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Lists of Terminologies、Notations on Math. Class

1. 課程內容基本架構 Basic Architecture of Course Content

Definition IllustrationTheoryExamples and Applications

2. 慣用術語 Terminologies
English 中文 abbr. English 中文 abbr.
Definition 定義 Def. function 函數 fun.
Lemma 引理 Lem. continuous 連續的 conti.
Theorem 定理 Thm. differentiable 可微分的 diff.
Corollary 推論 Cor. derivative 導函數 der.
Proposition 命題 Prop. anti‐derivative 反導函數 anti‐der.
Proof 證明 Pf. polynomial 多項式 poly.
Solution 解答 Sol. sequence 數列/序列 seq.
Answer 回答 Ans. if and only if 若且唯若 iff
sufficient 充分的/足夠的 suff.
without loss 不失一般性 w.l.o.g with respect to 對於/就...而言 w.r.t.
of generality equation 方程式 Eq.
such that 使得 s.t. integrable 可積分的 integ.

Abbr. for Meaning

Latin phrase
q.e.d End of Proof
e.g. For example
i.e. That is
3. 慣用符號 Notations
Notation Meaning Notation Meaning
∀ for any/for all ↗ increasing
∃ there exists ↘ decreasing
∃! there exists an unique … ∄ does not exist
∈ belongs to ∉ does not belong to
∞ infinity ≡ is equivalent to
⟹ implies ∎ or # q.e.d.
⟺ if and only if 1‐1 one‐to‐one
[Q]: the question is ⇒⇐ this is a contradiction
[A]: the answer is
4. 其他 Others
數字集合 Set of Numbers
Notation Meaning
ℕ Set of positive integers 1, 2, 3, 4, ⋯
ℤ Set of integers ⋯ , 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, ⋯
ℚ Set of rational numbers 𝑞 𝑚/𝑛| 𝑚, 𝑛 ∈ ℤ, 𝑛 0
ℚ Set of irrational numbers the complement set of ℚ
ℝ Set of real numbers ℚ∪ℚ
ℂ Set of complex numbers 𝑐 𝑎 𝑏𝑖 | 𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ ℝ, 𝑖 √ 1

希臘文字母 Greek Letters

字母名稱 大寫 小寫 字母名稱 大寫 小寫
Alpha Α 𝛼 Nu Ν 𝜈
Beta Β 𝛽 Xi Ξ 𝜉
Gamma Γ 𝛾 Omicron Ο 𝜊
Delta Δ 𝛿 Pi Π 𝜋
Epsilon Ε 𝜀 Rho Ρ 𝜌
Zeta Ζ 𝜁 Sigma Σ 𝜎
Eta Η 𝜂 Tau Τ 𝜏
Theta Θ 𝜃 Upsilon Υ 𝜐
Iota Ι 𝜄 Phi Φ 𝜑
Kappa Κ 𝜅 Chi Χ 𝜒
Lambda Λ 𝜆 Psi Ψ 𝜓
Mu Μ 𝜇 Omega Ω 𝜔

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