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The people in Information

Five-Component Framework



Hardware Software Data Procedures People

Computer Side Human Side

People – Learning Objectives
• Identify different roles in the design, development, and use of
information systems.
• Identify different career paths available in information systems.
• Understand the importance of information-systems’ functions in an
• Identify different types of users in the information system field.

The Creators of Information Systems
• System analyst
• Programmer
• Computer Engineer
• Hardware Engineer
• Software Engineer
• System Engineer
• Network Engineer

Information Systems Operations and
• Computer Operator
• Database Administrator
• Help-Desk / Support Analyst
• Trainer

Managing Information Systems
• Functional Manager
• ERP Management
• Project Manager
• Information Security Officer

Emerging Roles
• Many new roles are becoming more common while some roles are
becoming fade.
• Analysts and business-intelligence specialists are becoming common
in the age of “big data”.
• Many companies are looking for social-media experts and mobile-
technology specialists positions.
• Cloud computing and virtual-machine technologies are being
increasingly developed. As the result, the demand for expertise in
these areas are also being increased.

Career Paths in Information Systems

Information-Systems Users – Types of Users
• (*)(Everett Roger, 1962) identified 5 types of users of technology
adopters. These 5 types of users can be interpreted into information-
technology adopters as in the following:
• Innovators are the first individuals to adopt a new technology.
• Early adopters are those who adopt innovation after a technology has been
introduced and proven.
• Early majority adopts an innovation after a varying degree of time. This time
of adoption is significantly longer than the innovators and early adopters.
• Late majority will adopt an innovation after the average member of the
• Laggards are the last to adopt an innovation. Unlike those in the previous
categories, individuals in this category show no opinion leadership.
(*) Rogers, E. M. (1962). Diffusion of innovations. New York: Free Press
Information-Systems Users – Types of Users
• According to Rogers, the diffusion
of innovations is presented by 2
curves: diffusion curve, market
share curve.
• With successive sections adopting
the new technology, its market
share will eventually reach the
saturation level.
Figure. Technology adoption user types (*)(Public domain)

(*) 9

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