IA Template of Structure

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Business Management

High Level
Internal Assessment

Examination session:
May 2024

Research question:

To what extent do Google's creative non-financial rewards strategies have an impact on staff
motivation and productivity?

Word count: 1800

Written Report

Content of the research project

This research project is written

to help YYY decide if XXX

The intended audience is twofold:

the owner of YYY and the Business teacher.

Word count of the research project:


I would like to thank XXXXX and YYYYY…..

Contents page:

Introduction: 11

Research question: 11

Methodology employed: 12

Main results and findings: 13

Analysis and discussion: 14

Conclusions 18

References and bibliography: 19

Appendices: 20

The creation of Google through an alliance between two Stanford University students, Larry
Page and Sergey Brin, marked the beginning of a technological revolution in organizing and
providing global access to information. They initially started the company in a little room,
under the name of Backrub, and later, by the time they rebranded it as Google, it experienced
a transformation that spurred rapid growth supported by numerous Silicon Valley investors

Nowadays, the company has over 60,000 employees spanning 50 countries. The company,
with its campus in California, has adopted a huge non financial motivators for their
employees. Many questionnaires to them have shown that the turnover rate is low and their
motivation at the workplace is high [2], so the main question is: To what extent do Google's
creative non-financial rewards strategies have an impact on staff motivation and

My motivation for carrying out this research is to better understand the point at which non
financial rewards are needed in a workplace and to analyze how it helps the rapid growth of
the company. That’s why, the analysis of this assessment delves into the connection between
non - financial motivators and their impact on staff motivation.

Research Question
To what extent do Google's creative workplace strategies have an impact on staff motivation
and productivity?

Sources Reasons

Secondary Labour turnover through Obtain reliable data about the number
the years of employees leaving the business
through the years

Articles in the press Obtain data about Google’s

employees rewards and their

Tools and techniques to analyse data

Tools and techniques Reasons

2.3.2 Leadership style Analyze its leadership style and how it affect
employees motivation
2.4.2 Motivational theories (equity Analyze the motivational factors for Google
theory and expectancy theory) staff

2.4.3 Labour turnover Calculate the percentage of Google

employees leaving the business and compare
it through the years

2.5 Organisational culture Analyze Google culture and its relationship

with employee’s motivation

● Comment on the validation and reliability of the data you have collected

Main Body:

Main results and findings

In this section, you outline what you have found; there is no analysis yet, and no use of

business tools, theories and techniques. You can summarise what you were told in the

interviews, or you may include the results of your surveys, for example with pie charts –

suggestion: 1 page, 2 pages…. but not too much!

Analysis and Discussion

Very important section, over several pages; this is where you use the tools, theories and

techniques from the course (e.g. Fishbone, FFA….) and where you create arguments,

ideas…. You interpret the data you have collected, you give sense to it…. This is a long

section, it is “the core” of your IA, over several pages. Make sure the “internal structure” of

the section is coherent and logical: this is essential for criterion G. You must refer to the




The conclusions of your analysis: a summary of what you have found and analysed, without

new data.


Make the recommendations very clear e.g. “purchase….”, “invest in…..”, “choose….”

Mention (1) the limitations of your research (e.g. your awareness that your results are limited

because….), (2) areas for further research (i.e. if you could, what else you would research on

this, to have a more complete answer)

References and bibliography:


Lominé, L., Muchena, M., Pierce, R. A. (2014) Business Management, Course Companion,

Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lominé, L. (2019) IB Prepared Business Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press.


1. https://about.google/our-story/

2. https://www.comparably.com/companies/google/retention

Appendix 1

Interview of xxx (date)

Transcript of the interview, questions and answers

Appendix 2
Blank copy of the questionnaire

Other appendices, depending on your research project – maybe PEST analysis and SWOT

analysis, as part of your background preparation.

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