Unit 5

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New Total English

1. Adolescent- the period of time in a person's life when they are
developing into an adult (10-19)
2. (Young) adult- a person who is fully grown or developed (18-
3. Baby- a very young child, especially one that has not yet begun
to walk or talk (0-12 months)
4. Middle-aged person- Neither young nor old. People between
the ages of 40 and 60 are usually considered to be middle-aged
5. Retired person- an older person who has left his or her job and
has usually stopped working completely (60+)
6. Teenager- a person aged between 13 and 19 years
7. Toddler- a young child usually between one and three years old;
a young child who is just beginning to walk (1-3)
8. Get a place of your own- he/she should find a house or flat of
his/her own to live in
9. Retire- to leave your job or stop working because of old age or
ill health
10. Start wearing make-up- to put make-up on your skin
11. Compulsory- required by a law or rule
12. Optional- depending on what you decide to do
13. Do military service- army training that young people must
do in some countries; time spent serving in the army, navy, air
force, etc.
14. Get in touch (with someone)- Start contact again after not
speaking for some time
15. Keep in touch (with someone) – Continue contact
16. Lose touch (with someone) – Have no more contact
17. Catch up (with someone) – Find out what has happened
during the time you haven`t spoken to someone
18. Get on (with someone) – Have a good relationship
19. Fall out (with someone) – Stop being friends after an
20. Go out (with someone) – Have a romantic, loving
21. Split up with someone) – End a loving relationship
22. Lifespan- the length of time for which something exists or
23. Involve- to include as a necessary circumstance, condition,
or consequence
24. Disease- a condition of a person, animal, or plant in
which its body or structure is harmed because
an organ or part is unable to work as it usually does; an illness

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