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Thé loai II Miéu ta anh Ban c6 bao gi¢ thit mé t4 mot bite anh chua? Néu ban m6 td tt thi nguai nghe cé thé hinh dung ra buic anh rat dé dang mac du khong nhin thay bie anh dd, ‘Trong phan nay, ede ban sé luyén tap ki nang mé ta anh. PTeVIEW tung thé loai ee ane / Ve aa \ Taélogi—_(Thé los (‘To8 lai) (‘Th lai) (‘Th lei mr \m/ v/\Wy a3 ane aio an 0-8 didmiein 0-9 dim 0-9 difmedu 0-8 difmetn 5 dim 0-5 did Chi dé ctia thé loai II 1a gi? screen 1 Man hinh hién thj doan van hudng din TOE Speskg ° AGREE Man binh nay wid thich ve fe | hi ca thé loi IL. Bay 1a cu hai Question 3: Describe a Picture ‘yeu clu ban migu ta that chi tigt bie én cho sin trén man hinh, Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the Thai giam chun bi 1a 30 giy vit | | Picture on your screen in as much detail as you can. You thi giant bi rt I 45 gy will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture IA GisSE soe suse su esuee au sueesauesuesasuesueseeesueEy) 70 VY Screen 2 Man hinh chudn bj miéu ta bie anh GF Ki nghe Begin preparing now kom theo tigng bip thi thai gian chun bi bit déu duge tinh (30 giay) Khi ciu Begin speaking now vang lén thi ng hé trong hip RESPONSE TIME bit du tinh ait Khi nghe tiéng bip thi ban phai bit ddu n6i ngay. Khi hét 45 gidy, man hinh sé ty chuyén sang céu hai loai TIL. » Thé nao la miéu ta t6t mot bifc anh? Cc tiéu chi dénh gid Scoring 6 Tigu chi Chi c6 mot céu héi miu td anh va diém t6i da la 3. Anh trong phén nay rét ging anh trong Part 1 cia TOEIC cg ban. Vige danh gid dua trén cdc tiéu chi nh “sir dung tit ngit thich hop, du tric hop li va da dang, ¢6 kha nang migu ta timg chi tigt nhé mot each chinh xa”. Di nhién, da ban n6i tét nhung néu n6i dung ban miéu ta Khong lién quan én bite nh duge cho thi ban cing khong 06 diém. Trong 45 giay, ban nén néi it nbét 1a 5 cau, va 5 edu nay cn dye lien két chat che v6i nhau dé trénh cam gide at ngot cho ngubi nghe. 6 High-Level Response Dusi day la bai miéu td mau (iém t6i da). @p (1) We can see a family is hai a picnic in the park. ups_10 (2) The grandparents a/@'prOBZAIRE the food for everyone else. The grandfather is in charge of the barbecue, so he's weafifig an apron and holding the barbecue tools. (3) Um ... The rest of the family is sitting around the picnic table talking afd diinking, (4) They Ze al'sthiliig @Agihaving a good time. (5) Ah ... It'S a nice sunny day. And the weather l60ks perfect for this kind of family gathering. > ABC: tikhia > AC: diém vin pham > ‘Tinh nbd qui: [iu 1] mig t tng thé bie nh — [eu 2, 2, 4] miu t ey thé vé 4 tuong — {elu 5) elm nhdn cia bin thin, Nhiing loai anh nao thudng xuat hién trong bai thi TOEIC? Tom tat sd luge ceaaaneaa Summary Chit dé eiia ede bute anh rat da dang nén ching toi khéng thé tom tét that gon duo. Diém chung cia ede buic anh nay la déu lay con ngudi hoae phong cénh lam trong tam. Dui day 1a mot s6 loai anh thuong gap. {Anh lay con ngudi lam trong tam] 14) Anh oé mgt ngubi lam trong tim 1-2) An 6 niu nga im trong tam Thi ei 1 Anh nay tring dm gin shung rt kh miu Voi ak loa nay, ngo vge miu td bai inh, Ban phil mi thi tt vé cd bi cin vb tan cin mé t8 inh ding eating ng on ng [Anh lay phong cdnh lam trong tam] 2-1) Anh chi e6 phong enh 22) Anh tin enh: con ngui visu vit DE miu tate dn dang my, ban phi chia dn ra Dé me td tt inh dang nay, ban cing phi chia 2am hia phn: ni eh, tién cénh, hi enh, anh ra thinh tng phan: con ng, sv ben tr, bén pha. Do 46 ban rt edn ki ning hong edn, noi chin rigu tv Dy cing 18 login thuing gp nba www.ahantri Lf A Tra loi cau hoi cing ngudi diu bép nhiét tinh Bi quyét miéu ta Biquyéti: Liét ké ra gidy it nh&t 5 t¥ kh6a trong thdi gian chuan bi Thoi gian chudn bj la 30 gidy, trong Khi thot gian thi la 45 gidy. Do 46, ban khong thé tap néi hodn chinh truge khi dupe ghi am trong phén thi. Vi thé, trong 30 gidy quy baw nay, ban nén e6 suy nghi ra Khodng 5 tir trong tam lién quan dén bie hinh, Nhung tir yy 8 giip ban trénh dimg lai suy nghi qué lau trong 45 giay thi | sit around the table + grandparents prepare the | food / barbecue have a picnic / have a good time Biqyét2: Miéu ta téng quat lan chi tiét ting phan ctia bite anh Dé giip nguoi nghe 48 dang hinh dung ra bie anh, ban khong nén m0 ta so luge mbi phén cia bie anh réi lai quay tré Iai, Thay vao 46, ban nén miéu té hoan chinh mot phan, ed tong quét va chi tiét, rdi mot chuy % Bi quyét 3: CO. gang théng thao cdc buGc miéu ta ting thé loai anh 5 tir khda ma chuing toi 48 nghi é trén e6 thé gidp ban khong bi gidn doan khi miéu ta. Tuy nbién, dé miéu ta tét hon, ban eung cn ném vimg cdc bude miéu ta mot bute anh. (Céu mé du) miu té ni chin hoge db tuyng trung tam ‘The picture shows a business meeting with four people INGi dung chink ©] néu dé; twong trung tam via migu ta chi tdt vé Abi tung do There are two men wearing suits. One man has a laptop, and it looks like he's showing some information to the other people. Next to the men are two wornen, and one has some paper and a pen in front of her. {Noi dung chinh ©] migu t& doi tuyng phy Behind the men, | can see windows and an indoor plant. (Két thie) néu suy nghi cd nhdn hoge binh lug vé béu khéng Kh chung | think they are concentrating hard and talking about some issues, Biqyé 4: Ban nén stt dung nhiéu loai cau khi miéu ta Néu ban chi str dung edu dom trong qua trinh miéu ta, ban s8 bi dnh gid la nghéo nan vé céu tric, (Bogn niu tel dung eau don} (Doan miéu t8 si There is a man. He is wearing a There are two men wearing suits black suit. And he has a laptop. Next One man has a laptop, and it looks to him | can also see another male. like he’s showing some information to He is holding a pen. There are also the other people. Next to the men are two women. One of them has some — two women, and one has some paper Paper and @ pen in front of her. and a pen in front of her, Bai hoc thuc té trén gidy | Chudn bj 00:30 gidy © Xéc din phung thie mig ta ‘rong be dah ny, di tog tung tr 8 agit bit Vi vy, ban nn miéu td hin dng va trang thi cia agi nay tre, sn 6 mint fea vt Khe. @ Nghi ra ede tit hoe cum tif trong tam e.g] family, preparing for a meal, standing around the table, cutting the turkey, smiling, looking at glasses of wine, various dishes, brick wall ‘Tra 1di OOMS gidy (© N6i khdi quit v8 bie an ‘Phin Khai quit nay 6 thé la vé noi chén hoje béi cin, chung ofa bie anh, Béi enh chung oda bie nh nay Ia mgt ia dinh dang sta soan bua dn trong phing in. Vi bi cénh 16 ring, ban sé mé td ting nbn vit dé dang hon. This is a picture of a family preparing for a meal ina dining room. It looks like a picture of a happy family gathering for a holiday dinner. © Miu td oy thé ede nhin vat trung tim ‘Trong 3 nguti trong dnb, ngubi phy ni ob vé nd bat ‘nhdt nén ta miéu t€ ngubi phy nif trude. Day 6 thé 1 mot ngubi me dang em dao edt then, Hai ngut cn Iai o6 thé la ching va oon gai. The mother is standing up ** SUSUTTERTTERRE with 2 knife and fork. ** WRSUERSGEREES, her husband and daughter are smiling and looking at the turkey. **Phuong php miéu ta cy thé: ding eym phin tit hi migu ta mhiéu ding tée hoge nhiéu trang théi ke hau cia cing mit ngti, bm nn ding eym phan ti Bing eich nay, vie mitu té sé ngin gon va d8 hid hon, The git is sitting down waiting to begin her meal. @ Dap an cila TOMATO ** Phung phap miéu ta cu thé: ding gidi ti Gidit thding duge ding a migu t vi tt, gp cho cu mo 8 stich hon, Aman is standing next to her looking at the turkey, © Mita td ede ay vit xung quanh Sau Khi migu td song nhdn vt trung tém, ben bét du miéu td ee sy vat xung quanh nh rau va cée logi thie an trén bin; pha sam thi ob Ag gb va ie tung ‘There are a lot of dishes and glasses of wine on te table inthe middle ofthe dining room. ‘Also, I can see some woaden shelves and a brick ‘wall in thé background. ‘Thé fosi 1 © Két thie bing ¥ kign of nhin ‘Néu ban thém va cim nhén of nhén hoge nbn din chung vé biu khing khi cia bie ah thi vige migu t& sé sinh ong hon, Ble Anh nay tg0 cém ge rt dim ip cin gia inh, of 16 la vo dip 1 hoi no d, Overall, everyone looks happy and the mood seems light. From the picture, I can tell they're celebrating Thanksgiving Day. 6@»_ Tis a pctie of fay prepara for areatin a cing oom, Te mothers standing wp euting & big turkey witha kfe and fork On eter side ofthe mother, her husband and dayabter are smiling and looking at the ut -There ee alot of dishes anid glass of wano onthe taibin the mle of ‘the dining room. / Also, can see some wooden shelves aie ‘everyone looks happy and the maod seems ight brick wall the backaround. //Overal, \ 2 Chudn bi 00:30 giay © Xéc dinh phuong thie miu t& Bae dn ndy-m 4 mot khung enh rng Ion va king 06 hin vit tring tam. 6 day, tgn ednh va hu eénh duge phan bigt rt 16 rang, do d6 ben nén migu ta tién enh ‘rue va hu cn sau, © Nghi ra cde ti hoje cum ti trong tam €.g1] intersection, crosswalk, crossing the street, traffic ight, lamppost, a yellow car has stopped, tall and large buildings, signboards ‘Tra li CONS giay © N6i Kh quit 8 bie dh Bae anh nay mb ti vé quang cénh & thinh phd, Ban nén a6i v8 quang ednh chm, vf dy dy Ia cin thanh pho vai x6), nha ola, ngbi dan dang ai ai, vi giao Ip This is a picture of typical city scene with people and tall buildings. What ! see in the picture is a street intersection with a crosswalk. © Mibu tb cy thé v8 tid cia 6 tién cd, ta thay 06 vai ngubi dang bing qua dung & vach danh cho ngudi di bd, 6 mét chiée 6 t6 mau ving dang ding Isi bn phai. In the foreground of the picture, you can see *"EEMTEEAE crossing the street and "ESA HEE ere wearing winter clothes like coats. Next to the people there is *725EREIRTN= ‘stopped at the intersection. "Phuong php miéu td cu thé: Ding tinh ti chi s6 Iugng nku a few, some, several, many, v.v. vio vi tri thich hop. There are © padestrisns crossing the road. @ ap an cla TOMATO “Phutdng php miéu ta ey thé: Ding tinh tt chi mau se dé lim cho ede hinh anh duge miu td tri nén sinh dong hon. On the right, can see a red signboard, © Miu t oy thé vé hu cinh 6 hi cin, ta thay hinh dn ohidu nguti dang di chuyén va nbidu tha nha voi mau sfe Khe nhau. In the background of the picture, there ore many large buildings and people walking around ‘on the sidewalks, The buildings on the left look like stores, There are some signboards hanging in front of these buildings. Tl 2 © Két thie bing § kign of nhin ‘Néx ban thém vio cm nbn e& nin hoe nbjn din chung vé bu khong Khf ola bde anh thi vige miéu ta sé sinh dug hon. Bae nh nay tgo cm gide nhin nhip eda i sng 6 mét thin phd Ion. This picture looks like the downtown area of 2 big city because there are meny people and buildings. | think it’s probably « big city because of the tall buildings and wide roads. (@»_ het se0in the pct iee street intersection witha crosswalk: In the foreground of the picture, you ‘can see a few people crossing the street and all of them are wearing winter clothes lke coats. Next to the people there is one yellow car stopped atthe intersection, in the background of the picture, there ‘re many large buildings and people walking around on the sidewalks. The buildings on the lett look lke stores. // There are some signboard hanging in front of these buildings. I! Ths picture looks like the downtown area of a big city because there are many people and buildings. www.nhantrivietcom Rel aC Ie a eae 0:00:45 0 «9 Sane @ ‘Trong nhieu trudng hop, ban sé khong biét hét tén ctia moi di ‘tuyng ban théiy trong bute anh, Vay phai lam sao? ~ Ban cit néi that la | don't know Toi king biét, Day la chuyén binh thuing. Ngay cd trong tiéng Viet ban cing khong thé nao bit hét, pha khong? °° j mot qua dia cau, Qua dia cau 14 globe. Liic nay néu khong biét. tir globe, ban cd thé néi something round like a ball. Khi gép nhang trudng hop nay, thay vi mat nhiéu thoi gian dé suy nght tim ra ti ding, ban cit miéu ta theo kiéu dinh nghia hu trén, Gidi phép nay gitip ban git: duoc su lau loat (fluency) trong bai miéu ta cia minh. ‘Néu ban khéng thé tim ra tw chinh xdc dé m6 té mét dong tae nao d6, ban nén n6i nhu sau: ‘don't remember how to describe this ACLION but he looks like he’s doing some exercise. Nhing vn tong bl ti TORIC tha 0

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