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Last week, I had a great time to do.

My friends and I from It’s English course went

camping at Pasir Luhur Campsite, Mount Salak, Bogor. We camped there for 2 days
and 1 night. We have done many activities there.

On the first day, I went to rawa buntu station at 5 am using my motorbike. Because I
made an appointment with Ka Rocky at Tanahabang station. My commuterline train
arrived at Tanah Abang station at 7 am. And I met Della and Marsya there. We wore
blue or white clothes so we can easily be recognized when the group is complete.
After several minutes of waiting, we finally met Ka Rocky and other friends. And we
immediately boarded the train to Manggarai station for transit. After transited at
Manggarai station, we continued our trip to Bogor station. After that, at Depok Baru
station, Alfina and Farah joined us.

We chatted a lot on the trip and got to know each other. It was very fun meeting new
people. Furthermore, after arrived at Bogor station, we rested for a while and some
friends went to pray or go to the toilet, after that Ka Rocky negotiated with the public
transportation driver to rent them to our camping place, namely Pasirluhur Campsite.
It took 2 hours from Bogor station to got there. There was many funny and
unforgettable incidents on the way there, such as the public transportation not being
able to get on and the passengers had to get off first and suddenly rain when we
almost arrived at the Pasirluhur campsite. And we need to climb at the foot of Mount
Salak to reach our camping spot. The road to climb is dangerous because it is still a
path and dirt, so we have to be careful because we were climbing in heavy rain.

After arrived, the boys started putting up the tents, and the women helped with the
sweeping up a bit. And me and my friends took turns to shower. After that, Bu Yanti
cooked dinner, and it was very delicious. In the evening, we gather around the
campfire to play games. Unfortunately my team lost, but still Gwenchanna. And we
got ready to sleep in our tents. I was in the same tent with Alfina and Farah, which
was quite fun, because we laughed a lot.

On the second day, I woke up at 5 am, the weather was very cold, and almost woke up
several times in the middle of the night. At 9 am, Mrs. Yanti prepared food for all of
us. After that, the girls saw the view and took photos, we were directed to a good view
by the boys. And finally we got ready to shower and fold the tent back up. And in the
afternoon we went home used public transportation to Bogor station and continue our
way to home used the commuterline.

This was my first experience camping in a mountain and climbing a mountain. Very
unite with nature. It was a very interesting experience, because there was a lot of fun
experience and I got to know a lot of new people.

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