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Content Planning Automation Prompt


I'm planning content for my [blog/YouTube channel/Instagram account] focused on

[Your Niche]. I aim to create a content calendar that not only captivates my audience
but also drives significant engagement, turning viewers into loyal followers. To ensure
success over the next three months, I need a content plan that includes:

​ Content Variety: Suggest different types of content that match well with my niche
and platform, such as how-to guides, listicles, in-depth reviews, interviews, and
quick tips.
​ Keywords and Hashtags: Propose topics that smartly include targeted keywords
(for blogs and YouTube) or hashtags (for Instagram) to help improve my visibility
and reach.
​ Publishing Schedule: Recommend a publishing schedule that strikes a balance
between frequent updates and my capacity to create quality content. This should
consider the best times and days to post for my specific platform to maximize
audience engagement.
​ Seasonal and Trending Content: Identify opportunities to integrate seasonal
events or trending topics into my content plan, making sure these are relevant to
my niche and likely to capture interest.
​ Recurring Themes or Series: Offer ideas for series or consistent themes that
could keep the audience coming back for more. This might include weekly
features, monthly challenges, or any other recurring content that builds

Please help me outline a detailed content plan for the next three months, specifying
topics, types of content, and tentative publishing dates for [1/2/3] posts per week,
starting from [Date]. This plan should be tailored to help my [blog/YouTube
channel/Instagram account] make a significant impact and grow in the next three

I'm planning content for my YouTube focused on [Traditional Indian Sports]. I aim to
create a content calendar that not only captivates my audience but also drives significant
engagement, turning viewers into loyal followers. To ensure success over the next three
months, I need a content plan that includes:

​ . Content Variety: Suggest different types of content that match well with my niche and
platform, such as how-to guides, listicles, in-depth reviews, interviews, and quick tips.

​2. Keywords and Hashtags: Propose topics that smartly include targeted keywords (for
blogs and YouTube) or hashtags (for Instagram) to help improve my visibility and reach.

​3. Publishing Schedule: Recommend a publishing schedule that strikes a balance
between frequent updates and my capacity to create quality content. This should
consider the best times and days to post for my specific platform to maximize audience

​4. Seasonal and Trending Content: Identify opportunities to integrate seasonal events or
trending topics into my content plan, making sure these are relevant to my niche and
likely to capture interest.

​5. Recurring Themes or Series: Offer ideas for series or consistent themes that could
keep the audience coming back for more. This might include weekly features, monthly
challenges, or any other recurring content that builds anticipation.

​Please help me outline a detailed content plan for the next three months, specifying
topics, types of content, and tentative publishing dates for 2 posts per week, starting
from [20th March 2024]. This plan should be tailored to help my [YouTube] make a
significant impact and grow in the next three months.

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