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MARKS : 70


NAME :…………………................................................................

STUDENT NUMBER :….......………..….................................................................



· Candidates answer on the booklet provided.

· Write your Name and Surname in the spaces on the front page of the booklet.
· Write in dark blue or black pen.
· Do not use correction fluid.
· Draw a right-hand margin.
· Answer all questions.

· Dictionaries are not allowed.

· The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of the question or part question.

NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1



Task 1

Read the article about parkrun and then answer the questions that follow.

The Parkrun Story

Paul Sinton-Hewitt, the founder of parkrun tells us the story behind the phenomenon.

At 8.45am on October 2nd, 2004, 13 amateur runners came together in Bushy Park in South-
West London to start a revolution. By 2006, the idea had spread to other towns and cities. In 2007,
the number of runs reached nearly 25000, and Parkrun organised its first international event in
Zimbabwe. We may not have known it at the time, but the Bushy Park Time Trial has developed
into a global community of over 1,000,000 runners.

Parkrun has changed the running landscape for good, drawing in people from way outside
traditional athletic groups and providing a good reason to get out of bed on a Saturday morning in
all the communities it touches. And what’s more, it hasn’t charged any of those runners a penny.
From day one, I never wanted parkrun to compete with the clubs and I didn’t want it to compete
with the races. I just wanted to be a part of the community. My objection to clubs and governing
bodies is that they feel they own you and they can direct you to do things, and in fact, that’s not
true. People do what they want to do. All we are doing here is building a playground, and if you
want to come and take part, you can. The best thing about parkrun is that it’s free in every sense
of the word – it’s not just that you don’t have to pay, but you’re not signing your life away either,
there are no terms and conditions, just the same obligations you’d have as a citizen walking down
the street.

So how did it start? Well, in 2004 I got fired from a job, and at the same time, I also got injured.
All these things conspired to make it possible for me to start the first parkrun. Circumstance. It
had been on my mind for quite a few years – I was a club runner, I enjoyed club running, and you
always depend on people volunteering, so I knew my time would come, I just didn’t know when.
So October 2004, 13 runners met up here in Bushy Park, and I think I knew ten of the 13.

We’ve doubled every year. One to five, five to 15, 15 to 35 and so on. People asked me in those
days ‘What’s your goal?’, and I’d say, well, I think there should be a parkrun in every community.
I didn’t really think it would be me who would be making that happen. It’s so simple, it should just
exist. Right from the word go we refused to call it a race, it was a run, and we said you can run with
your dog and you can push a buggy. I think those things together made it possible for people who
traditionally felt excluded from competition to feel included. And it is fantastic, because everyone
can take part!
(Adapted from blog.strava.com)

NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1


1. Where exactly was the first parkrun held?

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

2. When did parkrun become popular internationally?

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

3. How did parkrun change traditional running evens? Give two details.
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
........................................................................................................................................ [1]

4. What was the main reason Paul started the organization parkrun?
........................................................................................................................................ [2]

5. What according to Paul is parkrun’s main attraction?

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

6. Quote one word that summarises the reason why Paul started parkrun.
........................................................................................................................................ [1]

7. How many people joined the first parkrun who were known to Paul?
........................................................................................................................................ [1]

8. What makes parkrun different from other races?

........................................................................................................................................ [1]


NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1


Task 2

Read the following article in which four people who are interested in photography and then answer
the questions that follow.

Why I love photography

Four young people talk about their hobby

A – Susan
I’ve been taking photos for as long as I can remember. I really think it helps me show my creative side.
As digital photography has become common, and cameras have gotten smaller and more powerful, what
was once an expensive hobby has become something that large numbers of people regularly enjoy. I’m
lucky enough to have a top-of-the-range camera now. Of course, I didn’t have anything expensive at first,
but I still got a huge amount of enjoyment from my first simple camera, and that’s what got me interested.
There have been some displays from really famous photographers in the city where I live, and although
I love looking at their pictures, I try not to let them influence me too much. I think it’s important to focus
on taking pictures in my own way – that’s what keeps things interesting for me!

B – Tangeni
I really love photography, and have become more creative with my images. I can take pictures of almost
anything and make them look better by managing settings on my camera or using computer software.
It’s really fun, although I think my approach is a bit more advanced than the typical things most people do
for social media posts. People are also constantly taking pictures to boast about what they’re doing! I’m
more serious about my hobby. When I want to take pictures, mostly at weekends, I pack up my camera
and go and plan my shots carefully. I’m not someone who takes hundreds of photos hoping that one will
be good. I know taking pictures is something I do well, and it might sound strange, but this has made me
feel that I can take on all sorts of other challenges too, like sports, for example.

C – Paul
Why do I love photography? I mean, let’s face it. If it was just a matter of finding a new hobby, there are
far less expensive undertakings for me to consider. I’ve taken up photography as a means to support my
family. It provides a steady and predictable cash flow and I even have some money left over to spend on
myself. But I also have far more personal reasons. The reason I picked up the camera in the first place
and caught the shutterbug virus has to do with my mode of operation as a human, as it gives me a sense
of freedom and exhilaration. To be able to capture memories is one of the most satisfying experiences
and I get to do it every single day.

D - Mary
I have a passion for photography for various reasons. Firstly, photos tell stories about places people
have been to, or things they’ve done. I’m sure my friends get a much clearer idea of what I’ve been doing
when I show them my photos. People say ‘a picture paints a thousand words’ after all! Photography
has also helped open my mind by encouraging me to consider common objects in new and unexpected
ways, as I like taking pictures from unusual angles, or strange close-ups – things people don’t expect. I
read a lot about famous photographers, and the more I read, the more I’m amazed at the different styles,
ideas and techniques. There are more than enough to keep me busy! If you’re interested in taking up
photography as a hobby, I’d say the best thing to do is to just get out there and start taking pictures of
different things as soon as you can!

NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1


9. The questions below are about the four people (A-D) expressing their thoughts about
photography. For each question write the correct letter A, B, C, or D in the space provided.

Which person …

(a) explains how taking good photos has improved their confidence? …….. [1]
(b) says that taking photos helps them think about everyday things differently?
..…….. [1]

(c) mentions that photography is more than just making money? ..….…. [1]

(d) explains how they use photos to give people a better understanding of their
experiences? ………. [1]

(e) says that they avoid copying the style of other photographers? ………. [1]

(f) mentions that doing photography is very expensive? …….... [1]

(g) says that using a basic camera gave them pleasure when they started out?
…….... [1]
(h) suggests that there is still a lot they can learn from experts in the subject?
…….... [1]
(i) says that they find the different styles and techniques fascinating? …….... [1]


NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1


10. Read the article about the raw food diet and then complete the notes on the following page.

Raw Food Diet

The raw food diet, often called raw foodism or raw veganism, is composed of mostly or completely
raw and unprocessed foods. A food is considered raw if it has never been heated over 104–
118°F (40–48°C). It should also not be refined, pasteurized, treated with pesticides or otherwise
processed in any way.

Instead, the diet allows several alternative preparation methods, such as juicing, blending,
dehydrating, soaking and sprouting, as many believe cooking makes food toxic. Those who are
stern believers claim that a raw food diet can clear up headaches and allergies, boost immunity and
memory, and improve arthritis and diabetes.

Similar to veganism, the raw food diet is usually plant-based, being made up mostly of fruits,
vegetables, nuts and seeds. While most raw food diets are completely plant-based, some people
also consume raw eggs and dairy. Less commonly, raw fish and meat may be included as well.
Additionally, taking supplements is typically discouraged on the raw food diet. Proponents often
claim that the diet will give you all the nutrients you need.

Supporters also believe that heating food is harmful to human health because it destroys the
natural enzymes in foods, and reduces their nutrient content, which is bad because enzymes boost
digestion and fight chronic disease. In short: When you cook it, you kill it.

People follow the raw food diet for the benefits they believe it has, such as improved vitality
and a reduced impact on the environment. However, some foods are not safe to eat uncooked.
The cooking process breaks down toxic chemicals in some food, and others carry a risk of food

Moreover, some foods contain phytic acid, which can block the body’s absorption of essential
minerals. Cooking reduces the level of phytic acid. Eating raw seafood and shellfish can pass on
harmful bacteria and raw eggs can cause salmonella which can be deadly. It is therefore imperative
that you should make sure that they take in an adequate amount of nutrients and supplements,
otherwise they may experience not only digestive problems, but also be less healthy than what
they intended.
(Adapted from medicalnewstoday.com)

NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1


You are going to give a talk about a raw food diet to your class at school. Prepare some short
notes under each heading as a basis for your talk. The first one has been done for you.

Advantages of a raw food diet

• Healthy

• ___________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________

Disadvantages of a raw food diet

• ___________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________


NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1


Task 4

Read the article about Garry Kasparov and the answer the questions that follow.

Growing plants in underwater biospheres

Living underwater may not be as far in the future as we imagine it to be with the news of a stunning
futuristic underwater biosphere concept.

Under the sea, off the coast of Italy, scientists are investigating a new way of growing plants. They
are growing them in air-filled structures called biospheres, which look like large balloons attached
to the seabed by ropes. They have been designed by a diving company called Ocean Reef
Group, which has combined its knowledge of the sea with an interest in technology, to research a
new method of producing food.

The biospheres contain plants, such as lettuce, beans and strawberries, which are produced
using a method called ‘hydroponics’. This means growing plants in water, not soil. A fresh water
supply is essential for these plants as they cannot grow in seawater. A natural process known as
desalination is used, therefore to remove the salt from the seawater, in order to provide the fresh
water required by the plants. As a result of this process, the biospheres are able to benefit from a
continuous supply of fresh water, something which plants grown on land cannot count on.

Plants in biospheres are no different from plants on land, in that they need a combination of
water and sunlight to grow. Unlike crops grown on land, however, these underwater plants are
not harmed by insects. In order for the plants to receive the light they need, the biospheres are
kept close to the surface of the sea. They are therefore fixed in place with ropes that ensure
they are kept at a depth of between five and eight metres below the surface. Ocean Reef Group
has a number of biospheres, each with space for around 22 plants inside. Although the project
is currently small, the plan is to research the possibility of large-scale production. Biospheres
require expensive equipment, however, so the company has been keen to attract investment from
the public.

While evidence has shown that biosphere plants grow faster than plants grown on land, the
people working on the project have discovered that for some plants, conditions can be too damp.
A constant temperature is vital for all plants to grow effectively and this cannot be guaranteed for
plants grown on land. Structures such as glass greenhouses, for example, are directly affected
by the weather conditions outside. However, as the biospheres are under water, the temperature
inside does not vary. Although the biospheres in the project have occasionally flooded, the plants
inside are not exposed to extreme weather such as strong winds – unlike those grown on land.

Another advantage of underwater farming is the absence of parasites. No insects means there’s
no need for pesticides, so biosphere plants can be sure of being 100% organic. Nonetheless, the
growth of algae on the walls of the biospheres can limit the amount of sunlight passing through,
and the currents and rough sea can endanger the system. Hence, the pods are equipped with
cameras and sensors to constantly monitor the temperature, humidity and amount of sunlight.

There has been international interest in the biosphere project for a number of reasons, including
the fact that the plants inside are protected from diseases carried by the wind. However, not
everyone is convinced by the overall advantages of the method. For example, some opponents
have pointed out that the structures could get in the way of fishing equipment. Despite the challenge

NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1


of finding suitably qualified divers to maintain the biospheres, researchers are optimistic that
underwater farming can be a success on a large scale.

Italy presented this project to over 22 million visitors at Expo 2015. The benefits of this meticulous
scientific research are not limited to the production of vegetables. The team has observed that
the biospheres also play a role in protecting marine life. Scientists pointed out that “As well as
the wide variety of fish in the biospheres, we also find squid, moray eels, octopuses, sea horses,
starfish and mussels. We’ve been witnessing a repopulation of the surrounding marine area, year
after year.”

(Adapted from alimentarium.org)

Read the following questions based on the article about underwater biospheres. Put a tick ) in the
box next to the correct answer.

19 Biospheres are a combination of

A air-filled structures with balloon style spheres.
B water and soil.
C knowledge and technology.
D lettuce and strawberries.
20 Hydroponics is a method used to grow plants using
A water and sunlight.
B seawater and soil.
C fresh desalinated water.
D water, soil and sunlight.
21 Plants that grow in greenhouses are not affected by
A wind.
B heat.
C insects.
D flooding.
22 Biospheres are considered more effective than greenhouses because
A they are less damp.
B they have fewer insects.
C they do not need pesticides.
D they get efficient sunlight.
23 The downside of biospheres is that
A they can only be successful on a small scale.
B they have to be constantly monitored.
C they are extremely expensive.
D they are difficult to maintain.

NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1


24 What evidence is there that the biospheres are more than just growing plants?
A It was presented to 22 million visitors.
B It showed potential to be internationally recognised.
C It is able to assist in improving sea life.
D It showed that it could host humans.
25 Find one word from the text that shows the scientists spend a lot of time researching
A investigating
B meticulous
C monitor
D witnessing
26 What is the writer’s attitude towards biospheres?
A The writer is optimistic.
B The writer is sceptical.
C The writer disapproves.
D The writer is uncertain.


NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1



Task 5: Guided writing

27. You have moved to a new town and have started at a new school.
Write an email to a friend telling them about the new school.

In your email:
• compare the new town to the town you lived in before;
• describe your new school;
• suggest a place where you and your friend can spend the day in the new town.

Your email should be between 100 to 150 words long.

You will receive up to 8 marks for the content, and up to 7 marks for the style and accuracy of
your language.

NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1


Dear __________________



























NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1


Task 6: Extended Writing

28. Choose one of the following topics below:

(a) Sport produces good role models. Write an essay in which you give your opinion.
(b) Write a story which contains the following sentence: “I had no idea why I was so
(c) Describe your town very early in the morning before the sun is up.

You will receive up to 10 marks for the content, and up to 10 marks for the style and accuracy of
your language.






















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NSSCO English - Grade 11 Paper 1


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