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MAm-HSE-RGR- 30.

1 v3
Valid until: July 31, 2021
Document Owner: Safety A&I
Classification Definition (applies only for Safety) Guidance

Event that resulted in first aid injury

Event / Deviation Injury Someone got injuried as a result of an event.
or abo ve (AL1+).

Event that resulted in damage to equipment or

facilities (there was contact / projection / fall /
An occurrence (something did happen)
release) in which no one got injuried; or
Actual Level Potential Level Near Miss that could have potentially resulted in
Event in which a person/staff involved had to
Assessment Assessment harm to people.
act (take an action) to avoid an accident in
which no one got injuried.

Source or situation with the potential Nothing happened.

OSHA classification for harm in terms of injury. No one got injuried.
Is it a predefined
according to Health Yes
scenario? Predefined scenario: A significant event must be reported for the following scenarios :
decision tree

i. For the risk “Falling objects”, a predefined scenario is an event with the potential to cause one or more fatalities,
No according to the analysis using the “Falling objects” tool, in working areas or hallways where someone can walk
The “Falling objects” tool is available in the Significant Events Sharepoint, in the following link:
¿Is there personnel
Unsafe condition No


Was there
Given the
damage to equipment or
interaction or potential
facilities? Was there contact/
interaction of the elements Significant Did someone
Yes No projection/fall/release or should the No
involved in the event, could Event get injured?
person/staff involved act (take an
there be an L4 event
action) to avoid an
or higher?
Yes accident?

No Yes
¿Could Failed
there be a L4 or Yes / abscent critical Yes
above event? control?
Significant Event Significant Event Significant Event
Injury Near Miss Hazard

No Significant Event
Non Significant Hazard ICAM Timeline & 5WHYs

Notification, report and investigation process must be completed according to Safety Event
Notification must be completed according to Safety Event Management Standard
Management Standard from Minerals Americas.
and local protocol (Asset/operation/exploration/project).

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