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AWS Solutions Architect Associate Cheat Sheet

migrating from sqs standard to fifo

launch configuration and launch template – ASG
placement groups
Gateway Endpoint instead of an Interface Endpoint
enhanced fan out kinesis
scaling policies in Auto scaling group
permission boundary vs scp
Using the Amazon SQS message group ID
Bursting throughput and provisioned throughput
fully meshed vpc peers – transit vpc
Use AWS Global Accelerator to distribute a portion of traffic to a particular deployment
Change instance tenancy

ECS and Elastic beanstalk

s3 object lock vs glacier vault lock
vpc flowlogs and xray
aws cost explorer vs trusted advisor
vpc sharing and vpc peering
kinesis enhanced fanout

1. What is rate based rule in AWS WAF?

Rate-based Rules are type of Rule that can be configured in AWS WAF, allowing you to
specify the number of web requests that are allowed by a client IP in a trailing, continuously
updated, 5 minute period.

2. Amazon SQS temporary queues ... Temporary queues help you save development time and
deployment costs when using common message patterns such as request-response.

3. Moving from a standard queue to a FIFO queue:

You can't convert an existing standard queue into a FIFO queue. To make the move, you
must either create a new FIFO queue for your application or delete your existing standard
queue and recreate it as a FIFO queue.

To make sure that your application correctly works with a FIFO queue, use the following

 If you use batching, FIFO queues support up to 3,000 messages per second, per API
method (SendMessageBatch, ReceiveMessage, or DeleteMessageBatch). The 3000
messages per second represent 300 API calls, each with a batch of 10 messages. To
request a quota increase, submit a support request. Without batching, FIFO queues
support up to 300 API calls per second, per API method (SendMessage,
ReceiveMessage, or DeleteMessage).

 FIFO queues don't support per-message delays, only per-queue delays. If your
application sets the same value of the DelaySeconds parameter on each message, you
must modify your application to remove the per-message delay and set DelaySeconds
on the entire queue instead.

 Every message sent to a FIFO queue requires a message group ID. If you don't need
multiple ordered message groups, specify the same message group ID for all your

 The name of a FIFO queue must end with the .fifo suffix.

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