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Too much of a good thing:
Excess exercise can harm mitochondria
Mark W. Pataky1 and K. Sreekumaran Nair1,*
1Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA


Health benefits of aerobic exercise are indisputable and are closely related to the maintenance of mitochon-
drial energy homeostasis and insulin sensitivity. Flockhart et al. (2021) demonstrate, however, that a high vol-
ume of high-intensity aerobic exercise adversely affects mitochondrial function and may cause impaired
glucose tolerance.

In the ancient Sanskrit scriptures, represent not only muscle glucose up- damage to proteins. Interestingly, they
‘‘Amrita’’ is a nectar that bestows immor- take, but also endogenous glucose pro- found in their cohort of healthy partici-
tality but in excess is a poison. Exercise is duction and insulin secretion. The obser- pants 14 h following excessive training
a fundamental therapeutic recommenda- vation that muscle hexokinase activity that reactive oxygen species (ROS) pro-
tion to ameliorate many cardio-metabolic was elevated, while oxidative metabolism duction was paradoxically reduced. This
disorders, but like other therapeutic rem- was reduced at 14 h following excessive was interpreted as a ‘‘compensatory par-
edies it is harmful in excess. A principal ef- training, may represent activation of tial shutdown of mitochondrial meta-
fect of aerobic exercise is the enhance- anaerobic glycolysis. However, lactate bolism to reduce overall ROS produc-
ment of mitochondrial function in levels were not elevated during excessive tion,’’ implying that in healthy muscle,
skeletal muscle (Holloszy, 1967), as well training, suggesting activation of the Cori the stress imposed during excessive
as in other organs, including the brain cycle (Nielsen et al., 2002), which involves training caused the mitochondria to
(Ruegsegger et al., 2019). Thus, exercise the shunting of lactate to the liver for reduce respiration as a protective mecha-
counteracts a decline of metabolic and gluconeogenesis with glucose released nism to maintain a balanced redox state,
other physiological functions of aging to the circulation, but this notion has to preventing excessive cellular damage.
and insulin-resistant states (Cartee et al., be experimentally tested by future Consequently, reduced mitochondrial
2016). In the current issue of Cell Meta- studies. The capacity for greater glucose respiration occurred concurrent to
bolism, Flockhart et al. (2021) show that transport following excessive training is impaired glucose tolerance, but the rela-
as the volume of high-intensity aerobic in- indicated by increased content of the tionship between maximal mitochondrial
terval training (HIIT) increases to ‘‘exces- glucose transporter GLUT4. Of course, a respiration and glucose tolerance is com-
sive’’ levels, mitochondrial function de- better measure of exercise-mediated plex. ROS can have bidirectional effects
clines, concurrent with impairment of glucose transport capacity is the cell sur- on insulin action, as both an acute reduc-
glucose tolerance, but upon recovery to face level of GLUT4 after exercise. How- tion in ROS and chronically elevated ROS
normal exercise levels the mitochondria ever, muscle samples were collected can potentially cause insulin resistance.
also recover normal functional capacity 14 h following exercise, long after the ex- Further, insulin-induced ROS in vivo pro-
(Figure 1). ercise-mediated effect on glucose trans- motes insulin signaling and sensitivity
In their study, eleven (six female and port takes place (Wallberg-Henriksson (Tiganis, 2011).
five male) physically active and healthy et al., 1988). Elevation of total GLUT4, Of interest, despite the reduced mito-
participants performed 3 weeks of HIIT glycogen content, and glycogen synthase chondrial oxidative function by excessive
with progressively increasing volume suggests that excessive HIIT did not training, the activity of citrate synthase
and frequency, followed by a fourth adversely affect the muscle’s capacity to (CS) was higher, despite no change in
week of recovery with reduced training handle glucose. Despite the evidence for CS protein abundance. Although CS is
load. During the third week, when partici- increased glucose storage, transport, often used as a measure of mitochondrial
pants performed particularly frequent and and glycolysis in skeletal muscle, glucose protein content, this nuclear DNA-en-
high volumes of HIIT, improvements in tolerance was reduced with excessive coded protein is critical for the TCA cycle,
power output stagnated. Muscle biopsies training. It will be important to know but not directly involved in the electron
obtained 14 h following the exercise ses- whether reduced mitochondrial capacity transport chain (ETC) or oxidative phos-
sions showed reduced mitochondrial for carbohydrate and fat oxidation phorylation. The abundance of multiple
respiration using carbohydrate and fat causes, or is a result of, impaired glucose proteins directly involved in mitochondrial
substrates. The decline in muscle mito- tolerance following excessive HIIT. oxidative metabolism (i.e., Complexes I,
chondrial respiration was associated Flockhart et al. also assessed whether II, III, and IV) was significantly increased
with impairment of glucose tolerance. oxidative stress occurred, which could after excessive training. Furthermore,
However, oral glucose tolerance tests cause insulin resistance and oxidative mitochondrial fusion markers were

Cell Metabolism 33, May 4, 2021 ª 2021 Elsevier Inc. 847


of HIIT and length of recovery period that

are needed to achieve this remain to be
fully understood, especially since this
may vary widely among individuals of
different ages, sexes, and clinical condi-
tions (such as type 2 diabetes, heart
failure, etc.). The current studies have suf-
ficiently stimulated a need to address
important questions on the optimum vol-
ume and adaptation period to HIIT not
only in healthy but also in various age
groups and health status. Too much and
too rapid of an increase in intensity of ex-
ercise are stressful and harmful to health,
but too little physical activity is also not
Figure 1. Impairment of muscle mitochondrial function with excessive high-intensity
aerobic exercise training
Flockhart et al. have shown that upon increasing exercise training from light to moderate volume/intensity, DECLARATION OF INTERESTS
mitochondria enhance respiratory capacity. However, when exercise training reaches excessive levels the
mitochondrial function declines, with currently unknown intrinsic molecular defects. As exercise training The authors declare no competing interests.
returns to normal levels in the recovery period after excessive training, mitochondria can quickly regain
normal functional capacity.

Cartee, G.D., Hepple, R.T., Bamman, M.M., and

elevated during excessive training, with as within 1 week of reduced volume HIIT Zierath, J.R. (2016). Exercise promotes healthy ag-
ing of skeletal muscle. Cell Metab. 23, 1034–1047.
no change in mitochondrial fission mitochondrial H2O2 production and respi-
markers, suggesting that a rapid ration began to return to normal levels. Flockhart, M., Nilsson, L.C., Tais, S., Ekblom, B.,
increase in exercise volume caused no Perhaps the likely cause of reduced mito- Apró, W., and Larsen, F.J. (2021). Excessive exer-
cise training causes mitochondrial functional
disruption in the mitochondrial network. chondrial function following excessive impairment and decreases glucose tolerance in
As a result of these observations, a criti- training is altered proteome homeostasis, healthy volunteers. Cell Metab. 33, this issue,
cally important question is as follows: including an accumulation of damaged
what contributes to the reduced mito- proteins due to irreversible modifications, Holloszy, J.O. (1967). Biochemical adaptations in
chondrial function observed 14 h or a defect in posttranslational modifica- muscle. Effects of exercise on mitochondrial oxy-
gen uptake and respiratory enzyme activity in skel-
following high-volume HIIT? tions such as phosphorylation, lysine- etal muscle. J. Biol. Chem. 242, 2278–2282.
A reduction in both mitochondrial respi- acetylation, or lipidation, which activate
ration and ROS emission is intriguing, but mitochondrial proteome function. Then, Nielsen, H.B., Clemmesen, J.O., Skak, C., Ott, P.,
and Secher, N.H. (2002). Attenuated hepatos-
the authors also found no change in abun- upon the recovery period following exces- planchnic uptake of lactate during intense exercise
dance of SOD2, GPX, CAT, or HO-1-1, sive training, these protein modifications in humans. J Appl Physiol (1985) 92, 1677–1683.
which are enzymes in the mitochondrial may reverse. Of course, this hypothesis Robinson, M.M., Dasari, S., Konopka, A.R.,
antioxidant defense system. However, will require solid proof based on further Johnson, M.L., Manjunatha, S., Esponda, R.R.,
the activities of these enzymes were not investigations. Carter, R.E., Lanza, I.R., and Nair, K.S. (2017).
Enhanced protein translation underlies improved
measured. Because H2O2 production It is important to appreciate that the metabolic and physical adaptations to different ex-
was reduced, it would be logical to third week of high-volume exercise was ercise training modes in young and old humans.
consider whether the activities of these initiated without allowing the body to Cell Metab. 25, 581–592.
enzymes were enhanced during exces- adapt to the moderate exercise. Meta- Ruegsegger, G.N., Creo, A.L., Cortes, T.M.,
sive training. The authors proposed that bolic adaptation to HIIT involves Dasari, S., and Nair, K.S. (2018). Altered mitochon-
drial function in insulin-deficient and insulin-resis-
the reduction in mitochondrial respiration enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis at tant states. J. Clin. Invest. 128, 3671–3681.
was due to a compensatory mechanism transcriptional and translational levels
to spare the cell from excessive oxidative (Robinson et al., 2017), with hormonal (in- Ruegsegger, G.N., Vanderboom, P.M., Dasari, S.,
Klaus, K.A., Kabiraj, P., McCarthy, C.B.,
stress. Nrf2 protein content (critical for sulin) and nutritional factors (amino acids) Lucchinetti, C.F., and Nair, K.S. (2019). Exercise
redox homeostasis) is reduced after also playing critical roles in mitochondrial and metformin counteract altered mitochondrial
excessive training. Therefore, it is possible biogenesis (Ruegsegger et al., 2018). function in the insulin-resistant brain. JCI Insight
4, e130681.
that antioxidative enzyme activities were Mitochondrial quality is determined by
reduced. What molecular mechanisms the ability to remove damaged proteins Tiganis, T. (2011). Reactive oxygen species and in-
sulin resistance: the good, the bad and the ugly.
could cause such a disruptive effect to efficiently and replace them with newly Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 32, 82–89.
mitochondrial enzymes after excessive synthesized proteins. An optimum recov-
training? One clue is that mitochondrial ery period is needed to achieve accretion Wallberg-Henriksson, H., Constable, S.H., Young,
D.A., and Holloszy, J.O. (1988). Glucose transport
ROS production and respiration following of sufficient and highly functional mito- into rat skeletal muscle: interaction between exer-
excessive training are quickly reversible, chondrial proteins. The optimum intensity cise and insulin. J Appl Physiol (1985) 65, 909–913.

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