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1. Hazard recognition methods include:

a) Workplace inspections
b) Job hazard analysis
c) Reports of problem or concerns by workers or supervisors
d) All of the above

2. To be effective, a control must satisfy four criteria. Which of these is not true about them:
a) Adequately control the hazard to eliminate the danger
b) It must protect all workers who are likely to be exposed
c) It must not create a new hazard in the workplace
d) It should never be re-evaluated after the initial control has been established

3. Hazards can be controlled by:

a) Elimination, Substitution, Engineering, Administrative, Personal Protective Equipment
b) Elimination, Subtraction, Engineering, Administrative, Personal Protective Equipment
c) Elevation, Substitution, Engineering, Administrative, Personal Protective Equipment
d) Rotation, Subtraction, Engineering, Administrative, Personal Protective Equipment

4. RACE is the acronym for Recognizing, Assessing, Controlling and Evaluation (0.5 mark)
a) True
b) False

5. Controlling the hazard at the earliest stage of the process or equipment design would
provide the greatest level of protection
a) True
b) False

6. How would you go about conducting a hazard assessment?

7. What is an occupational hazard?

8. What are the different hazards? Give 2 examples of each

9. What are the different contributing factors? Give 2 examples of each

10. Provide 2 examples of hazard control: at the source, along the path, and at the worker

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