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what is .net framework with simple example

The .NET Framework is a software framework developed by Microsoft that primarily
runs on Microsoft Windows. It provides a large library of pre-coded solutions to
common programming problems, and a runtime environment for executing programs
written specifically for the framework.

Here's a simple example to illustrate:

Let's say you want to create a program that calculates the area of a circle. You
can use the .NET Framework to build this program in C#:

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using System;

class Program
static void Main()
double radius;
Console.WriteLine("Enter the radius of the circle:");
radius = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

double area = CalculateArea(radius);

Console.WriteLine($"The area of the circle with radius {radius} is:

static double CalculateArea(double radius)

return Math.PI * radius * radius;
In this example:

We import the System namespace, which is part of the .NET Framework and contains
basic types and functions.
We define a Program class with a Main method, which is the entry point of our
Inside Main, we prompt the user to enter the radius of the circle, read the input,
and convert it to a double.
We then call the CalculateArea method with the radius as an argument to calculate
the area of the circle.
CalculateArea method uses the Math.PI constant from the .NET Framework to get the
value of π, and then calculates the area using the formula π * r^2.
Finally, we display the calculated area to the user.
This example demonstrates how you can leverage the .NET Framework to build simple
console applications in C#.
scope of variables in c# with simple example to store student data explain please
In C#, variables can have different scopes, which determine where in the code they
can be accessed. Here's a simple example of storing student data with different
variable scopes:

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using System;

class Program
// Class-level variables (fields)
static string studentName; // This variable can be accessed anywhere within the
Program class

static void Main()

// Method-level variable
int studentAge = 20; // This variable can only be accessed within the Main

Console.WriteLine("Enter student's name:");

studentName = Console.ReadLine(); // Assigning value to the class-level

DisplayStudentData(studentAge); // Passing method-level variable as an

argument to another method

static void DisplayStudentData(int age)

Console.WriteLine($"Student Name: {studentName}");
Console.WriteLine($"Student Age: {age}");
In this example:

studentName is declared as a class-level variable, meaning it can be accessed

anywhere within the Program class. It is accessible both inside the Main method and
the DisplayStudentData method.

studentAge is declared as a method-level variable inside the Main method. It can

only be accessed within the Main method itself and cannot be accessed outside of
it. This variable stores the age of the student.

The Main method prompts the user to enter the student's name and reads it into the
studentName variable. It then calls the DisplayStudentData method, passing the
studentAge variable as an argument.

The DisplayStudentData method takes an integer parameter age, which represents the
age of the student. Inside this method, it displays both the student's name
(accessed from the class-level variable studentName) and the age (passed as a

This example demonstrates how variables with different scopes can be used to store
and access student data within a C# program.
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