes.
(a) IX (b) X (c) XI (d) All

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COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
61. It is the centre for aerobic respiration.
(a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV
62. It possesses pores for mRNA transport.
(a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV
63. The structure labelled _____________ is involved in lipid manufacturing.
(a) IX (b) X (c) XI (d) XII
64. The structure labelled ___________ is originated from ___________ structure.
(a) I, II (b) IX, X (c) II, X (d) X, XI (e) X, XI

65. When volume and the pressure of a gas are increased 3 times , how will the absolute
temperature change……….
a) 9 times b) ½ times c) 2 times d) 8 times
66. If PV = 20 dm3 atm and volume is 5 dm3 then the corresponding pressure is
a) 4Atm b) 0.5 Atm c) 2 Atm d) 3 Atm
67. Which gas will have the greatest volume at STP
a) 16g of He b) 6g of hydrogen gas
c) 32.4L of nitrogen gas d) 2gmolecules of chlorine gas
68. What will be the volume of gas if one mole of helium gas is put into a container
at 25°C. The pressure is 14.7 Psi.
a) 24.5 dm b) 22.4dm c) 10.4dm d) 23.4dm
69. The volume of a gas is proportional to
a) V= n x xT b) v = n x P Xt c) v= X n X p d) not any

70. If take Equal mass of CH , and SO2 what is the mole fraction of CH
a) 1/5 b) 4/5 c) 5 d) 1/2
71. A vessel contain 3moles of O , 4moles H and 2.5 moles of HCl are taken at the
same temperature. Which gas will exert the greatest pressure
a) oxygen b) hydrogen c) HCl d) all have equal pressure

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COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
72. If 1.505 x10 molecules of H2 are removed from 2g of H2
find the moles of H2 left.
a) 1.75 b) 1.86 c) 0.14 d) 0.07
73. When a gas is compressed it changes into state
a) Liquid b) solid c) gas d) plasma
74. The standard temperature and pressure are
a) 273 C and 1 atm b) 273 k and 1 atm
c) 273 F and 1 atm d) 2 C and 1 atm
75. If the pressure of fixed mass of gas is reduced to 1/4th of its initial pressure at a
fixed temperature its new volume is increased ______________times
a) 4 times b) 2times c) 5times d) 10times
76. Which temperature scale is used in gas laws more oftenly
a) Celsius scale b) kelvin scale c) F-scale d) all
77. Molar volume of H is very small at
a) 300K b) 200K c) 900K d) − 266℃
78. If we take 100g of each of the following gas at 100℃ and 20Atm , which gas has
least volume
a) H b) NH
c) CO d) CS e) all have equal volume
79. Which force of attraction is present between polar gas molecules
a) London forces b) induced dipole c) dipole-dipole d) all
80. 1m is equal to
a) 10 dm b) 10 cm c) 10 L d) all
81. How much faster does hydrogen escape through a porous container than sulfur
a) 5.6 times b) 4times c) 2times d) 0.5times
82. Normal body temperature is
a) 98.6℉ b) 37℃ c) 310K d) all
83. Which has elastic collisions
a) Gas b) solid c) liquid d) all
84. Hydrogen gas diffuses _____________times faster than Ne gas
a) 3.16 b) 2.16 c) 1.16 d) 0.16
85. Density of methane gas at 127 ℃ and 3.5atm is
a) 1.70 b) 2.7 c) 4 d) 7.9

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COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
86. What will be the mass of 11.2 L of NH3 at 273° K and 760tor
a) 4g b) 8.5g c) 6g d) 34g
87. volume of a sample of gas is directly, proportional to the absolute temperature
when pressure remains constant
a) Avogadro’s law b) charle’s law
c) graham’s law d) dalton’s law of partial pressure
88. In a gas vapor pressure of water is added and subtracted by or gas collected
over water according to
a) Avogadro’s law b) boyle’s law
c) graham’s law d) dalton’s law of partial pressure
89. Consider the following equation
4NH3 + 302(g) → 2N2 + 6H20
If 1.5 L of 02 reacts with ammonia at STP , what voliune of water vapors will
be produced
a) 3L of H20 b) 9 of H20 c) 7of H20 d) 1L of H20
90. Ratio of rates of diffusion of 𝐻 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑂
a) 4: 1 b) 16:1 c) 3:1 d) 2:4
91. 32g of 𝑂 and 1g 𝐻 are put into 11.2L vessel at 0℃ what is total pressure of
a) 10atm b) 3atm c) 4atm d) 6atm
92. A gas diffuse 5 times faster than gas X what is ratio two gases
a) 5/1 b) 25 c) 12 d) 1/25

93. At STP 0.224L of oxygen gas has ___________moles

a) 1 b) 0.01 c) 0.02 d) 0.03
94. Which method increase pressure of gas
a) Decreasing temperature
b) b) increase volume
c) increase number of gas molecules
d) increase cooling
95. At constant pressure if volume of gas is decreased its temperature will
a) Remain same b) increase c) decrease d) decrease two times
96. Convert 4.5atm into torr
a) 3420torr b) 4420torr c) 5600torr d) 3200torr
97. Pressure of gas is 380torr when its volume is 100L what will be its volume if
gas is compressed to 50L
a) 1atm b) 2atm c) 05atm d) 4atm
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98. Which gas is more denser at 273K and 760torr
a) 𝐹 b) 𝑂 c) 𝐻 d) nitrogen e) CO
99. What is the volume 2.8g of CO at STP
a) 2.9𝑑𝑚 b) 2.24𝑑𝑚 c) 11.2𝑑𝑚 e) 4.4𝑑𝑚
100. Volume and pressure correction in ideal gas equation is associated with
a) Boyles b) Charles c) van der waal d) Dalton
101. 0.25 moles of nitrogen and 0.25 moles of CO have same value of ___at STP
a) Number of molecules b) volume
c) mass d) density e) all
102. Which diffuse and effuse quickly
a) CO b) SO2 c) SO3 d) NO2
103. Reciprocal of against volume has ________ graph
a) Parabolic b) straight line
c) hyperbolic d) not any
104. At what temperature rate of diffusion of gas become zero
a) −273℃ b) 0K c) absolute zero d) all
105. Density of gas doubles if ___________
a) Pressure is doubled b) pressure reduced to half
c) increasing temperature d) at very low pressure
106. Real gases resemble ideal gases at
a) High temperature and low pressure
b) High temperature and high pressure
c) low temperature and low pressure d) not any
107. According to kinetic theory of gases , total kinetic energy of gas molecules
depends on
a) Volume b) pressure c) temperature d) all
108. Arrange the gases NH3,SO2, CL2 and CO2 in terms rate of diffusions
a) NH3>CO2> SO2 >CL2
b) NH3 > SO2 >CO2> CL2
c) CL2>CO2> SO2 >NH3
d) CO2>NH3> SO2 > CL2
109. Equal volume of All gases at STP are similar in all except
a) Same volume b) same kinetic energy
c) same molecules d) same rate of diffusion
110. What are the ratio of gases oxygen , Hydrogen , methane and helium if equal
mass of each gas is taken
a) 1:2:3 b) 1:16:2:8 c) 3:3:16 d) 2:3:4

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COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
111. Oxygen gas is mixed with water vapours their pressure is measured by
a) Daltons law b) Grahams law
c) Boyles law d) Charles law
112. Pressure inside tyre measured with
a) Barometre b) Lactometre c) Manometre ` d) Nanometre
113. At which temperature volume of gas becomes double if pressure is kept
a) 273K b) 546K c) 546C d) 0K
114. If we take Equal mass of 𝐶𝐻 , and SO2 what is the mole fraction of SO2
A) 1/5 b) 4/5 c) 5 d) ½
115. Molar volume of any gas is maximum at
a) 2℃ , 10Atm b) 127℃ , 1atm
c) 10℃ , 1atm d) 40℃, 3atm
116. Which pair of gases have same number of molecules at STP
a) 11.2L of O2 , 1mole of CO
b) b) 22.4L of N2 and 64g of SO2
c) 170 𝑐𝑚 𝐻 and 170 𝑐𝑚 of helium
d) 4g 𝐶𝐻 and 5.6 L of CO
e) b c & d
117. The intermolecular attraction becomes significant at
a) Low temperature b) high pressure
c) high temperature d) a&b
118. Value of volume constant “b” in van der wall equation depends
a) Size of molecule b) force of attraction
c) pressure d) not any
119. An unknown gas occupies a volume of 4 L at STP. To what temperature the
gas must be heated to double its volume.
a) 546K b) 644K c) 173℃ d) a&c
120. A gaseous mixture contains 2moles of N2 , 1mole of helium and 1mole of
oxygen . The total pressure of mixture is 720 torr. The partial pressure of
nitrogen is
a) 180torr b) 380 torr c) 140torr d) 120torr

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121. The phase of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is when it has
a) Maximum velocity b. Maximum acceleration
c. Maximum energy d. Maximum displacement
122. A wave is reflected from support. The change in phase on reflection will be:
a.  rad b. /2 rad c. 2 rad d. none of above
123. Torque is a/an
a. Axial vector b. example of cross product
c. derived quantity d. all of above
124. A line about which particle revolves is called
a. Centre b. pivotal point c. axis of rotation d. diagonal
125. The angular motion in which axis of rotation crosses though itself is known as
a. Circular motion b. rotational motion
c. spin motion d. both b and c
126. Moment of inertia is a
a. Scalar b. vector c. tensor d. all of them
127. The SI unit of moment of inertia is
a) Kg m b) kg m-2 c) kg m2 d) m s2
128. Moment of inertia of a hollow sphere is
a.mr2 b. ½ mr2 c. 2/5 mr2 d. 2/3 mr2
129. Angular kinetic energy of solid sphere is given by
a.1/5 mv2 b. 1/2 mv2 c. 1/3 mv2 d. 2/5 mv2
130. The cross product of position vector and linear momentum is
a.Torque b. angular momentum
c. angular velocity d. angular acceleration
131. The SI unit of angular momentum is
a. Joule b. joule-sec c. kg m2 s-1 d. both b and c
132. If amplitude of waves at distance r from a point source is x, the amplitude at a
distance 2r will be
a. 2x b. x c. x/2 d. x/4

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133. With the propagation of a longitudinal wave through a material medium, the
quantities transmitted in the propagation direction are
a. Energy, momentum and mass b. energy
c. energy and mass d. energy and linear momentum
134. A highest point of transverse wave is called:
a. Crest b. trough
c. compression d. rarefaction
135. Maximum displacement of a vibrating particles of medium from its mean
position is called:
a. Wavelength b. amplitude
c. crest d. compression
136. The loudness of sound depends upon:
a. Wavefront b. frequency
c. amplitude d. wavelength
137. The difference between crest and resting position is called:
a. Wave amplitude b. transverse wave
c. longitudinal wave d. NOT
138. Longitudinal waves travels in the form of:
a. Compression b. rarefaction c. crests
d) both compressions and rarefaction
139. in longitudinal wave the distance between compression and rarefaction is:
a. λ/2 b. 2λ c. λ/4 d. λ
140. the energy of a water wave is most closely related to its:
a. frequency b. wavelength c. period d. amplitude
141. mechanical waves on the surface of a liquid are:
a. transverse b. longitudinal c. both of above d. NOT
142. the wave which do not required medium is called:
a. sound wave s b. light waves c. electromagnetic waves d. both b and c
143. for the propagation of wave , a medium should have:
a. elastic b. inertial
c. both of them d. NOT

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144. sound waves travels in rock in the form of:
a. longitudinal waves b. transverse waves
c. both of them d. NOT
145. What is the wavelength (in micro meters) of red light, if its frequency is
4.62x1014 hz.
a. 650 b. 750 c. 600 d. 590
146. A particle executing S.H.M of amplitude 4 cm and T=4 sec. the time taken by it
to move from positive extreme positive extreme position to half the amplitude
a. 1 sec b. 1/3 sec c. 2/3 sec d. 3/2 sec
147. A system exhibiting S.H.M must possess
a. Inertia only
b. elasticity as well inertia
c. elasticity , inertia and an external force
d. elasticity only
148. A particle executing S.H.M of time period T. find the time taken by it to move
from positive mean position to half the amplitude
a. T/2 b. T/4 c. T/8 d. T/12
149. To make the frequency double of an oscillator, we have to:
a. Double the mass
b. half the mass
c. quadruple the mass
d. reduce the mass to one-forth
150. A spring mass system executes simple harmonic motion. If a load is added to
it, then the time period of spring mass system will be:
a. Increased b. decreased c. remains same d. halved
151. A body of mass 5 gm is executing SHM about a point with amplitude 10 cm . its
maximum velocity is 100 cm/s. its velocity will be 50 cm/s at a distance:
a. 5 b. 2√3 c. 3√5 d. 5√3

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152. Wave form of simple harmonic motion is:
a. Triangular b. zigzag c. sinusoidal d. All of above
153. In which case does the potential energy decreases?
a. On compressing a spring
b. on stretching sprig
c. One moving a body against gravitational force
d. one the rising of an air bubble in water
154. If the metal bob in a simple pendulum is replaced by a wooden bob, then its
time period will
a. Increases b. decreases c. remains the same d. first A then B
155. The time period of a simple pendulum is 2 seconds. If its length is increased by
4 times, then its period becomes
a. 16 s b. 12 s c. 8 s d. 4 s
156. When the displacement is half of the amplitude , the ratio of potential energy
to the total energy is
a. 1/2 b. 1/4 c. 1 d. 1/8
157. In a simple harmonic motion the kinetic energy and the potential energy are
such that throughout the motion
a. KE remains constant
b. PE remains constant
c. KE/PE= constant
d. KE + PE remains constant
158. A spring of spring constant K is halved then the new constant is
a. 2K b. K/2 c. 4K d. K/4
159. A spring is vibrating with frequency f under some mass. If it is cut into two
equal parts and same mass is suspended, then the new frequency is
a. f/2 b. f c. f√2 d.

160. The potential energy of a particle executing SHM with amplitude A is E at the
extreme position. What is its kinetic energy at y=A/2 ?
a. 0.86 E b. 0.75 E c. 0.50 E d. 0.25 E
161. Two springs of spring constants 1500 N/m and 3000 N/m respectively are
stretched with the same force. They will have potential energy in the ratio
a. 4:1 b. 1:4 c. 2:1 d. 1:2

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162. Which of the following equation does not represent a simple harmonic motion
a. y=a sin ωt b. y=a cos ωt c. y=a sin ωt + b cos ωt d. y=a tan ωt
163. Mark the wrong statement
a. all SHM’s have fixed time period
b. all motion having same time period are SHM
c. in SHM total energy is proportional to square of amplitude
d. phase constant of SHM depends upon initial conditions
164. What is constant in SHM.
a. Restoring force
b. b. kinetic energy
c. potential energy
d. periodic time
165. The potential energy of a particle executing SHM is 2.5 J, when its
displacement is half of amplitude. The total energy of the particle be
a. 18 J b. 10 J c. 12 J d. 2.5 J
166. For any SHM amplitude is 6cm. If instantaneous potential energy is half the
total energy then distance of particle from its mean position is:
a. 3 cm b. 4.2 cm c. 5 cm d. 6 cm
167. One complete round trip of a body about a mean position is called a
a. Rotation b. vibration c. period d. frequency
168. The maximum displacement of a vibrating body from the equilibrium is called
a. Circumference b. radius c. amplitude d. oscillation
169. The speed of propagation of a wave is given by:
a. V= λT b. v= T/λ c. v= λ2/ T d. v=λ/T
170. The waves that require a medium for their propagation are called
a. Transverse waves b. electromagnetic waves
c. matter waves d. mechanical waves
171. Longitudinal waves are also called:
a. Compressional waves b. light waves
c. transverse waves d. radio waves
172. Which of the following is not the property of sound?
a. It can’t travel in a vacuum
b. it is reflected
c. it shows phenomenon interference
d. it is propagated as longitudinal wave

Behind State Life Building, Qaim Shah Bukhari Road, Larkana Page 16
COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
173. The time period of simple pendulum does not depends upon
a. Mass b. length c. gravity d. all of them
174. The S.I unit of spring constant is
a. N/cm b. N m c. N/m d. N
175. The dimensions of frequency is;
a. T -2 b. T -1 c. T d. LT -1
176. Which of the following is not example of SHM?
a. Motion of simple pendulum b. motion of swing
c. motion of spring mass system d. NOT
177. When length of simple pendulum is increased ,its frequency,
a. Increases b. decreases c. remains same d. NOT
178. The time period of simple pendulum in a lift is T. when the lift falls freely then
time period becomes
a. Zero b. infinite c. increases d. T/2
179. The frequency of simple pendulum is maximum at
a. Sea level b. K-2 c. centre of earth d. Himalaya
180. The velocity of spring mass system is maximum at
a. Mean position b. extreme position c. at half of amplitude d. NOT

Select the right Option for underlined word (MEANING)
181. He was pensive and unusually quiet.
a) Happy
b) Calm
c) Sad
d) Rich
182. She had been niggled by worry her entire life.
a) Fretted
b) Neglected
c) Attracted
d) Calm

Behind State Life Building, Qaim Shah Bukhari Road, Larkana Page 17
COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
183. The man suddenly became quiet, and then placidly gave himself up.
a) Placed
b) Quietly
c) Quitely
d) Perfectly
184. She chose not to exercise the royal prerogative.
a) Possible
b) Privilege
c) Disadvantage
d) Problem
185. She had felt some qualms about moving to the big city.
a) Questions
b) Problem
c) Troubles
d) Doubts
186. She couldn't help the quiver in her voice.
a) Shudder
b) Stammering
c) Problem
d) Hurdle

Select The Best Option (TENSES)

187. He ------- to school last day.
a) Doesn’t go
b) Don’t go
c) Didn’t go
d) Hasn’t gone
188. They often ------- same mistake.
a) Makes
b) Make
c) Made
d) Has made

Behind State Life Building, Qaim Shah Bukhari Road, Larkana Page 18
COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
189. When she ------- I’ll tell her whole story.
a) Will come
b) Come
c) Comes
d) Has come
190. Bowler gets the run up; he comes to the crease and he-------- very fast.
a) is bowling
b) bowl
c) bowled
d) bowls
191. Shakespeare ------- 37 plays.
a) wrote
b) has written
c) had written
d) writes
Opt the Correct Sentence (Tenses)
a) He don’t like the you talk.
b) They does it for pleasure.
c) He always has done it.
d) Newton gave laws of motion.
a) Pakistan has won the world cup in 1992.
b) Water usually flows here in summer.
c) Dam gave damage all the time in summer season.
d) Will you came?
a) I shall open the door for you.
b) Did you bought new house last year.
c) Has he went to the party?
d) Does he eats much?

Behind State Life Building, Qaim Shah Bukhari Road, Larkana Page 19
COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915
Select the Best Option (PREPOSITION)
195. Cover it------- cotton.
a) Over
b) With
c) To
d) On
196. Spread the cloth----- table.
a) Over
b) With
c) To
d) On
197. I have been doing it --------- ages.
a) Since
b) For
c) On
d) At
198. It is different --------- what you told.
a) With
b) Of
c) From
d) At
199. ------ This, I have another story to tale.
a) Beside
b) Besides
200. He showed ------ his new car.
a) Of
b) At
c) On
d) Off

Behind State Life Building, Qaim Shah Bukhari Road, Larkana Page 20
COMPOSED BY: INSPIRED ACAMEDY LARKANA contact. Zawar Shahbaz Hussain 03313403915

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