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Big Data Analytics

Section B and D
Lecture-4, 5, 6 & 7


▪ MORE V’s




Big Data 4Vs
(Laney et. Al.)
A well known definition of Big Data known as 4Vs
 Volume (Data is Huge)
 Velocity (Data is changing with time and coming with a velocity)
 Variety (Data is coming from multiple sources in multiple forms)
 Veracity (Veracity relates to how reliable data is)
Big Data 4Vs
More V’s
(Latest Enhanced Definition)
The 4Vs definition was incomplete so following dimensions to the data
are added in definition:
 Validity
 Value
 Variability
 Venue
 Vocabulary and
 Vagueness
The data satisfying set of all these properties is known as Big Data.
Description 4V’s: Volume
• A typical PC might have had 10 gigabytes of storage in 2000.

• Today, Facebook ingests 500 terabytes of new data every day.

• Boeing 737 will generate 240 terabytes of flight data during a single
flight across the US.

• The smart phones, the data they create and consume; sensors
embedded into everyday objects will soon result in billions of new,
constantly-updated data feeds containing environmental, location, and
other information, including video.
Description 4V’s: Velocity
• Clickstreams and ad impressions capture user behaviour at millions of
events per second

• High-frequency stock trading algorithms reflect market changes within


• Machine to machine processes exchange data between billions of


• Infrastructure and sensors generate massive log data in real- time

• On-line gaming systems support millions of concurrent users, each

producing multiple inputs per second
Description 4V’s: Variety
• Big Data isn't just numbers, dates, and strings. Big Data is also
geospatial data, 3D data, audio and video, and unstructured text,
including log files and social media.

• Traditional database systems were designed to address smaller

volumes of structured data, fewer updates or a predictable,
consistent data structure.

• Big Data analysis includes different types of data.

Description 4V’s: Veracity
• The historical correctness of a biography; the veracity of the story.
• High veracity data set would be data from a medical experiment or
• Correct insights from retail data analysis require high-quality, clean,
and accurate data.
• If the data is inaccurate, not up to date, or poorly organized, the
veracity of big data decreases drastically.
• It will help the companies achieve high-quality trustful, fast data and
motivate them to use the full potential of data and achieve the best
from the data.
Sources of Big Data
(Big data analytics)
Guess? Big Data Sources
• Sensors/meters and activity records from electronic devices

• Social interactions

• Business transactions

• Electronic Files

• Broadcastings
Application domains of Big Data
Other Application domains of Big Data
Other Application domains of Big Data
• Energy exploration,
• Financial market analysis,
• Fraud detection,
• Health-related research,
• Environmental protection
• Discovering hidden patterns
• Personalize content and create content strategies

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