Virtual Prototyping Examples For Automot

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Virtual Prototyping Examples for Automotive Industries

Fan Dai, Wolfgang Felger, Thomas Fruhauf,

Martin Gobel, Dirk Reiners, Gabriel Zachmann
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (IGD)
Wilhelminenstrae 7, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany
Phone: +49-6151-155-162
Fax: +49-6151-155-199
e-mail: fdai,felger,thfrueha,goebel,reiners,

Abstract decisions, and often just to show a product to the

The vision of virtual prototyping is to use virtual Making physical prototypes is very time con-
reality techniques for design evaluations and pre- suming and expensive. To shorten the product de-
sentations based on a digital model instead of phys- velopment time, design evaluations have to be done
ical prototypes. In the automotive industries, CAD faster, the results must be directly incorporated
and CAE systems are widely used. This provides into the design process. As CAD and CAE system
a good basis for virtual prototyping. This vision is are widely used in the automotive design, a lot of
therefore extremely interesting for automotive in- product data are digitally available. This provides
dustries. Many companies have started to evaluate a good basis for design evaluations, manufacturing
existing tools and technologies, and think about, planning and product presentation electronically.
or begin to develop virtual prototyping systems for In the industrial praxis, a lot of design evalu-
their own needs. In this paper, we present some ex- ations are already done electronically using simu-
amples from our recent projects with automotive lation systems. But physical prototypes are still
campanies. Based on these examples, we discuss used in the most cases. The benets of physical
problems, solutions and future directions of R&D prototypes rise from their spatial presence. Espe-
to achieve the vision of virtual prototyping. cially for conceptual design and product presenta-
tion, one can touch it, take them into the hand, and
Keywords: virtual prototyping, virtual reality, manipulate it to see if it works properly. Therefore,
functional simulation, interactive visualization, in- electronic prototyping asks for better man-machine
teraction techniques, object behaviors interfaces. Virtual reality is the enabling technol-
ogy providing realistic presentation and intuitive,
direct manipulation of digital models.
1 Introduction In the beginning of this decade, virtual reality
was regarded to be more a toy than a tool. The
In the product development process, prototyping use of new, but today well known virtual reality
is an essential step. Prototypes represent impor- peripherals, the head mounted displays and gloves,
tant features of a product, which are to be investi- in the entertainment business has established this
gated, evaluated, and improved. They are used to image. Press article and TV contributions reported
prove design alternatives, to do engineering anal- on virtual worlds as computer generated alterna-
ysis, manufacturing planning, support managment tives to the real world. This created overall fascina-
tion about the new possibilities with virtual reality
technology and supported science ction impres-
sions more than providing information. The social
impacts of virtual environments were discussed and
criticized very intensively even before rst results
were available from scientic-technical research and
development work. But in the last few years, the
development in the scientic world has made great
success. Tools and systems are realized with which
the technical, practical use of virtual reality tech-
nology has been demonstrated for dierent appli-
cation domains. First examples were walk-through
presentations for architectural design, interior de-
sign and urban planning. Recently, also automo-
tive and aeronautic industries began to investigate
this technology.
IGD started its VR research and development
in 1993 with the VR Demonstration Centre ini- Figure 1: An assembly scene from the VW project.
tiative 10, 11] of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in Data courtesy of Volkswagen AG.
Germany, one of the biggest research organizations
carrying out applied research with industry. Since 2.1 The Volkswagen Project
that, we performed a lot of VR research and devel-
oped our proprietary tools and the VirtualDesign In 1994, Volkswagen started to investigate the pos-
system 1]. At the same time, the idea and con- sibilities of VR in vehicle development and in the
cept of virtual prototyping was developed 3, 4], planning of manufacturing processes. Background
and several projects has been carried out together reason is the very expensive process of developing a
with industrial partners. The basic idea is to inte- new car and the long time it takes to develop (four
grate CAD/CAE and VR techniques, and to assign to ve years elapse time between the initial design
the virtual objects with functionalities of the de- stage and actual series productions). During this
signed product, which implies the development of time several steps are taken simultaneously. Ma-
integrated simulation and visualization modules. chine tools are manufactured while the vehicle it-
Following, we present our approach and expe- self is still undergoing constructional development
rience of doing virtual prototyping with examples and tests.
from our recent projects with automotive compa-
nies. Simultaneous Engineering Teams (SET) are set
up to coordinate the various tasks involved. Partic-
ularly in the concept stages, it is dicult to iden-
2 The sample projects tify inherent problems from the technical drawings.
The teams have to try variant methods of assem-
The descriptions of techniques, problems and so- bly, analyzing separate functions and steps in the
lutions in this paper are based mainly on three production process. Here, VR can help. Even at
projects we carried out, and are doing with au- a very early stage, a virtual model can give the
tomotive companies. All implementation was done team a clear view of the present state of devel-
using IGD's proprietary VR software "VirtualDe- opment, e.g., by presenting dierent ways of po-
sign II" 1] and corresponding tools. sitioning and adjusting components in the engine
In this section, we describe briey the objec- compartment, and allowing simulation of alterna-
tives of these projects. tive assembly procedures. Even the dismantling of
a clutch unit could be simulated - which is impor-
tant for the planning of subsequent maintenance.
The possibilities of VR technology range from
support in factory planning, design and ergonomy
to advertising. Soon, the customer in the dealer's
showroom may be able to take a seat inside his vir-
tual dream car, and select all the accessories and
features he desires. VW's research division is col-
laborating with IGD since October 1994.
2.2 The BMW Virtual Seating-Buck
In 1995 IGD developed a "Virtual Seating-Buck"
for BMW. This project focussed on the challenge
of using VR to create a tighter integration between
design and engineering analysis functions in the
development process of automotive interiors (Fig-
ure 2).
It was necessary to address graphic display Figure 4: A scene from the AIT-demonstrator
quality as well as functionality, and interaction showing the selected engine part and a built-in sim-
techniques in order to provide the user with a con- ulation task. Data courtesy of AIT-consortium.
vincing feeling of immersion into the virtual envi-
ronment. To further increase this eect, a physical
mock-up consisting of seat, steering wheel and foot scale, conditions such as system location, space al-
pedals was built (Figure 3). Other hardware com- location and stayout envelopes could be interac-
ponents included a tracking system, data glove and tively evaluated taking the air condition/heating
Fakespace's BOOM 3C. unit as an example.
One important aspect in order to intensify the The system has been in prototypical use at
user's feeling of immersion was the precise coupling BMW's R&D facility since November 1995 running
between real objects and virtual objects. This was on an SGI RE2 computer with two independent
achieved by calibrating the virtual steering wheel graphics subsystems. The results as well as user
with its physical counterpart (held by the user) and responses are promising.
implementing a virtual feedback, such that the vir-
tual steering wheel rotates simultaneously with the 2.3 The AIT-Demonstrator
physical one. An accurate collision detection algo- To show the future vision of Digital-Mock-Up, and
rithm allowes us to realize this functionality with- on behalf of the AIT-consortium 1 , IGD has im-
out additional hardware, just using software to de- plemented a demonstrator and presented it at the
tect collision between hand and steering wheel and AIT event in Darmstadt on 21. and 22. June 1995.
resolve the rotational constraints coupling the two. The goal of the demonstrator is not to show
Another point of interest was the embedding state-of-the-art of virtual reality, but to give an
of CAE simulation results into the virtual environ- impression of how virtual reality can be applied
ment demonstrated through ow visualization with
interactive particle tracing of passenger compart- 1
AIT | Advanced Information Technology in Design and
ment climatization simulation (Figure 14). Finally Manufacturing (ESPRIT Project 7704). The project part-
we addressed the use of VR for maintenance access ners are: Aerospatiale, BMW, Saab, BMW, Rolls-Royce,
Audi, Alenia, Dassault Aviation, Britisch Aerospace, Re-
verication and conguration studies (Figure 13). nault, Reydel, Mercedes-Benz, CASA, PSA, VW, Magneti
Again, using real-time collision detection on a large Marelli, Fiat, Rover

Figure 2: The BMW Scenario. Data courtesy of Figure 3: The physical equipment of the BMW vir-
BMW AG. tual seating-buck.

to digital mock-up to support a rapid product de- These data were converted by IGD into the data
velopment, especially discussions and decisions in format for VR, and prepared for the VR demon-
the early design phase. Using the example of al- strator. Furthermore, additional objects were mod-
ternator exchange, the story illustrates the use of eled e.g. to build the virtual menus and displays.
virtual reality techniques for the evaluation of de- The process of preparing data for virtual pro-
sign alternatives, for clash and clearance analysis, totyping is described in the next section.
for assembly/disassembly simulations, and for the
simulation of operation conditions.
3 From CAD to VR
In this demonstrator, nearly all important fea-
tures of VR were demonstrated. Among these are: The rst step needed before one can even think
virtual menus, direct 3D manipulation, gestures, about doing virtual prototyping is the acquisition
collision detection and response, kinematic con- and preparation of the data.
straints, deformation of exible parts, visualization
of technical data and simulation results. 3.1 Digital data and CAD data formats
For this demonstrator, BMW provided original Firstly, the data has to be available in a digital
CAD data of the 7 Series car body, the 8 cylin- format. This may sound obvious, but there is no
der engine compartment and technical information way to guarantee that all parts that are used e.g. in
about the engine and alternators. TECOPLAN an engine come from the time of widespread CAD-
Informatics GmbH generated reduced polygonal systems. Even today a number of parts are in use
data for the visualization. Vibration simulation that are older than 20 years, when nobody thought
data are provided by Mercedes-Benz AG, where about using Computer Graphics for the design and
TECOPLAN generated the geometry of the en- manufacture planning of mechanical parts.
gine envelope. The DMU scenario and the cor- If the data is available, it has to be converted to
responding requirements were dened by the AIT- a usable format. In the fast-paced computer world
Consortium to show the AIT-DMU approach. it is unlikely that all wanted parts have been mod-
eled with the same CAD software, so that there port OpenInventor import, because there is a nice
has to be a common ground to build upon if the reference implementation for an Inventor importer
writing of a large number of native translators has and in general Inventor oers easy access to the
to be prevented. In the automotive industry the generated low-level primitives.
problem is well known and there is an agreed upon
and common format, which is VDAFS 5]. Nearly 3.3 Complexity reduction
every CAD system used in the automotive industry
has export facilities for this format. In a broader After these steps the model can be viewed in the
industrial spectrum the IGES format 18] takes this VR system. In most cases it will not yet be usable.
role as the lowest common denominator that is sup- This is caused by the extreme size and complexity
ported everywhere, which makes it an interesting of tessellated CAD models. As a small example
target to support. Figure 5 shows a wireframe picture of a tessellated
Of course, the vision of a more general, inte- engine. This engine is composed of 211 thousand
grated product data model (STEP) 13] is very polygons and is by no means very detailed. Even
promising, and new developments in this direction on the high-end hardware models of this size are
(e.g. ProSTEP 17]) should be considered too. hardly handable at all, not talking about VR ap-
plications, which demand at least 10 frames per
3.2 Tessellation second. Thus the complexity of the model has to
be reduced.
One major problem for the transfer of CAD data This can be done at several points. Many tes-
into a VR system is the fact that the data is usually sellators oer a quality setting by adjusting error
represented as free-form surfaces. This makes a lot bounds while tessellating. These can be increased
of sense for the design and construction phase, but for the parts of the model that are not going to be
the real-time rendering of free-form surfaces is not in the focus of the task at hand. A problem with
yet supported by the available commercial hard- this approach appears at the edges of the surface
ware, even though interesting results have been patches. If a dierent error bound has to be used
achieved by university prototypes 16]. The com- for the patches that meet at a common edge cracks
mercial hardware is optimized for the fast rendering may appear. These cracks have to be lled by au-
of at polygons, especially for triangles. Thus the tomatic or semi-automatic tools and may require
surfaces have to be tessellated. manual corrections.
Many CAD-systems have an integrated tessel- Another possibility is to work on the tessellated
lation functionality for the output to e.g. stereo- model by employing polygon reduction techniques.
lithography machinery or for nite element simu- These techniques have been used especially in the
lations, which are usually based on elements with context of 3D scanner data, but can also be used
planar boundaries. As this tessellation is not a triv- in the context of CAD data.
ial task, it might be worth the eort to use the In general a context-based reduction is impor-
built-in functionality and rather write an import tant. The available polygon budget has to be spent
for the tessellated format, which raises the issue of in the places that are important for the task one
supporting multiple importers again. The optimal is aiming at. In this spirit the easiest and most ef-
solution would be a CAD-system that supports a fective reduction method is cutting away the parts
tessellated format that is usable by the VR system. that are not important. This can be done by den-
The SGI OpenInventor format is starting to take ing a 3D volume in the virtual world. Obviously
this role. There are already systems that support a this method may reduce the completeness of the
direct output to OpenInventor, and there is an in- model, but the gains in terms of rendering speed
creasing number of converters from other formats, are worth it.
e.g. IGES to OpenInventor. From the other end Not only the number of polygons is important
a large number of VR systems are starting to sup- for the rendering speed, but also the way they are
Figure 6: Selecting important parts using access-
by-volume technique. The transparent box can be
Figure 5: The CAD-geometry of an engine after tes- moved and scaled simply by grabbing one of its cor-
sellation. Data courtesy of AIT-consortium. ner handles. Data courtesy of AIT-consortium.

presented to the rendering system. Many render- 4 Functional Simulation and Vi-
ing systems feature specialized primitives for large
models composed of triangles. Triangles that share
a common edge can be joined together to form a An important aspect of Virtual Prototyping goes
triangular strip, reducing the amount of geometri- beyond the visual appearance. Virtual prototyping
cal data nearly to a third and thus often increasing allows for a presentation of a product's design not
the rendering speed by a factor of 2 or more. only as a geometrical model but together with data
which describe the object's functionality. With this
3.4 Optical, visual properties capability virtual prototypes can be more useful
When the model has been reduced to a usable com- in the product development process than physical
plexity the next task is to add the visual informa- prototypes. The latter group (still) suers from the
tion, which is usually not provided by the CAD structural weakness of the materials used in most
system, to the model. This information consists of generative 'rapid prototyping' processes.
material properties like color and reectivity, and
the number and position of light sources to gener- 4.1 Object Functionalities
ate a convincingly realistic image of the data.
The result is something like Figure 4. In this Three classes of product data are in focus for vir-
picture the same engine scenario (see Figure 5) is tual prototyping beside geometry itself:
shown, but the engine has been cut down and re-
duced to about 30,000 polygons. This scene can - Kinematics
be rendered with more than 10 frames per second, - Structural mechanics
which makes interactive and even immersive appli- - Computational uid dynamics (CFD)
cations possible.
While the mentioned product features are un- to produce the visualization objects at a frame rate
der investigation by engineers in the regular prod- suitable for immersive investigation. Strategy II re-
uct development since long, it is not yet common quires the re-implementation of visualization algo-
to present them together with geometrical design rithms. However, experience shows that the need
studies. We see a great potential benet in deci- for a high frame rate requires special data struc-
sion making when design alternatives of technical tures as well as special visualization algorithms,
products are to be discussed between engineers, de- anyhow. Writing a new system from scratch (strat-
signers and managers. Virtual prototyping allows egy III) requires huge man-power or will lead to an
to investigate several product features with one inexible system for a special application. While
single medium and in a manner suitable for non- strategy IV is simple but non-interactive, alterna-
technicians, too. Kinematics analysis of rigid body tive V seems to be promising because nothing has
assemblies are practical in real-time with todays to be re-implemented. But again, practice shows
computers, and can be realized as built-in func- here that communication via sockets is neither se-
tionalities of a VP system (see Section 5.2). How- cure nor deterministically regarding the response
ever, computational structural analysis and com- times. Also, we face again the fact that visual-
putational uid dynamics are extremely comput- ization algorithms of existing SciVis systems are
ing intensive and their application requires expert usually not fast enough for VR requirements | at
knowledge, so that real-time simulation of real- least not with huge data sets.
world products during design discussions will still It is sad but it is true - user interaction is the
be 'science ction' for a long time. The practical main problem in immersive data visualization, re-
approach is immersive visualization of CAE data. gardless of which of the above mentioned strate-
gies is applied. As long as speech input is not re-
4.2 Strategies of Immersive Data Visu- alized suciently, the interaction for conguration
alization and control of visualization algorithms will be a big
From a software engineering point of view, we iden- In the last years we have investigated strate-
tify ve dierent strategies to realize the immersive gies I, II, IV and V and found number two to be
(i.e. VR-) presentation of product simulation data the most practical alternative. The next section de-
12]: scribes two recent CFD-applications of immersive
I. Extending an existing, advanced scientic vi- data visualization that where realized by adding a
sualization (SciVis) system with additional VR ca- SciVis module to our VR system 'VirtualDesign II'.
II. Extending an existing, advanced VR system 4.3 Immersive Investigation of CFD
with additional scientic visualization capabilities. Data
III. Creating a new system with some VR and
some SciVis capabilities. We have developed a ow-visualization module for
IV. Using an existing VR System to investigate our VR system 'VirtualDesign II' in order to in-
(visualization) objects pre-computed by an existing tegrate product simulation data with geometrical
SciVis System. design studies. While we demonstrated the interac-
V. Integrating an existing VR System and a tive analysis of the ow around a Volkswagen Polo
SciVis System with process communication via at the Hannover Messe '95, we realized the immer-
UNIX sockets or shared memory. sive investigation of the Volkswagen TDI (Turbo
Strategy I has two major drawbacks: First, the Direct Injection) Diesel engine for the IAA '95 in
2D-point-and-click user interfaces of conventional Frankfurt.
SciVis Systems are not feasible for a VR presenta- Most impressive in ow visualization is the
tion. Furthermore, the visualization algorithms of interactive particle tracing in the velocity eld.
existing SciVis Systems are generally not tailored Unfortunately, most ow simulations are carried
out on unstructured Finite Element grids. Visu- the CFD program are animated, too. Isosurfaces
alization algorithms for such grids require much of the temperature serve as an indicator of the mo-
more computational eort than those for regular or mentary location of the ames when the air/diesel
curvilinear computational grids 9]. Our investiga- mixture is burning.
tions have shown that real-time particle tracing at
VR-frame rates is only feasible on regular grids or
(in the computational space of) curvilinear grids if 5 Interaction with a Virtual Pro-
hundreds of particles are to be advected simultane- totype
ously. Therefore, we re-sample unstructured CFD
grids to a regular grid of adjustable spatial exten- As already mentioned, interaction with the virtual
sion and density - being aware of the fact that we prototype is a very important, but also dicult
trade visualization speed against accuracy. task. In this section, we describe some basic VR
Our particle tracing module allows the release techniques and show our approach used in the sam-
of particles at sources which are either coupled to ple scenarios.
the user's hand(-echo) or which can be positioned
freely in the 3D scene by the user. The later al- 5.1 Basic Input Techniques
ternative allows to position a xed particle source In order to accomplish the interaction tasks, it is
and walk around in the scene in order to watch highly desirable to develop interaction techniques
the advected particles from dierent points of view. which are as intuitive as possible. Conventional
The particles, which are rendered usually as at interaction devices (keyboard, mouse, tablet, etc.)
squares, may be rotated by the rotational compo- are not t for natural interaction with most VR
nent of the velocity eld (rot v) and/or may be applications. One of the more intuitive ways is the
connected to form streaklines. For transient ow \virtual trackball" or the \rolling trackball", which
data we provide streamribbons as an alternative both utilize the mouse 15, p. 51 ].
visualization technique. Furthermore, particles or The shortcoming of all of the above mentioned
ribbons can be colourcoded according to the local devices is their low input dimension (at most 2).
speed or according to any other scalar data of the However, new devices like SpaceMouse, DataGlove,
simulation results (Figure 7). tracking systems, Boom, Cricket, etc., provide 6
Other SciVis techniques that t also well into and more dimensions. These allow highly ecient,
the concept of immersive and intuitive exploration natural interaction techniques. One of them is ges-
of virtual prototypes are those techniques that re- ture recognition.
quire spatial interaction by the user. Beside par- Usually, static gestures like \st", \hitch-hike"
ticle tracing, this is slicing and point probing 20]. are used for triggering actions. Gestures can be ex-
We plan to integrate these techniques in a future panded by taking also the orientation of the glove's
version of our SciVis module. Another visualiza- tracker into account (for example, to make simu-
tion technique which is of great use for structural lation time go faster or slower). Gestures plus ori-
analysis as well as for CFD data | and which is entation is what we call postures. There is also
already available in the VR system | is object de- research going on to recognize dynamic gestures
formation. Imagine a crash simulation of a whole which consist of a continuous sequence of static
car that can be inspected interactively with a free postures.
navigation of the user in space and in time. In Gestures are very well suited to trigger simple
the application of the visualization of the TDI en- actions, like program exit, display of a menu, or
gine (see Figure 8) we animate the piston as well one of the following navigation actions.
as the valves during the ow visualization. The Navigation comprises all forms of controlling
diesel particles whose movements and momentary the viewpoint in a virtual environment, or steer-
masses were pre-computed in a Lagrangian form by ing of a real exploration device (e.g., the repair
Figure 7: Immersive CFD investigation: Particles, Figure 8: VR investigation of a diesel cylinder. Top:
colourcoded according to local pressure, indicate the Valves and diesel nozzle. Bottom: Piston. Stream-
ow around a Polo car. Data courtesy of Volkswagen ribbons of the velocity eld emerge moving and sta-
AG. tionary sources. Data courtesy of Volkswagen AG.

robot or the microscope needle). Most techniques by the inverse transformations as with the
can be derived from a single model, which assumes eyeball-in-hand technique.
the virtual camera mounted on a virtual cart, also
sometimes referred to as ying carpet (see also 3D menus are a straight-forward extension of
22, 19, 7, 6]). the well-known 2D menus to suit the full 3D ap-
proach of VR applications (see 14]). Usually their
In point-and- y the user moves the cart by appearance is triggered by a gesture or a button.
pointing in the desired direction with their Several possibilities have been tested for the selec-
navigation device (e.g., glove or cricket) and tion of menu items: shooting a ray through the
making a certain gesture or pressing a cer- index nger, shooting a ray from the eye through
tain button. The speed of the motion can be the index nger, or actually hitting the 3D button
controlled by the user the exion value or the with the nger.
pressure on the button.
eyeball-in-hand: this paradigm is accom- 5.2 Object Behaviors
plished by connecting the viewpoint and the
viewing direction directly to a tracking sys- As mentioned in section 4, an important goal of
tem (e.g., an electro-magnetic sensor or a virtual prototyping is to investigate functionalities
Boom). This technique is most appropri- of a designed product. Some of them can be sim-
ate for close examination of single objects ulated in real-time, so that an investigation in the
from dierent viewpoints, e.g., interior design form of "plug and play" can be done in the virtual
(see Fig. 9). world.
One example is kinematics simulation. Fig-
scene-in-hand: this is the dual technique to ure 10 shows a crank shaft, whose motion is sim-
eyeball-in-hand. The viewpoint is modied ulated with a built-in kinematics module. Using
Figure 9: In interior design, for example, the eyeball-
in-hand navigation technique is used, since the user Figure 10: A rotating crank shaft. This simulation
holds, say, a Boom in his hands. Data courtesy of was shown as part of a VW scenario presented on
BMW AG. the Hannover Messe '95

virtual buttons, it's velocity can be changed con- ulation of objects can be done in a more intuitive
tinuously. manner.
Another example is simulation of exible
parts. Using such built-in simulations, model- 5.3 Intuitive Manipulations
ing/deforming of objects can be done simply by An every-day task is the displacement of objects.
pressing or dragging at the surface of an object As in the real world, the user should be able to do
(Figure 11). The user can manipulate any facet, this by just pushing or pulling it with their hand,
i.e., vertex, edge, or polygon. just like they would do it in reality (e.g. Figure 12).
In order to achieve a realistic behavior, the ma- Although it is highly desirable that objects be-
nipulation should aect also the neighborhood 2]. have naturally, we feel that the designer of a virtual
This inuence might be determined by predened environment has to decide on a case-by-case basis
weighting functions, or it might be based on the how close to reality certain interactions should be.
preservation of physical properties (e.g., volume, For example, for many tasks, it is perfectly su-
or surface), or on other constraints. cient to let the user grab an object by just touching
Other representations like B-Spline surfaces, it while making a st gesture (see Figure 4). How-
NURBS, or even CSG might be useful, or even nec- ever, for other scenarios, e.g. ergonomics analy-
essary. ses in engine maintainance, the grabbing should be
Of course, more complex and very accurate modelled as close to reality as possible, otherwise
object behavior requires great computational re- no implications follow.
sources both in terms of CPU power and in terms
of clever algorithms. 5.4 Collision Detection and Response
But even using relatively simple, not neces- Another property of real objects is that they don't
saryly accurate, physical constraints, the manip- interpenetrate each other. Collision detection is
Figure 11: The cooling hose in the AIT scenario was
modeled as exible part. Pushing on it, one can get
more space for assembling/disassembly the alterna- Figure 12: Lifting the hoode with kinematic con-
tor. Data courtesy of AIT-consortium. straints. Data courtesy of AIT-consortium.

very important for virtual worlds, too. However, even more ecient, the ngers of the virtual hand
collision response should not always resemble real- itself become sources (Figure 14).
world behavior. For example, it might be very
hard to place an object in a dense environment,
when colliding objects keep sticking on each other 6 Conclusions
(see 21]). Instead, a more suitable collision re-
sponses might be highlighting of colliding objects A virtual prototyping environment bridges the
accompanied by some sound feedback (see Fig- gap between people with dierent technical back-
ure 13). grounds like designers, simulation engineers, man-
agers, and customers. They can exchange their
5.5 Interaction for visualization. work results and ideas in a common, intuitive un-
derstandable form. They can easily make together
This is a pretty new eld in the realm of virtual experiments with the virtual objects, analyze the
environments. By using 6D (or more) devices, new, design and simulation results, and make modica-
and potentially much more ecient techniques for tions.
interaction with simulation results can be devised. The results of our recent projects have shown,
As mentioned above (Section 4), we have ported that there is a great potential of applying VR tech-
several visualization techniques for ow elds over niques, but at the same time, existing VR tech-
to virtual environments. Common techniques are niques have still many drawbacks. To achieve the
particle tracing, stream lines, and streak lines. For vision of virtual prototyping, enormous eorts are
each of them, sources within the eld have to be still necessary both in the research community and
placed. With the aid of interaction techniques for in the industry. Only in such collaborations be-
virtual environments, it is very easy to place these: tween research and application parties, the real
the user just grabs the object which represents the problems can by identied and practical results can
source and places it somewhere else in space. Or, be achieved.
Figure 13: Collision response while moving an object
must not interfere with smooth interaction. Here, Figure 14: The ow of air particles at the front win-
collision response was chosen to be highlighting of dow, with some xed particle sources and the hand
colliding objects by wireframe and via sound feed- as a freely movable source. Data courtesy of BMW
back. Data courtesy of BMW AG. AG.

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12] Haase, H., Dai, F., Strassner, J., Gobel, M.: Im- Acknowledgement
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tal principles. International Organization for Stan- Mr. P. Zimmermann (VW) and Mr. P. Reindl
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