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Questions to probe the Trainee’s underpinning Satisfactory

knowledge response
Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No
1.What are first point to consider in preparing trial
❑ ❑
2. How does the trial balance help in ensuring
❑ ❑
accuracy in financial reporting?
Safety Questions
3. What are the safety precautions you must
❑ ❑
undertake if you will use computer equipment?
4. How do you ensure data integrity and
confidentiality throughout the trial balance ❑ ❑
Job Role and Environment Role
5. How are you going to work with others? ❑ ❑
6. How does your role in preparing the trial balance
contribute to the overall financial reporting process ❑ ❑
of the organization?
Contingency Questions
7. What are you going to use if you have no computer
❑ ❑
8. What steps would you take if you encounter
❑ ❑
discrepancies while preparing the trial balance?
Rules and Regulations
9. How are you going to do if the trial balance is not
❑ ❑
10. How do you ensure compliance with regulatory
❑ ❑
requirements while preparing the trial balance?
The Trainee’s underpinning ❑Not
knowledge was: Satisfactory
Feedback to Trainee
General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed]

Trainee Date
signature: :
Trainer Date
Signature: :

Questions to probe the Trainee’s underpinning
Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No
1. The first point to consider in preparing a trial balance
is ensuring that all transactions from the accounting
period are accurately recorded in the general ledger. ❑ ❑
This includes double-checking entries for accuracy
and completeness.
2. The trial balance helps ensure accuracy in financial
reporting by providing a systematic way to verify that
debits equal credits, which is fundamental to the
double-entry accounting system. Any discrepancies ❑ ❑
highlighted in the trial balance can indicate errors or
irregularities that need to be investigated and
corrected before financial statements are prepared.
Safety Questions
3. When using computer equipment, safety precautions
include ensuring that the equipment is properly
grounded and maintained, avoiding spills and
keeping liquids away from electronic devices, using ❑ ❑
ergonomically designed furniture to prevent strain or
injury, and following manufacturer instructions for
safe operation.
4. Data integrity and confidentiality throughout the trial
balance process can be ensured by implementing
access controls and user permissions, encrypting
❑ ❑
sensitive data, regularly backing up data to prevent
loss, and following established protocols for handling
and storing financial information securely.
Job Role and Environment Role
5. Working with others in preparing the trial balance
involves effective communication, collaboration, and
teamwork. This may include coordinating with
colleagues in different departments, seeking ❑ ❑
clarification on transactions, and sharing relevant
information to ensure accuracy and completeness of
the trial balance.
6. The role in preparing the trial balance contributes to
the overall financial reporting process by providing a
crucial step in the preparation of accurate financial
statements. The trial balance serves as a foundation
❑ ❑
for preparing other financial reports and analysis,
aiding stakeholders in making informed decisions
about the organization's financial health.
Contingency Questions
7. If computer equipment is not available, alternative
methods such as manual bookkeeping or using
spreadsheets on paper can be employed. However, it's
❑ ❑
essential to ensure that these methods maintain
accuracy and integrity in recording financial
8. Steps to take if discrepancies are encountered while
preparing the trial balance include reviewing
transactions for errors, reconciling accounts to
identify discrepancies, and tracing errors back to ❑ ❑
their source for correction. In cases where
discrepancies persist, seeking assistance from
supervisors or colleagues may be necessary.
Rules and Regulations
9. If the trial balance is not equal, steps should be taken
to identify and rectify the errors causing the
imbalance. This may involve reviewing journal
entries, ledger accounts, and trial balance ❑ ❑
calculations to pinpoint and correct inaccuracies,
ensuring compliance with accounting principles and
10. Compliance with regulatory requirements while
preparing the trial balance involves adhering to
relevant accounting standards (e.g., GAAP or IFRS),
ensuring accurate and transparent financial
❑ ❑
reporting, and maintaining documentation to support
financial transactions. Regular audits and internal
reviews can help verify compliance and identify areas
for improvement.

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