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Mreview tung thé loai mars, mm SU 3) (‘ead (Tbe) (a8 Io ‘ TY ASSAY Q1,2 Qs Q4-6 QT-9 aio Qu 0-3 diémiedn 0-3 diém 0-3 diémledu 0-3 diémictu 0-5 diém 0-5 diém Chu dé ciia thé loai I 1a gi? screen 1 Man hinh hién thi doan van huéng din Man hinh nay gidi thich v8 cée clu hi cia thé loai I. Theo 46 Questions 1, 2: Read a Text Aloud thi ban 06 45 gidy chuéin bi va 45 eiy doe (cho mbi edu hii) | Directions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud | the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to | prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text | aloud. § Ban sé nghe doe phin huing dn ‘va céu Begin preparing now. Good afternoon everybody, and thank you for flying Khi 46 dogn van xudt hién va with West Air. My name is Paula Griggs, and I'm the | ban nghe ting bip - hit dau head flight attendant on today’s aircraft. if you have any —_tinh gity chufin bj. Sau khi hét questions during your flight, please don’t hesitate to | 45 gidy chuan bi, hdp tinh gi ask me or one of the other attendants for assistance, | s@ chuyén thinh Response Tine The pilot is preparing the plane for takeoff, so this is | Va ban nghe eéu Begin reading an excellent opportunity to review the in-flight safety | aloud now. guidelines. Please take the time to study the material stored in front of your seat. Thank you. | | Théo | screen 3 Man hinh hién thj doan van sé 2 Seu Ki hét thd gian doe dink cho doan sé 1, man hinh ty dng If you're ever in the mood for tasty Italian food, then | chuyén sang dogn sé 2. Cing you should head down to Maria's, the new restaurant | giéng nhu dogn sf 1, thi gian down on the waterfront. Having only opened for | chuén bj doen sé 2 cing la business last month, we have quickly established | 45 giay va thti gian doc cing ourselves as one of the most popular family restaurants | la 45 giiy in the area. With our amazing range of delicious dishes, wonderful atmosphere and surprisingly affordable prices, you'll never went to eat anywhere else, We | also have a special children’s menu which your little | ‘ones will just love! Call us now at 354-9082 to make a | reservation | See 00:00:45 ‘Tra loi cau hoi cing ngudi ddu bép nhiét tinh Bi quyét doc tét Biqyé1:Doc to trong thdi gian chuan bi ‘Trong 45 gidy chudn bi, ban khéng nén chi doc thdm doan van duoc cho: hay doc to doan van, Diéu thuén loi la thoi gian chudn bi va théi gian tra li bing nhau (45 giay), Sau Xkhi doe thi, néu van edn thoi gian, ban nén lap lai phan ma ban thay chua tu tin hode e6 vn dé, Tuy viée ngét giong tiy thude rat nhiéu vao ttmg nguoi nhung ban nén luu ¥ nhing diém chinh sau day: 1. Danh tir riéng Khi doc danh tir riéng, giong digu phai khéc khi doc nhting danh tix thudng. Ban cén xde dinh di tung ma danh tit riéng d6 dé cap trude khi doc n6. If you're ever in the mood for tasty Italian food, then you should head down to Mari the new restaurant down on the waterfront. Tina hing 2. Ligt ke Phan liét ké thudg c6 it nhat 3 yéu té. Thuimg thi ta sé doc A 7 B 7 va CS. Tuy nhién néu cau chua két thiic C thi ban khéng nén xuéng giong hoan toan & C. With our amazing range of delicious dishes 7, wonderful atmosphere / and surprisingly affordable prices --, you'll never want to eat anywhere else. 3. Ki hiéu va cha sé Call us now at 555-9082Ifive five five nine ou eight two] to make @ reservation 4, Déi voi nhimg phan ban khong biét r6 noi ngit giong Ban khong nén ngét giong xen gitia mot cum tit dién dat mot ¥ hoan chinh, Ban cing . khong nén ngét giong xen gida mot chil ngut dai, trong d6 ¢6 mgt danh tix duge bé nghia bang mot menh a quan he. Someone [who enjoys wearing the latest fashions] / will just love this place! // cage eae eet Cae Vint 6 www.nhantrivi Bi quyét 2: Bi quyét 3: Bi quyét 4: Bi quyét 5: Hay nhap vai vao ngudi doc doan van ‘Trude khi doc, ban edn phai biét qua noi dung va muc dich eta bai doe 46. Dac biét, ban phai dé ¥ xem ngudi doc doan dé trong thue té lé ai va dat minh vao hoan ednh eda ngudi dé trong thue té dé 06 géng déng vai ngudi 46, Nha vay giong doc cia ban s8 sinh ong hon rét nhiéu. Khi doc sai, ban nén stta sai ngay Ngay ca trong tiéng Viet chiing ta cing o6 hie doc vap hodec doe sai. Vi thé, ban khong nnén boi réi khi dai 16 dge sai mot ti nao 46. Ban phai binh tinh va doe siza sai ngay lap te Nguyén tac co ban nhat trong khi doc van 1a ae a xuong giong 6 cudi cau (dau cham) va ngat giong ngan 6 dau phay That ra, doc mét doan van véi giong diéu tr nhién la mot diu rat khd, Tuy vay, ede ban khong nén qué lo lang vi muc tiéu eda ching ta khong phai la doc ging nhuw ngudi ban mi, ma nguodi ban xt thi cing e6 nhing cdch doc rat khée nhau. Diéu quan trong la ban git duge cde nguyén tac cv ban, tite ld xudng giong & cudi céu (du chém) va ngat giong ngén 6 dau phdy. Diéu nay nghe o6 vé don gidn, nhung kinh nghiém cho thay néu ban so ¥ mot chit la lam sai ngay. ‘Tam ogg lid thé, ding xadg giong. If you're ever in the mood for tasty Italian fo then you should head down to Maria's yhe new restaurant down on the waterfroy Tem ging i hd, dng rong ging ling ging Khong nhat thiét phdi doc nhanh Ban dimg nén doc mét eéch voi vang. That ra, 45 gidy la khodng thoi gian di dai dé ban doc xong 4-5 dong mét cach cén than, Vige phat am 76 rang quan trong hon vige Just qua nhanb nhing phan minh khéng biét. Di nhién, doc ro rang khong e6 nghia 1a gc timg chi. Phai dge sao cho vita ré rang via tao mét nhip diéu ty nhién va lén xuéng sgiong diing chi, The lost 50 | 5 ot! Are you looking to get into shape? / Well, there's good news. Wellness [Gymis finally opening a branch right here in/New Trenton), Wellness Gym is one of the most popular fitness chains in the word, and let me tell you why. Our facilities offer the perfect mix of weight and fitness machines—, exercise classes,”, and professional staff to assist you with your workout routine... But don't take my word for it. Stop by our new location in New Trenton anytime ‘this month and receive a three-month trial membership, absolutely free! Chudn bj OMS gidy © Néim duge ngubi doe (trén thye t8) va thé logi bai doe thing qua dogn dé ten Day 1a dogn quing efo, cn due dge vei giong ty tin, sinh déng. © Hidu § nghia va doc dén cufi bai oan quing edo ny néi vé wu diém eda efe dich vy vA trang thiet bi # mot phong tp thé dye mei khai trumg. Ban khing nén ngit giong xen gida cum ti 06 § hon chinh. © Tip trang vao tim diém cia vén 1 7 eh § long digu trong phn ligt ké va trong cu nghi vn © []+ eh ptm chin xe gym, dan tiring New Trenton va ft absolutely < Nhs trong am: dge phn so sn tuyét abi bling giong nhdn de bigt ‘Tra loi OOMS giay Ban khéng clin phai voi ving. Hay doc véi t6e 46 vite phai va of ging thé hién sinh ng nhu thé ban dang la ngvbi quing edo that sy cho phing tp 6, @ Bap an cia TOMATO ‘Are you looking to [get into shapel? “Well there's good news. // Wellness Gym i finaly opening @ branch right here in New Trenton. // Wellness Gym is lone of the most ina] fin the ‘wera, and let me tell you why]. /] Our facilities offer [the perfect mix of weight and fitness machines}, ‘exercise classes /, and {professional staff to assist youl [with your workout routine!N,.// But don't ‘ake my word for it. /! Stop by our new location in New Trenton fanytime this month] and receive [a ‘three-month trial membership], labsoltely free]! // Bai 2 : Sie Questions \'m|[Angela Connelly]“, your head flight attendant. | want you to know that Our state-of-the-art aircraft is designed with your comfort in mind If you require a pillow. blanket’, or any other items —, please let one of ‘our flight attendants know by pressing the|button|located above your seat). Thank you for flying Comfort Airlines, and enjoy the flight. Chudn bi COMS gidy ‘© Nam duge ngubi doe (tén thy t) va thé lop bai dpe thong qua doan A tin Day la doan phat thanh hung din trém may bay trufe Khi ot edn nén edn duge oe chim ri, 16 ring. Ty due viét hoa Confort Aifines la tén oa hang hing khing. (© Hida ¥ nghia va doe én cut bai Wi diy i dogn phat thanh hung din trén mAy bay nén ben ekn bit ton ele thing hing khing, noi én, ni dung hung dn. © Tép trung vao tam diém oia vin dé © Boe chit sf fine ou nine) hoge [nine zero nine] 7 chi § giong digu kh doe ligt ke @ [_}: cha § céch phat am danh tit riéng va céch phat am eée tit button, seat (eo di Tra loi OOMS gity Ban hay doc dogn phét thanh huéng dn trén may bay nay abu thé minh la mot than vién eda phi hinh doin. @ ‘Dap an ciia TOMATO Attention, passengers. ff Welcome aboard [Comfort pr v , 0.1 if Fm Angela Conhely//, your head fight attendant: //-({ want you to:know] that {our state-of-the- : 2r arcattlis designed with your comfort in mind: // Ifyou require pilow 7, blanket 7, or any other a items pleas tone ot cur fight tenants now by resin abate ated above your Pe ‘seat. // [Thank you for flying Comfort Airlines|, and enjoy the flight: // Questi oe A, 2; Rock Radio is proud to present an hourlong interview with [Collin Taylor|/”. world-famous singer and songwriter The interview will be broadcast live on Rock Radio, [98.7] on March 18th at 7PM We'll discuss the music industry“, Mr. Taylor's early career 7, and his latest album.\, After the interview. Mr. Taylor will be answering|questions| from listeners who call in. You|won't|want to miss this one. 7 P.M., March 18th, on Rock Radio. Chun bj SOMS giay © Nim duge ngubi doc (trén thu té) va thé logt bai doc thing qua dogn dau tién iy 1b doan-quing céo chung tinh trén raid, © Hiu nghia va doc dn uti bai Bai doe néi vé nhin vt 58 xuft ign trong chug trinh radi sf ti va ngi dung cote chug trinh 6, Ban phli ndm bit duge nfi dung thi méi 6 thé dia chin hi thd va giong du mot eich thfch hyp. © Tap trung vao tim diém cia vn €8 © Bae chit si: tin s6 frinety eight point seven] 7: cht § giong digu Khi doc ligt ke @[]: cha cfc phat am danh ti rigng va céch phét am ce tit questions, won't ‘Trd 1di OOMS gidy Ban hay doe doan quing eéo chug trinh nay nhu thé minh 1a mgt ngubi din cchuong trinh trén radi viy. e ‘ap én cia TOMATO Mesa (@s Rock Satie cistttn-orecent am ae interview) with bel Ta son [world-famous singer and this one! 7/7 PM, March #8, on Flock Rado. nai ia Questions 1,2 wwwrnhantrivietccom ‘a I Hello. Thank you for calling [Larson’s|Computer Repair Center. We are currently closed. Our[opening]hours are from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M every day except on national holidays If you have an urgent[inquirylabout our services. please leave your name,, number“ and a short message after the beep. \. One of our customer representatives will get back to you promptly in the morning For all other website at[ww Thank you please call back during business hours 7 or check our Chuan bi OOMS giay © Naim due ngubi doe (tr thu t8) va thé lai bai dge thong qua dogn déu tién iy 1a tin in tr Io ty dng cd trung tm sacha my vi tink, Néa gi dén met ccéng ty hay mot ngan hang ngoai gid lam vige, ban sé nghe tin nhin ty dong nhw vay. © Higu § nghia va doe dén eudi bai ‘éi vi tin nbn td loi ty dng, ban en ném nhitng diém nhut Ii chdo cia céng ty, ‘hii gian mé ot, hung din vé efe dich vu . © Tap trung vio tm diém ola vin dé [chs § cfch phat am danb tit riéng va céch phat am ede tir opening, inquiry, queries 2 7: ea § giong du Khi ge ligt ké va miu efu A oF B <® Boe dia chi trang web: du chm dge Ia dot Tra 161 OOMS gidy Ban hay dgc doan tin nn tri loi ty ddng nay ging nbu eich ma ban thing nghe G cde cing ty. @ ap An cila TOMATO Hello. Thank you for cain Larson's Computer Reral Center:// Wo ere aurentylosedl. // Our ‘pening hours ere fom 8/A.M. to SPM, levery:day except-on national holidays). // If you have an urgent inquiry about our services, pease eave your nam /, number? and a short message ater the beep. \, ‘1H {One of our customer representatives) will get back to you promptly in the morning. // For all ther ‘Queries! please call back! Iduring business hours} “or {check our website} lat wwwlarsonrepairs.coml. // ‘Thank you. // 00! Solioeséine 50 Thé eg |The Eagleton Hotel is proud to announce the completion of its new Convention Center. With advanced audio-visual equipment, dining facilities, and plenty of | _space, its the perfect location for any corporate event. To reserve the Eagleton Hotel Convention Center, simply call one of our friendly customer service agents at 1-800-555-0035. You can also arrange a tour of the facilities with the center manager, Lisa Cambell. Call today! 00:00:45 Welcome to the Alto Motors factory tour. My name is Jimmy Saunders, and Ill be showing you around the facility today. On the tour, you'll learn all about how ‘our award-winning automobiles are manufactured. We'll begin here in the design department, where skilled technicians come up with all the design specifications for our vehicles. || lead you through the department, and then we'll actually have the opportunity to speak with one of the technicians that works here. Attention, passengers. We'll be landing in Los Angeles in about 20 minutes. Please put all bags in the overhead compartments, under the seat in front of you, or give them to a flight attendant for safe storage. I'll be coming around to take any trash or other items you no longer need. If you need information on 2 connecting flight, please see our agent at the gate in Los Angeles. On behalf of myself and the rest of the crew, thank you for flying Tyson Air, and have a great day, We here at WXLY radio station apologize for the interruption to the program Dana White's News Hour. We seem to be having a problem with the transmitter at our local broadcast station. Our repair technicians are already on the job, and I'm sure they'll have the problem fixed in no time. As soon as they do, we'll continue with more of your favorite news programming on Dana White's News Hour. Please stay with us.

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