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I woyld like to talk to about my favorite TV programe. Mt

favorite TV programe is Hello Jaddoo.- a fomous program. I
like this program because it is very funny and entertaining.
This program is about a cute girl, funny and intelligent but
quite lazy and friends good- hearted, genial of Jadoo.

The weathe in autum is the most lovely of the year. IT’s bright
and breezy, there’s not much rain. It is excellent for heading
out four a pinic beacause it is not too hot.


I have a small family. According to me, my mother is my
favorite person. My mother is name is Trang. She is 45 years
old. I think my mom beautiful with kind face and brown eyes.
My mother was a loving person. She loved us more than
herself. I love her so much. I can’t imagine what it would be
like without her.


I would like to talk about an event that I can still remember
vividly. It was my 18th birthday party . Coincidentally, that
was also the time right after I passed my final exam , so it’s
like I had a double pleasure, and I was so relieved and
exhilarated to celebrate this special occasion with my family
and my beloved friends.
My favortite place is Can Thi city. This is a beautiful city
located reacfully in the heart of Mekong Delta. One of the
most famous in Can Tho is the Cai Rang Floating Market.
This is largest floating market in the Southwest region. I like
Can Tho beacause it is a beautiful and idyllic city. I always
feel comfortable and relaxed when I come to Can Tho.

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