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Name: Mark Jonhrick V.



Feminism is the belief in social economic and political equality of the sexes. Although it is largely
originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions
committed to activity on behalf of women’s rights and interest.

First feminism argues that men’s and women’s position in the society is creating by social influences and
has nothing to do with natural or biological factors. Secondly, feminists believe in making the community
a better place on behalf of women by way of acting and thinking because there are structures that have
been put in place to show that men and women are not equal. Another thing that feminists show is that
the experiences, ideas, and concerns of men and those of women should be respected and taken
seriously in the same measure. Gender, race, sexuality, and class in the study of women play significant
roles. Gender takes a lot of forms and gets described as the experiences men and women have in the
society in regards to societal arrangements and cultural expectations. Race, in turn, shapes the type of
experience white, and people of color have but all in separate ways. Many times in life men do not think
that women can do the same things that they can, whether it’s picking up boxes or being president.
There will always be that “macho man” thought of the man being stronger than the woman. In many
jobs women might do the exact same thing that men do except men are getting paid more than women
even if it is an insignificant amount, it happens in many places and even though many people disapprove
of it there are still jobs like that out there. And there are still employers who think that a woman should
not be in the work force if so home.

In conclusion we can all agree that feminism means that the right of women are valued just as much as
men rights are valued, that anyone whether transgender or otherwise can get good health care, that job
interviews are done justly and depend on the qualification of the individual and not based on whether
one is a man or woman (Friedman, 2015). It may not mean world peace, harmony, and love but it
advocates for the removal of traditions that have been put in place to devalue women in society


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