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Nirvachan Sadan, Ashok Road, New Delhi-ll0 001
No. 576IEXIT/2024/SDRlVol.I Dated: 28th March, 2024


The Chief Electoral Officer of

all States and Union Territories.

Sub: - General Elections to Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies of Andhra Pradesh,
Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha & Sikkim, 2024 and bye elections to 25 Assembly
Constituencies of 12 States - Ban on Exit Poll - regarding.

I am directed to forward herewith the Commission's Notification No.
/ 576IExitl2024/SDRNol.l dated 28'" March, 2024 with the request that this may be published in
an extraordinary issue of the State gazette and a copy thereof may be sent to the Commission for

This may be brought to the notice of all concerned including news bureaus, media
houses, radio, television channels etc.

Under Secretary
To be published in the Extraordinary
issue of the Gazette of India, Part-II,
Section 3(iii), immediately and re-
published in the official Gazette of all


Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi -110001

No. 576IEXIT/2024/SDRIVol.I Dated: 28thMarch, 2024

Chaitra 8, 1946


Whereas, the schedule for the General Elections to Lok Sabha and Legislative
Assemblies of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha & Sikkim, 2024 and bye-
election to 25 Assembly Constituencies in 12 States (as per annexure-I) as announced by
the Election Commission vide Press Notes No. ECI/PN/23/2024 and No. ECIIPN/24/2024
both dated 16th March 2024 read with Press Note No. ECIIPN/32/2024 dated 27th March,

2. Whereas, Section 126A of The Representation of the People Act, 1951(in short R.P. Act,
1951) specifies that "(1) No person shall conduct any exit poll and publish or publicise by means
of the print or electronic media or disseminate in any other manner, whatsoever, the result of
any exitpoll during such period, as may be notified by the Election Commission in this regard.
(2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), the Election Commission shall, by a general
order, notify the date and time having due regard to thefollowing, namely: _
(a) in case of a general election, the period may commence from the beginning of the
hours fixed for poll on the first day of poll and continue till half an hour after
closing of the poll in all the States and Union territories;

(b) In case of a bye-election or a number of bye-elections held together. the period

may commencefrom the beginning of the hoursfixedfor poll on andfrom thefirst
day of poll and continue till half an hour after closing of the poll;

Provided that in case of a number of bye-elections held together on

different days, the period may commencefrom the beginning of the hoursfixed for
poll on thefirst day of poll and continue till half an hour after closing of the last
(3) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this section shall be punishable with
imprisonmentfor a term which may extend to two years or withfine or with both. "
3. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers under sub-Section (1) of Section 126A of the
R.P. Act, 1951, the Election Commission, having regard to the provisions of sub-Section (2) of
the said Section, hereby notifies the period between 7.00A.M on 19th April, 2024 (Friday) and
6.30 PM on 1st June, 2024 (Saturday) as the period during which conducting and publishing or
publicizing exit poll by means of the print or electronic media or dissemination in any other
manner whatsoever, the result of any exit poll in connection with the current General Elections
to Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha
& Sikkim, 2024 and bye-election to 25 Assembly Constituencies in 12 States (as per
annexure-I) to be held simultaneously with the general election to Lok Sabha, shall be
4. It is further clarified that under Section 126(1)(b) of the R.P. Act, 1951, displaying any
election matter including results of any opinion poll or any other poll survey, in any electronic
media, would be prohibited during the period of 48 hours ending with the hours fixed for the
conclusion of the poll in connection with the aforesaid general elections and bye-elections.

By order,


~c-- __ N_a_m_e_o_f
_S_ta_t_e -+------A--s'---s-em"---b-~--(:-o-l-1stituency N 0o & N:___:_c_am::_::_:_e
1. Bihar _195-Agiaon(SC)
2. 26 - Vijapur
3. 108 - Khambhat
Gujarat 136 - Vaghodia
1----- ------
85 - Manavadar
-------- ------------------

6. 83 - Porbandar
-------- --------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- -------- ------- --------- __ ----
I-- 7. Haryana 21-Kamal
9. Tripura 7- Ramnagar
136 - Dadraul
___________ ::..c__:__:__. _
173 - Lucknow East -----------
-------- 292 - Gainsari
12. Uttar Pradesh
403 -- Duddhi (ST)
13. ---- ---- --------------- --------- ------- --- -- ----- -----------------------------------------------
14. West Bengal §2-BJ1agawangol_~ __I

1- 1_S._I---------------,--1-13---B-a-ra-n--a-""gc_ar------------------
16. Telangana 71-Secunderabad Cantt.(SC)
18 - Dharamshala
--- ...-.--.---------~.-----.------.------------------
18._ }l~_l,al:l-~~L~~_pi~il§JJ-- --------------------
_____ __.12.--- -3J_~Suj~t:lQur_------ -- - ---------- -------------------
1- 2_0..:__ -~-~__::-~~~~!--- ------------------------------
1--__ 2 !_:___ Himachal Pradesh _~~_:--Q~gl"-t!!---------------------------
22. 45 - Kutlehar
---=:::.:.-+--- -----------+-------------------------------------- -------
____2_3_. -+--_--R-a"-..ia-s-th-a-n----- 1§5 - Bagid<?E~{§_'[L-------------------------,
24. Karnataka +-3,:__6----
(S~n______ ---------
25. .L-----------
Tamil Nadu 233 - Vilavancode

~ ~ ~ ~ 3ffiTtlRUr Jiq;-
~ <is 3(iii) Jt (i('CfiJ(i1
~~ra:rrtt .3tR ~~ w:m/m:r
~-e;trr ~ ~ ~ Jt

311((1 fit a'ilif 3tFdtal

~q~ilili ~. ,mftq;- m. iiif ~-110001

~:- 28 ~, 2024
08 fur, 1946

3fftl 'f(9 crt I

«<1: fa"lqh'lili .3-TI<ITJr ~ rn .nc ~. ~3nfJttmr/32/2024 ~ 27.03.2024 eli
~ ~ rn .nc ~. ~3nfJttmr/23/2024 ~ ~3nfJttmr/24/2024 ~ 16 ~.

2024 eli ~ ~ ~ 'lTV ~ ~ C1'trr 3rit.r mr. 3FtlUilii t>I mr. ~TT ~

Qlfctq;A fcnmr ~.m eli ~ filq\ilil. 2024 mi 12 ~ Jf 25 ~ ~.m eli 3tr

filq\iI'" ~ ~ CflI~SfI,,", (<t1t>1i1 ... Cfi-1 eli Jr.Rm') ,:)

cfiT ~ CR' c!T ~ ~I

2, <rCi':, ~ ~ ~ 1951 (~~ Jt c;IT,>r,~, 1951) cfiT Qm

126Cfl' Jt ~ ffiRlRll\c fcRrr dl<IT ~ fct;" "(1) cntt #T C<lFcFn cntt t.i'Pfl:r Rn 87fffrUT iiflff
rR-m .JIR' fit;?fT t.i'Pfl:r Rn ffcfflur *' qf? UfiJi cnr; W:ft.J{CJff)- *' ?ifv;r ;;rT {;JqfiJ(Tf .JfRl)dr
ifC!RT ~ ~ ;# ~
>Fill( <iT fcR:It #T >fCfiR" ;fiT ~
;fiT ~
;# >RTR'
<iT $iJCf(/J;JCfj 4)&41
iiflff rR-m1
*' J:/lt-<lJ{' # ~IDT <iT

(en) fmlRTTf (;JqfiJ(Tf ;fiT ~rr;#, i!{r .J{CJff)- J../CI4IiTf *' ~ ~ *' ~ ;# J../(iq/(Tf *'
Fat<rn m
~ *' *'Eft.Jr7W ;;ntT #~; ~~ e:t4t .JIR' rr#T
Jnt)- (7cfi'
{$;t .,:) ?T.T<lf .JIR' ficr ~-if;ff ;# J../CI4IiTf

(lIl) fcR:It 3TT-{;JqfiTa1 <iT {Rf1 Hro' Cfim! ;;rr;;t CfTiiT .3fU1cn 3TT-{;Jqfi/Di)' ;fiT ~rr ;# i!{r
.J{CJff)- J../CI4/(Tf
J../(iqliTf flIRfC(i
*' ~ ~
{$;t <J,- ~iITF[
# eft J.{(iqliTf
.JIlt)- Eft FfCFi ~
*' Fat<rn m *' .JrTi3r ~ # ~~e:Mt .JIR'

qin ~-~
.,:) ~ w- {Rf1 Hro' Cfim! ;;rr;;t CfTiiT .3fU1cn 3TT-{;Jqfi/Di)' ;fiT ~rr;#, i!{r

.J{CJff)- J../CI4IiTf <J,- ~ ~ *' ~ ;# J../CI4IiTf ff;tv *' Fat<rn m *' .JrTi3r {$;t # ~~e:t4t
.JIR' JiFcm' J../(iqliTf ~ {$;t *' ~iJ7(T Jnt)- Eft (7cfi' ~ ~I
(3) <Rt CllFch=r, ;nT ~ t.rRT *" 3fTifiF.lf CfiT 3(>'i>itlDi ~ rR:fT .JICffft *" ChmCfl'H ?1;
;nT et qrf d7!7 if;}- tff ~ ~ ~..:J
8" ~ qT,;#?1; ~ Pm/"

3. 31Gf, $'Hft»Q, ~ ~ ~, 1951 cfi'r urn 126Cfi" cfi'r :NUm (1) c)J
.3itfta:f ~IR(i 41 Cfi"T ~ ~ ~.:l fiI q~ilCrl .3-ll<IDT 3CF(i" urn cfi'r 311-urn (2) c)J ~ c)J
~f\Sc;JI(i,19 ~, 2024 (~ffiim") Cfit ~ 07:00 ~ ~ 1 ¥, 2024 (tJ'f.!tcfR") Cfit
3t q '(lE'CI'f 6: .30 er.t c)J tifro cfi'r .3f"CI"iU ctiT, "thfr .3f"CI"iU c)J ~ n~ CR<=rT t~
c;fuc;:r qdJfICl'f .. ~ cl; mtmur filq\:qCl'f 3fR .. ~ cl; mtmur filcri:qCl'f cl; ~_~
3tFq~t:;'t('f "iRTQ" ~ cm;l" 3tiv mT, Jflfnrr 3fR RlfcR;Jf Fcnmr ~3tl cl;
3t'6UII:qt'l mT,
~ filq\:qCl'f, 2024 "QCf 12 ~ ~ 25 Fcnmr ~3tl cl; 3tT filq\:qcrn (<At'l3C1'fCfi-1cl;
.:J c)J ~ n ~ afr 1Tcf1R" c)J ~ qt;r Cfi"T 3114~\jfCrl ~ (1tIT Ric 'IT $<>ICf~lfiICfl
~ ~ ~ qj'{olld"l c)J ~JG1 'IT ~ ~ ~ afr ~ c:rfrc):; ~ :mCflT ~_

4.~ afr "ftf\Z ~ ~ t fcl:; ~ ~ ~, 1951 cfi'r urn 126(1)(<Sr) c)J

.3itfta:f 3 q Cf(i ~ fiI q~il Crll "QCf 311-fiI q~il Ci11 c)J mftr n d"I (i C\ICrl cfi'r 'Hd"lifCC:1 c)J ~ ~
~ ~ 'Hd"liC(i ~ ~ 48 ticT cfi'r .3f"CI"iU c)J c:tna=r ~ afr $ <>ICf~1fiI Cfl Jf1 ffi41 n fcR:fr
afr 3M"C!fil4Crl qt;r 'IT ~ ~ d"I (iC\ICrl~a1UT c)J q j'{ 0 II d""I1 ~ ~ afr 1Tcf1R" c)J fiI q~ilCrl


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1. ~ 195-3fffr3ricf (3f.~.)
2. "I',Hld

4. 136-q I tiI~:q I
5. 85-AIOllqcH

- - _ ...__ .--- --- --- -.-----~-,_:)_.--- - . -- ---- --
.. - -- -

10. 136-~

12. 292-~
-. ._.,,-- --_., ... --_._----------- - -_ _.-_- .._----- ~--

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14. .....c-.....~
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~~- --1------ -----~------~------ ._---------_._--

16. d i'i "lIiif I 71-fl1cfiCi'llilICi

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22. 45-Cfiltit65
____A __ :
23. 165-ill"n4)'l1 (3f.~.~.)
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25. dm(lfiifl5 233-FchOjlqliifCfi)~

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