Sexual Magic by Mami Onami

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Being here is breaking every rule.

The first rule of sexual magic has always been to keep your mouth shut
about it.

I’m not “allowed” to talk about this, but I’m doing it anyway because the
world needs it.

I want to give anybody who’s already breaking a sweat at the words sexual
magic a chance to excuse themselves. The unsubscribe button is at the
bottom of every email. When people have sexual repression, which is a
literal pandemic, they get extremely triggered by anyone, anywhere, talking
about sex.

Because we have three areas of life, the physical, the erotic, and the
spiritual, these are the places we will get our main blocks of life. You always
know where you have a block when you say “why does everything have to
be about sex/money/God?”

Do you find yourself wincing at any of these statements?

Are you willing to accept that you might have a block there?

You’ve been lied to your whole

life about the true nature of
desire. This is why everyone
you know has a marriage that
is falling apart. This is why
you get bored of things. This is
why you stay in shitty jobs and
relationships. This is why it’s
hard to be alone. This is why you
cannot see a bigger vision for
your life.

Did you know that there were

three areas of life?

Did you know that the erotic has

little to do with sex, and everything
to do with DESIRE?
Did you know that DESIRE is the voice of your soul, and it will never be
satisfied until your soul leaves the body?

Did you know that it is natural to want more, over and over again?

Did you know that the desire for more is neither spiritual (Godly) or material
(worldly) but is uniquely its own thing that needs its own food?

This is why, when I say “You’ve been lied to”, I mean it.

This is my husband, Magic. We teach this together. He’s making fun of my

selfie face here.

I’m a lot wordier than he is, because women are a lot wordier than men are
usually. He’ll be chiming in here and there, and if you are reading this on
behalf of a man, you can direct him to the short version, which is Magic’s
Magic: I see so many couples who are struggling to stay together.
They’re stressed out about money, childcare, and are looking for answers
outside of their marriage. I see couples with imbalanced responsibilities,
where one partner is doing all the work and the other is in charge of all
the childcare. We were that couple, and it was tearing us apart. My wife
did the working, and I did the childcare, and it left me feeling like I wasn’t
serving my purpose. Yes, it was great to be with my children, but I needed
something for myself as well, for my personal growth.

Couples are not taught how to actually unify. They’re told to stay together
for better or worse, but not taught how to keep the sex hot, grow a
business together, or build an empire that can be passed down from
generation to generation. It is OK to want more. It’s spiritual to want more,
and with hard work and the right tools, you can have it.
My husband and I are here to initiate you into the highest form of magic
that exists, something that has been kept veiled from the public for
thousands of years. We are not going to teach you how to do sexual
acrobatics, or how to jerk off to a vision you want to happen because that’s
how manifesting works.

We are here to uncover the greatest lie that humanity was ever told, and to
liberate you from the jail you didn’t know you were in.

You can’t break out of jail if you think you’re free. Buckle up. It’s going to be
a wild ride.
I was introduced to modern Tantra by Psalm Isadora in 2017, and right
after that she died. That was my first warning that the world of Tantra, sex
magic, sacred whores and pleasure priestesses had dangers that were not
immediately disclosed.

I had fears about diving into this work, but I wasn’t sure how much of it was
coming from my own sexual repression, having grown up in a doomsday sex
cult and wanting nothing at all to do with any kind of public discussions or
displays of sex.

Once I dove into the work, it got even scarier. The rituals were pretty
elaborate, to say the least. You needed silk, or white cotton robes. You
needed a lot of other people. You had to chant things you didn’t really
understand, burn incense, do banishings, drink menstrual blood with semen,
and all these other complicated orders that were giving Eyes Wide Shut
vibes, which is not what I wanted to go for.

I’ve been studying magic since about 2016, but a big part of who I am and
what I stand for as a teacher is making it lean, mean, and unforgettable.
Magic gets SO complicated, requires a lot of flair, and with so many steps
it can be hard to feel like you’re doing it right. I’ve sat with Ifa priestesses
and done exorcisms next to real-live wolves, I’ve been with uncannily strong
mediums in green San Antonio rooms on LSD, I’ve met with Voodoo daddies
and been hexed by angel readers in New Orleans. I have met all manner of
Tarot readers from Budapest to Los Angeles. I’ve drank my own menstrual
blood, urine, tears, and breast milk in various ritual forms. I’ve been around
the magical block y’all, and I did no less when it came to sex magic.

I have studied and practiced (sometimes successfully, sometimes NOT)

Tantric sex magic, Taoist sex magic, Gnostic sex magic, black, white, and
red sex magic, ambrosial sex magic, Egyptian alchemical sex magic, I had
an alchemical wedding, Crowley sex magic, Solomonic magic, Randolphian
sexual magic, and let me tell you honey... They ALL contradict each other. To
practice one is to spurn the warnings of another. It reminded me of when
I went to nutrition school and learned that no dietary theories agree. The
only lineage I didn’t really get into was Qabalistic sex magic, and that’s just
because I’m saving Qabalah for a time in my life where I can focus fully on
it. It hasn’t been in my lineage so far. Any time I’ve gotten close there’s been
some kind of drastic intervention that kept me from it.
This study and practice period took from August of 2017 to August of 2022,
and it was really not a good time.

First of all, I thought magic was going to save me each and every time, and
it doesn’t work like that. No one that uses high level sex magic is using magic
alone. Beyonce and Jay Z, for example. They work hard as fuck, inner and
outer. Every single day. Anyone that says they are doing demonic rituals to
stay that successful for that long is someone who has entered a state of
jealous paranoia, and is crediting magic with far more than it is capable of.
When you revive a corpse with magic it doesn’t look legit, and it doesn’t last.
Even when you revive a dead bird like the tantric Aghoris do all the time, it
can only live for about eight minutes.

You can get a result from

magic, but you can’t keep
a result without good hard

If you believe magic can

work so you don’t have to,
you don’t know how magic
works. You can’t get bopped
on the head with a scepter
as a neophyte and wake
up the Grand Magus the
following morning.

All magic requires initiation.

I make tools for self-

Self-initiation is blaming
no one else for your lack of
I became aware of sex magic when I really started to look back at how
my addictions came into play. It all started with sex for me. Sex led me
to alcohol, which led me to drugs, which led me to working in the alcohol
industry so that I could have more sex and get more drugs. Eventually it all
made me so numb and weak. I hit a rock bottom after being disrespected
by a woman over and over again, who totally had the power over me. At
the time, I felt suicide was my only way out. Thankfully, God had other plans
for me and I woke up in a hospital bed after being lifeless. After ten years
of sobriety in 2021, I really started to analyze things. I found that sex was the
one thing that I was still addicted to.

I realized that sex is what started my addiction to drugs and alcohol, and
that sex had been weaponized against me. I wasn’t taught about how
special, magical, and powerful sex is.

I became aware of my sexual energy through retention and meditation, but

it wasn’t until my wife and I committed to one another fully that the magic
actually started to happen. We had our own personal retention practices,
and when we brought them together in our sex life, things really started to
open up in a magical sense for us.

Because I was studying so many different lineages, which is my purpose

as a sage, it was very hard for me to go from one magical experiment to
the next without being worried that I was going to disrupt some energetic
boundaries necessary for my protection. Like I said, all the practices conflict
one another.

When we were playing Tantra pretty

hardcore, things got SO messy. CPS got
called on me for prostitution (verbatim) and
weed. At the time I was publicly smoking a
lot of weed, like a 24/7 Shiva Yatra, but also
talking a LOT about sex and exploring the
nonexistent boundaries of our relationship,
which we had just opened up for more
sexual magic research.

Tantra said open the marriage up, so we

did, and it damn near killed us.
We thought an open marriage would work for us because we weren’t
having sex with each other that often, and when we did, it was the same
sex. I spent most of my sexual time masturbating, thinking about how I
wanted to have sex with my wife, but ended up just pleasing myself. I was
wasting my energy, literally blowing my load on nothing, because what
we had felt predictable. We thought we needed to go elsewhere to make
things fresh again. It was easier to point the finger at my partner instead
of seeing the flaws in myself.

We had our kids together, but really nothing else. We didn’t share any
goals or dreams. We thought we could find everything we were looking
for outside of our marriage, instead of believing that we already had all
the answers.

The Taoists say “men should retain semen, women should ejaculate as
much as possible”, so we did some of that until I reached the edge of
reason. But the Gnostics say retain the semen, men and women alike.
FOREVER. Never ejaculate again. When I retained semen I felt like I was
pissing the Taoists off. When I ejaculated I thought I was going to Gnostic
hell, because that is their hard and fast rule.

I am a professional simplifier, and luckily, during this time, I was studying

the Enneagram in its magical form, which has nothing to do with the
enneagram of personality. I was studying with all of my heart and soul.
It was so important to me because I was mentally saturated in magical
theorems. I knew they all had a point and they all had to agree on
SOMETHING, but what? Did they agree on ANYTHING?

As a sage, this is how I study everything. If you asked me to teach you how to
make a biscuit, I would read fifty biscuit recipes, looking for the ingredients
every recipe contained. When I found that every recipe contained flour,
salt, sugar, butter, and ice water, I would teach you the core principles of
biscuitry, and have you memorize it so you could make a biscuit without a
recipe every time for the rest of your life. I teach you the rudiments, so you
can add any flair to make it your own. This is the service a learned scholar,
and a sage will both provide to you.

Sage is one of three titles given in esoteric schools, the other two being saint,
and learned.
An esoteric scholar who experiences
a higher than average gradation
of internal and external sufferings,
which changes his way of being
is given the title of saint. Typically
they adhere to one lineage of
spiritual teachings, like Hinduisim or

An esoteric scholar who could never

be satisfied on one path, devotes
himself to awakening by all manner
of objective means. He awakens like
the Sufis, like the Catholics, like the
Hindus and teaches people the core
truths they all agree on. This scholar
is given the title of learned.

An esoteric scholar who experiences a higher than average gradation

of internal and external sufferings, and also awakens by all manner of
objective means is given the title of sage, which is what I received in my
last significant graduation. This is also when I took the name ONAMI,
which means “great wave”. What does your name mean?

When I was studying sex magic, some of the manuals I read were downright
scary. The warnings of what would happen if you fucked up just a tiny bit
hit me hard. They were combined with old, complex diagrams showing that
there is another world that you can get to, but if you turn left instead of right
during a thirteen step ritual, you will find yourself in another world, that you
are unable to exit.

I really want to spare you the time and confusion, because all of these books
claim to be “The One” and they are loaded with conflicting information,
decoys, and red herrings so I’ll give you a clear example of how one
teaching is translated dogmatically different depending on who you learn

Here is a diagram from a Gnostic sex magic manual on the Arcanum AZF,
depicting the origin of the acronym VITRIOL. In the Gnostic approach you’re
not meant to ejaculate ever, under any circumstances. There is a lot of “or
else…” in this approach.
The white magic manual is quite adamant that there should be no
ejaculation, ever, for men or women. It states over and over again that only
black magicians will ejaculate.

Yet we have this diagram in the white magic manual.

VITRIOL = Visitam Interiore Terras Rectificatur Invenias Ocultum Lapidum

(Visit the Interior of Our Earth and Through Rectification You Will Find the
Occult Stone)

We know that vitriol colloquially means cruel and bitter, but archaically it
means sulphuric acid. Sulphur is what is burned during Saturnian, or what
some may call Satanic conjurings for murder, hate, ill wishes, and chaos.
Not war, which would be a Martian (of Mars) conjuring, but for personal
deeds of ill will.
Additionally, this diagram points you downward, towards a human, between
the legs ejaculation in the territory marked “Corpus” (body) marked with the
symbol of Saturn. We see that our triangle is inverted and moving downward,
suggesting that a deeper dive into your earthly urges will show you the
Philosopher’s Stone. It ain’t wrong! But it ain’t right either.

If you’re familiar with conjurings and other magical rituals, you know that
it can easily turn into a D-List entity party. If you were to take the Gnostic
manual that this document came from, which is a treatise on the Arcanum
AZF, you would be introduced to a fully black-and-white approach to sex
magic. The words encourage white magic. The diagram encourages black
magic. You would only know this if you were familiar with certain magical
constants, for example Saturn and Sulphur.

We find this diagram in the “white magic” territory, but it is clearly teaching a
“black magic” practice. Why?

The reason it is like this, is because you cannot cut black magic out of magic.
AZF stands for Agua (water, white magic) , Azufre (sulphur, black magic) ,
Fuego (fire, red magic) . These symbolize faith, fear, and surrender.

However, the white magic approach DOES NOT MENTION the second force,
the sulphur, at any point. As a matter of fact, they act like it does not exist,
and warn of the dangers that could come up if you accidentally went down
that path, which you of course will, because you cannot exorcise a necessary
element from an alchemical process. The pursuit of unattainable perfection
is psychological torture. It is an incomplete teaching, the incompletion of
which is printed clearly in the book.

I know people who have lost the ability to rule their minds, trying to keep the
practices outlined in this white magic manual, considered a classic for early

Dualistic magic, aka the belief white magicians are “good” and black
magicians are bad, is not the truth of magic. The truth is they’re both doing
the same thing, just inverted. VITRIOL is a good example of that.

It would also be a good time to shut down the wholly modern belief that the
terms black magic and white magic are racially motivated. This narrative is
both inflammatory, and incorrect. The terms black and white are alchemical
terms, and are in relation to solar and lunar. There is a third magic, red
magic, that is related to earth, and a fourth magic related to God. We can
consider that later, but it is the awareness of this third magic, and the fourth
magic, which is sexual magic, that doesn’t allow us to see a conflict between
white and black magicians.
Conflict only exists in duality. In a party of two.

In alchemical terms, these colors of magical processes are

Nigredo > Albedo > Rubedo > Citrinitas

Black > White > Red > Gold

Q: So if duality doesn’t exist, and black and white magicians are doing the
same thing, what is the real meaning of VITRIOL?

The true meaning of VITRIOL is that you have to meet your Devil if you want
to meet your God. That you have to go to the depths of your own inner earth,
where the hot molten earth spits putrid sulphuric acid in your face, and
there, in the places you were most afraid to go, you find the truth of who you

“Meditate. If the Devil comes, make him meditate. - G.I. Gurdjieff “

What you most need to find is where you least want to look. And that’s
exactly where we are going to go.

Where in your past do you least want to look? Pause and assess. Don’t go
forward until you do.
When I think about magic and the simplicity of it, I think about nature.
Nature doesn’t have a formula for how much rain it should or shouldn’t
get. It rains when it does, on no schedule and yet, nature always thrives.
Magic, especially when involved with sex, doesn’t need to be precise.
You’re vulnerable enough when you’re having sex; you don’t need to put
a special formula alongside it as well. Nature knows what it needs when
it needs it.

I think about the time when I was in a sweat lodge, and a brother
passed me a bag of dried peyote during the healing ceremony. It was
dark, and I asked how much I should get. He said, “Pour it into your hand;
you’ll either get a lot or a little bit. There’s no specific formula.” I was
going to get what I needed at that moment, and I did. My intention was
set, and my heart was in the right place. That was enough.

The important part is understanding the difference between regular sex

and sexual magic. All sexual magic is working for something, but all sex
is not sexual magic.

The Problem With Using One Kind of Magic Only:

If we were to focus exclusively on white sexual magic, the art of will, we would
be told to be as pure as possible, and think as positively as possible, and if we
do this we will get whatever outcome we are focusing on.

White magicians always have a lot of shit to talk about black magicians, and
they love to name names and point fingers. The problem is, there is no magic
that is exclusively white that works. It is the first in a four stage process. When
white magicians find their inner Devil, which is inevitable, they run “back” to
God screaming. They blame themselves for their inability to be perfect. I know
a lot of people who have gotten stuck in this white sex magic world. They
can’t handle their inner Devil, which puts them at a disadvantage. They are
constantly seeking their highest self, without integrating the lower self. As a
result, they are always letting themselves down, and see their human error, or
human desire as evidence of demonic possession. This is so sad. They hate
themselves. The repression leads to nocturnal emissions, which acts as “proof”
of their unconscious evil. To use alchemical terms, the aspiration for the higher
elements, the “gold”, is there, but there is a refusal to get your hands dirty in
the base elements. You try to pretend those elements are not there, in the
hopes that they will go away.

If we were to focus exclusively on black sexual magic, the art of fear, we

would dive headfirst into every hedonistic fantasy we have, and act out
on it. This is the “do what thou wilt”, Crowley sexual magic. You would find
your inner Devil and through it find your inner God. The problem with black
magic first is it easily turns obsessive. It becomes an inner pissing contest
where you’re constantly trying to find new levels of taboo to go to, and new
things to rebel against. Instead of constantly seeking your highest self and
aspiring to reach that, you are constantly seeking your lowest self. It does
the same thing as white magic, but reversed. People have a lot of resistance
to Crowley, but he was very talented and really understood magic in a way
a lot of advanced practitioners never do. However, I’ve also hung out with
many, many drug addicts and hedonists in my life, and I grew up in a cult.
The combination of having followers and taking drugs leads to a whole
bunch of people blindly following the leader’s pattern of believing stupid
things, often dangerous things, are great ideas. I can spot this a mile away.

“That’s coke logic.” “That’s withdrawal.” “That’s a drunk yes.” , so I avoid gurus
that get high regularly, as well as any kind of “community”, aka a cult.

The black magician can’t handle their inner God, they continually dethrone
anything that is trying to establish a higher self, a higher aspiration. The
base elements are known, but they cannot be converted into the higher,
because the addiction to the base is so persistent, and the resistance to the
higher is strong.

Another issue with this is that black magicians are notoriously, outwardly
volatile, whereas white magicians are secretly volatile. White magicians
excommunicate, erase, or burn people who challenge the official narrative,
without much backstory. Black Magicians are masters of the smear
campaign, it’s their signature move. All politics are black magic.

If you fall out of favor with a black magician it’s a real pain in the ass. You
have to be a master of black magic yourself to be able to withstand it. The
best way to be immune to black magic is to know exactly how it works,
which is not particularly difficult… unless you’re scared of it.

Finally, red magic.

While black and white magicians argue with each other, as if they’re the
only two that exist in the world, red magic operates in the background. Red
magic sees both of them at war, and knows what the real get down is all
about. Surrender. Sacrifice. Blood.
Red magic says: “You don’t know what you like, or what you want, so say
yes to everything that is handed to you. If it stays it’s for you. If it falls
away, this is not for you.”

And this is SO right. Technically, this is totally right. But just because you
can, doesn’t mean you should.

The Tantric dream is that you can just jump right into this level, and start
saying yes to everything that comes your way as a learning experience.

Psalm Isadora, my first role model in the Tantric scene committed suicide
when I was one month into my anything-goes Tantra journey. I was full
on at that point. I had finished my journey with Kundalini yoga. I had dove
headfirst into Ifa, mentoring with a priestess who saw me as an equal.
Once I hit Tantra, it was ON. I was drinking my menstrual blood, wearing
all red. I was IN IT. In that month I had hit two major rock bottoms, that left
me crying on the couch for weeks. One was a threesome I forced myself
to attend at the urging of a really bad, but Tantrically “correct” friend. The
other was ending up in a situation where one yes led to another, ending with
me coked out and alone at a man’s house who I did NOT want to be with.
Anything goes in Tantra, it’s all “good”, but it almost killed me. When I had
regained my strength, Psalm Isadora died. It’s a BIG thing for a teacher to kill
themselves. It’s almost deicide (killing a God).

It was made very clear to me at that time that Tantra is BYOB. Bring your
own boundaries.
There ARE no boundaries assigned to you in advanced magic. The only rule
is no rules.

Tantra says: Throw caution to the wind. Throw morals, white magic, to the
wind. Throw your will, white magic, to the wind. Throw your fears, black
magic, to the wind. Throw your control, black magic, to the wind. Throw
everything to the wind and see what happens! Drink, drug, fuck, fight. See
what happens. If you die, it was meant to be.

People die in Tantra. A LOT of people die in tantra. Good thing I hadn’t met
Osho at that stage in my life, because the teachings are SO appetizing, I
wouldn’t have been able to deny them. Even after five years of sobriety and
initiation, I almost tanked the whole thing when I went full on red magic

I almost lost my sobriety on my five year sober anniversary. I almost lost my

marriage, and my kids to CPS. Red magic is so dangerous. You have to bring
your own boundaries, because if you don’t, you will get hurt. And you will
hurt others.
Aleister Crowley died broke in some shitty room rental, psycho, and
addicted to heroin. The guy who founded AA died begging for whiskey.
Yogi Bhajan, a dedicated white magician and white tantric teacher, ran
complex scams selling fake Warhols and toner cartridges to dental offices
while simultaneously selling prosperity rituals to the public. Psalm Isadora
committed suicide, drunk and on pills. Osho, who is basically the master of
red magic and an incredible teacher, his longtime girlfriend was found dead
of an overdose in Pune, which was quickly covered up. During that time he
was on fulltime nitrous oxide, with a dental staff on hand at all time. He was
doing “energy darshans” with a harem of 36 female “mediums”, and believed
himself to be the incarnation of Buddha.The only reason he didn’t present as
the Buddha full time is because the Buddha could not stay in Osho’s body
because he didn’t like Osho’s jacuzzi.

Energy Darshan. Nirvano aka Vivek, Osho’s longtime partner is top right.
Like my most beloved teacher, Rudi says.

If you look at a cow it has udders, if you look around the other side it has an
Everything that provides nourishment also creates waste, so you have to
Do you want to be an expert in nourishment, or do you want to be an expert
in shit?
Most people are experts in shit.

And all of these teachers had extremely potent skills, and incredible careers.
I’ve studied with all of them, and you can’t repay a teacher in ten thousand
lifetimes. This is my role as sage.

I grew up in a doomsday, pedophile sex cult called the Children of God. I was
a casualty of my parent’s deep thirst for the Kool Aid. My life’s mission has
been to find the secrets that all charismatic cult leaders possess, without
ever starting a cult. This is why I don’t do retreats, have communities, or
“meet ups”. This is why my app is a school, that you’re not encouraged to
hang out in. Work and leave. Be anonymous. Steal everything you can from
me, and move on with my blessing when it’s time to go.

All cults are easy to join and hard to leave. Have you ever done a lot of
something that you were told is essential for growth, and found it difficult to

Hard to stop doing your kriya? Hard to stop going to meetings? Hard to say
no to an orgy?

Bottom line is, you have to be careful as fuck reading these sex magic
manuals, and follow nothing right out of the book. If you don’t know what
you’re doing, you’re just following a recipe, you could be building a bloodbath
and believing it’s a wedding cake the whole time.

It’s dangerous to stick to one path and just cling to it, because you cannot
use one kind of magic alone. You need all three.

Nigredo. Black Magic.

Albedo. White Magic.
Rubedo. Red Magic
Citrinitas. Gold. Sexual Magic.

What makes this system unique, is we’re not trying to get you to master each
path individually like is usually required. We are here for one purpose only.
Create an erotic life through the practice of sexual magic, and use that
magic to quantum leap into your next wealth era. We don’t want to get
caught in any of the three paths. We want to take everything we need from
each path, nothing more, and use it as fuel to get to the highest magic
possible. We work clean. We work fast. We work deep. It’s the fastest way, but
it’s not for the faint of heart.

Sex Magic and the Enneagram:

I have spent several years mastering an esoteric mathematical system

known as the Enneagram, which has nothing to do with the Enneagram of

The Enneagram is a sacred Sufi symbol that depicts how three essential laws
of creation work together to make any and all things happen. These three laws
are the Law of Time, the Law of Three, and the Law of Seven.

The reason why this is so useful, is that it gives us an exact to do list for every
single creation from the microcosm to the macrocosm. It’s a system you can
apply to any and everything. You never wonder if you did enough, or did too
much. You just follow the exact steps.

How much money have you paid trying to find out what the steps to your
goal were? How many times have you gotten stuck because you were
missing the next step? What if you always knew what the steps were? What
if nothing ever seemed impossible again, because you had a system for
building or creating anything?

This method has been

favored by various creators,
mystics, inventors, and artists
worldwide. For example,
Alejandro Jodorowsky, Nikola
Tesla, and G.I Gurdjieff (the
subject of my upcoming erotic
fiction novel). It is prized, and
veiled in secrecy because it
gives you a practical, ten-step
framework that exists in all
creations from the microcosm
to the macrocosm.
For this reason, it is known in esoteric circles as the Master of All Systems, or
the Face of God.

With every passing year, I only see the value of the system more and
more. For example, I just worked with a coach for $10,000 who offered a
6 to 12-month strategy, but without a specific formula for locating all of
the crucial components in strategy, it can feel like getting advice from
someone who says “you’re really talented and I really believe that you can
make it” without any clear, step-by-step strategic action. Still worth it, you
can’t repay a teacher in ten thousand lifetimes. But DAMN, an organized
strategy is much more useful to me than “You can do it!”.

This is the same issue that I faced in sexual magic. All of these people say
that there are all of these things that you can do, and the list never ends,
but when it comes to a step-by-step strategic plan that immediately
shows results, there is none.
Because of my mastery of the Enneagram, when I give somebody a 6-12
month strategy for a $10,000 price point, what they get from me is an exact
step-by-step path that takes them from zero to completion. Not only that,
but I will clearly identify for them the three separate points at which they
would be most likely to fall off of their path, and exactly, specifically, what
needs to be done to make sure that they don’t lose their momentum at the
time when they most need it.
I help them get it started so they can understand what their projected
timeline would be.

Mastering this system gives me and my enneagram students the uncanny

ability to accurately predict the future and provide clear milestones for what
to expect on every step of the path.

The system never breaks. It never fails. It is recyclable and reusable.

You’ll see right away that each step is working at the exact time when I told
you it would be, and when things get hard at the exact moment I told you it
would, you don’t see it as a sign that you are not succeeding. You are able
to reinforce your vision, reinforce your faith, and continue past the denying
force, which is where 90% of all people give up on their goals.

With this system, the first

step is identifying the three
“opposing” forces that work
together to create. The active,
or desiring force. Birth. The
passive, or denying force.
Death. And finally, the
neutralizing force. Life.

When Nikola Tesla said

that if you understand the
magnificence of the 3,6, and
9, you hold the key to the
Universe - this is what he is
talking about. He is a scientist.
He is NOT talking about writing
something three times in
the morning, six times in the
afternoon, and nine times at
night. This is not how the Tesla
coil was built.
What he means is, if you can identify the three opposing forces that create
the right amount of tension for creation to happen, then you can figure the
whole thing out, because all the steps around Step 3, Step 6, and Step 9 are
the same.

The reason we want to put sexual magic onto an enneagram, is so that we

aren’t getting lost in the argument of all the different practices, but also
that we aren’t forgetting any of the components. We can take it out of the
pageantry, and into the practical.

To put sexual magic onto an enneagram, we aggregate what all the different
practices agree on, and place them in their correct points for balance.
I cannot tell you how difficult it was figuring out how they needed to be
distributed for balance. I had to test it personally on myself for six months at
a time, and my life fell the fuck apart every time I had it set up wrong. NOW I
KNOW! And I can spot the imbalance anywhere, like we’ve discussed here.

For balanced sexual magic, the three forces we are looking at are: white
magic as the neutralizing force, or life, black magic as the denying force, or
death, and red magic as the desiring force, birth. When you put all of these
together, it creates a wheel which is known as gold magic. Sexual magic.
Within the context of the three forces of life, we have the spiritual, which is the
white magic. We have the physical, which is the black magic. And we have
the erotic, which is the red magic.

Ideally, we are ruled by the spiritual, white magic, as a neutralizing force. This
means it always comes back to God, it always comes back to our sacred
intention. Put no other Gods before God is a good policy.

The lines represent the theme of the journey. The white magic line walks us
through intention setting and tool gathering. The black magic line walks us
through the limitations, and the point of of most attention. The red magic line
walks us through the presentation, and the retention. The points represent
the junction from one necessary path to the next.

This is where the line of our will (white magic) must align with God’s will (red
magic). This is where the two lines form the peak of the triangle, making
point 0/9. This point represents life.

A part of us must die when our will (white magic) meets our absolutely
necessary, fear-based control (black magic). This is where the two lines
form the right corner of the triangle at point 3. This point represents death.
A part of us is born, and our quantum leap occurs, when our control (black
magic) meets the re-cognition that only God’s plan for us will work (red
magic). This is where the two lines form the left corner of the triangle at point
6. This point represents birth.

If you want to know more about the Enneagram, you can either take my
specific Enneagram course, or you can do any of my workshops that are
not in the beginners section. You will see a ten-step pattern emerge in all of
them, that gives you incredible results. That pattern is the Enneagram. The
master of all systems.



If you make black magic your governing force, what ends up happening is
that you cannot stop trying to control the outcome, because you neutralize
every conflict between your plan (white magic) and God’s plan (red magic)
with black magic . I HAVE DONE THIS. Unfortunately, during this time, I was
at my lowest. I could not stop talking, I could not stop trying to control the
situation, and the entire time, I thought that I was in power. Fear and control
were absolutely working in my favor, and that’s how I was getting a lot of my
customers. I was publicly humiliated by GOD, and not for one day, I’m talking
months, of being exposed TO MY AUDIENCE that I had never been in power.
During this time, I had actually been leading people down a wrong and
dangerous path, and I had to publicly atone for this.

It took a full year to clean up the mess. I lost my Instagram, my newsletter list,
my private community, and my YouTube. These were all audiences that had
been there since the beginning. I had to start completely from scratch, and
in a year rebuilt an audience that is 3500% larger on social media, and 700%
larger on my mailing list. No ads.

When you hear of ritualistic black magic being used, involving child
trafficking, blood rituals, and other horrors, this is an example of black magic
being active. This forces blood magic into the passive space, which means
it is seen as a necessary procedure to make the white magic, or will, active.
It’s not a personal surrendering, it’s surrendering someone or something else.
Because of where it is located, in the passive space, it’s usually without their
I won’t go too deeply into this, because there has always been an measure of
truth, with two measures of accusations, and now, propaganda surrounding
this. I’m not trying to make a mixed drink here. Yes, it is happening. Always
has been. No, it is not to the degree that an excess of “rabbit holes” will
suggest it is. Be discerning. Fear is fear.

The underlying philosophy is trickled down from Aleister Crowley (magick

with a K), and weaponized teachings from the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn, which is a derivative of the Rosicrucians. Qabalah is integrated
into this system. This system needs constant maintenance, which is often
accomplished with blood sacrifice. Although sacrifice is meant to be a
surrendering of something that is your own, for example sacrificing one of
your prized animals and going hungry during the winter, there is a caveat
that you could sacrifice something of someone else’s.

This is not sustainable. A good example of this at a high level is Hitler.

Hitler’s genocide of the Jews was

called within the Nazi Party “the Final
Solution”. Hitler was a dedicated
occultist, and since all politics, and
all (NO EXCEPTIONS) politicians are
black magicians, war was a method
of blood sacrifice. Each country would
put up thousands of their own men as
blood sacrifice. These men were not
aware of what they were doing, as it
was under the guise of patriotism and
bravery. Hitler attempted to make the
world’s largest blood offering, with
German blood, after World War 1. But
when that didn’t achieve his desired
results, he decided to use the Jews as
a last resort, or final solution.

The desired effect was to make

Germany a supremely respected
nation, the swastika being
synonymous with Aryan pride.
Germany still struggles to erase this
image from their reputation, and the
swastika is inexorably connected with
deep shame and embarassment
for the Germans. Complete adverse
reaction. A total backfire.

When you want to use white magic with no black magic (which I have
also tried), what ends up happening is that you are under the incorrect
assumption that you can just keep willing your way into a better existence.
That if you’re not getting what you want, you can just purify yourself even
more, focus on your desires even more, create stronger intentions, and
less will somehow come to pass. It’s the same thing as black magic in the
sense that both black and white magic are trying to completely control the
outcome and believe that if they just keep pushing their singular agenda
even more, that they will somehow reach the desired result, and this is not

It’s not our fault for believing this. We all incarnated to live in a dualistic world
so that we could wake up to the reality of oneness. We cannot help but see
the world in terms of black/white, right/wrong, good/evil until we awaken.

The problem with dualistic thinking is that when you believe it’s God versus
the devil, every good thing that happens you credit as being the work of
God and everything bad that happens you credit to be the work of the Devil.
When you see things in this way, you see the Good and Evil as having equal
power because 50% of the time you get what you want and 50% of the time
you do not get what you want.

In Tantra they say ‘The One became Two for the joy of becoming One

It feels so good to return to the truth of oneness after you’ve been caught in
the maya of duality for so long.

However, most of the time you do not get

what you want and you’re so grateful for
that two years down the line, which gives
you a curiosity about what the true nature
of God could be.

In more advanced spiritual practices, you

get the understanding that God has three
faces. For example, Vishnu, Shiva, and
Brahma. One version of God (Brahma) is
creating, one version of God is destroying
(Shiva), and one version of God is
neutralizing (Vishnu).
When you understand this, you see God in all events, whether good, bad, or
neutral. You never lose your enlightenment. You’re able to see that all these
three aspects of God create tension, which allows the world to exist. So, this is
why we study black magic, white magic, and red magic. However, Vishnu as
a creator, Shiva as a neutralizer, and Brahma as a destroyer would not be a
good combination. They all need their correct for success place.

It’s totally fine to use black magic, it’s natural, and you need it for sales. If I
say “use a diva cup so you don’t have to walk to the bathroom with a brightly
colored tampon in your hand while you’re at work”, I’m using black magic
passively. But you need to keep it in the correct space. A good example of
this is Moses. He didn’t know what plagues he would be wreaking on Egypt.
He didn’t plan for it. It came up naturally as a response to the situation. It was
in the passive space. Black magic can be done passively. You don’t need to
intend to do it. It must be done to create. You have to assess and utitlize the
fears. You need base elements.


If we made red magic the governing force, we

would have no clear direction for ourselves. This
was actually the hardest test to walk away from
because “technically” it “should” work, but it
just doesn’t. If you have no will, no direction, no
aim, and you’re just surrendered to the Universe
letting whatever happen, happen. It’s a very day
by day existence. My husband has been on this
path for like, ten years, He’ll tell you about it in a
minute. When you are on “surrender” and “being
present” and “meditating” as a governing force,
you don’t have any vision. Without a vision, you
can have no strategy or tactics. They don’t stick
to anything. You wait around for someone or
something to tell you what to do.

The hope is that we could put red magic as the

governing force, and have white magic active
and black magic passive, but for some reason
it just never goes down like that. When you have
completely surrendered your will *from the
beginning*, it’s forced into the passive space,
which means fear gets forced into the active
space. Let’s use Osho’s Rajneeshpurim as an

If meditation were an Olympic sport, I would’ve signed right up. I was great
at being present, grateful, and loving the world. However, I had no drive or
ambition for myself at the beginning of my spiritual path. I was taught that
wanting more wasn’t pure, and that being more spiritual meant having
less. Everyone around me seemed to be looking for handouts when it
came to paying their bills and buying food. It seemed conflicting to me,
but I went along with it.

I could tell that the people around me were suffering. They had dreams
of greatness, but no real way of achieving them. Everyone was relying on
prayer with no action to save them. This was the mentality I had for the
majority of my relationship with my wife. Because of that, I had no real plan
to achieve anything more. I had dreams of more, but they were unrealistic
because I didn’t understand the effort required to achieve them.

The tools we will be using in this workshop are the three kinds of magic, in
perfect order, in perfect measure. No mistakes. We will be combining this
with hardcore business tools in our workshop Autoerotic Wealth. Magic
and hardcore business tools are combined with deep couples work, in our
workshop Erotic Wealth.
How Sexual Magic Works:

When we act out a universal law with our bodies, we get its powers. You can
see this in the movements of kundalini yoga,he show the OA, and you can
see this in the Gurdjieff movements. But when we act out a universal law to
perfection, we get its power.

When we are doing sexual magic, we are behaving as if we are God and
when done correctly, we get its powers.

All gods have masculine and feminine energy, which is joined by one mind,
singular focus, the ability to create. When the masculine and feminine are
united by one mind, creation becomes possible. Because all creations and
all existence have three states, and everything you learn from me follows a
systematic approach, the three forces here would be the active force, which
is masculine, the passive force, which is feminine, and the neutralizing force,
which is the mind.

Additionally, Gods have very

strong will. Your will is very weak.
You can’t will yourself to stick
to a diet, or finish a book. The
symbol of the will is the semen,
which has various stages of
strength. Its clear and watery
when it’s weak. It’s thick and
golden when it’s strong. Strong
semen = strong will. Women
also have this semen, but the
ejaculation happens up in the
vagina itself, so you would need
to look at the lingam or tool after
a very robust ejaculation. You
won’t see it on the pussy.

A female ejaculation is marked by a large spasm, and a male ejaculation is

marked with the emission of semen. Male and female orgasms are different
from ejaculation, and do not involve emissions or spasms.
Sexual magic teaches you how to exchange instant gratification for
perpetual ecstasy. The symbol of this instant gratification is the ejaculation,
which marks the end of pleasure, not the beginning of it.

The body can handle no more pleasure, so it explodes via ejaculation, and
the descent begins.
When you know how to extend the pleasure, because you can handle a lot of
it, you reach higher states of ecstasy than you ever thought could exist, and it
does not end when the sexual act is completed.

You only have as much pleasure in life as you can handle, and there are no
practices developed to help you handle more pleasure besides the secret
doctrine of sexual magic.
The three forces, aka the triangle, fit within the context of a larger plan, the
Enneagram which represents the Gold magic. Sexual magic.

THE ENNEAGRAM ITSELF IS SEX MAGIC. A large working wheel, with many other
smaller actions happening within it. Including black, white, and red magic.
There is one factor that needs to be present to make this gold possible,
and that is love. The energy of God, which is separate from the masculine,
feminine, and mental, is the energy of love. Ideally, we would never be
having sex with ourselves or anyone else if it wasn’t in the energy of pure
love and pure desire. No insecurity, no numbing, no shame, no escaping. Just
pure love.

When the masculine and feminine are mediated by a shared vision, with
strong will, in the energy of love - creation is possible.

Magic: Retention on the most basic physical level is not ejaculating and
keeping your sexual energy inside of you. What we’re not taught is that
orgasm and ejaculation are two separate things. Orgasm comes first,
ejaculation comes second. If you don’t ejaculate, you can have many
orgasms. Once you ejaculate, orgasms are done until you build that
sexual energy back up again. Retention requires you to understand your
body, when things are at the point of ejaculation, slowing down and
waiting for the right time to resume. That takes patience and self-control.
We were taught the opposite, that the only goal of sex is to ejaculate
and then it’s done. With retention, sex can go on and on and your sexual
energy can be transformed into anything.

Q: Is it possible for someone to do Sexual Magic by themselves?

Yes, absolutely because like the Gods, you have a masculine side and a
feminine side that need to be united by a shared focus. This is what we do
in this workshop,the erotic side is cultivating the feminine, the wealth side is
cultivating the masculine, and both of these are united by one clear vision
that you see for yourself and for your future. Now the love aspect has to
exist as well. You have to cultivate a sincere, unflinching love for yourself.
This is not like taking bubble baths and reciting affirmations. What it is, is
feeling like he will never get to the bottom of your own power and creativity,
because you are constantly finding yourself to be a much stronger, much
more capable, much wiser persona than you ever thought that you could be.
When you are met with the sheer force that is your true self, it is impossible
to not be totally and completely enamored.
My favorite way to explain this is the difference between being intimate
with yourself or a partner or being erotic with yourself and your partner. The
intimate represents that scene from Beauty and the Beast where Belle is in
the bookshop saying, “I love this book, I’ve read it a thousand times.” and the
bookkeeper says “Don’t you want to get a new book?”

She replies, “No, I know this one cover to cover. It’s my favorite story.”

This is how you feel about yourself, your talent, or your partner. You think you
know the whole story, and that’s so endearing to you.

Endearing, and totally confining.

This feeling she has about loving the book she knows so well is nothing
compared to the look on her face when she walks into the Beast’s library for
the first time and says,

“These are more books than I’ll ever read in my entire life.”


To no longer have any assumptions about who you

or your partner are, what can be achieved, and what
is scheduled to come for you is what it’s like to be
living in the present, to be living with the erotic.
My relationship with God was basically nonexistent until I met the poet
Rainer Maria Rilke, who showed me what it was like to have an EROTIC
relationship with God. This has never been explained more clearly than in
this poem:

You, darkness, of whom I am born --

I love you more than the flame

that limits the world
to the circle it illumines
and excludes all the rest.

But the dark embraces everything:

shapes and shadows, creatures and me,
people, nations -- just as they are.

It lets me imagine
a great presence stirring beside me.

I believe in the night.

I’m sure you can now understand why I named my son after him.
I just wanted to be normal. I wasn’t aspiring to big pleasure. I just didn’t want
people to think I was a prude, or bad in bed, or fucked up from all the fucked
up sexual things that had happened to me in my life, from childhood on.

I didn’t enjoy sex at all, but like everyone else, I lied about it. I just wanted to
be normal. I was really bad in bed and I had no idea, it’s not like anyone ever
told me so.

I felt a lot of shame about pleasuring myself while riding a man, and because
they don’t show that kind of sex in movies, I thought I was broken because
I couldn’t cum from laying on my back like Carrie Bradshaw. I thought that
pleasure was supposed to exist in the vagina alone. The vagina is not the
pussy. Vagina means “sheath”, and it’s literally JUST the hole. The clit is not in
the vagina, and it’s not like eighteen year olds have mastered the G Spot. My
mom never explained it to me, neither did anyone else. No men I fucked knew
to stimulate the pussy, they just gave the vagina the ol’ in and out. So I faked
it, a lot, which made it end faster, which was fine with me. If I could have cut
to the drinks and the cigarettes and skipped the sex every single time I would
have. It just wasn’t fun. It was not about me.

I thought that if they came fast I was good in bed. I didn’t know that being
good in bed is making sure he does NOT cum too fast. I thought that being
good in bed was pleasuring someone else, when actually, it’s being so
focused on your OWN pleasure that you don’t care what’s going on with
them. That becoming this person in the bedroom makes you this kind of
person in real life.

The kind of person that gets whatever they want, wherever they go, because
they demand it.

At the time I was trying to be palatable to everyone, make guys want me,
and like a lot of women I know who also did this, I was constantly being
disappointed by men, and then lining up a fresh one. We would just change
ourselves and change ourselves for any guy that came along, until we didn’t
recognize ourselves anymore. And that was fine, because once we had them
we could slip into our new identity. His Girlfriend.

I also had a lot of sexual trauma, I had been date raped and taken
advantage of. I had been molested in my childhood, and I also had bulimia
for 13 years. I knew that sexual trauma could have an impact on my sex life,
but I had no idea that eating disorders could have anything to do with it. I
also didn’t know that what I was experiencing was not pleasure. I thought sex
was just overrated.

I had roommates who were total assholes to just about everyone. They
were high maintenance, brash, cheated on all their boyfriends, made
unreasonable demands of just about everyone, called their parents for fun
(because it was THAT kind of relationship), came easily , and generally got
whatever the fuck they wanted.

I could NOT figure this out. How do these spoiled brats just walk through life
getting whatever the fuck they want while I’m here taking care of everyone
and I NEVER get what I want?

Unfortunately, my undiagnosed jealousy turned into rampant judgment,

and it would take years before I could accept that I wanted what the Rancho
Bernardo brats had.

When I got older, I decided that I DID want to pursue pleasure. That I DID want
to be a confident woman and
I DID want to meet my soul
mate, but I didn’t know where
to start. I assumed that once
I met my sacred partner the
sex would be ecstatic, Tantric,
otherworldly pleasure.

It wasn’t. Because I was the

problem. I was locked up
sexually, and because I was
locked up in the world of
desire, I could never get more
than the bare minimum that I

Understanding pleasure,
understanding desire means
you get what you WANT and
not just what you need. If you
feel like you can get what you
need, but you can’t get more,
rest assured that your inner
erotic world is parched.

In the beginning of my sex life, I was always looking for new partners. I
was also always heavily intoxicated or on drugs. It was purely physical for
me. All I wanted to do was conquer, cum, and move on. I got sober and
sex became a little embarrassing for me because I wasn’t lasting as long,
since I could actually feel things again. My main goal was still to orgasm,
that’s what I knew. I stopped watching porn for a while and my sex life
improved, but I still felt a lot of shame around sex. The spiritual community
I was in feared and didn’t understand sex, and that fear was pushed onto
me and turned into shame. For the majority of my sexual life after about
three times of having sex with someone, I was over it and moved on to
somebody new. I felt shame about that, and forced myself to stay in longer
term relationships with people I wasn’t really attracted to. I wanted to have
sacred partnerships, and sacred sex, but it really requires a special partner.
You can’t do it with just anyone. But you can do it for yourself.

Your pattern with sex began the first time you ever had it.

For some people, it was nothing but pleasure from the beginning. For
some people, there was pain or abandonment. For some people there was

For me, the first time by choice, it was drunk, unimpressive, and boring.
I had moved from South Africa, where no one fucked before marriage,
to California, where everyone fucked before marriage. I felt behind and I
wanted to be normal ASAP. I was expecting a deep emotional connection
from sex, and that he wouldn’t leave me. He was ugly, but a punk in
Encinitas, tall and covered with tattoos at 16 (A-L-L Social Distortion
tattoos, vom) , and I thought that all it would take was a little sex and then
he would be my boyfriend. That was not the case. He severely ghosted little
13 year old me, and it fucked me up. My cling pattern went into overdrive,
and that’s how it would look for the next two decades. Ugly guys, ugly
habits, get through the sex to have someone around that wouldn’t leave
me, and to be “normal”. No pleasure. Just get the job done.

I lost my virginity to someone that I wasn’t really interested in. We were both
drunk, and she was willing to have sex with me. That pattern continued,
because if a woman wanted to have sex with me, I would do so even if I
wasn’t really interested in her. That led me to get into relationships that I
knew in my heart weren’t right for me. I felt so much scarcity around sex,
so I decided to have as much as I could. That pattern didn’t stop until sex
magic came into my life, and I realized that more isn’t always the answer.

What was your first *consensual* experience with sex?

I say consensual because a ⅓ of us were molested in our youth, and this

created its own pattern. The pattern we expected our first consensual
experience to make all better - but it didn’t.

Don’t move forward without recounting your virginity story. You can do
it in your journal, or you can post it anonymously on the app I built so we
could have these conversations safely, and in privacy. To get my app, go
to Safehouse Global in the App or Play Store, and create a free account
under “discover”. You can also access on your web browser via safehouse.


I had no idea what sexual energy truly meant. I mistakenly believed

that mastering one’s sexual energy meant having mind-blowing sexual
experiences as much as possible. However, the women I sought advice
from on embracing my own sexual freedom seemed to have chaotic lives
behind the scenes. It appeared as though the only part of their lives they had
mastered was how to have a lot of sex.

I started to notice a pattern with these women; they were very volatile, very
up and down. They had creativity, but it was very thin. It wasn’t really that
good. I would call it shit, honestly. And I only judge art by the effort put into it.
They were producing a lot, but it wasn’t really that good.
I also noticed that they were under the illusion that they were totally in power,
but just about every man had power over them. To be clear, they would
be walking around like “I don’t need a man, I don’t want a man, I’m gonna
hook up with this guy, his whatever, you know, it’s just blah,” but then they
could never really shake this person. I heard a lot of these women discussing
Tantric sex, and the Tantric sex that they were having, but the results didn’t
seem to be that useful. Every time a new man would show up, the creativity
would wane, and they would be going wherever the man was. Sometimes,
they would even fly across the country to go and see someone who has
never really paid them any mind.

One woman particularly sticks out in my memory, as she was very adamant
in my early days of celibacy about how my standards were too high and
pontificated the importance of going out drinking to meet men and assert
your sexual power in that way. If I wasn’t enjoying sex, her theory was that I
just hadn’t had enough of it or diverse enough experiences. At the time, she
was chasing a local DJ, who I didn’t care much for, and I had been in some
rough situations with a friend of his attempting to be a good “wingman” to
my more sexually charged friend.

Women represent the ovum or the passive force, which means that we
attract or magnetize things to us. In sexual magic, we create an energetic
pull that brings the electric, or masculine charge to us. During the sexual
magic act, we immerse ourselves in our energy, and then take turns
reversing the currents so the woman becomes more active and the man
becomes more passive. This is not only mastering both sides, but also fun,
and prolongs the experience. As a man who is too active in sexual magic
will finish long before his partner, and this is not magic.

The man she was chasing completely disregarded her for months. I thought
that maybe this was just his style, until I went out one night when he was
DJing and saw him following this very strong, wild woman around like a
puppy. She was acting like he didn’t exist. It seemed like she was deliberately
ignoring him and paying attention to others in the club. It wasn’t that she was
trying to piss him off, it was that she didn’t even observe his presence. He
did not even exist to her, and this man, who I had seen doing the exact same
thing to my friend, kept leaving the DJ booth over and over to follow her
around his place of work, eating out of her hand like a puppy.

Oddly enough, I ended up making out with her that night.

I watched my scorned friend become heavily engrossed in black magic

rituals and love spells, as if there can be any control over another when it
comes to love. She was trying to get this man to give her the time of day and
it was not working.
When it comes to love spells, there are many practitioners who, for the most
part, will be happy to take your money because it’s the easiest way to attract
clients. However, wanting to change someone and violate their free will under
the guise of “love” speaks volumes about how you really feel about them. That
they’re too stupid to love you, basically. It shows that you don’t care about
universal laws and that you don’t take magic seriously. It’s easy for witches
to repeatedly take someone’s money for love spells because whatever you
focus on tends to grow, and they always think it’s working. It’s important to
remember that there is no real control, only the illusion of it.

I became friends with the priestess, and I noticed that to a lesser degree, she
found herself in a very similar situation. I’ll tell you an interesting story about

The priestess and I became very close friends. I assisted her in an exorcism,
and we hung out a lot in a way that only two women who have experienced
profound trauma and pain, and then learned how to heal it with magic, could
become friends. Two lone wolves, finding a running mate for a brief cycle.

At the time, I was doing my first experiment with blood magic, and I was very
surprised at how quickly things changed for me. The level of blood magic
being practiced involved drinking menstrual blood on the exact right day,
collecting it in a diva cup. I waited for that one moment in the cycle when the
blood was completely red, and then imbibed it myself.

The results of this were shocking. Within 48 hours I had removed all of these
elements from my life that had been draining me, including this friend who
had been living with me. I became unafraid of myself and my own powers.
Men crossed the street to come up to me and say “Wow”, MULTIPLE times.

This wasn’t something I had done a lot of research on. Since the beginning, as
a bartender, I had noticed that diva cups always have a measurement line on
the inside of them, and I thought “some sick fucks are probably drinking this”. I
asked my friend how much she would have to get paid to drink her menstrual
blood, and she said “probably not a lot”. I did some research and came
across this article. As it happened, I was in the right timing of my cycle and it
was a full moon in Scorpio the next day. I decided to go for it.

Anyways, my priestess friend, at the

time, had a harem of men who were half
scared of her and half mesmerized by
her, which is a very erotic combination.
Beautiful and dangerous, my favorite.
There was one man in particular, a very conservative Japanese man, who
she had been having some fun with. It was a couple that would seem odd
outside of erotic understanding, a Cuban Ifa priestess and a conservative
Japanese man. She was curious about the powers of menstrual blood, after
seeing the impact it had on me, and was with him at that time. However, at
the last moment, she chickened out and made him drink it instead.

She told me this the next day, and we were cackling about it, little did we
know. Within 48 hours, the power dynamic of their relationship had changed
completely. She now wanted to abandon all her other conquests out of
“respect” for this Japanese flame, who she never really had much interest
in before. He began acting as the ovum, which is the passive, magnetic, or
denying force in magic. He started rejecting her. He used to fawn over her,
follow her around like a puppy, and try to get her attention. The tables had
shifted, the power dynamic was completely different, and she could never
regain her power with him. Shortly afterwards, he told her he didn’t want to
see her anymore, so SHE started doing love spells, which is a slippery slope
because it never actually works but it always seems like it’s working.

If you want to guarantee you’ll end up dating or marrying someone

hideous and controlling, do love spells.

It was around that time that I started to realize that nobody that I ever had
sex with truly left when the sex was done. Even if they did, I would be thinking
about them, every single person I’ve ever hooked up with, for days and
months afterwards. There was really no such thing as a one-night stand
for me. From a magical perspective, I didn’t understand that the pussy is a
receiver, which means that you are receiving the energy. It becomes a part
of you, and doesn’t leave right away.

I was pressured to go on birth control when I was about 13 years old by an

aggressive Planned Parenthood employee, but that’s the only time I’ve ever
been on it. I never had an experience of a man cumming inside of me until I
was 28, and I could not get this guy out of my head. Male semen is absorbed
through the vagina into the body. They become a part of you, and because
their power is in their semen, just like your blood is your power, this doesn’t
go away. You think about them, you can’t stop thinking about them, and this
poses a serious problem for women who are on birth control and have this
experience frequently.

After kicking that so-called friend out of my house, I got sober and vowed
celibacy. I started learning about tantra, this time, bringing my own
boundaries. If you don’t bring your own boundaries to tantra, you will be
manipulated until death.

Right before Onami and I met I was preparing for Sundance Ceremony.
Four days and four nights of no food or water, while praying and dancing in
ceremony all day. I knew that my energy was connected with sex. Because
I needed all the energy I could get before Sundance, I had decided to stop
having sex and masturbating, to hold that energy inside of me.

I also didn’t want to bring just anybody’s energy with me to Sundance as I

began to really understand the transfer of energy that happens during and
after sex. My solution to go to Sundance with as much of my own energy
I had, no sex, no masturbation before. I wasn’t expecting to meet my
soulmate a week before I left, and my rules quickly changed.

I knew that Onami was special, and that she was someone’s whose energy
I wanted with me while I danced. That energy that I had built up before was
so powerful that it helped create our first child together. Sometimes there’s
a time for retention and sometimes you need to release the energy.

To be too strict and rigid with your rules will only get in the way of God’s
plan for you.

The Number One Block to Magic: Believing You are Already

Doing It.

Once I met my soulmate, I assumed that all the sex we had would be sexual
magic. I thought that all that was necessary for sexual magic was to have
two partners that were truly in love with each other. “Magical” sex is not
sexual magic.

I thought I was hot shit and that any woman would be lucky to be with
me. Then, when my wife wasn’t into our sex life, as she had recently given
birth to our second, and didn’t seem interested. It was a little bit of a soul
crusher for me, but I understood that having a new baby is a lot.

It didn’t happen overnight either. I started masturbating to porn again

and fantasizing about other women. The main thing that surprised me
was that I felt like less of a man because I felt like my wife wasn’t attracted
to me sexually, or in any way for the time being.

I never thought we would ever be in that situation, other couples, but not

Love is an aspect of it, because without that setting, without that vibration
of love, no magic is possible. It’s not “love” in any kind of intimate, fluffy way.
It’s HARDCORE desire. It’s DEEP wanting, trust, and respect. Truly seeing each
other as the deity. However, there are three other basic components: the
red, the white, and the black magic that need to occur in order to make the
system work.

The biggest limitation for all people with sexual magic is believing
that they are already doing it. Or being aware that they are not doing
it, and believing it will be too complicated and dangerous to try. It is
very complicated, and I can tell you from personal experience that it is
dangerous. But we make it simple to understand, practical to apply, and
get you results you’ll feel working right away. The time commitment is
spacious, one lesson every two weeks, with room for accelerated growth,
or breaks. Of course it’s not free. Of course
it’s not cheap. But if you want magic, you pay
for it. One of the laws of magic is that things
that are used for magical purposes must not
be haggled over. Do it and pay the price, or
walk away empty handed without a fight.
You mustn’t haggle with magic under any
circumstances, it sets a shaky foundation for
the work. A true magician will instantly drop
you if they catch you haggling.
Magic aside, there was also the issue of the erotic. We were very much in
love with each other, but we did not understand that in all relationships,
whether it’s with a brand new house or a piece of jewelry or your new partner,
the shine will fade. Everything that was once new will become old, and an
investment that you saved up for a year, that you thought you’d never get
sick of, starts to lose its appeal. You start dreaming of the next thing. This
is not because you are greedy. This is not because you are unspiritual. It is
because there is a part of you called the erotic, which can never be deleted.
This is what keeps you striving and aspiring for more than you need. It is
always regarding what it is that you want.

The erotic principle says excitement dulls with every repetition.

The more you repeat something, the more you see something, the more you
do something, the less exciting it is. You can love someone or something so
much and not want to be near it.

If you had pizza for the first time and you said “oh my God, I love pizza. This
is the best food I’ve ever had. I want to eat it each and every day.” that’s
how you would feel for the first couple of days. Then you would start to think
internally. “Oh pizza again..”

It takes a long time to outwardly admit that you’re unsatisfied.

Let’s say that when you first meet your wife, she makes pizza and you love
the pizza. You tell everybody else that she makes the best pizza. Night after
night, she puts the same plate of pizza down in front of you and you love her
so much for that. You certainly don’t want the pizza to go away, but you don’t
have a good reason as to why you don’t like it so much anymore. It’s simply
just the repetition of it all.

I did a deep dive on Shakira recently on my podcast, and in her song

“Monotonía” she says in Spanish, “It wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t your fault. It was
the monotony.”

The death of the erotic takes down every marriage, and the saddest thing
about it is that when couples don’t know about it, even brujas who are very
familiar with magic like Shakira, they end up breaking up, and it seems like
neither of them wants to do that. That’s the saddest part - two people who
really want to be together end up splitting up. They just can’t figure it out.
The problem is when you don’t resolve the eroticism, you find yourself in the
same situation with the next partner, whether you’re the person who was
cheated on or the cheater.

A good example of this is Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis. If you look
back on old interviews of these two, they were so, so in love with one another.
Obsessed with each other. Truly unique partners. Two kids together, fourteen
years of marital bliss. She even came to his defense during the Amber Heard
situation, saying that she never had any experience of abuse with him in
all the years of knowing each other. The erotic will ALWAYS die if you don’t
know how to recharge it. All artists need the erotic tension in order to create
anything, because the erotic energy is creative energy. This is why so many
highly successful people often have side pieces.

The erotic urge to create is the artistic urge to create. It’s creation itself
wanting to be expressed through you. Sex creates new life, with babies.
Sexual Magic creates new worlds. Ejaculation from the root creates children.
Ejaculation from the crown creates new worlds.

Johnny Depp left his wife when the erotic was dead after 14 years, and found
himself in the same situation with Amber Heard after just five years. During
the trial, he referred to Vanessa Paradis as the love of his life, and I’m sure
she was.
People say, “why cheat? Why can’t you just look your partner in the eye
and tell them that you’re over it, you’re not in love with them anymore, and
you want to fuck someone else.”

It’s because cheaters AREN’T OVER it, they DO LOVE their partner, but they
also want to fuck someone else because the erotic is dead, and when they
have a new experience it makes the erotic come back to life again, although
temporarily. They think it’s fixing things because they go home from a cheat
and all they want to do is fuck their wife and hug their kids.

The erotic is not an adjective. It’s a noun. It is it’s own world. It’s where you go
when you’re in love. When you’re in love, the colors are brighter, every song is
a hit. You’re not hungry or tired. Everything feels like poetry. All you can think
about is wanting to be near them again, and when you’re with them you
don’t want to leave. People reflect on the hot times of their marriage like “we
were tearing each other’s clothes off”, but it was a lot more than that. You
were listening to each other at the coffee shop. You were staying in bed after
sex and talking about your dreams. They would patiently put a band aid on
your finger and kiss it if you had an accident. Now, if you hurt yourself and yell
they don’t even come and check if you’re okay.

It wasn’t about the sex. It was the life. It wasn’t about fucking. It was about
WANTING to fuck, and talk, and listen to each other, which was much more
than sex. That’s why no matter how much you fuck when you’re over it, it’s
not the same.

When you’re in love with someone, and you’re in that erotic world, and they
dump you, the whole world goes to gray. It’s a pain like no other. Everything
tastes bad, but you eat it anyways. Every song sucks, and makes you angry.
All you want to do is numb and sleep, numb and sleep.

When the erotic dies slowly, this same thing happens, but it takes longer
to notice it. It’s harder to accept that it has cooled off when the person who
was once so shiny and new is still in your life, but different.

The erotic dies with all things that offer long term rewards. Your gym practice,
the book you’re writing, album you’re working on, your painting or business.
Your kids, your marriage, your relationship to yourself and your body,

Recharging the erotic is a way of making the old new again, and being able
to create real magic through the focus you can give to one thing over and
over, if you find a way to not get sick of it.

The erotic is not about sex. It’s about desire. The most misunderstood topic
in all of spirituality.

Because my wife and I stay in an erotic state, I can catch a glimpse of her
and it makes me want her so much. Typically, it’s not at that moment that
I can have her, because of kids or whatever else is going on in life, but I
can take that desire and keep it with me. I let it build and build until I finally
get to have her. In the past, whenever something came to me easily,
especially sex, it would seem nice for a moment but the appeal would
fade fast.

Our first home came to us very easily. I had some money from my
grandmother that my dad had put aside specifically for a house, all I
needed was his approval. It felt great to have our own home, but slowly
I wanted something more and I didn’t know why. I had the American
dream: wife, kids, house, dogs. But I was ready to let go of it all. I wanted
more, and I didn’t understand why. I wanted a different home in a
completely new environment. I wanted more creativity and success, but
I didn’t know how to ask for more or how to be okay with wanting more
because everyone around me was conditioned the same way.

Luckily, we didn’t burn it all to the ground. My wife and I stayed together,
even when things got hard. Now, I still want more, and I’m cool with that.
However, now I realize that wanting more alone isn’t enough. It requires
hard work, focus, and success doesn’t always come in the form you had

When I lacked that desire for more, I became more and more miserable.
Sometimes it got to the point where I couldn’t even recognize myself.
Lack of desire makes me feel weak and sad, and it makes me blame my
frustration on the people that I love the most.
Chapter Four: Desire
The base level of spirituality, known as the exoteric, discourages desire. The
exoteric was designed to keep people obedient, and this isn’t all malicious.
Without the fear of divine punishment, it would be chaos in the streets.
When people don’t desire more, you have a nation that is easy to control.
They won’t do unpredictable things, like veer from the 40 hour work week,
or skip church on a Sunday. They will be cogs in the economic machine,
keeping everything going. This is necessary. Be glad it’s not you. Not everyone
incarnated to awaken. Communism is a good example of removing the
desire for more at an even higher level.

The important thing to know about the exoteric is that it is not as much about
the love of God as it is fear of the Devil. People work a lot harder to avoid
hell than they do to reach heaven. Ideas like social rating and fear of being
a publicly punished person will replace God/Devil archetypes as humanity
becomes more and more progressive.

Most religions have an exoteric, which is the good/bad , God/Devil scenario.

Religions like Shinto and Ifa that don’t have devils, and see trickster spirits or
demons as necessary in nature, are examples of religions without an exoteric

The second level is the mesoteric, where myth and parable come alive and
show you that all religions, all things, have one Source. There is no good and
evil, right or wrong. The third level is the esoteric, which is direct contact with

The analogy for the exoteric is the outer temple, where anyone can
visit and appreciate the sights. They can even see the monks in action.
They aren’t getting any of the secret doctrine whatsoever. The only real
achievement they have is being the kind of person who visits the temple,
and a lot of people do this mechanically with no feeling attached.

Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam are four examples of the

exoteric we will use for this analogy.

The analogy for the mesoteric is the inner temple, and this is where adepts
become initiated into the secret doctrine. You can’t just show up, put on
a robe, and sit down and start meditating with the monks. You have to be
humble, disciplined, and willing to be taught. You have to be willing to put
aside everything you think you know from the exoteric, because none of
that shit is useful here. You are evaluated by your teacher for this humility,
and if you are accepted you begin your initiation into the secret doctrine.
You always pay for this. In this analogy you pay by renouncing everything
of your life. Wealth, status, family, romance. Be happy you can pay money
now instead of paying everything you have.

Christianity becomes Gnosis. Judaism becomes Kabbalah. Hinduism

becomes Tantra. Islam becomes Sufism.

The esoteric is the tabernacle, the holy of holies. Only high priests may
enter. This is direct contact with God, which I am sure you believe you have
already had. Experiencing something once or twice, versus experiencing it
as a lifestyle are different. The only real block to consciousness is believing
you are already there.

Gnosis becomes God. Kabbalah becomes YDVH, Tantra becomes Brahma,

and Sufism becomes Allah.

I initiate students into the secret doctrine, that’s my primary function. The
concept of the erotic is a second level teaching, and you can only access
second level teachings from the financial level of Good Householder (easily
supporting your business and household).

Until you establish yourself, you cannot genuinely care for others.

This is not a debate.

Someone with a deep understanding of the erotic will be able to tap into the
desires you did not know you had, for example, a really good Dom. They’ve
done tests on Dom/Sub relationships to see the psychological state of both
parties during a ritual, and the Dom is in a deep, active flow state, like an
artist or athlete. The active state is putting out something, using flow. They
are fully tapped into the consciousness of their sub, able to locate desires the
sub hasn’t made outwardly apparent.

I’m proud to say that in this workshop, we use our understanding of

psychology and ritual magic to conjure and utilize all three levels of desire.
Conscious desire, subconscious desire, and unconscious desire, a.k.a. taboo.

We will also be doing an extremely intense and powerful psychological

sexual magic ritual that alchemizes the experience of trauma to fully
remove shame. We all have sexual trauma.
In some cases, we were the victim, and in some cases, we were the abuser.
We all have shame regarding this, and when we remove shame we remove
our excuse as to why we can’t have something we really, really want. When
we have shame, we believe we are only deserving of what we absolutely
need, sometimes not even that.

If you are still in the mindset that desire is bad, I want you to consider this:

Let’s say a caveman moved from a place where wild blueberries grew, but
now he lived in a place where there were no blueberries. The caveman
doesn’t need to eat blueberries to survive. He can eat leaves; he could even
eat dirt if necessary, but he wanted blueberries. It wasn’t about need; it was
about want. If this caveman never pursued his desire for more than just the
minimum requirement for food, we might never have agriculture.

To take it even more into the realm of the divine, there was never any need
to paint a pot. A painted pot does not work better than an unpainted pot, but
there was something about making something more beautiful that evoked
the nature of God for early men.When they looked out at a beautiful sunset,
they understood that beauty is God. By elevating something that became
both beautiful and useful, they were bringing God into their everyday life.
Nobody needed to paint a pot beautifully, but they wanted to do so because
of that desire for beauty. That desire for more than enough was seen as
something sacred. When you create, you are channeling God; you are wholly
and fully possessed by God. That is why when you are in the creative zone,
you were not hungry, you were not sleepy, you were not thinking. Just like
the erotic world. You were totally fully present in the moment, and this is also
possible in sexual magic. The erotic energy is the sexual energy.

Desire is the voice of your soul, and it is insatiable. It will only be satisfied
with death, because what it really wants is to be free of the body and its
limitations. Because you came here to experience limitations, desire acts
as a sacred driving force to help you enjoy life more through the pursuit of
desires. The soul bumps up against the body and says “All I can do is push
you more towards oneness, with the craving for this, or the desire for this.
Please do not judge this, trust that I will guide you and that God wants what
you want.”

What stops us from receiving this, is shame around desire. This was given
to you. Babies don’t feel bad about wanting more boob than they need
to survive. They feel entitled to it, as should you. Something happened to
you at a young age that convinced you wanting more was bad. Convinced
you that people like you don’t get things that you want anymore because
_____________________. This little piece of shame is at the root of all receiving,
and we tackle this majorly in this workshop.
Don’t move forward in this book until you answer these questions. I
mean it.

When was the last time you felt like other people could have what
they wanted and not you?

What did it feel like in your body?

Does the feeling move fast or slow?

How would you draw it?

When was the first time you ever felt this way? Trust in what you see
and spend ten minutes writing, talking, or describing the experience.

There are so many different teachers who have made their whole careers
about sex magic, and can teach you various formulas and methods of
practicing sexual magic.

What makes our product unique is that we are the only one with an
unwavering focus on the erotic. We also emphasize using hardcore business
tools in conjunction with it. This allows you to have a resort that you can hold,
not just a result that you can feel. We don’t want to teach you tantric sex.
We want to show you how to have a tantric life. We don’t want to show you
how to change your relationship (to the self or other) by moving horizontally
across time. We want to show you how to transform your relationship,
moving vertically through time.

We want to show you how sex magic can be used as a tool to quantum leap,
and that quantum leaping is not an ethereal concept, but a real, tactical
move you can make, over and over again in your life. You don’t need to
like us, and you don’t need to trust us. It’s a matter of, do you want more of
this information, because you cannot get it anywhere else. You cannot get
the combination of wealth creation, sexual magic, and quantum leaping
anywhere else. You will need to source and pay individuals. At the end of this
book, you will have an invitation to work with us. Take it, or leave it, but the
offer will only be good until the 27th of August, 2023. We will be hosting Q&A
on this every Friday, and you can submit questions via our app.

To get the app, simply download Safehouse Global from the App or Play
Store. Go to Discover, and enroll for a free account. If you wish to view the
workshop on a computer or other device, you can go to
and watch from there.
Chapter Five: The Fourth Dimension
There are no ways to cut the line when it comes to spiritual growth. When
people use the term “spiritual bypassing,” they are basically saying that they
don’t understand how spirituality works. You cannot bypass your grief; you
cannot bypass your anger issues, which are a part of your grief. All of these
things come for you and make it impossible for you to grow beyond that.

If you see somebody that seems to be bypassing but is doing very well, you
should 1.) mind your own business or 2.) learn from them because they have
probably done the work. It just doesn’t look the way that you feel it needs to

Be careful of expecting the world to live up to agreements it never made

with you.

The miracles you have been praying for are right beneath the expectations
you have of how they need to look.

It’s important to fully understand the fact that a conversation about

dimensions is not a spiritual conversation. It’s a physical, practical
conversation using logic and the intellect. Not creativity and the intuition.
Dimensions are known facts about what our existence is made up of and
how it is objectively experienced.

The strongest spiritual power that you can attain in this lifetime is increasing
dexterity to create and maintain worlds.

When you visit a higher dimension on psychedelic drugs, you can visit the
world, but you cannot return to the world. This is also not your personal
enlightenment; this is the drug or plant’s enlightenment. It doesn’t belong
to you.You can see it, but you cannot fully understand it. This concept of
“seeing but not understanding” is very difficult for people who are attached
to a plant to understand. Give them time. The plant is currently getting all the
credit and blame.

When you see too many things that you cannot and do not understand, it
creates paranoia, anxiety, psychosis, even schizophrenia. All of these are
derivatives of an unchecked, uncontrollable imagination. Imagination is
different from visualizing. Visualizing is conscious and hard to do, imagining
is mostly unconscious, easy to do, and almost impossible to control. How
many times have you found yourself losing energy and time worrying about
a situation that ended up never happening? That was real energy and real
time, and your business needed that energy and that time. All of that anxiety
was for nothing. So often, daily even, you are spending all of your energy on
NOTHING. On habits that push you into an energetic deficit when you need a
mass credit.

This anxiety isn’t natural. It’s a habit, rooted in trauma. Doesn’t make it your
fault, but it does make it a habit. Habits are the opposite of consciousness.

To speak coarsely, if you cannot even figure out why he’s not texting
you back in the fourth dimension, what makes you think you’re going to
understand how multiple realities work in the higher dimension?

When a person has had too many experiences that they do not understand,
psychonauts, for example, they overstuff the third eye chakra with
information, but they never digest, assimilate, or understand it, which would
be sharing from the heart chakra. There are plenty of psychonauts who are
extremely successful, but you will notice that all of them are teaching in
some way, and are very authentic, unpretentious people. Joe Rogan, Aubrey
Marcus, Troy Casey, Layla Martin. Teaching authentically = understanding.

I’m sure you have had the experience several times of meeting people
who seem quite spiritual but live in pretty drab conditions. They can spout
off all kinds of “truths” about how time is not linear and how we are all
Gods. It makes intellectual sense, but emotionally it’s useless. They have
the knowledge, but they do not have the understanding. They have the
information, but they do not have the wisdom. And that’s why you can have
somebody who lives in a shitty trailer on a compound, drives a busted car
and insists that we are all gods and time is not real. If we are all Gods, why
are you dressed like that?

I believed that poverty and spirituality went hand-in-hand. That you’d

always have just enough and not more, and if you didn’t, that someone
would always be there to help you out.

This worked when it was just me, and when I say it worked, I was on food
stamps and my rent was $300 a month. In my community, having money
was looked at as being bad, and if you wanted money, you were a bad
If you charged for your services, that was against the rules. Everyone
bartered, and everyone looked down on people who had money. I hated
asking people for money.

I didn’t take opportunities because I felt like I needed to be poor as well,

even though I came from a family that would be considered very wealthy
among the people I was surrounded by.

We were all afraid of becoming great if that greatness brought us wealth.

Because of this everyone lived in constant fear of succeeding, much
more so than failing.

It’s not that these people have never tried to make money; they have just
had so many spiritual attempts that did not work that they are now satisfied
with less than they deserve, and their mantra is “I have everything that I
need.” That statement is the biggest red flag for a dead erotic.

You did not incarnate as a human to simply satiate needs. If you were only
here to get your needs met, you would be a squirrel or a bird, someone who
doesn’t have desire, something that doesn’t crave more. But you incarnated
as a human. This is the world’s greatest gift because you do not have to exist
in the realm of need. You can exist in the realm of WANT. A squirrel gets only
the acorns they need for winter and nothing more.

You are a human; you can go from not enough to enough, and then the
final graduation into more than enough.

When you try to write in spiritual cursive without knowing the spiritual
alphabet, you don’t get the result. Manifesting doesn’t work, or maybe it
works every tenth time, which is even worse than not at all because you’re
hoping for it 90% of the time instead of getting to work.
This is because all spirituality, all quantum thought, all manifesting is coming
from fifth dimensional teachings. But the fourth dimension is timespace.
You cannot understand the fifth dimension until you understand the fourth.
You can be aware that these possibilities are out there, but you can’t use
the fifth dimension to build anything if you don’t understand how the fourth
dimension works. Just like you couldn’t build a house at this moment in
space and time if you didn’t understand length, height, and depth.

The first dimension is length, and when we lived in a one-dimensional world,

all we were aware of was what was in front of us, the eternally receding
horizon. We said, “This is all there is,” and all of our problems and limitations
were in relation to believing that there was only one dimension. Let’s imagine
that the first man had a mission of lining up blocks to the edge of his one-
dimensional universe, and he said, “When I get to this, that’s it. Life is going
to be over. There are no more blocks that we can put there.” When we reach
the edge of our dimensional capacity, we find ourselves asking, “Isn’t there
more than just this?” This is only something we ask when we have learned
everything that we can know about this dimension that we are currently in.

So something higher comes along and introduces our avatar to the second
dimension, which is height. Height is also called width when you study
dimensions, and this had me super confused for a long time. Was it height, or
width. They’re both the same, because if we have a line of length, and a line
of height, we now have width. It is as wide as it is high.

You are probably smarter than me on this, but I have a legit 2nd grade
education, so this shit had me stumped for a minute. Not to mention the cult
I grew up in said we were living in the sixth dimension and dinosaurs are lies
to test Christians. Because of this, I always do my best to explain things “for
babies”, and when I teach yoga I never say “move your foot 45 degrees”,
which I just had to google. I say “Move your foot to two o’ clock”. Limitations
create style.

So, after being introduced to a new dimension, height, all of the problems
that our first caveman had went right out the window. We no longer need to
stack blocks to the edge of the universe because now we can stack blocks
high in our shiny, new, two-dimensional universe.

Once you familiarize yourself with a new dimension, new questions start to
come up. Our avatar stacked the blocks as high as it could go and said, “Oh
no, when we reach the top of this height, there will be nothing left, no more
space. That’ll be it!”

It has reached it’s dimensional capacity, and finds itself asking, “Is there
anything more than just this?”
That is when our avatar received the third dimension. Discovering that
there is a way that we can stack these blocks deep and fit more blocks into
a three-dimensional universe than we ever could in a two-dimensional
universe. We can now make a cube, and before that, we could only make
a two-dimensional wall. All of the problems of the two-dimensional world
are obliterated with this new information. It would not be possible to
understand that if you didn’t have the first two dimensions of length and
height. You cannot bypass these laws, and you cannot comprehend a three-
dimensional universe from a one-dimensional universe. You might be able to
take psychedelics and see it, but you won’t understand it. It’ll feel like a crazy
fever dream you can’t do anything with.

So our avatar, when it has reached its third-dimensional capacity, finds

himself asking, “Isn’t there anything more than us?” And he receives
the fourth dimension, which is space and time, the concept of location.
Everything that exists exists within time and exists within space.

But now we have a very big problem. We are no longer taught from
childhood of the true nature of time. We have a 20% understanding of the
fourth dimension. We are not aware of the second type of time, and we are
not aware of how we can contract and expand space and time to suit our
functions. We are psychologically locked into a concept of linear time and
linear motion and a forward direction only. The concept of moving vertically
in quantum leaps, as opposed to linear steps, is something we can imagine
but not understand. It might be something we even intellectually know but
do not understand. If you completely understood this, then everything you
ever manifested would do so with a 10 out of 10 accuracy on your predicted
timeline. Beware of lying to yourself about this. You cannot fill a full cup.

This is where we find ourselves today in humanity. We spend our lives in the
cube of the seen world. Our three-dimensional existence. We try to fit the
concept of time into three dimensions. Time goes forward and backwards,
and space goes high and deep. This is not how time works.

As a result, our souls are parched and suffocating, dying for more. We
experience only a limited amount of the fourth dimension, which is time, and
we find ourselves longing to know, “Isn’t there more than this?” The problem
is we are not at our fourth dimensional capacity. We are asking consciously,
unconsciously, subconsciously all day long, “Isn’t there anything more than
this?” And in the age of information, we are given theorem after theorem of
fifth-dimensional teachings from well-meaning, over-informed scholars that
have little to no practical application to where we are today.
These people will say things to you like, “Yeah, but time isn’t linear and we
are all Gods,” but what does that mean? If time is not linear, then what does
that mean? What can you offer me as a tangible experiment to help override
the linear time program that the entire world operates within? If time is not
linear, then what is it? How do I understand it as fully and clearly as I do the
dimensions of length, height, and depth?

Is it possible to understand the fifth dimension without understanding the

fourth dimension that you’re at?

Yes or no.

NO. It is not possible. You cannot understand the fifth dimension without
understanding the fourth. The best way to understand the fourth is to have
a clear, repeatable strategy for jumping timelines.

All quantum physics, all spiritual theories, all manifesting, all quantum talks
are fifth-dimensional teachings. You cannot go to the fifth dimension without
understanding the fourth dimension. You cannot manifest, quantum leap,
jump timelines, or understand what is in space or access higher states of
being if you do not understand the fourth dimension, which is timespace.
Boom. Period. The End.

When you’ve taken in too much fifth dimensional information from

psychedelics and research, but you don’t understand how things happen
within the fourth dimensional realm of timespace, you become someone
who is unrelatable. The human journey is not the journey of the third eye, the
journey of knowledge, the journey of information. The human journey is the
journey of the heart, of understanding, of feeling and knowing. That means
that you can’t just tell someone “time isn’t linear, we’re all Gods”. That is

You have to tell someone what to do with that from the heart, which looks

“you have to look for the flow every single day and let that be your clock. If you
work “on the clock” you have to create a lot of space outside of that, so that
you’re not only working every day”


“You’re not God, but in the right conditions God can be you. The right
conditions are when you ask for help from your whole heart, so it can
intercede on your behalf. You do this by praying to divine feminine, I’ll teach
you how.”
If you want to stand out in the spiritual industry, don’t teach from the head,
teach from the heart. I explain more about how that works in my teacher
training on chakras and childhood trauma, which is called
Wheels: Reinvented

There’s an even deeper problem about tanking up on fifth dimensional

theory, because understanding is different than knowledge. When you
acquire too much knowledge in the age of information, and it never has
an opportunity to become understanding due to a lack of foundation, it
ferments into a specific psychological virus known as imagination.

In the West, we have a personal, Einsteinian attachment to this word

“imagination”. When we discuss our imagination, we like to think that we
close our eyes, create, and maintain worlds from this place of being able to
see the unseen and know the unknown. This is not imagination, and this is
not your experience with imagination either. This tool is called visualizing, and
visualizing is difficult to hold and maintain. You have to remind yourself to
visualize a positive future. You have to sit still, work hard, and stay focused to
visualize a positive future.

Visualization is not imagination.

Visualization is controlled; imagination is uncontrollable.

The Law of Imagination, which is one of the 48 laws that govern the planet
Earth, says that you will never imagine yourself succeeding. If you imagine
your home burning down, you will not imagine yourself rescuing your children
and everyone in the building. Instead, you will imagine the building burning
with everyone in it, and you being left alone to deal with the consequences of
your own cowardice and loss. You will imagine the funerals, you will imagine
relapsing into drug addiction. You will imagine the long-term repercussions
of what people will say about you after your death. You will imagine your
plane going down, you will imagine your teeth falling out, you will imagine
being ambushed by a bear during a beautiful walk in the woods. You will
imagine that Reptilians are taking over the planet, maybe even the plane.
You will imagine that the water is poison, that the government is out to get
you, and that the devil is slowly winning the imaginary war over your soul.
You will imagine that everyone is out to get you. You will imagine that only
people in your immediate location, making your same choices, will be spared
the inevitable apocalypse. You will imagine that you will never succeed, and
sometimes you will imagine that you have already been enlightened and
that you are the true Messiah here to save the world.
When knowledge exceeds understanding, it becomes

You can avoid paranoia, schizophrenia, anxiety, and delusion by making sure
that your knowledge does not exceed your understanding. If you want to be
certain that you are understanding something, teach it to someone else. You
can do this in an Uber, on Reddit, from a burner account on TikTok, or from
your public account on Instagram. It doesn’t matter who it is, as long as it’s
not your family. Unfortunately, your family does not want to hear it.

Understanding Time:

One of the key pieces in this workshop, which I’ve known I would teach since
2017, is truly understanding the nature of time. When we are looking to tell
time in a new way, we pay fervent attention to flow. When we are looking
to scale a business, we decide that our time is more valuable than money.
It makes better economic sense for me to pay someone $120,000 in full to
teach me for one year, than to muddle around for five years trying to teach
myself what I don’t know.

When the word for time was

created (something is real once
we give it a name), time had two
names. These names in Greek were
Kronos and Kairos. The Egyptians
also had their way of calculating
the two types of time: the durative
and the cyclical. The goddess Isis,
as the divine mother, represented
the durative time of the eternal
mother. Her moments were
calculated by the return of certain
stars like Sirius. The god Osiris, who
died and was reborn as the king
of the underworld, represented
the cyclical time with the returning
of the wheat, the returning of the
rain, and the returning of other
earthbound cycles. Multiple ways
of telling time have existed across
all world systems and all world
knowledge until recently. Today we
will focus on the Greeks.
The first type of time was named after
the Greek god Kronos, from whom we
get the word “chronological.” This god
was the oldest of all the gods, and
it was foretold to him that one of his
sons would one day overthrow him.
So every time his son was born, he
would eat them. This represents the
cruel, self-devouring nature of linear
chronological time.

The second type of time was named

after the Greek god Kairos. Kairos
means “weather”. Kairos was the
youngest-looking of all the gods
and had a very unique haircut. He
had a long hair in the front and was
bald in the back. He has winged
feet, because he’s always in motion.
Kronos was the god of minutes and
finding the exact right minute for
something to happen. Kairos is the
god of moments, waiting for the right
moment for something to happen. If
you and I had agreed on Kronos time
to meet up at 1 PM and it was raining
at 1 PM, then it was not the right

Since leaving the US, I found that Kairos time is a lot more prevalent. Here in
Costa Rica, it’s natural to set a time to meet up at sunset or after the second
rainstorm. Dengue fever is also natural, and there’s 17 types of venomous
snakes in our backyard, so I’m not patriot shaming anyone here! Wild country
has a natural way of doing things, but it’s not sanitized.
However, when I think about things in terms of Kronos and Kairos, living in the
US is the hardest experience with Kronos, considering almost everyone is on
the same schedule.

Kairos looks the way he does because when the moment is behind you, you
can grab onto his hair and ride the inspiration wave into infinity. But if you
miss the moment, he’s bald in the back, and there’s nothing to grab onto,
the moment is gone forever.
When people told time back then, they would always take into account
both types of time because everyone is tapped into the same flow. If you
and I had plans to meet up at 1 PM, but a window of time opened up early
and we were going with our moment, we might find ourselves at the coffee
shop 45 minutes early, meeting exactly who we need for that project. This is
particularly true with kids.

If you can find and go with their flow, it has a way of setting everything else
right because kids are very dramatic when they’re out of flow. However, this
is much harder to do if your children are on a schedule that involves waking
them up before they’re ready to go. Like putting them through a 40-hour
educational week.

For some people, there is no other choice, but if you haven’t had kids yet,
consider the impact a specialized education with the parents could offer and
hold space for that now. Also consider that teachers won’t teach students
about themselves, only the curriculum. You might want to be there for the
hard moments, the discipline, the potty training, because no one gives a shit
about if they grow in that way but you.

The value of a family business rooted in flow, where both parents work
equally in the business and children mediate any potential creative conflict
between the two parents, is a vision we are committed to for the world, and
what we are demonstrating to the world. If we can do it with two full time kids,
who are both, quite frankly, real pains in the ass sometimes, so can you.

Teaching Autoerotic Wealth for singles, in comparison, is incredibly easy to

do. Harmonizing two unique lives and schedules, repairing and rejuvenating
a marriage, creating a new shared income stream, and potentially bringing
the kids home takes considerably more effort. But I’m proud to say you’ve got
teachers who can do both.

In 2017, the year I met my husband, I heard a voice in my living room that told
me I would teach two workshops that would change the course of human
history. It turned out to be a stalker who was living in my walls.

Lol, I’m kidding. It was a divine voice. You know the kind.

I was told one would be on childhood trauma and the chakras, and the other
would be on tantra and timespace. At the time, which I discussed at the
beginning of this book, I didn’t know anything about tantra or timespace, but
I knew a fucking shit ton about childhood trauma and the chakras, and that
became my teacher training Wheels: Reinvented, which debuted that year.
Five years later, here we are, leading by example and demonstrating what it
means to be governed by the true nature of time. The best place to see this is
in our vlogs on YouTube.

Time for you to make this about you. All my newsletters end with worksheet
questions, so that you can have the kind of epiphanies that make you
change who you’re BEING. Not just what you’re believing.


1. Is it possible to write in cursive without knowing the alphabet?

2. Would you rather:

• be right one out of every ten times, and be disappointed when you
hoped that your strategy would work 90% of the time
• work hard at understanding the fundamentals, so that when you
mastered the strategy that worked, it worked every single time

3. Do you want to stand out in your industry?

4. Are you annoyed with the mainstream spiritual conversation?

5. Are you invested in the ideas we are laying out here?

6. Successful people value time more than money. They would rather spend
5k to be taught something in ten months, and see returns in ten months
than spend 5 years trying to figure it out on their own, with no returns
during that time. Have you gotten to the stage where you see your time
as being more valuable than your money yet?

7. Are there any questions I can answer for you? If so please drop them in
our QA thread on our private app.
One familiar error in thinking cost me two years and a lot of unnecessary
frustration. I’m not talking about the “cocaine sobers you up” error, that one
cost me five years. This was the error of believing in faith without works.

You were put on earth to get to work. God does not have a plan for your
retirement because you are here to fulfill your destiny until you drop dead. If
you are doing a job where the only appeal of it is retirement, then you are not
free, and you have not been free as long as you have been in this industry.

There are three main areas in life, as we have discussed: the physical, which
is the material, seen world; the spiritual, which is the Godly, unseen world;
and the erotic, the desire that pushes you forward in each.

You can always tell where you are blocked because you will say things like,
“Why does everything have to be about God/Sex/Money?”

Most people that I attract to my audience are not blocked in the God
department. Of course, we can always go deeper than we do, but for the
most part, the relationship with the unseen world is what led them to me in
the first place.

However, there is an absolute virus in the spiritual community regarding the

connection between money and God.

I am a second-level esoteric teacher, teaching and initiating my students

into the mesoteric level.

Unless you are specifically on the path of the renunciate, which is no longer
necessary in the age of information, the only way that you can access
second-level teachings is to be at the stage of a Good Householder. Good
householders means that everything to run your household, which includes
the business, is easily covered. You don’t even think about it. Anything you
want to grow the business is something that could be easily assembled. If
you need a new office space, you can do it. If you need a new vehicle, you
can do it.

The reason why second-level teachings only begin if you’ve mastered this
level is that you cannot genuinely concern yourself with helping others until
you have stabilized your own base. Until you stabilize your own base, you use
other people as a distraction for your own inner work. You will insist that you
have everything that you need and therefore can spend all of your energy
helping others, and this is incorrect.

You have deluded yourself into believing that money is independent of

spirituality and desire. This is not true. The reason you have not been able to
create more wealth is because of the spiritual and erotic work that must be
done to create more.

Basically, what has happened is you pursued wealth by incorporating the

word “millionaire” into your affirmations, and then gave up because it didn’t
work. You softened the disappointment blow by convincing yourself that
either you don’t want it, or the Universe doesn’t want you to have it. You see
money as being a separate agenda from spirituality, and as that simmers,
you’re starting to view it as being somehow opposed to your spiritual growth.

Because there has been a surplus of spiritual information going in and not
enough work, it starts to foster uncontrollable imagination (which we aren’t
fans of here) about the true nature of money. This can turn into paranoia,
judgment, and speculation about what happens in this lifetime or the next
for people who are wealthy. You start believing stupid statements like “more
money, more problems”, and sigh with relief after an anxiety bout convinces
you that your kids will be held for ransom because you’re rich.

The three forces of life are interconnected. No one has ever gotten wealthy
without reconciling their spiritual and their erotic sides. And no one has
ever gotten spiritual without working their business side, because all REAL
spirituality begins at ‘Good Householder”. No debate.

The confusion around why “evil” people become wealthy is confusion around
the true nature of God.

Exoteric conditioning has told you that all good things are a result of God,
and all bad things, from mosquitoes to child pornography, are coming from
the devil. This is a first-level teaching that has been weaponized to imprison
and control, although without the exoteric, you would not learn what your
own boundaries are, i.e., what is right for you and what is wrong for you.

The second-level objective truth, that all esoteric teachings agree on, is that
there is no evil, and that God has three sides that are all joined. Sometimes
God is creating (white magic), sometimes God is destroying (black magic),
and sometimes God is neutralizing (red magic). All of this is done in love
(gold magic).
Everything that is meant to happen on earth, happens. Nothing that is not
meant to happen on earth, will happen. There is not one person on earth
who has been forgotten by God. There is not one event in history or in the
future that has not been approved by God.

It is not up to you to judge if God is doing a good job or not. You can shake
your fist at the sky all you want. Whether you accept it or not, you are not
the boss here. You can’t even keep your room clean. What makes you think
you can manage the entire planet?

To become fully aware that all things are God’s way is to surrender. This is
not possible when you are shirking your own inner work to focus on “helping”
people that you assume are either too stupid to help themselves or forgotten
by God.

We are forced to rely on money at this base level because hopefully the
conditions of your life will become uncomfortable enough to force you to
change, claim your destiny, and begin a lifetime of doing the deep internal
work that an aligned life will require.

All money is a spiritual art. You will never grow your external wealth without
raising your internal state. Anytime anyone has become supremely wealthy,
it has helped the rest of the world. When people say that there should not
be billionaires, they are saying that there should be no Amazon, delivering
America’s cheapest diapers to America’s most inconvenient locations. When
people say there should be no billionaires, if there were no billionaires, you
wouldn’t have the ability to do business on social media with zero startup
capital required. You would have to open a brick and mortar store every
time you wanted to connect with your potential students, and you would
only be able to reach the ones in your immediate location. If there were
no billionaires, you wouldn’t have things like Uber making it possible for
people without cars to still make it to work, on a rideshare. If there were no
billionaires, the idea of an energy-efficient electric car would not be possible.
There would be no innovation in space travel. There would be no desalination
research for ocean water, and so on and so forth.

Great change is only possible with great income. There is no shortage of

altruistic entrepreneurs in the spiritual community, but they lack funding
and organization. These are two crucial assets for growth, which cannot be
developed when you’ve created a shared resentment for anybody who has
become organized enough internally and externally to conduct massive
amounts of wealth through their person.
All wealth is a spiritual art, but this does not mean that it happens
exclusively in the mind.

Man Me Ram, Hath Me Kam is one of my favorite mantras.

In the mind, God. In the hand, work.

One of the hardest things to do at the beginning of your spiritual path is

to invest in yourself. It actually gets even harder around the 500k mark,
because you have 500,000 reasons why you could do it all yourself. You
can’t. Take three years to figure that out like I did, if you want. I wish I could
take those idiotic three years back.

Investing in yourself is betting on yourself. Most of us think so poorly of

ourselves, that we are more likely to invest in huge companies on the stock
market, that will only grow our money 10% year over year, if we’re lucky,
and don’t touch that money at all.

There’s an inside joke in the trading industry. “Where are the customers’
yachts?” . If this works so well, why do only the brokers have yachts?

I feel the same way about Law of Attraction junkies. Faith without works. If
it works like it’s supposed to, where are their yachts? Why can’t they afford
to even go to the dentist?

If you invest in yourself, and your own business. You’ll see 200-300%
returns on that money within the year. Much more than investing in Apple
would ever get you. The problem is, you believe in Apple and THEIR ability
to be successful, but you don’t believe in yourself and YOUR ability to be
successful. You believe that you are the kind of person who needs to be told
what to do by people who are smarter than you. None of these successful
people are smarter than you. They just believe in their ability to figure
it the fuck out at go-time. They are constantly, constantly betting on
themselves. Betting on their potential for increased greatness. Not on the
greatness they are so certain they currently possess.

I cannot convince you of your greatness, and neither can anyone else. At the
end of the day, you either do something incredibly courageous, investing in
yourself with the same conviction as you’ve invested into your relationships,
and your jobs, and all their potential in the past. Or you don’t.
Are you a leader? Or are you a follower. This is not a workshop for
followers. It’s for people who want to lead. That’s the 8% of the world that’s
remembered. Not the 92% that remember them.

Decide today. Are you a leader, or a follower?

Do you think that you are so talentless that you would have to be told
what to do for the rest of your life? Nobody is, but 92% of people are scared.
Scared is not talentless. Scared is scared of how talented you might
actually be.

You’ll have an invitation to work with us at the end of this book, twenty
pages away. When the doors close on August 27th, they will not open again
for another year. You will read this same thing again a year from now,
with the same fear you had reading it this year. You will not be stronger in
this area next year until you ACT. Fear never gets smaller. Courage grows
bigger. And courage will ONLY grow bigger, if you do courageous things.
Like betting on yourself.
For two years, I believed that sexual magic was strong enough to do the work
for me. My husband and I tried countless sexual magic rituals over the course
of two years, expecting to wake up in a wildly different world. A world where
we can easily buy a $1.5 million to $4 million house without effort. We wanted
to grow externally without growing our internal.

It’s true that your beliefs create your reality, and we believed that we could
make this kind of money and that sex magic could make it happen for us.

But beliefs are not all that there is.

Your beliefs create your reality, but who you are being is what attracts your

We were believing new things, but we were not being different people.
We wanted to have the wallet of a millionaire without the behavior of a
millionaire. We were scared to become the kind of people that could hold
that level of wealth because those types of people are organized, and
disciplined. They invest a lot in mentorship and teams. They don’t smoke
weed. They are Rottweilers about guarding their time. They don’t take shit
or skimp on mentorship or working out. They are always learning, and they
wake up at 5 AM.

We wanted the wealth of millionaires, but we were too lazy to upgrade who
we were being. We thought that sex magic would come and save us, and if it
wasn’t saving us, then we needed to do something more intense. Maybe we
weren’t doing it perfectly enough? All those conflicting theories don’t make
it easy. Trying to “get it right” started to drive us crazy to the point where sex
was no longer enjoyable because there were so many steps to follow.

When I finally realized that it was going to take work, I began to build a
new business, the same way I built my first business. The strategy was to
publicly throw entrepreneurial shit against the wall and see what sticks. This
was mortifying the first time, and it discouraged me. I didn’t think I would
be stupid enough to do it a second time. But I was. From start to finish I did
the same thing, but with even MORE mistakes the second time. Luckily, it
didn’t bankrupt me, but for two years, I didn’t make any new income, just my
When you publicly fail at starting a business, it hurts. When you put all of
yourself out there, pushing a product that the market does not want or care
about, it’s tough. Changing your name publicly, revealing failed websites one
after another, starting and destroying communities, migrating platforms,
losing thousands of followers each time, getting publicly hyped up about
something that goes nowhere, and becoming visibly frustrated and confused
to a live audience that you were trying to sell to is incredibly embarrassing
and not a necessary experience for growth.

In addition to that, my first business was not built to last, and after five years
of believing that I had it made, this business tanked, and what was left of it
had to be destroyed along with the monthly recurring revenue that came
along with it.

All of that could have been avoided in my experience if I was following a

clear strategic plan.

All of this can be avoided in your experience by following a clear strategic

plan. You do not have to embarrass yourself in front of your friends and
family. You do not have to deal with the low self-esteem that comes from
desperately trying to lift off a project that does not make strategic sense. You
do not have to deal with the shame and humiliation that comes with building
a business that cannot stand. There is a way to build clearly from the ground
up in a manner that is built to last, but it is not going to happen accidentally.
It’s not going to happen spontaneously if you just get started. What will
happen is you will build something that looks good from the outside but is
really traumatizing you in every possible way on the inside. An unsustainable
business that cannot scale and cannot stand the test of time. A business
that you believe is a Christian Louboutin but is actually Irregular Choice.

Building a business like this is not just getting a handle on domain names
and pitching it with nothing going on behind the scenes. In this workshop,
we complete six full strategic planning lessons before we even introduce it
to the public. By that time, we have triple-tested a 5-10 year strategy for the
business, including marketing, client retention, competition analysis, and

If you are willing to forgo the instant gratification of softly launching your
new Instagram handle and can wait six months to reveal the entire suite of
your knowledge base, you will shock, awe, delight, and surprise everyone
who has ever known you.

When you combine faith with works, you have real magic.
As the magician Penn Jillette said, “magic is just spending more time on
something than anyone else would reasonably expect.”

This is also true about my husband.

Money cannot come to you if there is no inroad. It is a spiritual collaboration.

God shows you the path, and you forge the trail. God gives you the tools, and
you create the road. You pave the road, and God supplies the traffic. If you
build it, they will come. If you do not build it, no one and nothing is coming to
save you. It will be easy to find you because you will not have moved from
the same place you were left.

It took a year of hard work, growing as someone who went from managing
customers to managing teams, and hiring a $120k per year coach. I’ve taken
40+ hours of advertising master classes to be able to bring this work to
the market. I read 12 business books, fully integrating all of them, in the last
year. I reached a level of organization that I didn’t feel like I could ever get to
before, and I’m at base camp. I have so much further to go. Building a media
company? OOF. Here we go! Who do I have to be to make it happen?

I quadrupled down on mastering the Enneagram so I could have a systemic

approach to all manners of growth and no longer wonder where I was or
where I was going. I had to learn how to ask for help. I had to learn how to
only do what I’m good at, ruthlessly delegating the things I thought I could
never delegate while retaining the aspects that I will never delegate, for
example, my children. Boy, is it tempting to delegate my children. I’m writing
this at 3:30 AM because my daughter is up in the night. I don’t delegate my
children. The end.

I went from having no team to a team of five. And this is a continual process
of refinement. For two years, 2019 and 2020, I was so certain that I had made
it that I stopped growing. You have to stay hungry. We have to keep this
wheel in motion. You have to see and hold a vision of yourself that is so much
bigger than where you are right now, and if you cannot do that on your own,
then you need to hire mentors simply to see a bigger version of yourself.
The Enneagram works as a clock of Kairos time. It gives you a highly accurate
map of the future in moments, not minutes. It tells you exactly what events to
look out for to understand where you are in the creation process. It allows you
to move forward and backward in time, to create.

Intelligence is knowing where you are, what’s behind you, and what’s in front
of you. Intelligence is also being able to recognize obstacles for what they are.
They are not roadblocks; they are detours in the right direction. Obstacles are
the limitations that create a unique style.

When you have a clear and exact map of where you’re going and what you’re
doing, you’re never muddling through an infinite to-do list, wondering when
it’s going to be done. There is also only the right amount of surprise with an

For me, a Capricorn who loves to control, too much surprise would be things
getting unexpectedly difficult at a time where I didn’t feel equipped to handle it.

The right amount of surprise for me is things getting difficult at exactly the
moment I knew they would get difficult and I felt equipped to handle it. The
Enneagram gives you that because things are only difficult at precise moments
on the path to any and all creation. Difficulty always comes in a surprising form,
but difficulty never comes at a surprising time in the enneagram.

The Enneagram allows us to easily handle multiple projects at the same time.
Sometimes, certain projects are done better simultaneously than one at a time.
For the last three years building the erotic in all of the 30-50 homes we’ve been
through during our travels, I have had a piece of paper with two Enneagrams
on it: one that says Erotic and one that says Wealth. *compressing file*

This is usually my process with building workshops. I contemplate these two

Enneagrams until I find a curriculum that works synergistically, each module
complementing the other and harmonizing perfectly. Every single one of my
workshops has two Enneagrams going: one for the internal work and one
for the external work. For example, Fuckless is an Enneagram of becoming
authentic objectively that works simultaneously with how to launch a product
using magic. My workshop, the Enneagram, is how to master the Enneagram
and how to use the Enneagram in Business. This workshop, Erotic Wealth and
Autoerotic Wealth are how to create an erotic life and how to scale a business.
What does this mean? We’ll go through it step by step. All of this is the
curriculum for Autoerotic. The Erotic Wealth curriculum is similar, but
specialized for couples. You can see on the Erotic Wealth page.

We’ll look at Step One on the Erotic, then Step One on Wealth, because that’s
how we work. You get the lessons, and we recommend doing one every two
weeks and REALLY letting it digest. The first lessons, the pace might feel a little
slow, but you’ll be really grateful for it as we get to more difficult sessions. Of
course, you can go at a weekly pace if you want, but not faster than that.

Step One: Erotic

First we need to assess your life, create a vision for the future, accept that we
are unsatisfied, and DECIDE that we are going forward, no matter what.

Step One: Wealth

Assess your business, accept that we are unsatisfied, create a vision for the
future, and DECIDE that we are going forward, no matter what.

Step Two: Erotic

We cannot set an intention without being crystal clear about how hard it will
be to do it. We can’t have any delusions about this being an easy process. In
this session I will teach you how to go forward and backwards in time.
Step Two: Wealth

Same exact thing. We need to look ahead at the business road and commit
to endure the difficulty for the reward.

You see how the two complement each other?

Step Three: Erotic

There’s tools you have, and there’s tools you need. We need to educate and

Step Three: Wealth

We need to know your strengths and weaknesses, and go boldly forward with
that. We also need to assess what you’re going to need to learn and develop
to make this happen.


Step Four: Erotic

At this point we need to see the vision

of the higher verision of you, and start
embodying it’s habits.

Step Four: Wealth

At this point, we need to clarify what the

life blood of your business will be.

Step Five: Erotic

At this point, we will need to create trust

in yourself.

Step Five: Wealth

At this point we will need to assess the

business plan
Step Six: Erotic

At this point we will need to remove grief, honor the trauma, and commit to
moving forward using everything we’ve developed.

Step Six: Wealth

At this point we need to finalize the 5 year business plan and it’s launch.


Step Seven: Erotic

You will begin the first part of your divine, trauma releasing, sex magic ritual.

Step Seven: Wealth

You will see the even higher vision of yourself, and receive the customer.

Step Eight: Erotic

You will complete your divine, trauma releasing sex magic ritual.


Step Eight: Wealth

You will present the world with the offer that will finance the next level.

Step Nine: Erotic

We will retain the benefits and get to work on how the next level can improve.

Step Nine: Wealth

We will explore the data and get to work on how the next launch will improve.
Step Ten: Erotic

We will get you started on your next level, and honor the journey.

Step Ten: Wealth

We will get you started on your next level, and honor the journey.

This is the exact method we will be following, and every piece of homework will
need to be turned in for us to grade.


The balance of work and home is the most important aspect for a
partnership. Without a solid foundation between you and your partner,
anything you build will fall apart or tear the two of you further away from
each other. Communication with your partner, their needs and yours as
well is crucial. It’s going to be a hard talk and it’s going to raise emotions,
but the two of you can see the other side of it, the side where the balance
is actually happening, and your wealth is increasing.

No amount of money is going to solve the problems that you’re facing

if you don’t get real with your partner about what you actually want and
what they actually want. Your relationship is going to fall apart. If you
have kids, your relationship with your kids is going to fall apart. Things are
not going to improve on their own. Nobody is coming to save you. Take
responsibility for 50% of your faults in the relationship and your partner
take responsibility for the other 50%.

There’s a solution here that you’re not seeing, but you’re not willing to talk
to your partner about it. We can help guide you to bring your marriage to
new levels, to bring your wealth to new levels. Sometimes it takes a push
from someone else. You can let things keep going in the same direction,
or you can invest in changing the course in which your life is heading.
The issue of unconscious desires:
During the 22 minutes that I spent resuscitating my fiancé’s dead body on
September 9, 2015, I learned that you do not know what you want.

For the next year, every teacher that I met with was astounded to learn that
I had truly understood that fact, as it is a rite of passage to awakening that
most people don’t hit.

You do not know what you want. You only think you know what you want
based on the past.

This is why will can never operate independently of surrender. White magic
will never work without red magic or black magic.

Now, having will is essential and having a plan is essential, and 90% of the
groundwork that you lay building on that plan will be put to use in your

But asking God/the Universe/your Higher Self to make sure that your plan
goes through is not something that you want to be doing all the time.

If, when you pray, you are asking God to make your plan happen, this is an
example of praying to the divine masculine. If you grew up with no religious
conditioning in an Anglo country, or with any kind of patriarchal god like in the
Bible, Judaism, and Islam, then you unconsciously believe that God is a man.

Praying to the divine masculine versus praying to the divine feminine is very
much like asking your dad for money versus asking your mom for money. If
you wanted to get $200 from your dad, you’d have to present a clear plan to
him. “I need $200” is not going to be enough because your dad handles all of
your needs, so you don’t “need” anything. You have to say “I want $200, and
this is what I want to spend it on. This is why I think it’s a good idea, and this is
why you should give it to me.” Praying to the divine masculine requires you to
have a pitch, an organized idea of what you’re going to do with that money.
Praying to the divine masculine is asserting your will and asking for help. This
is necessary, but shouldn’t be our everyday routine.

Praying to the divine feminine is much different. If you were asking your
mother for $200, then you wouldn’t need to have a whole plan. You could just
tell her all of your problems, and she will find a solution for you. For example,
you go into her room, fling yourself onto her lap, and say, “Mom, all of the
other girls at school have this, and I really feel like I need something like this to
wear. I just don’t have anything to wear, and I feel like I’m never going to be
happy. I feel like I never have anything to wear. It makes me so sad.” And
she listens, and she listens, and then she comes up with a better solution
than you could’ve figured out for yourself. Your mom doesn’t need to hear
your plan. It doesn’t need to be organized. She doesn’t want to be told what
to do. She knows you better than you know yourself. She knows that you
don’t know what you want, and she lives and breathes to surprise you, to go
above and beyond, just like she does with anything. She wants space to put it
together for you without you meddling, trying to figure out what she’s doing.
She doesn’t mind you checking in, but she’s not going to tell you because
she loves to surprise you. She hasn’t forgotten. It’s her number one priority,
and everything that she’s doing is in relation to that. But she knows that
everybody has to be asked at the right time, and that somebody that might
always say no will give a yes if they’re asked at the right time in the right way.
She’s a master at that. So when you pray to the divine feminine, you never tell
her what to do because that’s your plan. Your plan is in the way of God’s plan.
That’s the problem. Divine feminine can harmonize those for you, bringing
more than you thought you could ever want. But in order to do that, you need
to stop telling her what to do.

The most important thing that you could do in life is to go after what it is
that you truly want. But if you don’t know what you truly want, you could find
yourself chasing all kinds of things that you think you need to make you
happy, and these things will only take you further from your path. Using the
erotic to grow represents using your sexual pleasure as a metaphor for all
pleasure, not that your sexual fantasies mirror what you want in the business
world all the time, but that your unconscious desires are all locked in the
same place. And if we open them up in the sexual, it will open them up in the
business sense, the romantic sense, and every other area of your life.

Our pleasure in life is blocked by shame. Your first experience with shame
was a trauma. For 1/3 of all women, that trauma occurred with sex. Any time
we clear shame, we receive pleasure. We could imagine shame as the gate
to our own pleasure. If you open it a crack, more comes in. But if you fling
the whole gate open, you can be flooded with pleasure that you didn’t even
know was possible for you.

We have three levels of desire: our conscious desire, which is what we feel
safe wanting and how big we feel safe growing.

This is our comfort zone. We have our subconscious desires, which is what
we’re suspicious that we might be into, could maybe be okay with going to,
but don’t know how to get there ourselves. Finally, we have the unconscious
desires, the things that we have no idea we want, things we might even
adamantly say that we do not want because we do not know what we want.
For example, I said I did not want to live at the beach because the only
beaches we were considering were the American ones, which feel like strip
malls to us. Turns out, I very much enjoy living by the beach in a country
that’s not the United States. But this whole time, I’ve been saying I don’t want
to live on the beach. I had resistance to the beach. I said “there’s no way I
would be into that” when actually, I very much am into that, just not in the
package I thought it had to come in. This is where surrender is so essential.

For 10 years, all I wanted was to be with my fiancé. And when he died, I was
relieved because once I had him, I realized that I didn’t want that type of
relationship at all. I couldn’t leave because for so long, that was all I wanted.
I thought that there was something wrong with me for not being happy,
kind of like when I went to culinary school and I wanted to become a chef
but ended up hating line work. I had shame about not fulfilling my desire
and shame about the erotic dying in that desire. I felt like I couldn’t be
trusted to choose for myself. I felt like I needed to stay in situations that were
uncomfortable because that creates stability. And that’s not true. I couldn’t
accept that. I didn’t want that, and it was pushing me further and further off

In Erotic and Autoerotic Wealth, we also work with subconscious desires,

which are basically the opposite of what you think you want. You don’t have
to go TOO deep to find it, but it is something most people will never admit to.

The real get down is unconscious desires, and you will hardly ever know
when we’re working with this. When it comes to a head let me tell you, it’ll
be scary, but you’ll be ready. And you will feel things moving in a way that
you’ve never felt them move before, because this is what it feels like to open
the floodgates, to remove all the shame even just for a magical moment in
time, and see how your life can transform when you’re not constantly telling
yourself that you don’t deserve the things that you want.

It’ll feel crazy to you, but when you hear what you’re saying during that time
you’ll be like, “Shit. I had no idea how much this was blocking me.”.

Most people are too afraid to go after what they really want because they’re
afraid they’ll be labeled as a pedophile or incestuous, or any other publicly
condemned perversions. They use other people’s public shamings as an
excuse for not pursuing their desires even an inch. They say, “Well, we all
can’t just go after what we want. What about these people?” But you are not
those people. There is a safe way for all desires to be met. The seduction
type, The Natural, from Robert Greene’s epic “The Art of Seduction”, is
basically explaining how people who are attracted to children meet that kink
in a safe way, and what they’re really into when it comes to that kink.
Sexual repression is what leads to acting out, each and every time. Most
people who act out in violent sexual ways were victims of the same exact
crime they commit to others, but it’s much easier to perpetrate the abuse
than to accept that you were abused. Doing it to others is a way of saying “I
turned out fine, you’ll be fine too”, which is much easier than accepting the
degree to which you are SO not fine. It’s maximum repression, leading to
violent expression.

Regardless, you need to stop using other people’s stories as an excuse for
your own shame. You need to stop adopting other people’s stories, other
people’s kinks as your own. Other people’s stories are not your stories. I
understand that we are all afraid of confronting our own inner demons,
but you can either stay in fear and never grow, or you can go beyond fear,
beyond shame, and discover that there was nothing to be afraid or ashamed
of in the first place.

Let me be clear, if you do not explore your inner depths and address them,
briefly, and with a clear start and ending, you will never find your philosopher’s
stone. You will never transcend these limitations. You will never expand in all
directions. You will be very easy to find because you have only taken small
horizontal steps from your current location. If I need to contact you again, it
will be very easy to do because you stay in the same place.

I understand what it’s like to be so afraid of facing the murky waters of your
sexual past. I didn’t remember that I had been molested as a child and by
whom until I was 29 years old. I only had glimpses of memories here and
there. I didn’t want to accept it for the longest time because if it was true,
what about all the other snippets I remembered? I refused to accept that I
knew what I knew without evidence. A date, time, and rape kit. I demanded
this from a four year old me. I didn’t want to face any of these memories. But
after facing my shame head-on for the first time, I discovered something to
be true.

Anytime I confront my shame directly, I experience immediate rewards

- rewards in pleasure, rewards in finances, rewards in new love. When I
acknowledged that I had been molested, I met my husband shortly after.
When I acknowledged and honored my same-sex attractions aka my flaming
gayness, my daughter was conceived after months of trying.

I know what it’s like to be afraid of yourself, and I want you to know that in
this healing process, there will be no public repercussions for you. Everything
I teach, everything I do, is designed for people to heal privately, to grow
privately, without creating a public mess like I did, without getting into trouble
like I did. It will be messy, but no one will know about it except for you, me, and
the people you might choose to share your transformation with in the future.
It’s going to be scary, it’s going to make you nervous, especially during the
time we deeply assess our fears (black magic) . When I say that this is the
most powerful psychological sexual magic ritual you can find, I’m not lying.
This is deep and intense. A lot of people will probably quit and say “this
bitch is crazy.” Crazy powerful.

You won’t find anything like this anywhere else. It’s natural to feel scared,
but consider this: fear and excitement - they are the same exact feeling.
The only difference is that when you’re excited, you’re breathing, and when
you’re afraid, you’re not. Think of it as the feeling you get before going on a
roller coaster. Is it fear or excitement? You get to decide. So take a breath
and decide if you’re going to move forward or stay stuck. Yes, this will scare
you, but you can do it even if you’re scared. I will be here for you. You will get
through it as long as you don’t give up, especially at the moments when fear
is overwhelming. Take a breath. Are you afraid or are you excited?

It’s time to find out what it is you really want:

No one ever asked me what I wanted until I was 27 years old, and enrolled
at Integrative Nutrition. A $5200 training I took, my second big investment
in myself after my yoga teacher training. A simple question: “What do you

I closed my eyes. All I could think about was being somewhere quiet, looking
up at the stars. I lived in Brooklyn at the time. I couldn’t shake that picture of
being under the stars, in peace and quiet.

I said “I want to go camping.”

I felt like such an idiot. Here I was at a business training, pretty much, and
talking about wanting to go camping. I was encouraged to go towards it. At
the time I was engaged to someone who was about as much of an alcoholic
as I was. The only difference is that I did yoga, had kicked bulimia and
smoking, and was getting into health. His friend cracked a joke over drinks
at Enid’s one night. “Don’t you think it’s funny that you’re all into being healthy
and you’re dating someone who’s completely obsessed with destroying

At that moment, it suddenly wasn’t funny anymore.

I was encouraged to go towards what I wanted, no matter how silly it seemed.

I went home to our steal-of-a-deal, three-room railroad apartment, on the
corner of Franklin and Greene in Greenpoint, and told my fiance that I wanted
to go camping.
He said to me “If you want to sleep in the dirt on your day off, you can do it by

It felt like a silly thing to want, but it was enough to make me realize that I
would never be able to do something I loved with him. It made me realize
that I couldn’t ever be happy around him, that it was a strictly “misery loves
company” arrangement, and I was sick of being miserable.

All of this, from asking my heart, and not my head what I wanted.

I’m going to do this same service for you, with the shortest meditation of
your life. But first, some disclaimers:

Your head is going to give you words, and tell you that it’s dumb, or that it’s
what you should want, and blah blah blah. Endless words. Pros and cons.
That’s why we’re not going to ask your head.

Your heart is going to give you a picture. A picture that seems out of place,
maybe inconvenient or totally insensible. Most recently for me it was a picture
being recognized by a fan in an airport, as if it was something that happened
a lot but never got old. “Stupid” maybe, but enough to let me know that I am
here to write books much more than I’m here to make workshops. This is the
last one I’m building, and why I hired my 120k coach to help me build my
publishing company.

Here’s how you’re going to do it. Read first and then attempt. If you would like
to be guided, just use the audiobook from the app and scroll down to “Heart
Meditation”. You’ll need a pen and a paper, or you can type it right into our
chat on Safehouse. You can get the app from anywhere you app, it’s called
Safehouse Global, and you can get a free account under Discover, and drop
this in the Autoerotic chat.

You’re going to close your eyes and breathe deeply. Trace a line with your
finger from your forehead down to your heart, and then place your hand over
your heart, really FEELING what’s under your hand and not just letting it lay
there. Feel your heart. You can pat your hand onto that space a few times to
help you remember where you are.

Next, feel the space, inside your body, around the organ of your heart.
Imagine the organ of your heart floating in the space in your body like it’s
own planet. See your heart beating and feel the space around it. Visualize the
heart as a planet, and now, without going into your head, ask that planet:

“What do I want?”
Whatever it shows you, it will show you instantly. Don’t reject it. Don’t try to
answer with “I want”. That’s the brain. Just say what you see in the picture.
Start talking, or write it down immediately. Work off the picture, not what
you think you want. Describe anything you see whatsoever, in as much
detail as you can. Share with the chat.

This is what you really want, that you haven’t wanted to accept. This is your
first taste of a desire you did not know you had, that will lead you to your
greatest self.

Now WHO DO YOU HAVE TO BECOME to get that? It’s time to get to work.
It’s time for me to make some things clear to you about vertical movement.
A quantum leap is not just jumping into a new place, but into a new world.
A new world with a version of you that is familiar, yet better than you could
have ever imagined. It is your true self, a side of you that you catch glimpses
of here and there, but that usually disappears when you’re focused on
getting what you think you need.

Moving vertically in time, as opposed to horizontally, is about transforming,

not just changing.

If you have a cavity and you go to the dentist, you wait two weeks for your
appointment, and then they drill a hole in the tooth, clean out the decay,
and seal it with a filling. That is change. It’s a predictable process, with small
actions taken over time across the horizontal line.

But real growth doesn’t happen this way. This is only 10% of your growth
potential. It may feel safe to change slowly, and that’s why you choose it.

Real growth is about transforming.

If you were to remineralize your tooth, creating new enamel where you
were told no enamel could grow, eliminating the need for a dentist and
reversing the damage done from too much horizontal movement, that is
transformation. The old tooth is unrecognizable. It has regained its youth,
strength, and vigor. This is what we are doing here. Transformation.

The idea that scrimping will eventually turn into savings is a myth. It’s
something poor people tell other poor people to keep them poor. I have
never met a rich person or read about a rich person who didn’t want others
to be rich, because it makes life simpler. Governments enjoy poor people,
because they’re easy to control. Wealthy individuals want a world filled with
wealthier individuals, because they will buy your product.

When you have more money, you can do things faster and with less stress.
But you have to become a more conscious and wise steward of wealth.
The thing I love the most about money is the ease with which I can do what
needs to be done. Before I had money, I had to pray for three weeks for a
way of getting my phone fixed so I could do the minimum requirements for
business, which was working from my phone. It didn’t occur to me to just
hustle and buy a new one. Now, if I need tech, I buy it. If I need something
done fast, I hire someone. If I want visibility, I can run an ad. If I need
mentorship, I can buy time from a coach. I make things happen, and money
is my ally in that cause. My relationship to God is a million times stronger as
a financially successful person, which is an important aspect because I used
to think poverty made you spiritual.

I didn’t have as many options to make dumbass decisions when I was

broke, because I didn’t have as much freedom. Now, with enough money
to buy whatever I want, whenever I want, I need the DIRECTION from God. I
need to know which moves are wise and which ones are idiotic. All wealth is

Becoming a wiser steward of wealth is not just about learning how to save
more, but also about learning how to spend more. You are a channel for
money. If you can receive it easily, you can also spend it easily on things that
make sense for you. If you can’t spend it easily, you also can’t receive it easily.
This is not a license to spend beyond your means, but it is a reminder to spend
within your means, which becomes harder as you strive to reach the seven-
figure mark.

What got you to this level that you’re at, will keep you at this level that you
are at.

You need stronger tools, no matter how much you like the ones that you’re
familiar with.

Scrimping things are not savings. Scrimpings do not one day turn into savings.
Savings are a result of a higher wealth level. They naturally occur as a result of
raised wealth.

We were stuck building this workshop for two years because we did not feel
as if our lives had improved significantly since starting this workshop, and
we would not teach until our life was living, visual proof that you can make a
quantum leap into a new life at the exact right time.

However, we did not want to spend more than $5000 on rent per month in the
US. So, even though we had plenty of money in the bank, we were in scrimping
mode, and we had not updated our rent budget since we had been single
individuals. $5000 was the most we could imagine paying as singles.
Now we were a family of four with a hundred times as much money as we
had when we started, from $500 to $500,000. But we could not let go of this
number. And we could not let go of our obsession with buying a home in the
United States for two years.

Finally, in November 2022, we upped our budget to $10,000 because we were

forced to, after two $3000-$5000 rentals fell through at the last minute.
Thank God. The moment we upgraded our living standards, we knew that this
standard had to be a full-time thing. Because we have the self-awareness to
not live beyond our means for multiple months, we got real. We asked
“What kind of money do we need to make to be able to easily afford this rent,
and how many of what product do we have to sell to consistently reach that
goal?” We reached that goal consistently within two months, but we would’ve
never been pushed to do that if we hadn’t upgraded our living situation.

Ironically, now we have a way cooler house for less than $5000 that is right
by the beach, which is so much bigger and nicer than the $10,000 house we
moved into when we first got here.

There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.

If you think it’s hard to spend on improving your living conditions, it is 100
times harder to spend six figures on advertising where you don’t see the return
on investment for months. It is 100 times harder to invest in building a team
when you’re so used to doing it all yourself. You will always have a financial
goal that you are aspiring to and reaching towards, and the temptation of
scrimping as a way of getting there in horizontal time will always be there.

You will never make money without spending money.

You will never make money without spending money.

No one has ever made the kind of money that you want to make without
spending a lot of it.
If you want to have $1.5 million at the end of the year in cash, then you need
to make $3 million at the end of the year. I wish I had known this for all those
years I was like “How do I make a million dollars, without spending any money
on my business, hiring anyone new, or doing anything new?”

YOU DON’T. What got you to your level, will keep you at your level. Get new

Scrimping is a scarcity mindset, and you need to recognize that scarcity for
what it is: a block. It’s the other side of shame, urging and demanding that
you settle for less because someone like you, someone dirty like you, could
never have more.
You are here to be a conduit for the flow of money. It needs to come to you
easily, and it needs to leave you easily. You cannot adjust money’s exit
without simultaneously adjusting money’s entrance.


I was stuck on the idea of having to own what I thought I loved. I believed
that owning a home would bring me stability, some sort of purpose that I
was looking for. It’s the dream that has been pushed onto us, but in reality,
all it does is lock you into place.

For two years, all I wanted to do was buy a home, and if that had
happened, I would not be in the position that I am in now, living in these
conditions. I am now surrounded by people that I enjoy being around
so much, and I could have had this ages ago. The money that we had
in the bank could have been used in so many different ways to improve
our standards of living. However, I chose to hold onto it, and act like no
more will ever come, and that caused me to not be able to generate any
money or get what I wanted.

As soon as I let go of the idea of having to own a home, the freedom and
possibilities came flowing my way.

When the time is right, we will buy, but it isn’t my main focus anymore. I
don’t have to wait for anything to have what I love. I can have it now. That
was a big realization for me.

It’s time to make a decision about if you’re going to be doing this workshop
with us this round or not. The price is $1500 for singles, $2500 for couples.

For $1500, or $150 per month for ten months, you will get a new business, a
new income stream, and a new life. You will get access to me one day a week
on a question and answer basis for ten months, not a “vent to Mami and let’s
see what she says” basis.
This process will not embarrass you publicly, we will work strategically and
perfectly to get it done. This will make you much more than you ever spent on
this if you complete the work, and you will laugh in one year about how making
this investment was a big deal to you. The income will be that great, and the
results will be that obvious.

We have all kinds of payment plan options, like Klarna and Afterpay to make
things simpler for you as well.

Feeling iffy? Try a five-day free trial on the house. You can cancel risk free
after that.
This final chapter is a symptom of the red flag for a dead erotic that you’ll be
able to see everywhere once I point it out to you.

It’s this specific statement “I just couldn’t imagine needing anything more.”

Nothing signals the death of the erotic more than this statement. A dead
erotic does not look like starving; you do that privately on the inside while
pretending you’re happy with pizza every night.

A dead erotic looks like pride and satisfaction, thinking that you have
something that everybody else wants. Pizza. Every single fucking night. In
reality, this level is only appealing to you and the people who think that what
you have is more than they ever will.

There’s a vlogger I’m obsessed with. I’ve been following her for years. She
built a tiny home for herself on her parents’ land in Washington during the
pandemic, but she used to be a traveling yoga teacher. She invested all of
her time and energy, and gained fame from creating a slow, living life out in
the woods. For the lastyear and a half, she’s been talking about how mentally
she’s been struggling, but she feels that she just needs to be grateful
for what she has and not want more. I’ve heard her say so many times “I
honestly just can’t imagine ever needing anything more.”. She cannot see a
greater vision for herself. She is capped out.
The erotic is so dead here.

One time, she even got over this and decided to go traveling, but because she
hadn’t raised her level of being, she just moved herself somewhere different.
She ended up in the same exact living conditions: a busted-up living space,
freezing cold, dreary weather, making the same food on the same camping
stove. Only this time, she’s in Ireland in a busted-up Sprinter van instead of in
Washington in a busted-up tiny home. Or she goes on vacation, to Alaska, in
winter, to do the exact same thing she does at home. Being freezing cold in an
unheated house eating beans off the stove.

Her vlogs always follow this pattern: There is one week where she talks about
loving her surroundings and the importance of being present, and throwing
your phone away, even though her life is made possible by your connection to
the internet. I resonate SO hard with this. I did EXACTLY this.
This vlogger, she always talks about throwing her phone away, and I did
exactly this because I was bored in my perfect home in New Mexico, and I
didn’t know how to solve it. I threw my phone away for a month and I was
finally like, “why am I doing this when I work from my freaking phone?”

This is always a symptom of a blocked erotic. It’s you wanting to make things
challenging for yourself because you don’t feel challenged where you are.
I used to make things challenging for myself by getting really stoned, and I
didn’t realize that’s what I was doing. I thought it was making my job easier,
but actually, it was making it harder and making it more challenging, which I
called fun. But in reality, it just made it really hard to get things done.

Now I know I had shame around wanting more, so I tried to convince myself I
needed less. That real happiness would come from settling for less. I did this
in all areas. “Do I really NEED a Bestseller?” “ Do I really NEED press?”. No. I didn’t.

Her next vlog in the pattern is always one that talks about how she’s not
doing well mentally, and that she’s been struggling with feeling excited about
anything, feeling overworked, feeling burned out, wanting to go away but
being too scared to leave her safety net.

This is because pleasure has three states: not enough, enough, and more than
enough. When you’ve been living in “not enough” for so long, when you get to
“enough,” it feels so good and you are so scared of losing that. But you never
transcend to “more than enough.” Life becomes about clinging to “enough”
because you’re so scared that you could go back to the person you were. And
when you cling to this, you really do create scarcity. Scarcity makes you make
stupid financial decisions. People get credit cards and unconsciously convince
themselves that they’ll never pay off the credit card, but they max it out on
things like toilet paper so they’ll never run out again. They’re so convinced
they’re bad with money that they need to stock up on essentials when they
have money because they believe the money is never going to stay.

This is why hoarders hoard. Out of shame, out of scarcity, which comes from
the same place, the second chakra.

You decide you’re going to overcome shame without getting your hands
muddy. You blow all your money on a big investment that you think you need,
and that will satisfy your desire forever. And when it doesn’t, you use it as an
excuse to never get more.
I bought a lot of dumb stuff when I was maxing out my credit cards. Some of
it was necessary, but a lot of it was just stuff. I thought I needed to look like a
professional. The same thing happened when I first got rich. I bought a lot of
outfits and jewelry, and I liked and kept about 50% of them.

I didn’t realize that I was bored. No matter how perfect my life seemed, I was
really bored. And no matter how much I looked around my life, in my endless
stream of packages, in the 22 acres and a home that I owned, I couldn’t see a
bigger vision for myself, no matter how hard I tried.

All I could think of was making improvements to that home, digging a natural
pool in New Mexico for that home. I couldn’t imagine having more because
my erotic was dead. I couldn’t imagine revitalizing my relationship, I couldn’t
imagine having erotic, taboo, scary good sex. I couldn’t imagine my husband
helping me in the business. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. I couldn’t
imagine ever needing more than what I had right there, and I didn’t see the
block with that last one.
I could not imagine, I could not even see or visualize something more than
what I had. I couldn’t see what I wanted because I was so blocked with
fortifying myself with what I thought I needed. In hindsight I’m like “WHY DIDN’T
I JUST HIRE A COACH?!?” and that’s because I felt like I could do everything
better alone, which is where most entrepreneurs get stuck. Forever.

Life is not about need. You have all of your needs met. You don’t need to worry
about getting your needs met. You’ve changed, you’ve grown, your needs will
always be met, but now it’s time to move into want, into pleasure, to move
into more than enough. It’s time to look at what has been passing as enough
for you in your life and say with pride, knowing that the universe supports
you, “Now this is no longer enough, and now it’s time for me to get more.” Not
because I need it, but because I want it, because I can, because it would be

You don’t always have to have some big spiritual reasons for wanting more.
You are here to have as much as you want, not as much as you need. Don’t be
another spiritual statistic living in a tent, walking around your fruit farm, talking
about how everything you need is right here. Shut up, you sound like Moana’s
dad. It’s time for you to get more, and the only person that can block you is
you. So now I have to ask, are you willing to let this continue?

This exercise is called the Pie of Life. It is here to help you get clear about
what it is you’ve been settling for. We have three simple categories: not good
enough, good enough, and more than good enough. We’re going to audit
every area of your life. When I ask you how your bedroom is, I want you to think
about your sheets, and when the last time you had a fresh set was. When I ask
you about your office, I want you to consider if you’re writing from your trashed
bedroom right now.

If you have never had a business before, you’re a good candidate for
Autoerotic, because we will be building as well as scaling. That’s okay. Fill in
the Wealth pie anyways, but leave it all at “not good enough”.

This is meant to make you sacredly uncomfortable, not ashamed. This is

statistical, and not emotional. We cannot grow if you’re living a 10/10 life. You
have a full cup. We have to empty the cup of satisfaction so we can fill it with

You don’t need a printer for this, simply screenshot the pages and use your
editor to make a dot in whatever ring represents your satisfaction.

Post your pictures in our group chat!

It’s time to make a decision about if you are taking this course or not. It’s
ten months, a combination of video and private Q&A support. The cost is
$1500 for singles, or $2500 for couples. We have a variety of payment plans
including Klarna and Afterpay. We accept credit, debit, and PayPal, and you
can do any payment plans you want in that way.

On the fence? We have a five-day risk free trial! Try it and see for yourself.
If you have not met your soul mate, but you want to, Autoerotic is for you.

You don’t manifest what you want, you manifest what you are.

You attract narcissists because you are one in hiding.

You attract unavailble, because you are unavailable.

You attract spiritual people who are super broke because you are a spiritual
person who is super broke.

When YOU are your soul mate, you attract your soul mate.

Autoerotic is about falling deeply in love with yourself, because you activated
a part of yourself you didn’t know existed. The part of you that you were so
certain was not there, that you looked for it in everyone and everything.

When you see that part of you for the first time, the part of you that
symbolizes all the things you have craved so deeply, you can’t help but
become totally in love with yourself. Totally obsessed with yourself. This is the
healthiest thing in the world. If you are writhing in denial over this here, you
are codependent. Watch the narcissist video.

Think about the ex who you never really got over, or the person you wish you
could be with now.

What do they symbolize to you? Don’t think it. Answer it.

For me, it was success. He symbolized success. It felt like I would never be
successful if I wasn’t with him. It wasn’t him that I wanted. It was success that
I wanted. Success on my terms.

You are not in love with this person, or hung up on this person. You want what
they symbolize to you, and this is why you are dreaming of them.

It’s time to go pedal to the metal and PURSUE THAT THING THEY ARE SHOWING

When you are fully in love with yourself, the person who is fully in love with
you for life must manifest.


They will get on your fucking nerves. The erotic will die. The things that used to
be so cute about them will chafe the bane like you would not believe. You will
wonder if you married the wrong person. You will blame it on the job, kids, or
the monotony.

This is not because you have married the wrong person. It’s because the erotic
died, and it needs a refresh.

There is no one else I know of in the whole entire world that will teach you how
to refresh it. Let alone how to jump timelines with it. Just my husband and I.

You don’t need to like us. You don’t need to trust us. You don’t need to think
we’re right. But you will not find this information anywhere else.

Say no if it’s a no, but don’t you fucking hesitate because of some shame or
scarcity. YOU HAVE TO GET OVER THAT. And this is how. This is going to make
you money, this is going to make you hot, this is going to make you rich, but
the only thing blocking you is yourself.


If you have any questions, post them in Q&A, or send us an email to magic@

This brings us to the end of this initiation, for more information you will need
to enroll.
We will be answering any and all questions regarding this work on Fridays
from 7/27 to 8/27. You can text your question in, and we will respond via text
or video. All questions are anonymous, and you can watch Q&A replays to
get more information.

Thank you for letting us guide you. I hope we will see you this round. The
POMO (pain of missing out) is quite real with such rare work.

You can buy at anytime right here:

Make the call. You deserve it.

If you are not sure, and you need to know how YOU uniquely make
decisions, you can look at this cheat sheet here from my workshop

Now, it’s time to make a decision. You have started the ball rolling here, but
you can drop the momentum as easily as you picked it up. Every individual
has a different authority, which means we all make decisions differently.
This workshop is not always available, and when it is, you need to jump on it.
There is a five day free trial, so you can get started on Module One for $0, but
it is a magical process and cadence is important. You want to show up and
hit it consistently, keeping a nice strong pace.

We all make decisions differently, and our intuition sounds different for each
and every one of us. This is your authority. Your authority and your strategy
are considered to be your two most important aspects of human design.
Master these two, you master all.

Look up your human design chart from or any

other human design chart. You are looking for your AUTHORITY. On this is under “type”. On, which is
what I use, it’s under Authority.

If you are a generator or manifesting generator, you have Sacral authority

unless it is clearly labeled otherwise, for example Emotional Generator.

If you are a generator, or manifesting generator you have sacral authority.

That means that your first reaction to the following questions will either be
a hell yes or a hell no, or a sound like “mm hmm!” or “ehhhhh” . If you need
more information, you can ask in the QA on the free version of our app.

• Do you want to take this course?

• Do you want a new life?

• Does a lesson every week with clear homework sound good to you?

• Do you have space to take a two hour per month workshop?

• Is sexual magic and wealth creation a priority for you right now?

• Does it feel like this is what you’ve been waiting for?

If you have emotional authority, you don’t know right away, so give yourself a
spacious deadline, but give yourself a deadline. Take as long as you need until
that point. Understand that your wave changes so what seems like a great
idea in one moment will sound like a terrible idea the next, and then sound like
a great idea again. Make a pros and cons list, and take your time.

If you have a self-projected authority, you need to talk it out with someone
to be clear. That someone should not be me, but it could be social media. You
can also talk it out in feelings room. You don’t need other people’s input, just
other people’s witness. Give yourself a deadline.

If you have splenic authority, it’s a still, small voice that is guiding you with NO
CONTEXT whatsoever. You have the answer right now, like the sacral authority,
so you can decide right away. You can use these questions:

• Does taking Autoerotic Wealth right now seem hard or soft? Soft is yes.

• Does taking Autoerotic Wealth right now seem open or closed? Open is yes.

• Does taking Autoerotic Wealth right now seem easy or hard? Easy is right.


If you have Mental Authority, you need to talk it out with people or in your
journal. Make a pros and cons list, and be done with it in one session, don’t
keep it going. You need to hear ALL sides of it to be certain, so give yourself
that space. Pros and cons are what the mind is great for.

• If you have Ego or Heart Authority, it’s a feeling thing.

• Does Autoerotic feel exciting to you?

• Does Autoerotic feel fun to you?

• Is this something you want to do?

• How does it feel to move towards this?

• How does it feel to move away from this?

Finally, Lunar authority, for the reflectors.

If you’re a reflector, set a timer for one 28 day lunar cycle from today, and
don’t let anyone pressure you into making a decision faster than that. If my
cart is closing before then, send me an email asking for a specific extension.
Don’t lie, because I’ll give you reflector treatment for the rest of the course,
and it won’t be useful. During the lunar cycle, think about what you really
want and what it is going to take to get there. I also am telling you in advance,
you do not need to take the whole community on, it’s not your responsibility to
keep the community moving. You can just receive here.


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