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Q.1 (a) State the need of inspection.

(1)To ensure that part, material or a component confirms to the established standard(2)
To meet the interchangeability of manufacture (3)To maintain the customer relation by
ensuring that no faulty product reaches the Customer (4) Provide the means of finding
out shortcomings in manufacture (5)It also helps to co-ordinate the functions of quality
control, production, purchasing And other departments of the organization (6) To take
decision on the defective parts i.e. the possibility of making some of these Parts
acceptable after minor repairs

(b)Define Fatigue: it is the state of the worker by which the capacity and willingness for
doing the work is Reduced.

It is negative drive state corresponding to the need of the rest

(c) Define method study. State its objectives

Definition :-Method study is the technique of systematic recording and critical

examination of existing objective And proposed ways of doing work and developing an
easier and economical method

Objectives of Method Study :-(1) Improvement of manufacturing processes and

procedures.(2) Improvement of working conditions.(3)Improvement of plant layout and
work place layout.(4) Reducing the human effort and fatigue.(5) Reducing material
handling (6) Improvement of plant and equipment design.(7) Improvement in the utility
of material, machines and manpower.(8) Standardization of method.(9) Improvement in
safety standard.

(d)Define process planning. :-Process planning is defined as the subsystem

responsible for the conversion of design Data to work instruction.

(e) Name the various control charts in SQC.

(1) Xbar chart (2) R chart (3)C – chart (4)P – chart (5)N – chart (6)NP – chart

(F)Enlist various QC tools:- (1)Histogram. (2)Check Sheet.(3)Pareto Diagram.

(4)Brainstorming. (5)Cause & Effect Diagram (ishikawa/fishbone diagram)

(6)Control Charts. (7)Scatter Diagram.

(g)State any two symbols used in a process chart
(Q.2) (a)Explain the concept of line balancing. State its objectives

Line balancing means the balancing the (assembly/production) line. Suppose there are
three Machines (workstations) A, B and C which can process 5, 10 and 15 pieces per
unit time Respectively and the pieces flow from A to B to C (precedence constraint).
Since A has Minimum capacity i.e. of processing only 5 pieces per unit time naturally
work station (machine) B will remain idle for 50% of its time and machine C for 66.66%
of its time. It shows That the line is unbalanced. One way to partially balance the line is
to have three machines of Type A, 2 of type B, with every machined of type C. Another
approach to balance the line will Be to give some other task to machines B and C so
that they do not remain idle. The main Objective of line balancing will be distributing
task evenly over the work stations so that idle Time of men and machines is minimized

Objectives of Line Balancing

1.To equalize the workload among the workers:- Workload should be distributed equally
at each stage of assembly line with respect to overall assembly time.

2.To identify the bottleneck operation:-Identify the bottleneck operation and improve
the stage by doing some modifications or corrections.

3.To establish the speed of production line:-To divide the work properly with respect to
worker’s movements. Sometime, combine the Operations for improvement the speed of
production line.

4. To determine the number of workstations:-Industrial Engineer should do the time

study of each stage and as per sequence of assembly Determine the number of
workstations for completing all assembly operations.

(b) Explain man-machine relationship in terms of ergonomics.

Man–machine system is a system in which the functions of a human operator (or a

group of Operators) and a machine are integrated. This term can also be used to
emphasize the view of Such a system as a single entity that interacts with external
environment. Human factors are a System concerned with the relationship among
human beings, work place or work environment And machines. The proper integration of
man and machine, which is beneficial for human Operator and enhances the overall
system performance, is a primary aim of the ergonomics Discipline. For eg. A manual
system consists of hand tools and other aids which are coupled by A human operator
who controls the operation. Operators of such systems use their own physical Energy as
the power source. The system could range from a person with a hammer to a person
With a super-strength giving exoskeleton.
(C) Differentiate inspection and quality control

Sr. Inspection Quality Control

1 Inspection is a part of quality Quality control is a broad term, it involves inspection
Control. at particular stages, but more inspection does not
mean quality control

2 Inspection is an act of checking Quality control is an effective system for integrating

components, products at various quality development, quality maintenance and quality
stages in manufacturing and improvement efforts of various groups in an
sorting out the defective items organization to enable the production to be carried
from good items. out at most economical level and to achieve
satisfaction of customers.
3 Inspection uses precision Quality control uses devices such as statistics,
measuring instruments such as control charts, acceptance sampling process
Vernier calipers, micrometers, capability, quality audits etc.
profile projectors etc.
4 Inspection is concerned with the Quality control concerned with quality of Future
quality of past production to production. e.g. Take a sample, inspect it, if it is
judge conformance and sorting defective find out the reasons and take corrective
out defective items from good action, so that such type of defects will not occur in
items Future.
5 Inspection is mainly the Everybody working in an organization is responsible
Responsibility of the inspectors. for quality of products Produced.
(d) Sate Merits and demerits of Acceptance Sampling:

Merits of Acceptance Sampling:

(1)The method is economical and easy to understand.

(2)Causes less fatigue boredom.

(3)Computation work involved is comparatively very small.

(4)The people involved in inspection can be easily imparted training.

(5)Products of destructive nature during inspection can be easily inspected by sampling

(6)Due to quick inspection process, scheduling and delivery times are improved.

Demerits of Acceptance Sampling:

(1)It does not give 100% assurance for the confirmation of specifications so there is
always some likelihood/risk of drawing wrong inference about the quality of the

(2)Success of the system is dependent on, sampling randomness, quality

characteristics to be tested, batch size and criteria of acceptance of lot.
(Q.3) (a )Why allowances are considered while calculating standard time?

Standard time = Normal time + Allowances

Allowances are considered while calculating standard time because;

1.Method study investigation tries to minimize the energy expended by the worker in
performing the operation.

2.However, the job will still require the expenditure of human effort.

3.Therefore, a worker is not able to work throughout the day continuously. Therefore he
requires sometime for recovery from fatigue and for relaxation.

4.He also requires some additional time for his personal needs and other reasons.

5.This additional time other than basic time is known as allowance

(b) Explain Producer's Risk and Consumer's Risk

Producer's Risk:-Sometimes it happen that in spite of good quality, the sample taken
may show defective units as such the lot will be rejected. In spite of good quality the lot
is rejected, such a type of risk of rejection is known as producer's risk. In other words,
the probability of rejecting a lot which has actually been satisfactory by the producer.
According to acceptable quality level is known as producer's risk. Thus, the risk of
rejecting a lot of good items is known as producer's risk. Producer's risk is designated
as the alpha(a) risk.

Consumer's Risk:- Sometimes it may happen that the quality of the lot is not good but
the sample results show good quality units as such the consumer has to accept a
defective lot. Such a is known as consumer's risk. In other words, the probability of
accepting a lot which has actually been satisfactory by the consumer according to a
predetermined standard is known as consumer's risk. Consumer's risk is designated as
the Beta (B) risk.

(C) Explain cost of quality

Cost of quality is a method for calculating the costs that companies incur ensuring that
products meet quality standards, as well as the costs of producing goods that fail to
meet quality standards

(1)Cost of quality includes

(2)Market research cost

(3)Product research and development cost

(4)Design cost (5)Cost of manufacturing

(6) Cost of inspection (7)Cost of quality assurance

(d) Apply principles of ergonomics for designing of lever for hand press machine
Following ergonomics principle should be considered while designing lever for hand

1.Neutral Posture to be maintain while handling machine handle 2.Reduce Excessive

Force 3.Keep it Easy to Reach 4.Work in Power or Comfort Zone The power zone refers to
the zone where interacting with objects has the least amount of effort spent, it is also
known as "hand shake zone". 5.Reduce Excessive Motion 6.Reduce Static Load
7.Minimize Pressure Points 8. Provide Clearance 9.Enable Movement and Stretching
10. Reduce Excessive Vibration

Q.4 (a) State the principles of TQM

(1)Focus on Customers (2)Full Employee Commitment:(3)Strategic and Systematic

Approach (4)Adherence to Process (5)Fact-based Decision Making: (6) Effective
Communication. (7)Continual improvement: (8)Integrated Systems:

(b) Write advantages and limitations of ISO 9000.(Four each)

Advantages of ISO 9000:-

1. ISO 9000 provides a competitive edge in the domestic and global markets.

2. It provides a climate for consistent improvement in quality.

3.It helps to increase the level of customer satisfaction and relation.

4. It creates a more effective and efficient operation.

5. It reduces audits.

6. It helps in the improvement of the marketing process.

Limitations of ISO 9000

1. ISO 9000 registration need heavy document workload.

2. ISO 9000 registration process require long time.
3. Implementation of this system is very demanding of resources.
4. Work culture need to be changed/improved.
5. Owners and managers do not have an adequate understanding of ISO 9000.
6. Most of companies have less funding available, therefore companies are finding
Difficulties to adopt ISO system.
(C) Construct two handed process chart for an activity of replacing old
battery of mobile handset.
(d) Compare variable measurement and attribute measurement.

Parameters Variable measurements Attribute measurement

Characteristics Actual Measurements of Determining the presence of

quality characteristics quality characteristics

Data Continuous Discrete

Time More Less
Inspection Cost High Less
Measurement Length, Temp. etc. Defective,Non-Defective
Instruments Vernier calipers, Micrometer Gauges like Go and NOGO.
Examples X-Bar and R chart P, C, np Chart
(e)Prepare operation process sheet and sequence of operation for step turning
Operation on lathe machine. Description of Machine Tools/fixtures Gauges Feed Speed Doc

Operation mm/rev m/min mm
1 Clamp the Center 3 jaw chuck -- -- -- --
blank in chuck Lathe
projected 105
mm outside
2 Facing Center 3 jaw chuck HSS, -- 0.05 30 0.5
operation Lathe RHS t ‫اه‬
3 Turn diameter Center 3 jaw chuck HSS Vernier 0.05 40 O.5
to 50 mm for Lathe R.H. Turning tool caliper
100 mm length
4 Turn diameter Center 3 jaw chuck HSS Vernier 0.05 40 0.5
to 35 mm for Lathe R.H. Turning tool caliper
50 mm length
5 Turn diameter Center 3 jaw chuck HSS Vernier 0.025 30 0.25
to 20 mm for Lathe R.H. Turning tool caliper
20 mm length
Q.5 (a) Explain the types of display’s and sketch any two

Displays are devices which the man can receive the information from the machine A
good display device is one which allows proper combination of speed, accuracy and
semitivity of display

Following are the types of display

1..Visual display

a.Qualitative display

B. Quantitative display

2.Auditory display
(b) Explain the concept of supply chain management and state its functions

Supply chain management (SCM) refers to the management of operations that are
involved in the procurement of raw materials, their transformation into finished goods,
and their distribution to the end consumer.

The five functions of supply chain management include the following:


In the manufacturing process, raw materials are required to produce goods and
products. It is important that these materials are procured and delivered on time so that
production can begin. For this to occur, coordination with suppliers and delivery
companies will be required to avoid any potential delays.


Demand planning and forecasting are usually required before materials can be
procured, as the demand market will dictate how many units to be produced and how
much material is required for production.

3. Logistics

Logistics is the part of supply chain management that coordinates all aspects of
planning, purchasing, production, warehousing, and transportation so that the
products will reach the end- consumer without any hindrances

4. Resource Management

Production consumes raw materials, technology, time, and labor. Resource

management ensures that the right resources are allocated to the right activities in an
optimized manner..

5. Information Workflow

Information sharing and distribution is what keeps all of the other functions of supply
chain management on track. If the information workflow and communication are poor,
it could break apart the entire chain.
(C) In a manufacturing process following observations are recorded. Draw
appropriate control chart and conclude.
Q.6.(a) Outline an appropriate process chart for the activity “Replace old battery of
(b) Draw and explain Histogram, Pareto chart and scatter diagram


• A histogram is a bar graph that shows frequency data.

• It is used to graphically summarize and display the distribution and variation of a

process data Set

• It provides the easiest way to evaluate the distribution of data


• The Pareto chart can be used to display categories of problems graphi ll ca y so they
can Be properly prioritized.

• A Pareto chart or diagram indicates which problem to tackle first by showing the
proportion Of the total problem that each of the smaller problem comprise

• This is based on the Pareto Principle: 20% of the source cause 80% of the problem.

• To identify the correlations that might exist between a quality characteristic and a
factor That might be driving it.

• A scatter diagram shows the correlation between two variables in a process. These
Variables could be a Critical To Quality CTQ characteristic
(c)10 samples of size 5 have been collected with following observations.
Conclusion : As observations are within control limits, process is under
control all
Q 1 (a) Denne Method Study. State its objectives.

“Method study is the systematic recording and critical examination Of existing and
proposed Ways of doing work. As a means of developing and applying easier and more
effective Methods and reducing costs.”

Objectives or Method Study

1.To improve work methods and procedures. 2.To determine the best sequence of
doing work. 3. To material flow with minimum of back tracking and to improve layout. 4.
To improve the working conditions and hence to improve labour efficiency.

(b)State the factors or production

They are the inputs for the process of production. They the starting point of the
production Process. Factors of production are the parameters which affect the output
of the production.

1.Land 2.Labour 4.Entrepreneur

(C)Enlist various QC tools

1.Pareto Diagram 2.Cause & Effect Diagram 3.Control Charts (Not for ‘t’ Scheme)
4.Histogram 5.Check Sheets 6.Scatter Diagrams 7.Graphs (Not for ‘I’ Scheme)

(d)Name the various control charts in SQC

1.Histogram. 2. Bar Chart S. 3.Frequency polygon .4.Process capability study. 5.Various

control charts

(e)State the types and location or display

1.VISUAL DISPLAYS :-a)Qualitative Displays Ex. Red. ON-OFF. Traffic signals etc.

b)Quantitative Displays Ex. Voltmeters. Ammeters. Speedometers. Watches, Energy

Meters etc.

2.AUDITORY DLSPLAYS:-a) These devices are suitable as warning devices

b)Location of display-Place the top line of the screen at or slightly (0-30 degrees) below
eye level.
(a)Prepare a two handed process chart for a task sharpening the pencil with
appropriate process chart symbol
(b) Outline an appropriate process chart for the activity “Replace old battery or

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