11d 34 Comprehension Vocab

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1 Tick () the five sentences that are correct.

1 Tamsin is from the USA. 
2 She has no plans in the UK. 
3 She is a photographer. 
4 She is in London for London Fashion Week. 
5 She is resting this afternoon. 
6 She is staying in London for a week. 
7 She is going to fly to Ireland next week. 
8 She is going to visit her grandmother. 

2 Listen to five conversations. Match the conversations with where the speakers are planning to go
Conversation 1  A to China
Conversation 2  B nowhere (to stay at home)
Conversation 3  C to a conference
Conversation 4  D to the forest
Conversation 5  E to the airport

3 Listen to a conversation between Jack and his mother. Tick () A, B or C to complete the
1 Jack’s mother is going to cook ______ in half an hour.
A dinner  B lunch  C breakfast 
2 Jack has been at college ______.
A this afternoon  B all day  C this morning 
3 Jack has already picked up his ______.
A dirty shoes  B college books  C dirty clothes 
4 One thing Jack’s mother asks him to do is ______.
A lay the table for dinner  B clean the floor  C clear the table 
5 For Jack, doing the housework is ______.
A depressing  B boring  C interesting 

4 Listen to five conversations. Match the conversations with the topics (A–G). There are two answers
you don’t need.
Conversation 1  A reading a good book
Conversation 2  B doing a new sport
Conversation 3  C buying something you’ve never used
Conversation 4  D writing about clothes
Conversation 5  E shopping in a foreign city
F wearing something unusual
G cooking something new

1 Read the article about people who work at Heathrow airport and tick () A, B, or C.

Airport jobs
At Heathrow airport, there are hundreds of interesting jobs people can do. We spoke to three people who
work there.

James Green, 26, security officer

‘After I left college, I worked for a security company abroad. I wanted to come back to the UK so I applied for
a job as a security officer at Heathrow. It’s our job to keep passengers and staff safe at all times. I meet
passengers from all over the world every day and help them with their problems. People are usually friendly,
but sometimes they get angry, especially if there are long queues or delays.’

Teresa Jones, 30, service manager

‘My job is to help passengers have a good journey through the airport terminal, from Arrivals to Departures. I
talk to people all day and I’m tired in the evening. But it’s also very exciting, because it changes all the time.
One minute you are making new travel arrangements for passengers, and the next minute you are dealing
with a problem at passport control. The only bad thing about my job is getting up very early.’

Husain Khaled, 35, terminal controller

‘My first job at the airport was as a security officer. After that, I did a lot of different jobs here. When I saw a
job for a terminal controller, I decided to apply. I like doing this work because there are all kinds of things to
deal with – security, communication, safety, and so on. It can be very busy and I spend a lot of time talking
to people on my mobile, but it’s always interesting.’

1 It is James’s job to keep _____.

A the staff busy  B the passengers busy  C the passengers safe 
2 James says that passengers are sometimes _____.
A angry  B friendly  C hungry 
3 Teresa thinks her job is _____.
A boring  B exciting  C difficult 
4 The bad thing about Teresa’s job is _____.
A dealing with problems  B getting up early  C helping passengers 
5 Husain likes working at Heathrow because _____.
A it’s interesting work  B he likes airports  C the people are friendly 
6 In the article, Husain talks about _____.
A problems  B long queues  C communication 

2 Write J for James, T for Teresa, or H for Husain.

Example: I worked in another country. J
1 I talk on my mobile phone a lot. _____
2 I am often tired in the evening. _____
3 The passengers I meet are usually friendly. _____
4 I make new travel arrangements for passengers. _____
5 Before this job, I did many different jobs here. _____
6 At passport control, I deal with people’s problems. _____
7 I went to college before starting work. _____
8 My job changes all the time. _____
9 I help people have a good journey through the airport terminal. _____
2 Read a teenager’s blog about shopping and tick () A, B, or C.

Shopping with mother?

I’m Cathy Huang and I’m 16. Welcome to my blog. This week I’m writing about shopping with your mother.
Thanks for reading!

Have you ever been shopping with your mother? I’d like to hear you say ‘Yes, and it was fun.’ But are you
really telling the truth? I went to the shopping centre yesterday with my mum. She wanted to buy me a dress
for her birthday party. She’s going to be 50 next weekend. So what’s the problem with that? I hear you ask.

Well, the problem is, my mother always wants to buy me what she wants, not what I want. And we want very
different things. I tried on a beautiful red dress, but she said it didn’t fit. (It was very short!) Then I tried on a
long skirt, but she didn’t like the colour. (It was purple!) I was in and out of changing rooms all day and we
couldn’t agree on anything. She rolled her eyes and complained about everything I tried on. It was so
depressing. And so boring. By 5 o’clock my feet were killing me and I still didn’t have a dress for the party.

Next time Mum wants to take me shopping, I’m going to tell her my room is a terrible mess and I have to tidy
it now. I know it’s not very nice to lie, but shopping with my mother is not fun. And, I’ve just seen a fantastic
dress on eBay. It’s so chic. I’m going to look amazing at Mum’s party.

1 Cathy went shopping with her mother yesterday.

A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
2 Cathy’s mum wanted to buy her a dress.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
3 It’s Cathy’s birthday next weekend.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
4 Cathy’s mum likes to buy what Cathy wants.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
5 Cathy’s mum tried on a dress too.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
6 Cathy’s mum complained about everything Cathy tried on.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
7 Cathy thought it was a boring shopping trip.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
8 By 5 o’clock, Cathy had a dress for the birthday party.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
9 Cathy wants to go shopping with her mum again.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
10 The dress on eBay is very expensive.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 

2 Read the blog again and answer the questions.

1 What do Cathy and her mum want?
2 What did Cathy’s mum think of the long skirt?
3 What did Cathy and her mum agree on?
4 Next time, what is Cathy going to tell her mum about her room?
5 How is Cathy going to look at the birthday party?
1. Read the definitions and write the words.
a) The place where you try on clothes before buying them. ________________________
b) If you're not happy with something you've bought,you can _ it _ . _________________________
c) Some people call it 'plastic money'. ________________________________
d) The piece of paper which they give you in a shop after you pay for something. _________________________
e) A person who works, for example, in a boutique. ________________________
f) It's the place in a supermarket where you pay for the things you buy. __________________________
g) Another word for 'a thing' you buy. ___________________________
h) It has four wheels and you push it in the supermarket. _______________________
i) The verb we use to say that something isn't too big or too small for you. ___________________
j) When you buy something on a website, the thing you have bought goes into your _____________________ .
k) If you want something sent to your house, you need to give a ______________________ address.
l) If a pair of jeans is too big or too small for you, they're not your ______________________ .
m) It's a verb which we use when clothes look good on you. _______________________
n) eBay is an _________________________ website.

2. Are the prepositions right (√) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong ones.
What time does your plane arrive in Madrid? ______ at_____________
When I arrived to the museum, it was closed. __________√__________
a) He depends of his parents to give him money. __________________________
b) I completely agree with you. __________________________
c) Can you ask the teacher to a photocopy? __________________________
d) It's your birthday. I'll pay back the dinner tonight. __________________________
e) Do you spend a lot of money on clothes? __________________________
f) She writes to him every day. __________________________
g) My husband's worried with his job at the moment. __________________________
h) What do you think about my new shoes? __________________________
i) I can't think about anybody except Pete at the moment! __________________________
j) How often do you speak at your sister on Skype? __________________________
k) Maria's invited me for a concert, but I don't want to go. __________________________
l) She's fallen in love to her sister's boyfriend! __________________________
m) Sally waited 30 minutes for the bus. __________________________

3 Complete the airport words in the sentences.

a) I said goodbye to Stefan in d__________before his flight to Rome.
b) After the flight they went to b__________ reclaim to get their suitcases.
c) I can’t carry all these bags. I need a t__________.
d) You can take the l__________ or the stairs to the next floor.
e) He had nothing to declare so he didn’t stop at c__________.
f) They went through passport c__________ before they got on the plane.
g) Flight 310 to Paris leaves from g__________ number 6.
h) Which t__________ do international flights arrive at?
4 Complete the sentences with the correct word.
a) Don’t leave your clothes on the floor. _______them up. clean leave pick find
b) Agnes never __________ her bed in the morning. puts does makes lays
c) Don’t forget to __________ out the rubbish before you go to bed. take make do tidy
d) Mark forgot to do the __________, so there aren’t any clean plates. drying washing shopping washing up
e) I think I __________ a mistake in my homework. did made put took
f) Dinner is nearly ready. Can you __________ the table, Joanne? lay put lie make
g) Janine is __________ a French course at the local college. making lying doing going
h) I’ve just __________ the kitchen floor. Don’t walk on it! washed made cleaned ironed

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