BSBCRT512 - Assessment Task 2

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Current issues Recently, the management conducted an audit of the

organisation to identify the key issues in the different operations of the
organisation. Based on the outcomes of the audit, the following were the
key issues in the operations of the organisation:

Issue1:Staff development programs

Based on the outcomes of the audit conducted, it was identified thatthe

employees are notable to achieve the desired performance
benchmarks. After analysing the root cause of this issue, it was
identified that the current staff development program is incompetent to
aid with staff training, help staff develop their skills, knowledge and
aptitudes necessary tomake a more effective contribution to the
organisation and instils within them a sense of recognition, achievement
and job satisfaction. The following were the issues identified in the staff
development program:

•The training needs analysis is conducted once a year. The industry in

which the business operates changes very rapidly. It is important to
assess employees' skillsand identifythetrainingneeds on a regular

•The current staff development program lacks focus on

thedevelopmentof leadershipskills of the staff members.

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021
•Currently, coaching and mentoring are the only staff development
methods used at the organisation. There is lack on
focusonindividualneeds. Rather, individual learning plans should be
prepared, and staff development methods should be adopted that best
suits the learner's needs.

•There are no systems or processes in place tomonitoror track

employee's performance after the implementation of staff development

Issues2: Current marketing strategies

The current marketing strategies of the organisation has lacked the

capability to raisea warenes so fnew products/servicesand capture
customer feedback.The managementwantsto have an advertising or
marketing campaign to raise awareness of a new productand capture
customer feedback. They aim of the advertising or marketing campaign
is to reach consumers in a variety of ways and involve a combination of
media, including but not limited to e-mail, print advertising, television or
radio advertising, pay-per-click, and social media. Your role and
responsibilities The management wants you to develop, refine and
implement a concept development process to address the workplace
issues. As part of your job role, you have the following job

• Consult with the senior management and select business issue to be


• Assess possible solutions to the selected business issue, identify and

assess restrictions considering job role and organisational policy

• Conduct research and gather information on possible solutions to

identified issues

• Assess the factors affecting the viability of possible solutions

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021
• Present ideas and information to others and brainstorm ideas for
addressing the issue and evaluate them against identified factors
affecting the viability

• Conduct a comparison of ideas for addressing issue against best

practice examples of similar products or programs or processes or

•Evaluate the operational factors that will affect the implementation of


• Select the solution based on the comparison and evaluation conducted

and present a solution in a relevant format to stakeholders

• Seek feedback on ideas from stakeholders and respond to the

questions of the stakeholders with substantiated answers

• Document feedback according to organisational requirements and

refine the chosen solution in response to feedback. Restrictions: Based
on your job role and organisational policy, you have the following

• Each possible solution to the business issue must be discussed with

the General Manager before further research is carried out.

• General Manager and other relevant stakeholders need to be

consulted, and feedback must be gathered on different ideas before
finalising the solution.

Activity 1:Consult with General Manager and selectissuetobe explored

Description of the activity This activity requires you to arrange a meeting
withthe supervisor of the organisation and select the issue to be
explored considering the operations of the organisation and the existing

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021
•The trainer/assessor will take on the role of General Manager

•The trainer/assessor must allocate one issue to the student from the
issues gives in the case study that the student need to explore.

The purpose of the meeting is to consult the supervisor and select the
issue to be explored. Before the meeting, you are required to develop
ameeting agenda and send an e- mail to
theteammemberstoinvitethemtothemeeting. The meeting agenda must
be prepared, considering the objectives of the meeting and using the
template provided. Themeeting agenda must discuss the purpose of the
meeting and provide details regarding the place,date and time of the

After preparing the meeting agenda, you are then required to sendan
e-mail to the staffmembers to invite them to the meeting.

During the meeting,you must:

•Welcome the supervisor

•Provide an introduction to themeeting'spurpose

•Discuss: oBoth the issues specified in the workplace/simulated

scenario given in the assessmentt ask.

oThe existing systems and processesin place for t he specified issues

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021
oThe priority of both the issues considering the operations of the

•Provide an opportunity for discussion.

oListen and comprehend information from avariety of spoken

exchanges with the participants of the meeting

After the meeting, you must provide summary outcomes of the meeting
using the meetingminutes template provided. After preparing the
meeting minutes, send an e-mail to the attendees of the meeting.
Guidelines for writing the e-mail:

•Ensure the text written in the e-mail is grammatically correct and free
of errors.

•Use business style writing.

•The text must provide a summary of the attachment.

•Attach meeting minutes to the e-mail.

Activity 2:

Generate potential ideas that provide innovative solutions to the

identified issue and identify restrictions

Description of the activity This activity requires you to generate potential

ideas that provide innovative solutions to the identified issue and identify
restrictions. To do so, you need to:

•Review existing information. This will be the base that informs the new
concept developments

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021
•Identify areas for improvements, consider the issue and use this
information as a catalyst for the new ideas or concepts that will need to
be developed.

•Research and explore opportunities that may not initially seem obvious
to expand the potential of new ideas

•Research the issue and come up withatleasttwodifferentsolutions

•Identify restrictions considering your job role and organisational policy.

•Identify and list positive and negative factors that can affect the
solutions •Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the new

•Generate preliminary ideas for addressing the issue you have

identified.You should aim to develop four tosix creative ideas.

Activity 3:

Assess factors affecting the viability of possible solutions

Descriptionoftheactivity This activity is a continuation of Activity 2. This
activity requires you to assess the factors affecting the viability of
possible solutions identified in Activity 1.

Activity 4:

Brainstorm ideas for addressing the issue and evaluate them against
identified factors affecting the viability Descriptionoftheactivity This
activity is a continuation of Activity 2 and Activity 3. This activity requires
you to arrange a meeting with your team members. The team members
will be allocated to you by the trainer/assessor

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021
Before the meeting,

Prepare a presentation that includes the following details: oIssue

identified oPossible solutions oFactors affecting the viability of possible
solutions •Develop a meeting agenda and send an e-mail to the team
members to invite them to the meeting.

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021
The meeting agenda must be prepared, considering the objectives of
the meeting and using the template provided. The meeting agenda must
discuss the purpose of the meeting and provide details regarding the
place, date and time of the meeting.


Use formal communication style, encouraging and respectful tone

•Ask questions to clarify and confirm understanding

•Listen actively

•Understand the information needs of others

•Adapt communication to suit the audience

•Answer questions clearly and concisely

•Use non-verbal communication skills that encourage discussion and

feedback: nodding, smiling, eye contac

During the meeting

Welcome the participants •Provide an introduction to the brainstorming

session •Deliver the presentation •Brainstorm ideas for addressing the
issue. Provide an opportunity for discussion. oListen and comprehend
information from a variety of spoken exchanges with the participants of
the meeting oProvide an opportunity for the audience to ask questions
oRespond to questions. oAcknowledge and respond to differences in

During the meeting, the team members will:

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021
•Present their insights into the issue and ideas to address the issues.
Close the meeting:

•Summarise the agreed outcomes

•Complete the evaluation template After the meeting, you must provide
summary outcomes of the meeting using the meeting minutes template

After preparing the meeting minutes, send an e-mail to the attendees of

the meeting.

After conducting

The final concept proposal must include the following details:

•Proposed solution

•Comparison against two (2) best practice examples of similar programs

or processes.

•Strengths and weaknesses based on the comparison conducted

•Reason for selection of the proposed solution Implementation plan The

implementation plan must include the following details:

•Key areas/factors •What actions need to be implemented?

•Resources required


•Responsible person/s

Activity 5:

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021
Compare ideas for addressing the issue and select and present an
appropriate solution

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 4. This activity requires you to

analyse the outcomes of the evaluation conducted in activity 3 and
compare the ideas with best practice examples of similar programs or

After conducting the analysis of evaluation and comparison of ideas:

create a final concept proposal and implementation for these lected

use the template provided to create a final concept proposal and

implementation plan.

. Final concept proposal The final concept proposal must include the
following details:

•Proposed solution

•Comparison against two (2) best practice examples of similar programs

or processes.

•Strengths and weaknesses based on the comparison conducted

•Reason for selection of the proposed solution Implementation plan The
implementation plan must include the following details:

•Key areas/factors

•What actions need to be implemented?

•Resources required

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021

•Responsible person/s

Activity 6:

Refine solutions for implementation Descriptionoftheactivity This activity

is a continuation of Activity 5. This activity requires you to arrange a
meeting with your team members.

Before the meeting

Prepare a presentation that includes the following details

O Information related to the final concept proposal oInformation related

to the implantation plan

•Develop a meeting agenda and send an e-mail to the team members

to invite them to the meeting. The meeting agenda must be prepared,
considering the objectives of the meeting and using the template
provided. The meeting agenda must discuss the purpose of the meeting
and provide details regarding the place, date and time of the meeting.

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021
When conducting the meeting

•Use formal communication style, encouraging and respectful tone

•Ask questions to clarify and confirm understanding

•Listen actively

•Understand the information needs of others

•Adapt communication to suit the audience

•Answer questions clearly and concisely

•Use non-verbal communication skills that encourage discussion and

feedback: nodding, smiling, eye contact

During the meeting: •Welcome the participants

•Provide an introduction to the purpose of the meeting

•Deliver the presentation

•Seek feedback on ideas from stakeholders

•Respond to questions with substantiated answers

Provide an opportunity for discussion.

oListen and comprehend information from a variety of spoken

exchanges with the participants of the meeting

oProvide an opportunity for the audience to ask questions

oRespond to questions.

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021
oAcknowledge and respond to differences in opinions.

•Clarify the understanding and doubts of the stakeholder

•Document feedback in the meeting minutes

Close the meeting:

•Summarise the agreed

After the meeting

Provide summary outcomes of the meeting using the meeting minutes

template provided.

•Make revisions to the final concept proposal and implementation plan

to refine and finalise solution considering the feedback gathered. After
preparing the meeting minutes, send an e-mail to the attendees of the

Guidelines for writing the e-mail: •Ensure the text written in the e-mail
is grammatically correct and free of errors.

•Use business style writing.

•The text must provide a summary of the attachment.

•Attach meeting minutes to the e-mail.

Evidence to be submitted: •Meeting agenda and meeting minutes

•Revised final concept proposal and implementation plan

Assessment 2 BSBCRT512 Student Assessment Guide v2.1 Updated January 2021

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