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International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, July 28 - 30, 2020, India

Analysis of Student Feedback and

Recommendation to Tutors
Karunya K, Aarthy S, Karthika R, Jegatha Deborah L

Abstract—An important criterion in teaching is to In this work we follow sentiment analysis techniques
analyze how well the teaching has been effective for the to analyze student feedback.
student’s. In order to do such analysis student’s
Latent Dirichlet Allocation is used to classify the
feedback is obtained which would depict the quality and
document into several topics. The opinion for each
quantity of teaching. The existing evaluation technique
tells about the opinion levels but does not clearly inform keyword is calculated, which is done by opinion
is it necessary to bring immediate changes in teaching or mining using sentiment word database. Opinion
can proceed with the current teaching strategy. To mining a field of study that which is used to analyze
address this drawback an automated ideology is people emotions, views, concern, opinions,
proposed to initially analyze the student feedback sentiments, evaluations. Feedbacks or opinions are the
comments and further based on the analysis introduce a most common approaches to get to know about others
recommendation system that would give a clear idea expectation or suggestions Feedbacks or opinions are
whether to bring in changes or proceed with the
the most common approaches to get to know about
currently adopted teaching technique. This would
others expectation or suggestions [3]. In case of
provide tutors insight about opinion and allow them to
make professionally sound decision so as to upgrade the analyzing student feedback it is very important for
performance of students. teacher to know about the status of the course. An
average teacher will find it tedious to read each and
Index Term—Sentiment Analysis, Opinion mining, every individual student feedbacks as they might be
Lexicon based approach, Student’s comments, LDA. time consuming and require lot of patience. To
overcome this flow automated sentiment analysis
systems are generated. The proposed system will help
us to develop a recommendation system with
I N order to enrich the learning experience,
feedback from students is an essential component
to be encouraged. Feedback from individual often
following abilities:
i. In areas where the opinion turns out to be
describes their opinion on different aspects, but such negative, there the suggestion would be given.
individual student feedback is not sufficient to bring ii. This would provide tutors a clear idea about the
in modification in the course. We require feedback areas that would require attention.
from several students for consideration. Close-ended This paper is organized as follows. In section II
feedback does not encourage to express the exact previously proposed theory and processes are
sentiment of students. explained. In section III the concepts involved are
To know the exact sentiment of the student’s given a brief description. In section IV the
textual feedback can be obtained [1]. The main motto methodology to process the student comments and
behind obtaining textual feedback is it gives a clear method to obtain sentiment for the feedback is given.
insight to the tutor and at the same time the student is Section V discusses the performance analysis and
allowed to express the opinion without any constraint section VI gives the conclusion.
Karunya K is with the Department of CSE, UCE, Tindivanam,
Samuel Cunnigham-Nelson et. al. proposed the
Aarthy S is with the Department of CSE, UCE, Tindivanam,
technique to visualize student satisfaction with the
India(email: help of machine learning. This process will
Karthika R is with the Department of CSE, UCE, Tindivanam, automatically analyze and produce visual
India(email: representation for student feedback, which can lead to
Jegatha Deborah L is with the Department of CSE, UCE, quick analysis of positive and negative aspects in a
Tindivanam, India(email:

978-1-7281-4988-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 1579

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B. Pang and L. Lee proposed a system to C. Opinion mining
understand the opinion of others. This approach Opinion mining is used to track the views of
promises to directly enable opinion – oriented student’s about particular aspect. Analysis of student
information –seeking systems. It is very important to comments using opinion mining can tell if the
know what others think in order to support changes if comment is positive or negative. Few feedback might
required for better performance. This method allows reveal that the student is satisfied and find the classes
to analyze the opinion of student’s regarding the productive. Whereas few students may denote the
course. flaws in the teaching which might need rectification
David M. Blei et. al. [4] proposed a generative for better academic performance. The sentiment word
probabilistic model –Latent Dirichlet Allocation database consist of 745 words, out of which 448
(LDA) for topic modelling. This approach can be used words are positive words 263 are total negative
to detect topics. From the set of documents LDA words. The score ranges from -3 to +3. 1 to 3 are
estimate document –topic distribution ߠ and topic – considered as positive and -1 to -3 are considered as
Word distributionÞ. negative score. Neutral category denotes a sentiment
Khin Zeawan Aung and Nyein Nyein Myo [5] score which equals zero [10].
proposed a system to analyze the student feedback
comments using lexicon –based approach. Feedbacks IV. METHODOLOGY
from student will give great insight about the teaching
A. Preprocessing Of Document
techniques and highlights the pros and cons of the
course individually. The entire document is transferred into lower case
for easy preprocessing. Then tokenization is applied
to convert text into tokens before generating the
III. CONCEPTS matrix forms as shown in architecture Fig. 1. The
entire document is broken into words, constructing a
A. Sentiment analysis bag vectors, as key-of-words.
Sentiment Analysis is a method adopted to find the
sentiment expressed in texts [6]. These are usually
feedbacks, suggestion forms often obtained through
surveys or reviews. Here student’s feedback may tell
about their course satisfaction or modification
expected in teaching technique [7]. Eventually the
task of sentiment analysis is to extract the sentiment
by using lexicon-based approach being famous. In
lexicon–based approach a sentiment lexicon is utilized
to identify the polarity of a textual description [8].
The polarity usually is of three types positive, Fig. 1. Architecture for analysis and recommendation.
negative and neutral. Stop words are the most commonly or frequent
B. Latent dirichlet allocation occurring words which are not relevant in the context
Latent Dirichlet Allocation is a generative of data and does not contribute any deeper meaning to
probability model used to extract semantic the phrase and hence removed. Lemmatisation aims to
information from text data and comments. Using LDA remove inflectional endings and returns to the base or
the entire feedback is categorized into set of topics dictionary form of word. The proposed architecture
which will be referred as an aspect for sentiment for analyzing the student feedbacks and providing
analysis [9]. recommendations to the tutors .
LDA assumes the following generative process
B. Generating Matrix Form
for each document W in a corpus D.
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a
1. Choose N ̱ܲ‫݊݋ݏݏ݅݋‬ሺ‫א‬ሻ probabilistic topic modeling method that gives us an
2. Choose ߠ̱‫ݎ݅ܦ‬ሺߙሻ approach to tease out the possible topics that we do
not know of beforehand. The major key assumptions
3. For each of the N words ܹ௡ 
behind LDA is that each given documents is a mix of
a) Choose a topic ܼ௡ ̱ Multinomial (ߠሻ multiple topics [11]. We have a set of documents D1,
b) Choose a word ܹ௡ from p (ܹ௡ | ܼ௡ ,ߚ) , a D2,ǥ ǡ ‫݀ܦ‬. Each document is composed of N
multinomial probability conditional on the topic “effective” words from which we could infer K
ܼ௡ .So topic-word matrix and doc-topic matrix is topics.

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Each document is a mixture of corpus-wide topics denoted byܹ‫ݏ‬. The score of opinion word from
To calculate the count matrices randomly assign sentiment word database is denoted by ܱ‫ݏ‬Ǥ
topics to each word / token in each document and then Table I shows in opinion for corresponding polarity
calculate word to topic matrix and document to topic
score. In order to get the total polarity score, the
count matrix. To infer the topics for each token we
use collapsed Gibb’s sampling from LDA . semantic orientation score of all words in the
Finally the topic probability for each token is comment are summed up, which could be done by
calculated. Based on highest probability of two topics [14]
for a word LDA will provide the final topic for each PTs =σ௡௜ୀଵ ܹ‫ ݅ݏ‬, (Wsi ‫ א‬T) (6)
particular word in particular document provide the
final topic for each particular word in particular
To calculate the average polarity score of all
஽் comments use

‫ܥ‬௪௝ ‫ܥ‬ௗ௝ + ߙ
௜ୀଵ ܲܶ‫݅ݏ‬Ȁܰ (7)
P (ܼ௜ୀ௝ |ܹ௜ ,݀௜ ) ‫ן‬ *
σௐ ௐ்
௪ୀଵ ‫ܥ‬௪௝ +Wߚ + Tߙ ஽்
σ்௧ୀଵ ‫ܥ‬ௗ௧
Finally the topic probability for each token is POLARITY SCORE OPINION RESULT
calculated. Based on highest probability of two topics P>0 or <=1 Weakly positive
for a word LDA will provide the final topic for each P>1 or <=2 Moderately positive
P>2 Strongly positive
particular word in particular document.
P<0 or >=(-1) Weakly negative
C. Topic Modelling P<(-1) or >=(-2) Moderately negative
To generate the topic LDA is implemented in python P<(-2) Strongly negative
Gensim package. As like any other algorithm LDA P=0 Neutral
can only understand numeric values. So the
preprocessed text is converted into numbers. Initially E. Recommendation System
the text is converted into bag of words to make it
It is equally important to be able to suggest
numeric which can be assumed as dictionary, where
key denotes he word and value denotes number of recommendation in cases where alterations should be
times that word occurs in entire corpus. The two main done so as to improve academic performances. Once
inputs of LDA topic model are: opinion extraction is done for the student feedback we
Dictionary: Unique ids for each unique word. will get a clear idea of the student’s opinion about the
Corpus: For each document number of times a course, whether the course was satisfying or require
particular word appeared changes in any of the aspects [15]-[16]. It is not only
Dictionary: {‘tutorial’:0, ‘assessment’:1} enough if we only generate make analysis of student
Corpus: [(0, 1), (1, 2)] feedback and arrive at conclusion if they denote a
positive or negative feedback. A recommendation
In corpus the notation indicates that the word tutorial
system can be designed in following phases [17].
occurs once and assessment occurs twice. LDA model
is built with different topics where each type is a i. Data selection-The data set here would be
combination of keywords and each keyword collection of tokens for which the polarity and opinion
contributes a certain weight age to that particular extraction is done.
topic. ii. Sentiment analysis on selected dataset-Sentiment
analysis is performed on student feedback which
D. Opinion Extraction Using Lexicon Based
would categorize it to be either positive or negative.
Lexicon based approach is used, where the polarity
The system will compare each token in the comment scoring is done between -3 to +3. Then opinion
by using opinion word database. The tokens are mining is used to denote if the aspect is weakly
identified if they belong to positive, negative or positive, moderately positive, strongly positive,
neutral comment [12].The polarity scores are assigned weakly negative, moderately negative, strongly
with the help of sentiment word database [13]. negative, neutral [18].
ܹ‫ ݏ‬ൌ ܱ‫ݏ‬ (2) iii. Recommendation for sentiment analyzed
ܹ‫ ݏ‬ൌ  ሺͳͲͲΨ ൅ ‫݂݊݅ݏ‬ሻ ‫ݏܱ כ‬ (3) dataset- Recommendation for the student feedback
ܹ‫ ݏ‬ൌ ሺͳͲͲΨ ൅ ‫݂݊݅ݏ‬ሻ ‫ כ‬ሺͳͲͲΨ ൅ ‫݂݊݅ݏ‬ሻ ‫ݏܱ כ‬ (4) can be given to tutors by python program for those
ܹ‫ ݏ‬ൌ ܹ‫ݏ‬ሺെͳሻ(5) aspects which were termed negative by opinion
The semantic orientation score of combining words is mining as shown in Fig. 2.

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Algorithm: Analysis and Recommendation system of sentiments showing that half the student do not have
student feedback. any issue with assignments while the rest half are
INPUT: Documents D1, D2 …Dd; finding it difficult. In such situations there maybe
OUTPUT: Indication of alteration in required aspects. possibilities that it may detoriate furthermore if proper
attention is not given to it. So there will be an
Step 1: Choose documentsD1, D2…, Dm.
indication of alteration required in cases when there is
Step 2: Apply LDA to the document generated
equal positive and negative score. This methodology
will have significant impact in improving teaching-
Step 3: Find polarity of aspects[-3<P<3]
learning session.
௜ୀଵ ܲܶ‫݅ݏ‬Ȁܰ
Step 4: if (P<0) then
Suggest ‘Alter the teaching technique’.
else if( P>0) then
Suggest ‘Continue the existing teaching
Technique ‘.

Fig. 3. Plot of negative and positive sentiment count against aspects

in theoretical subject for one semester.

Fig. 2. Proposed recommendation system

The ideology proposed can be used to identify the
opinion or views of student regarding the course. For
instance, feedback comments for theoretical subject
from 80 students are taken to identify if they denote a
positive or negative note [19]. Fig. 3 and 4 shows the
comparison between Samuel C Nelson model and
proposed model. The feedback generated for
theoretical subject across one entire semester is shown Fig. 4. Plot of equal negative and positive sentiment count for one
in Fig. 3. The plots show the representation of the aspects in theoretical subject for one semester.
aspects. Six keywords were extracted which denote
the six topics in the student feedback. For instance the
keyword ‘tutorial’ is represented by 50 students in VI. CONCLUSION
positive sense and 10 students in negative sense. So
the majority of students are content with ‘tutorial’ To witness a successful teaching-learning session it
hence the tutors are recommended to continue with is necessary to have two-way communication so that
teaching technique. We could also infer from fig. 3, expectations from both the ends could be met. It is not
that about 35% students are not happy with the an easy task for the tutors to read each and every
syllabus given to them for the course. This may be a student feedback. To overcome such issue every
major hindrance for the improvement in the academic student feedback is analyzed using sentiment analysis.
performance of students. When recommendation The main objective of such estimation is to know if
system is implemented there will be an indication in the teaching learning session is productive or not.
syllabus aspect stating that it requires modification. Based on the analysis the recommendation system
Once the alteration is implemented in teaching will provide tutors an indication on the areas of
technique after recommendation, the feedback is alterations need. An important contribution of this
again obtained from students and changes could be work is that it will provide an automatic
notified where the opinion in syllabus turned out to be recommendation system once the opinion is
in positive note. From the Fig. 4, we could see that generated. In case the aspect was categorized negative
‘assignment’ has gained equal positive and negative by opinion mining then the recommendation system

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of New South Wales. Downloaded on October 01,2020 at 09:31:49 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
would indicate alterations required in that particular IEEE 26th Internationaal Conference on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence, pp.419-P. Kaewyong, A. Sukprasert, N. Salim and
aspect. The advantage of such systems is that quick
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comparisons can be done on the whole even with interpret using Lexicon based sentiment analysis to teacher
large amounts of student feedback. evaluation,” 3rd International Conference on Artificial
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