Business Plan

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UNIMED MMC Business Plan

Executive Summary
Company Name: Unimed Marine Medical Care
Mission Statement: Provide medical & hospital management to the International Cruise industry
Location: Belgrade (Serbia)
Number of Employee: 5
Start-up date: TBC

Company Description
“Unimed Marine Medical Care” (UMMC) is a Company which provides medical & hospital
management to the International Cruise industry, delivering medical expertise, tailored shipboard
medical services and shoreside support to the Owners in compliance with all International Maritime
Regulations and Best Practice.

Mission Statement
UNIMED MMC aims to the full satisfaction of passengers and crew, sharing a dream to minimize or
even eliminate current problems in the Maritime Medical Industry.
Our goal is to ensure everyone enjoys their vacation without being concerned about their health and
safety while operating cost-effectively services.

Belgrade (Serbia), growing and expanding Capital City of Balkans, Middle Eastern Europe.
Belgrade is classified as a “Beta-Global City”. The city is home to the clinical center of Serbia, one of
the hospital complexes with the largest capacity in the World.
Serbia, also, has well known and recognized Medical schools and universities offering a wide pool of
doctors and nurses ready to join and to enhance their professional career path with onboard and
international experience.

Perfect location (approx. 100 m2), easy reachable close to the highway, bus stations, airport, etc.
with 2 or more parking lots and a layout able to grant office duties and, as well, organized meetings
and trainings.

Market Analysis
The healthcare industry in Serbia is rapidly expanding by opening new Medical facilities and
specialised institutions and in same way, producing, well trained and qualified medical staff. This is
also the key for a profitable recruitment.
From the other side many small cities every year give a high number of medical staff where, they
remain unemployed due to the shortage of vacancies and opportunities.
Our Company will fill this gap by connecting qualified candidates with job opportunities in the
healthcare industry.

On Serbia,s territory there is 28 high medical school, 6 nursing college and 6 medical university.
With the calculation that every year this schools give more than 3500 nurses with high and 1500
bachelor degree as well 450 doctors per year.
Considering that in the Serbian neighbourhood Balkan country situation is quite similar, showing
that the Serbia is perfect choice for base.
Geographical position putting Serbia and Belgrade in the middle of Europe that’s give an opportunity
for easy and fast transportation and traveling.

Marketing and Sales

UNIMED MMC will operate from a central office in Belgrade, with a team of experienced recruiters.
We will use a robust database and applicant tracking system to manage job postings, resumes, and
applicant communications. To attract candidates, we will use a combination of online and offline
marketing techniques and strategies. Ship’s experience giving us advantage for easy understanding
employs needs and wishes. We will also offer a competitive fee structure and a satisfaction
guarantee to ensure that our employers are happy with opportunity and job provided, creating a
pool of returning and loyal employees. Building strong relationships with medical schools and
professional associations will open possibility to reach potential candidates.

Vision and Mission

UNIMED MMC turns NEGATIVE passenger comments into POSITIVE passenger comments.
(experience has shown that on many cruise ships the hospital receives negative comments because
of charges that are in line with the private health sector that is unfamiliar to many passengers.
UNIMED MMC deals with both passenger and crew medical issues. We offer complete, tailored
medical support to each vessel.
UNIMED MMC is expert in all medical aspects of your deck and engine operation (This includes but is
not limited to health and hygiene, viral outbreaks, emergency nursing, hospital certifications,
equipment calibration and emergency disembarkations).
UNIMED MMC ensures that ships are properly equipped to make accurate diagnoses, thus avoiding
unnecessary medical disembarkations and itinerary disruptions.

Company Organizational Chart

1 Secretary
Organization and Management
(ASHORE): Organization and Management
1 Managing Director/Medical (ONBOARD):
Consultant TBA (*) Doctor
1 Corporate Doctor TBA (*) Nurse
1 HR & Medical Operations Manager 1 Medical Administrator
1 Accountant
(*) Manning according International Regulations
Economical and Financial Analysis:

Logistic – Opening:
Item Cost (€) Qty. Total (€)
Opening/Setup maintenance € 10.000,00 1 Time € 10.000,00
Company registration € 1.000,00 1 Time € 1.000,00

TOTAL: € 11.000,00

Item Cost (€) Qty. Total (€)
Monthly rent € 3.000,00 Monthly € 3.000,00
Monthly usage (elect., water, etc.) € 1.000,00 Monthly € 1.000,00

TOTAL: € 4.000,00

Administration Salaries (*):

Position Cost (€) Qty. Total (€)
Managing Director/Medical
€ 8.000,00 Monthly € 8.000,00
Corporate Doctor € 2.500,00 Monthly € 2.500,00
HR & Medical Operations Manager € 2.500,00 Monthly € 2.500,00
Accountant € 1.300,00 Monthly € 1.300,00
Secretary € 1.000,00 Monthly € 1.000,00

TOTAL: € 15.300,00
(*) Salaries are NET and Onboard/Travelling compensation not included

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