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1. Why do most societies treat women as subordinate to men?

 I think the reason why most societies treat women as subordinate to men is
because of gender inequality and stereotyping. In many societies the believe
that masculine roles are usually associated with strength, aggression, and
dominance, while feminine roles are usually associated with passivity,
nurturing, and subordination. Also, generally speaking, the average man is
physically stronger than the average woman. This means that generally
speaking, most men can physically overpower most women. Men have used
this power against us to oppress us, and have claimed for years that women
are less intelligent than men, less capable of pretty much everything, and
incapable of controlling our emotions that’s why most societies treat women
as subordinate to men.

2. How does gender ideology affect gender inequality?

 Gender ideologies have important implications for people’s well-being and
quality of life, as they help to shape the division of household labor, how
people feel about the division of household labor, and how people are
impacted by conflicts between work and family. Gender ideology helps to stop
the gender inequality, it denies that the differences between men and women
have natural and biological foundations. Instead, it proposes that these
differences are the fruit of a social and cultural construction. It alleges that
society and culture impose their respective roles on men and women, none of
which corresponds to natural differences between the sexes.

3. Do you agree that the family has a strong influence in shaping our gender ideology?
Why or why not?
 Yes, I agree that the family has a string influence in shaping our gender
ideology because parents are the first source of exposure of societal
stereotypes that kids receive, starting from color of their room to toys they
play with, what to do and what not to do. Expectations for children’s future
adult lives, like financial success or future care giving, may lead parents to
encourage certain behaviors in children. However, most parental behaviors
remain uninfluenced by the gender of the child, including speaking to,
playing, teaching, and caretaking. Gender roles and ideology are influenced
by the media, family, environment, and society.
4. Why is it important to consider race and class as factors in analyzing gender
 Considering race and class as factors of analyzing gender inequality is
important because it also affects other issues like racial equality, one of
the most important social justice issues of our time. It is important to consider
race and class as factors in analyzing gender inequality because class, race,
and gender are theoretically distinct forms of categorical inequality. When
analyzing gender inequality we need to consider the race and class because
these are another form of inequality. For many people factors relating to their
social identity such as race, colour, ethnicity and national origin become
“differences that make a difference”. These factors can create problems that
are unique to particular groups or that disproportionately affect some people
relative to others.

5. What is the ultimate goal of feminism?

 The ultimate goal of feminism is to attain equality among men and women
and to challenge the systemic inequalities women face on a daily basis.
Feminism promotes the belief that women and men should be treated equally
and that steps have to be taken to realize the goal of gender equality. It gives
equal emphasis on men and women in dealing with and solving social issues,
particularly gender inequality.

6. Why is Marxism criticized for focusing on the negative aspects of society?

 Marxism was criticized for focusing on the negative aspects of society
because Marxism overlooks alternative ideas that might shape behaviour. with
a focus on class conflict, other issues affecting behaviour like gender, race and
individuals are not given attention. Marxism was criticized for its exclusive
theoretical focus on the economic and material conditions in society, and for
ignoring issues of environmental degradation and the relationship of
environmental issues to social justice.

7. What role does conflict play in explaining social inequality?

 Conflict is needed in explaining social inequality because it focuses on the
competition between groups within society over limited resources. Conflict
sees society as divided along lines of economic class between the proletarian
working class and the bourgeois ruling class. It views social and economic
institutions as tools of the struggle between groups or classes, used to
maintain inequality and the dominance of the ruling class.
8. How can psychoanalysis help people understand why they feel and behave in
particular ways?
 Psychoanalysis help people understand why they feel and behave in particular
ways by explaining human behavior in terms of the interaction of various
components of personality. Psychoanalysis helps in gaining insights into their
own behavior and motivators, which leads them to make healthy, even life-
altering, changes. Gaining insight into your feelings, behaviors, and
experiences can help you better understand the unconscious forces that
continue to exert an influence on your actions, your relationships, and your
sense of self that’s how psychoanalysis help people understand why they feel
and behave in particular ways.

9. Think of another scenario which will show how the id, ego, and superego form
reactions based on their nature.
 ID
- Sally was thirsty. Rather than waiting for the server to refill her glass of water,
she reached across the table and drank from Mr. Smith’s water glass, much to
his surprise.
- Sally was thirsty. However, she knew that her server would be back soon to
refill her water glass, so she waited until then to get a drink, even though she
really just wanted to drink from Mr. Smith's glass.
- On the playground, two kids were making fun of Joseph because he wore
glasses. John was tempted to join in so that he could make himself look good,
but when he thought about how bad Joseph must already feel, he knew that he

10. Why does the case study method of psychoanalysis make it hard to generalize for a
larger population?
 The case study method of psychoanalysis makes it hard to generalize for a
larger population because case studies are based on the analysis of qualitative
data a lot depends on the interpretation the psychologist places on the
information she has acquired. This means that there is a lot of scope for
observer bias and it could be that the subjective opinions of the psychologist
intrude in the assessment of what the data means.

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