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MAM-HSE-PRO-227 version 1

Issue Date: April 2022

Regional Aviation Management Procedure

1 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to define the risk management of the aviation activities, ensuring operational,
technical and safety expectations.

The procedure is in accordance with Aviation Our Requirements and defines the common minimum requirements to
control the risk Aviation Accidents – Passenger Transport and the local regulations for the use of aircraft.

2 Audience

This document applies to:

 Anyone involved in contracted or procured aviation operations including contract owners, airfield, logistics
and supply personnel.
 Anyone accountable for aviation operations.
 Risk and Control Owners for aviation-related and/or Aviation-related material risks.
 Anyone involved in the operation or contracting of Aviation.
 Anyone accountable for Aviation activities.

3 Document Control

Version Status Author Reviewed by Approved Approval Nest Approver signature

Date approval
1.0 Draft María Martín Haro Laila Ellis 04/04/2022 04/04/2023
Francisca Head of Safety A&I Vice President
Guzmán Jorge Jalil HSE MinAm Firmado digitalmente por Ellis,

Head of HSE Escondida Ellis, Laila

DN: cn=Ellis, Laila, o=BHP
Billiton Group Operations Pty

Jaime Piña Laila Ltd, ou=MULTI-ALLOWED

Fecha: 2022.04.04 22:34:16 -
Head of HSE Pampa Norte
Catherine Gale
Head of HSE Potash
Cameron Ross
Head of Aviation

4 Scope

This procedure applies to all BHP Minerals Americas operations and projects.

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MAM-HSE-PRO-227 version 1
Issue Date: April 2022

5 Roles and Responsibilities

Roles Responsibilities

Safety A&I Maintains a regional procedure that defines regional aviation risk management, which is
Representative updated, current and communicated to comply with corporate requirements in
consideration of local legal requirements.
Individual accountable Aviation specialist, is responsible for:
for providing specialist  Informs aviation recommendations and how these will be incorporated into
aviation input and aviation operations and communicated with the Head of Aviation. HSE Group.
communication of  Defines frequency and scope of formal on-site operational reviews.
issues associated with  Defines frequency of formal inspections of airstrips and helipads owned or
aviation operations operated by BHP.
 Reviews for all long-term contracts, the requirements of pilots when attending
simulator training.
 Reviews the Operational Risk Assessment.
Site single point of Responsible for all site aviation activities within or outside the site. The aviation activities
Accountability for must comply with Our Aviation requirements and this procedure, local regulations and
aviation operations laws of the site.
Identifies and approves all aviation activities for the site. Once the request has been
reviewed by the Aviation Specialist and approved by the Head of Aviation.
Key contact Head of aviation, is responsible for:
 Approves the aircraft operators to perform activities by or for BHP.
 Reviews technical schedules to aviation contracts or aircraft purchases where the
total forecast spend is greater than US$250,000 with the Head of Aviation.
 Endorses the aviation material risk assessment.
Contract Owner Reviews the availabilities aircraft operators.
Verifies aircraft equipment and pilot and crew qualifications and competencies.
Verifies that the aircraft has dual controls and the minimum equipment necessary to
Incorporate all the requirements of this document into the written contract, prior approval
of the Aviation Specialist and Head of Aviation.
Aviation Risk Owner Site Aviation Risk Owner, anyone who makes decisions, deploys resources or contributes
to an outcome is responsible for identifying and managing the associated risks.
Aviation Control Owner Site Aviation Control Owner, anyone who makes decisions, deploys resources or
contributes to an outcome is responsible for identifying and managing the associated

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MAM-HSE-PRO-227 version 1
Issue Date: April 2022

The key roles in minerals Americas are:

Role Name Position e-mail / Phone

M Francisca Principal Safety A&I,

Safety A&I representative
Guzmán Minerals Americas +56 9 57168141
Contact Key Head of Aviation
Ross +61 396092846 or +61 427091423
Individual accountable for providing
specialist aviation input and Cameron
Head of Aviation
communication of issues associated Ross +61 396092846 or +61 427091423
with aviation operations
Single point of accountability for Manager NPI People
Mario Uribe
Escondida aviation operations Services +56 9 89208241
Single point of accountability for People Services
Julio Solar
Spence aviation operations Coordinator +56 998221786
Single point of accountability for Cristian Superintendent HSE
CMCC aviation operations Guerra Execution +56 986949194
Single point of accountability for Ryan Lead Site Quality
Potash aviation operations Spencer Assurance +1 (306)3645211 ó +1 (306)7163123

6 Requirements

Legal aspects and responsibilities

Each site must comply with the legal requirements defined by the local authority where an aviation activity is carried
In the case of a legal and / or corporate requirement, the most restrictive criteria must be considered.
Description, Planning and approval of Aviation activity

All Aviation activities that operate for, by or on behalf of BHP within or outside the site, must have been identified and
approved by Site single point of accountability prior to the start of services hired by BHP. Aviation activities must
comply with Aviation Our Requirements, this procedure, local regulations and site laws.
If an aviation activities is required within or outside the site, the Site Single point of accountability for aviation
operations or the person designated by this role, must raise a request with the respective contract owner and the
contract owner will review the available aircraft operators.
Only approved aircraft operators may be used. The selected aircraft operator must be approved by the Head of
Aviation. Is mandatory to have this approval before carrying out any passenger transfer activity with aircraft.
The sites that have Aviation hired services must have an operation procedure o protocol, which guarantees the safe
operation of aviation in compliance with the latest version of the BARS FSF and additionally comply with the local
 Chile: DGAC General Directorate of Civil Aviation
 Canada: Canadian Aviation Regulations
The contract owner or designated representative must verify that:
 The aircraft is operated by two qualified pilots and that the crew is competent to perform their tasks through
adequate training, qualification and experience (for more details see appendix 1).

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Issue Date: April 2022

 The aircraft is equipped with dual controls and adequately equipped with the minimum level of equipment
necessary for the intended operations (see Appendix 2).
 The airport, airline, aircraft and fuel must have the necessary approvals from the local authorities.
Use of approved aircraft operators and management of BHP-owned airfields and helidecks

Aviation activities can only be carried out with authorized aircraft operators, where previously there must be a written
agreement with all hired aviation activities, in which it is indicated that the standard requirements of basic BARS
aviation risks must be met.
The aircraft operator must comply and be in accordance with BHP technical standards, adhere to the risk
management process, having in place procedures and verification processes to ensure that personnel involved in
the programming or flight of aircraft contracted by BHP understand and agree to comply, as well as the management
of airports and heliports owned by BHP, with all the requirements of the Basic Aviation Risk Standard (BARS),
declaring inescapably agreeing to comply with the most recent version of the BARS norm and with local regulations.
In the case that the operator has a risk management process different from that of BHP, all the information must be
provided so that it can be reviewed by the Aviation Specialist and approved by the Head of Aviation.
The technical schedule in the written agreement or aircraft purchases must be reviewed in cases where the total
forecast spend is greater than US$250,000 by the Head of Aviation, HSE Group, before issue of the tender.
Simulator training

The requirements for when pilots attend simulator training for all long-term contracts (Any contract using dedicated
aircraft for a planned duration of greater than six months) to be reviewed with the approved competent aviation

Risk Materiality

When an Aviation-related material risk is identified, at least the following controls must be implemented as critical:

 Personnel: pilots meet all licence and experience requirements and are fit for work.
 Aircraft: appropriate for the activity and suitably equipped.
 Fuel: acceptable quality and quantity for the activity.
 Weather monitoring and forecasting: appropriate for the activity and operating environment.
 Infrastructure: acceptable design and operating conditions for take-off and landing.
For the definition of the performance standard, refer to the most current version of the BARS Aviation standard.
Appendix 4: BARS Bow Tie Risk Model.
The assessment of aviation material risks must be endorsed by the Head of Aviation prior to the start of the flights,
no passenger transfer activity can be carried out without this endorsement.
Operational Risk Assessment (ORA)

It must be ensured that all risks associated with aircraft operations are analyzed, minimized and accepted.

Must be performed by the aircraft operator before commencing aviation operations. The risk assessment must:

 Be reviewed by the competent aviation specialist

 Include all documented preventive and mitigating controls and any other additional controls from the risk
assessment into the journey management plan.

Journey management plans

Must be prepared to cover all intended flights and include the preventive and mitigating controls and mitigations for
journey risks identified in the risk assessment. An example can be seen in appendix 5.

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MAM-HSE-PRO-227 version 1
Issue Date: April 2022

7 References

 Aviation- Our Requirements. To see the document click here

 Basic Aviation Risk Standard (BARS) – Aviation. To download the document click here

 General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC), to access click here

 CAR Canadian Aviation Regulations, to access click here

8 Glossary

Term Description

Safety A&I Safety Analysis & Improvement

Operator Aircraft operating company used to and provide aviation services
An environment in which a successful emergency landing cannot be assured, or the occupants of
the aircraft cannot be adequately protected from the elements, or search and rescue
response/capability cannot be provided consistent with the anticipated exposure.
An environment in which a successful emergency landing can be assured, or the occupants of the
Non Hostile
aircraft cannot be adequately protected from the elements, or search and rescue
response/capability cannot be provided consistent with the anticipated exposure.
Any contract using dedicated aircraft for a planned duration of greater than six months.
BARS Basic Aviation Risk Standard
DGAC General Directorate of Civil Aviation (Chile).
CAR Canadian Aviation Regulations
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
TSO Technical Standards Order
ATPL Air Transport Pilot Licence
CPL Commercial Pilot Licence
CRM Crew Resource Management (Training Course).
ADM Aeronautical Decision Makin
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
NDB Non-Directional Beacon
Visual Flight Rules (A set of regulations under which a pilot operates an
aircraft in weather conditions favourable)
HF High Frequency (A radio communication system utilizing frequencies within the HF radio band).
VHF Very High Frequency (Radio Band used for two way communications).
VOR VHF Omni-directional Range (A navigation system utilized by aircraft).
Emergency Locator Transmitter (A generic term describing equipment which broadcast distinctive
signals on designated frequencies).
Instrument Flight Rules (A set of regulations under which a pilot operates an aircraft in weather
conditions unfavourable to flight)
Instrument Landing System (An electronic system providing precise slope and directional guidance
to an aircraft conducting an approach to an aerodrome in IMC conditions).
Instrument Meteorological Conditions (A set of weather conditions that require an aircraft to be
IMC flown solely by reference to the aircraft instruments navigated by reference to electronic navigation
Automatic Flight Control System (system that integrates the flight director with the Autopilot
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator (A device that measures the rate of climb or descent of an aircraft).
TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance System
TAWS Terrain Awareness Warning System

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Cockpit Voice Recorder (device designed to capture and record voice and other sounds heard
within the cockpit of an aircraft.)
FDR Flight Data Recorder (A device that records specific aircraft performance parameters).
HUMS Health and Usage Monitoring System
UMS Unit Monitoring System.
VMS Vibration Monitoring System
FDM Flight Data Monitoring (A means of capturing and analyzing data obtained during a flight).

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Issue Date: April 2022

9 Appendices

Appendix 1: BARS Fligth Safety Fundation: Flight Crew Qualifications, Experience and Recency

 Pilot-in-Command – Aeroplanes and Helicopters

 Co-pilot – Aeroplanes and Helicopters

 Both Pilot-in-Command and Co-pilot – Aeroplanes and Helicopters

 Maintenance Personnel – Aeroplanes and Helicopters

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Appendix 2: Basic Aircraft Equipment Fit

 Helicopters and Aeroplanes

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Appendix 4: BARS Bow Tie Risk Model – Schematic of Aviation Risk Management Controls and Recovery

Appendix 5: Example Aviation Journey Management Plan

Jorney details
Date of journey
Single point of accountability for aviation operations
Journey Route Details
Flight Crew
Licence Type
Licence Type
Aircraft Type
Uplift – Location and Supplier?
IFR Reserves Carried? Yes No
Enroute Weather Forecast used for Planning
Destination Forecast Available
Aircraft performance assessed suitable for departure
Yes No
and destination airfields?

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MAM-HSE-PRO-227 version 1
Issue Date: April 2022

Version Author Management of Change

1.0 María Francisca Guzmán N/A

Principal Safety A&I

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