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Virtualization Implementation Overview

To apply virtualization using Docker for our group project, we would follow these steps:

1. Install Docker:

We begin by installing Docker on our machine. Docker provides a platform for developers to
develop, ship, and run applications in containers.

2. Dockerfile Creation:

We would create a Dockerfile in the root directory of our group project. This file will contain
instructions for building a Docker image that will run the application.

a. Define Base Image:

We would specify a base image for project’s Docker container. Since, we have used
Node.js and express for server-side programming, we can use an official Node.js
image such as 22-alpine from Docker Hub.

b. Copy Project Files:

We would copy our server side code files into the Docker image using the `COPY`
instruction in the Dockerfile.

c. Install Dependencies:

Using the `RUN` instruction in the Dockerfile, we would run `npm install` to install
project dependencies.

d. Expose Ports (Optional):

We would use the `EXPOSE` instruction in the Dockerfile to expose a port for
incoming connections on that specific port such as “3000”.

e. Define Startup Command:

We would specify the command `npm start` to start web application using the `CMD`
instruction in the Dockerfile.

3. Build Docker Image:

We would run the `docker build` command in the terminal, pointing to the directory
containing project’s Dockerfile. This command will build a Docker image based on the
instructions in the Dockerfile.

4. Run Docker Container:

Once the Docker image is built, we can run a Docker container based on that image using the
`docker run` command specifying any necessary options such as port mappings or
environment variables.

5. Testing:

We would test server application running in the Docker container to ensure that it behaves as
expected. Deploying the Docker container to the preferred environment, whether it's a local
development environment, staging server, or production server.

6. Deployment:

Then we would deploy the Docker container to our docker hub account using the following

a. Create Docker Hub Account:

We would create an account on Docker Hub (

b. Use the command `docker login` command to authenticate with Docker Hub.

c. Push Image to Docker Hub:

Once logged in, push the Docker image to Docker Hub using the following

docker push <username>/<repository-name>:<tag>

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