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Skirmisher Publishing LLC

499 Mystic Parkway
Spring Branch, TX 78070

Email: ragnarok@skirmisher.com
Website: http://www.skirmisher.com
d-Infinity Online: http://www.d-Infinity.net

Authors: Clint Staples, Skirmisher Game Development Group

Editor: Michael O. Varhola
Artist: Bob Greyvenstein (cover images, R:AW logo)
Photographer: Clint Staples
Layout & Design: Bob Greyvenstein

Ragnarok: Age of Wolves is Copyright 2018 by Skirmisher Publishing LLC, to include any and all associated logos and identifying
marks, including all Skirmisher Publishing LLC products and product line names, campaign settings and any elements of those
settings; any and all artwork, photographs, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps, likenesses, symbols, and graphic designs
presented in the context of this book; and any and all dialogue, incidents, plots, stories, storylines, thematic elements, and concepts
contained herein. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material contained in this work by any means without written permission
from the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for purposes of review.

This book is protected under international treaties and the copyright laws of the United States of America. Mention or reference to
any company, product, or other copyrighted or trademarked material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright
or trademark concerned. This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance of its contents to actual people, organizations, places,
or events is purely coincidental.

First Publication: April 2018

Table of Contents
Introduction 5 Stakes 37
Saga of the Wyrmson 5 Siegecraft in the North 38
What You Will Need to Play 6 Fighting On or Around Buildings 38
Breaching Walls 38
Philosophy of the Game 6
Attacks Against Structures 38
What You See Is What You Get 7
Effects of Breaches 39
Things Not in R:AW 7
Collapse 38
Making of a Warrior 9 Fire & Hall Burning 38
Rank 9 Sallying Out of a Burning Hall 38
Wargear 9 Attacking with Fire 40
Weapons 11 Burning Structures 40
Named Character vs. Follower 13 Runes 43
Special Abilities 13 Basics 43
Playing Ragnarok: Age of Wolves 19 Drawing the Runes 43
Resolving Actions 19 Three Aett & Runic Descriptions 43
Setting Up 19 Playing a Rune 45
Facing (SIDEBAR: Facing & Basing) 20 Magic, Spells, & Spellcasting 45
Beginning Play 20 Spells & Spellcasting 45
Wyrd Die & Bonus Dice 20 Spell List 47
Turn Sequence 20
Men & Monsters of the North 53
Order of Play: 20
Entries Explained 53
Initiative 20
Followers 54
Movement Phase 20
Magic & Missiles Phase 21 Named Characters 60
Melee Phase 22 Monsters 67
End Phase 25 Elementals 68

Hiding and Perception 25 Glossary 71

Hide in Cover 25 Campaign: Saga of Eirik Wyrmson 75
Perception 25 Factions & Allies 75
Hidden Items 25 Hunting the Outlaw
(SIDEBAR: Survival Rolls) 76
Engagement 26
Lair of the Wyrm’s Son 78
Size of Creatures 26
A Cold Day in Hel 79
Evasion & Engagement 26 A Terrible Ally 81
Terrain and its Effects 28 Aftermath:
Terrain Table 29 Continuing the Saga of the Wyrmson 83

Optional Rules 35
Advanced Mounted Combat 35
Optional Mounted Combat Rules 35
Dragging Riders from their Mounts 35
Flying Creatures 36

Introduction Although it sidled back and to one side, preternaturally
agile even amid such poor footing, the monster made no
move to attack.
A cloaked figure stumbled from the shadowed mouth
of the cave into the feeble light of the waning sun. It Groa held back her spell, risked a look for the brigands,
took three lurching steps and then fell hard, its helmet and saw that they had fled.
bounding free to tumble across the rocks …
Looking back at the scaly beast before her, she noticed
“Come on!” a fine gilded saddle worthy of a jarl upon its back. Groa
smiled for the first time since the killing of Sigtyrr, and
Groa’s harsh whisper startled the rough-looking men
their hasty flight from Gautaborg. Her lover’s petition
nearest her into action. The diminutive woman led the
had been successful. Eirik Sigtyrr’s Bane, outlawed by
pair forward, her catskin cloak flapping in the heat and
Hugleik Gautking, was no more, and had become Eirik
smoke that poured from the cavern mouth. Hesitantly,
the brigands followed, one cursing as he stumbled over
the jumble of rock near the entryway. So begins his saga …
Groa took note of the clear space in front of the cave Ragnarok: Age of Wolves is a skirmish-level game for
mouth. All around, the rocks were jagged blades of novice and experienced tabletop gamers alike. R:AW
stone, but before the entrance to the cave they were seeks to emulate the desperate small-scale action that
rounded, flattened, and crumbling as if compressed and might result during the Fimblvintr, the first stage of the
worn by repeated passage of some great weight. She Viking Apocalypse, when winter simply ceases to end.
muttered her charm, knowing how little it would aid her
should she disturb the one Eirik had come to see. When food grows scarce and crops will not grow, banditry
becomes rife as formerly good folk are driven to extremes
Reaching the crumpled form, Groa turned Eirik’s face to and bad men take advantage of chaos and hardship. Other
the light. She echoed his pained outcry with a gasp of good people, the lucky ones, retreat to the stronghold
shock. a jarl or chieftain, or barricade their steading doors and
He lived! pray to the beleaguered gods for succor.

Then she saw his hands where they clasped the mail over And beyond the cold and snow, monsters haunt the
his belly. At first the red flesh seemed seared and scarred, wilds and prowl the outskirts of settlement and steading
but then seemed as if it might be covered with scales … alike. Huldrfolk, never easy neighbors, but generally
The nails were long and sharp, the talons of a beast on peaceful if left undisturbed, now move to defend their
hands shaped like those of a man. Despite all that Groa sacred groves and to seize places once devoted to
had seen in her apprenticeship to the seidrkona Yrsa, she gods who now seem absent. Trolls and their ilk gather,
shied from the body of this man that she loved. marauders sweeping brigands and more into their bands
(or their bellies). Whispers abound of gaunt giant wolves
As if her start drew a response from black hole in the and worse, glimpsed in the swirl of a snowstorm. And
mountainside, the sun’s light was occluded by the stride where such beasts and everlasting winter hold sway, the
of something from within. Groa stepped back again, fear Hrimthursar cannot be far behind.
rising as her hand raised her distaff, and began to utter
the charm that she was sure would end in her death. In Ragnarok: Age of Wolves we have created a set of
fun, fast-playing and evocative rules that allow you to
The shadow was that of a lesser thing, not of the one fight out the desperate battles and skirmishes of the
they feared, but was still terrible to behold. It was not Fimblvintr. We have also built a campaign of battles
much larger than a horse, the heavy tread of its four to take you through the struggle of one man trying to
talons causing the rocks to tremble, so different from the preserve something of his honor, his life, and the people
great Wyrm’s serpentine movement. Its savage head, and creatures who depend on him for survival. Finally,
also red-scaled, regarded her with lantern-bright eyes as we have crafted the Aftermath, which gives you some
it pawed the stones with talons that made her think again ideas on how to expand the strife to include the other
of Eirik’s transformed hands. creatures and Sagas unfolding during the Ragnarok!

What You Will Need To Play • Terrain keeps the game interesting and makes for
more tactical play, and hills, trees, scrub, buildings,
• These Ragnarok: Age of Wolves skirmish a stream, or whatever you might have will all help.
wargame rules. We have left the details on terrain for the campaign
game pretty light so that you can work with what
• Miniatures that you can use to represent the warriors
you have.
and monsters of the Viking apocalypse. You will
probably want 10 or more per side, and R:AW can • You might want to print out copies of the stat blocks
run considerably larger forces, so the upper limit is for the men or monsters you are fighting with, which
up to you (we recommend 20 or so figures per side will allow you to mark down things like remaining
for a good two hour game). You can use whatever Health and other conditions (and we hereby
you have, and there are many fine manufacturers cheerfully grant you permission to do so).
that make great Viking models, so you should not
have trouble finding some. Alternately, check out
d-Infinity Online game magazine at www.d-Infinity. Philosophy of the Game
net for a list of some great ones. If you want to get As far as we are concerned, there is enough strife in
models that are really good matches for the heroes, the knock-down, drag-out fight that is the Ragnarok, so
monsters, and followers detailed in the campaign there should not be any around the table. This is a game
“Saga of Eirik Wyrmson,” check out the section on played for fun. We encourage you to play the figures you
“Men & Monsters of the North” for details and the enjoy, treat you opponents with honor and respect (they
photos scattered throughout the book. are your friends, right?), and understand that the one
• Several range sticks or tape measures scaled who has the bragging rights today is likely to be eating
in inches. Distances are scaled to Humans as crow next time.
approximately 30 mm figures, so if you are using With all that in mind, there are no point values for the
larger or smaller figures then halve or double the warriors and denizens of the Fimblvintr. We leave it up
ranges as appropriate. to your sense of fun, challenge and fair play, to balance
• A handful of six-sided dice. You will need at least two your forces. For a balanced battle, try to keep the total
that are the same (and six or more is better), and amount of Health on each side about even, but this is
one that stands out from the rest that will serve as only an approximate gauge.
your Wyrd Die and which represents the fickle hand Different models perform better or worse depending
of the Norns (the force of fate in the Viking mind). on a number of factors, some of which are beyond the
To enable you to draw Runes, you will also need an control of their warlord. Giants, for example, are truly
eight-sided die. deadly foes, but an Outright Kill result from a lowly
• Useful but not required are a set of tokens to archer can put an arrow in the eye of even the toughest
place near figures to denote a Declared Charge, monster, or hero. In this sense, a Frost Giant with 5
or other statuses (e.g., Wounded). There are third- Health is a vulnerable to instant death as is a lowly carl.
party suppliers of such things, but you can use Having said this, you are the one playing this game and
dice or bingo chips or make your own thematically should feel free to make it your own. If you do not have
appropriate ones. Ulfhednar figures (you should, but hey, not everyone is
• A play area. One at least three feet square is ideal, but perfect), and you want to use the extra berserkers you
you can get by with a smaller one without too much have in your collection, so be it. Run it by your opponent,
trouble if you keep the overall number of figures on ask if he or she has any subs they want to make, and then
the lower side, or if you want a shorter game with roll the dice.
less time and opportunity for maneuvering. Ideally,
you will have a cloth or mat to cover your play area,
but that is purely aesthetic.

What You See Is What You Get All the above, and more, are perfectly acceptable, and
We encourage you to use figures that accurately model
what the character can do, to include what it wears, rides, But you do not have to keep figures together. If you
and fights with. This is not always possible, and as long want to split up a unit of six warriors, charging some and
as you can keep track that is fine. If you are using proxy leaving the others where they are, that is fine. Indeed,
models, by which we mean figures that do not really look sometimes figures will split up whether you like it or not
like what they are representing on the table, make sure (Berserkers, we are looking at you!), and this is OK too.
you give your friends across the table a heads up on what So is bringing them together, and you can have any of
the models in question are wielding and the like. your warriors join another group or a Named Character
at will without requiring any sort of success roll. You
If a character is listed a having multiple weapons, use should probably mention this to your opponents, just for
common sense about whether every one needs to be the sake of friendly play.
represented on the model. This is another reason why
it is a good idea to go over your warbands with all the Morale: Going hand-in-hand with the idea of flexible
players beforehand, making sure that everyone knows “unit” cohesion is the lack of an imposed morale system
what it going on with models’ equipment. There are that forces you to make rolls to determine whether your
good surprises and bad surprises in a tabletop game, warriors are brave or stupid enough to stay in the fight.
and finding out that the light nomad warrior figures
You, as warlord of your band, determine when a warrior
are actually proxies for Drakkar-mounted close combat
or a warband has fought long enough, and this is
death machines is not a “good” one.
encouraged by the Victory Point system we use in R:AW.
Warriors armed with multiple weapons do not necessarily In just about every battle, you lose VPs with every warrior
use them all in a particular turn. A warrior with a ranged who falls, or with every Wound dealt to you (i.e., every
attack can shoot, and also fight with its melee weapon in point of Health removed from your force). It is up to you
the Melee Phase. Which weapon a warrior uses is up to the to keep the overall conditions for victory in mind.
controlling player. Some weapons are particularly good
Can you squeeze out a win by staying for another round
when charging, others are better when the shieldwalls
and going for a couple of quick Victory Point grabs? Can
have locked and fighting is at very close quarters. Unless
you inflict enough damage this turn to even the score,
the character has an ability like two-weapon fighting, it
and put you in better enough shape to triumph? Have
can make only a single attack in the Melee Phase. you got enough VP right now to eke out a narrow win but
can see a massacre imminent in a turn or two of distance
Things Not in R:AW as your opponent masses for a counter-attack? Or have
you already lost enough that you cannot recover? In such
“Unit” Cohesion: R:AW is a fluid game that can be played cases, retreat can preserve your dignity, managing a
with as few as a handful of figures per opponent, or with close loss instead of a debacle.
forces of 30 or more per side. Unit cohesion is entirely
up to the one who controls those figures. You can move There are reasons you might run. If you and your friends
every figure as an individual, all of them in conjunction are playing for fun and bragging rights, for example, you
with one another, or anything in between, as you see fit. might prefer to have the admiration of your peers for
managing a close loss rather that fight to the last and lose
With larger numbers of warriors, you may find it overwhelmingly. It is your call. Maybe the overwhelming
convenient, and appropriate, to group figures together, loss will include an epic fight as one of your heroes falls,
and it can speed and ease play if you do so with similar but you might rather have him around for the next fight.
warriors as appropriate (e.g., treating them as a unit
when rolling for Charge Distance). Other times, you Indeed, in a campaign game like the one we present in
might want to do so for thematic or tactical reasons or R:AW, this can make a difference in later battles. Survival
a combination of these. Thus, for example, you might rolls are not a sure thing and you have to manage your
have a Named Character lead a small cadre of special next battle even as you are conducting the current one.
followers, or a band of shieldmen moving and fighting
as a unit, because you want them to stick together and
employ the shieldwall maneuver in melee.
This trio of Ulfhednar with swords and spears are followers, whereas the Ulfhednar Mage beside
them, Vald Wolfwarden, is a Named Character.

Be sure to check out Skirmisher Publishing’s top titles and our
entire line of popular RPG, LARP, and wargaming products!

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