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Janapria, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
A Learner that has a special interest in program managing and social sharing.
Skilled in communicating, public speaking, planning, designing, and developing program in tourism sector

Work Experiences
Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Lombok Tengah - Lombok Jan 2023 - Present
Tengah, Indonesia
Personal Secretary of Kepala Dinas
Dinas Pariwisata is a departmet under the Lombok Tengah Government that Arrange All the Tourism Sector in Lombok Tengah
Arranging All the meeting Material of Kepala dinas and make sure it relevant to what the meeting topic
Arranging the schedule of Kepala Dinas during the worktime

Mandalika Grand Prix Association - Lombok, Indonesia Nov 2022

Word Superbike Ticketing Crew
The Association that organize Pertamina Mandalika Internasional Street Circuit
contributing to make sure the ticketing sector running well and make the best service to every single person that want to buy ticket

Mandalika Grand Prix Association - Lombok, Indonesia Mar 2022

MotoGP 2022 Transportation Liasion Officer
The Association that organize Pertamina Mandalika Internasional Street Circuit
contributing in Transportational sector that has responsibilty to make the Sector running well according to right route and sytem that
has planned before

Aerotravel Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta, Indonesia Jan 2021 - Jun 2021

Trainee in Tour and Administration Department
A National Travel Agent Under Garuda Indonesia Group
providing the excellent service in ticketing department that arrange airlane ticket such an individual and group customer according to
their request quickly, precisely, and thoroughly for customer satisfaction
contributing in tour departement to make a preparation of tour packages, both for packages that are always available and based on
requests from the customers, and also responsible for the satisfaction and fulfillment of customer service expectations, as well as
ensuring all tour needs are properly accommodated without missing a single thing. and became a part who make a contract between
company and another business sector

Education Level
Lombok Tourism Polytechnic - Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Aug 2018 - Nov 2022
Bachelor Degree in Tourism studies with Travel Arrangment Concentration, 3.80/3.99
Activities and societies: Senat Mahasiswa (Student Senate), staff in education and creative department in first year and became a
general secretary at the second year

Organisational Experience
Forum Komunikasi Mahasiwa Janapria - social based organization that focus on increase the human skill and Jun 2022 -
social caring activities, Janapria, Central Lombok Indonesia Present
Organizational Draw Council
contributing in desicion making of the top management of the organization
have a role on give a opinion to running the organization

Forum Komunikasi Mahasiswa Janapria - social based organization that focus on increase the human skill and Jun 2021 -
social caring activities, Janapria, Central Lombok Indonesia Jun 2022
General Leader
Directed and proceed all the policies concerning the internal and external needs to reach the golas of the organization
Directed all the process to making and running the program that impactfull to public
Participated in a weekly mentoring program as mentor and curriculum maker for educational program for PAUD,TK,SD,SMP,and SMA
which has more than 50 students with the different kind of curriculum
Participated on social caring activities and volunteering when natural disasters and social needs occur

Student Senate - An Organization that running to increase the skill by making a program and discussion, Aug 2020 - May
Lombok Tourism Polytechinc 2022
General Secretary
providing all the administration and internal needs in every program and acivities of the organization to make sure all was running well
participated as a program maker to increase the creativity, skill, and knowledge for the Lombok Tourism Polytechnic Student
contributing in the campus activity that need a student participation
initating a collaboration building between the organization and external community

Forum Komunikasi Mahasiwa Janapria - social based organization that focus on increase the human skill and Aug 2019 -
social caring activities, Janapria, Central Lombok Indonesia Jun 2021
General Secretary
providing all the administration and internal needs in every program and acivities of the organization to make sure the activities running
well which has been planned before
helping on the process to making and running the program that impactfull to public
Participated in a weekly mentoring program as mentor and curriculum maker for educational program for PAUD,TK,SD,SMP,and SMA
which has more than 50 students with the different kind of curriculum
initating a collaboration building between the organization and external community
Participated on social caring activities and volunteering when natural disasters and social needs occur

Student Senate - An Organization that running to increase the skill by making a program and discussion, Aug 2018 - Aug
Lombok Tourism Polytechinc 2020
Education and Creative departement
participated as a program maker to increase the creativity, skill, and knowledge for the Lombok Tourism Polytechnic Student
contributing in the campus activity that need a student participation

Skills, Achievements & Other Experience

Skills: Project Management, Communication, Analytical Skills, Public Speaking, Leadership, and Negotiating
Projects - FAMOUS (2021): as a Co.Project Manager which contributing to the successfull event activity and program, especially on
administration division such as Project Officer, finance, Creative, Public Relation, and consumption
Soft Skills (2021): ESQ New and Final Chapter
Achievements (2020): Second Winner of Tour Package Competition NTSC
Certification (2019): Travel Consultan Certified in Travel Agencies Area
Achievements (2019): Finalist of Tour Package Competiton KPI Arranged by Bandung Polytechnic
Achievements (2019): Third Winner of Business Incubator Competition Arranged by LIPI and Lombok Tourism Polytechnic
Language: Bahasa(Native), English(basic)

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