Ethics Essential Readings in Moral Theory 3

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60 Phlhr,o Foot

111.u1 m•y c.tre •hour lh~ sufferin g of oeher,, prcp.u~ d 10 toll to .1chif"Vc rn~
hnhtl( • srnw- of ldt-nllfic .ulun wuh 1hc.rn, ,od endo~ by mo,.lity. n.., •h,,y "Y ""'I,
w•nling ro hl"lf) If hr c.1n. Of counc he musr fiKht so h.1rd for rnor~ enO!t-- f:t pr.,._._,,-..4

w .. u1 not 1hr n.•p111alion of ch.1rlly, nor (.'VCn .1 c111ptu,1 it.w,,,cof 'o
liberty •nd lus1lco·-d•pcnd,, °" • , . : -
gr.111fyf11g rOlc helping others, but. quire simply.
these ue tho kind, of •nd, th arc ,dy,ug .s-.
th.t t.., • ,J ·oo&ht i m
llwir good. Jf this i!I wh,u he docs c.ire about,
rht•n he wJII be ,u.1.ched 10 1hc t".nd proper to the
To ucrlfice a gre.1, cleil fur the "'°" '
•t 1-lktlit ~t\-,~<\ fflO~hii. ,.onUu!!il
vlrtucof ch.1:rl1y .1nd .1 <.-omp•rlson with .someon e
one would need to he Undor tho of tt1ct..., cLl-Jlgdo U§. ~nd ~,
•mph•lic 'ought' . One could h..rdl 'P<II •~ \ a11iC it th~
.tC'tlng from an uhe.rior motive (even a respect•
1ble uherlor mo1lvc) Is out of pl•«. Nor will the
to beh,vlng comm. ii faut. y ht dt..-..._ '°otlid
pt<>Pi<, m1
In sphc of •II th•t hu boon u td doC.111~ ;,.00\
conformi1y of his •ction 10 the rule of charity be
merely conting ent. Honest action may happen to
the hypmhelicol lmpcr.itlvo in 2'.. r...._
'"""'1~I "'1 ,-..

;al in1pcra uv~l
th•t m•ny people wUI he unconv ,atoauon - Sul
further • man's carttr; cbuit•b le actions do not 1,e.1ungr1,d wt:rc
argue lha_t one element essential to m0r..i.Ind
h,pp,n 10 further the good of others. '
s1iU missing, This missing feat= ls the 'fin..., onlY the ""'""'
Can • man accepting only hypothetical tJi<ir layalt y '
lion of• dury 10 •dopt ends Whic h,
Imperatives pos,css other virtues besides that of t,el ween tht:rr
attributed 10 the moral man. We have >oldwt~
ch.rity? Could he be just or honest? This terrible yurs <
docs care about others, ond •bout Ci1L1ts lhit1i,
problem is more complex because tl1ere is no les• trouble d
liberty and justice; that It is on this lllcl, •
end related 10 such virtues as tl1e good of others froJll the mor
he will accept• system of mora!Ity. 8u~ bJ,v~ \ess rell
Is related 10 chuity. But wlut reason could tliere
never cared •bout such things, or w~ if I, ,.
be for refusing to calL,a man • just man if he ceased 10 care? Is It not the case ht ht fight for lib<
med justly because he loved truth and liberty,
care? This is exactly wlut lunt woul d:: manily and'
and wamed every man to be treated with a
though at times he sounds as If be thou~ ti,. obseurely, tlL
certain respect? And why should lhe truly honest in the offici
morilit y is not concerned with ends,• ocbtn1t
man not follow honesty for the sake of the good insists that the adoptio n of ends such • di, some have
th•t honest dealing brings to men? Of course, Juppiness of others is i!Sdf dicwed by lll0nlir aulhori ty ol
the usual difficulties can be raised about the rue How is this proposition 10 be ~anltd br c-. 11Way with•
case in which no good is foreseen from an indi- who rejtcts wk abou1 the binding foia ci it
vidual aa of honesty. But it is not eviden t that a Notes
moril law? He will agttt tha1 a moral mm 1111 row,dollllllS
nun's desires could not give him ruson 10 ilCI moral ends and Gnnot be indiffertm IO.._ LW.B<cl
honestly even here. He w.ults to Uve openly and such u sufferi ng and Injustice. Funher. ht Iii 2 Ibid.
in good faith with his neighb ours; it Is n()( ill recogn ise In the stateme nt dw one • 3 Ibid.
111 aa
1M Yme 10 him to Ue and conce11. ibout these things a correct appliallco cl• 4 Touyth
Ifone wants to know whethe r there could be bi.t~ntly
non-hypothetial moral 'ought' by wbidl SODll!
a truly moral man who ac:upte d moral princi- Is apt to voice its denwld s. He will DOl,
ples • bypad iedal rules of cooduc t, u many wetbe fKttlY lbeou gbl10 bavta nm••
pqle _,.. 1'11111 of etiquet te as hypothetial In iuelf rwon lO adopt them. If be bimdil•
............ - CXIUlkler the right monl mm then be cam abouc such dmlf. 111
- -. __ not 'because be ought'. If be Is an amonl 111111•
• ...._. - deman
_ ded 1mlg
mq dmy that be bas my lalOD ., IIIJlllik:
. . . I...,. OPdliJMe. bead «Mr this ar my ocher monl . - .
••dm l- mmse 1ie mar be m11 Wm .•llil -•. . . .
A Olben' Iha 1D1J be IIIOII Ulir ... 11f i
ISi . . . . . . . . . . 11.. -llf~
.... .. ..,c :ad ale •-"
Morali1y os o sys1an of h)J>Olh<tical imptratircs 6I

h•"' use of'ough1'. My argument Is that they 1n the ase- of etiquene or dub rults 1t is obvious
,mprd)'ing on an I·uusion, · to give the
· as I·f rrymg 1h,i 1h• non-hypol11e1iru us, of 'should' h.u
,I( . • '
_, •oughr a magic ,o=.
, rcsuJtcd in tlie loss of the ustw connexion bctwtt.n
mori, whu one should do and whit one lus r?"ii..On to do.
ThiS conclusion may, as I said, appear
Somtone who obJ«u dut m mor~ case .1 ID2ll
.~us ,nd subversive of mor,li1y. We are apt
dang~v cmnot ht ju,tified In rtsumi ng his pr>cual
n2nic at tlie thought that we ourselves, or
10 r people, migl11 stop canng . about the things ~.1.soning in 1his wiy, since e\'ety morU 'should'
()(]ler give rei.SOnS for ictmg, must face the fol.lowing
wt do we ,bout, and we feel that the ca1egor- diJerrum. Ethtt it i.s possible to aute rusons for imperati•·e gives us some control over the •cling simply by puning together any silly rultt
situation. But it is interesting that the people of and lmroduclng • non-hypoth<tic,I ',hould', or
Lt'lllngrad were not srruck by the thought that else th• non•h)'poth<tial 'should' docs not ocas•
only the cootinga,1 fac1 that other citizens wily imply msoos for .aing. If it do,s DOI ntccs-
dlelf lorahy and devotion 10 the city stood suily imply r,,sons for ,cting we may w why it is
l,d,\-eeD them and the Germans during the supposed 10 do so in lhe U5C of mor'1uy. Why
cmnot the indifferent ,moral mm say th,t for him
terrible yem of the siege. Perhaps we should be
'shouJd,.' gives no reason for .1cting, rruting
Jess troubled than we are by fear of defection
'.bould .• u most of us trcat ·should,'? !host who
&om the moral cause; perhaps we should e>~n insist th.u 'should.· is ategor ial in this second
b,a,'t Jess reason to fear it if people thought of 'reuon•giving' st:nst: do 00< SttJll to re1lisc thn
manselres as rnlunteers b.mdtd together 10 they never prO\-e this to ht so. They sometimtt say
'8b' for liberty and justice and against inhu- Wt mon.l coosidentions 'jwt do' give rt:~ns for
·1y and oppression. It is often felt, even if acting, \\ilhou t explaining why some dc,'Ole< of
ly, that there is an element of deception etiquette could not say the same about the rultt of
officill line about mor.ility. And while <tiqutttt.
h.vt been pers~ dtd by till about the 5 Pt. 11, Introduction, sec. U.
ity of the morll law, others tumtd 6 Immanuel lwlt, Cri1ifx o/ J>Jactical fumoa, trans. L W.
with a sense of disuu st B«k. p. 133.
It is not, of COl11'<, ntccssary th,t ch,rit>blc actions
should sucaal in helplng others; but when they do
so they do not hoppm to do so, sinct that is ncas-
suily their aim. (Footnote added, 1977.)
8 Stt t.g.. l1t Mdlpl,ys,cs ol Morals, pt. II, sec. 30.
9 Set G. E. M. Anscombc, 'Modern Moral Philosophy',
Philosophy (I 958). My view Is diff=n t from Miss
"Y Iha, moral considtntions are c.u.i ttasons Is
Anscombc's, but I havt learned from ha
bbunlly 10 ignott the problem.
"" "' lr f\
Russ Sh1tfer-L1ndaU ei ll lf l'~ ir ,
_ _.. !.h,,p;

bd lftO l.tu ntl «;

n,U,11. sn<>Uldt
-h al, (O lht .f
for mo
bD ll" "'' illm :
oc -o fc rit ll
p0 JU SO Cl lO

~A L u.TION-'1.IS'-' ti th be conlingcn• on • •bow I thi nk f
e" ~ U\ ll n-.orU ing Ulll ll (" !)
obl1g.1tlOIU m11.\1 ttU s,lf-tn1ctt" "' 11usfits
nC'Cn..wily. if on , hu Ji mo
OM for ac uo n:
Almoo< no one be ll. -.. . thi
tbt ...,,.., :,: :. I" """· ""
tr\11.h of mt
ral obligaUOO 10 do s.Th,s lmpli,,; : ',dung. thtJl one bu l rt ~t on 's rlg ht ne u consthu -e ,a ,ie lf
"° " 10 do it. l think tes a lOOd \ ~
W t ntlOC'Ullsm ls more ttU OO for pe rfo rm in g h. ariumc.nts
pbu~1lff 1hln moM ·,~
pt<>pl, tuvc 1hough1. Af We a.n support 1his vie d) lsu s\.
ter borfly U:ctchmg w by eon.w.....
pos,iuvc com1dtn1lons on ,, ,. fi,.
Ill btlw.f. l lm m on l acts u """1\.Whc
wm t 10 focus 00 trying 10 n w c d tt m ~ ,h,11 c.l l T
di wm what I trunk behavior m or .tl y unjusuf
lt t th t four mo sl iod, wo 1m,1y .,_ ~
$,dlOUS critk\S.mS of lt. bu v1uwt<1 • SWldud o
l'U f ~ .. .. .. I. 11.u,
ccnclud< by uytn& 10 d,ow ,on SUP!""" such IW ld ud s di
>< lffl<"I ""°'1S
about how d1fficuh h Is '° d ,_,. by .. .. .. b«
jusu(y d.Linu 1b ou t su pp ly ... ... ,. for aaioG
,~ soutttS ol no . Thta wo'd bo .. .. lh q
nmu'l'\ty. to all ow 11w lhougb 101
Suppose: 50f1lfOnt' does in 11t 11<t1oN 11t ., ._ 1- On
lh in b it ng ht - $M &CU fro
Kt btauw: ,ht:
m the modvt of duty,
fitd, lmm<lf.t, lmp,opor,
ll lo tl ll -. co ~ s. Mo

propri11<, lh ttt """1ht pd
and. ltt u, wppo,t. In dlls W J<u tnlf bt 00 -
< .bt b on •"I" at .ill to M>ld th em . But Th
... ... what duly r<q UU U. W ha th is ltt ffl 6 ~ - •
l jUSlifios h<r In only conceprually co nf
porformia1 "" b an act? If "" ux d, but m o , . .
"" "" ' com<tly unQl.r. lt itt m s & conc jl<rordll
dl a I D . . - · , ri&bulal q,t\111 "1 0I ' ID Cllt 1
u b, r ... .o n for sw ,c wd u I gu\clo 10 co .. ,_ d ,
. . . . - . k, wo don't on11
Nrlly qu<1lioo lh< nclua Uld I - - • ..i .ic h I
....i11111on -1 0 say, fa< lnl
.. ... .., ... .i- .C .o fb or do W>ce, th a , .. .. .. .. ...i .
. . . . 11 di o, ... ... of an ac ln i Ii ,,. kept her prom1...

tll sd fw 11 no an d .. .. .. ..
UVUII failed IO m p her pr -... de

-• ·b p o n a n n il la k om llt - . . I' .., .;
l. . . . . ... _ .. _ ,d u w o -. ld c: S. im tb at th
ao w un o. ... ,.1 1a llb S• •

_ bt lh <w t
kept bu pr om lie .A nd II
1< 1• 11 1- w uj lm lli od S< ffl ll u n fa ir ., _ Hai
,. >1olaiio
ns o{ l1ICb IWlduds wl ,ik IN P' J

.......... -"" ........ . . . - .... - •

.. .. .. .. .. m po m ib le
.. ,. .. ,. w .. ,_,r•.. ........,....1..11
.. .

1. . . . . . .

. . _ _ of r. i. -. .. .. ..c: : -----
.. .. . w 1o o_ ... ., .. .. ..

..,_,. ........ ,...,....I • ~

•1 1 1 - . . . ,..
._ fo r _ _..W .. .. .. ...
. . . . .........
_ .. .. ,i r. . . . . . . . .
M- ' 111oon.l1w 6)

,rt kli. IIH-N'lntt, vd1h rht- cho la o(

fnlf'ffl.1li1m b true, 1hrn Oft(' '1 "'""'.>fl' u~
,ttht'rtndotsing nl(ml r,rirnuhsni,orendor.un1 ictfd 10 ~ I i rwblr (,om r8.ID-
dM' ;«, 1N1 pmpc'' rr,lu.icton ~nc ,1Jfy dtlibtt,t111xfmm one' , ni~ n, motJY.i.UOfls..
aochi11g 10 do 14•1th 1he •~n t', 4'll('flll¥fflf lb,f .,.,l w!M ffll' 1ruo on ...... ...... mld wf

IO ,.-awnJ. Thow who LI.le cht- l.mer op!kJQ lmcrru.lbm b, l~l< itt, falw
--" shoukk'r tM burden of e~pl.ilnlng fl™ Co11,Jdrr • pmo n '° mu.ulduopt,c, 10 httd -
.,t.,t (Ol:htt dun "'"'O n);) rould M'.rv the b, of ocht n' "'lu d. to on crU('lly. du1
b,sd (or mou l UM5SIIM:DI, .and jUM
how this noduna 1n hu pttw:nt te1 of moti vu wouJd
will n1.111.1ge to .1mtd thf. .i.pp. trrni unf•ir• prn-r:nt him from commlulna 1ht wonc kJnd of
Pl'S' of (T1ucuing ~ u for c»nduct chef h,d horrors. He c.annoc. In 1M rrirn nt 1tnw. be
i,ort,l 50l11 0,1,> tlld• ll'IO¥cd 10 Mflx.1r from such briU'\'IOI' Bot why
1 crunl 1h.i.1 eht cons
1dcrniom Just
olTem:1 s.houM lh1s unfo,u.u"Ute {~ fora I.K fO rm~
1"'7 '* some ~um ptn ~ ugu mm t for 1ht- our st~ <k for •ppropriM.r condua> Noduns
(Sly) .... .. C.l.ll strt:ngthtti wt uy 10 him will C'Qrmncc him 10 mochfy hu
auth of mor~ r11ion.ali~.

dJt' c,:jt' 1( "'~ ue .ai. ddl M chc stro n~
.alf\ l~IU .against II, Lei m, proc ttd
dirmJy 10
bmMor. Bui b lhu UM U,m i~ .a blus: b
holding him to diffl"mit .M.and.ards, or W1'1
d )"'<lf'rt.t dlbu <l. mhc r • Jwufic.adon to, rorm ctitl J tum o(,1 liDd
TM of the •rgumcnts is I ofbhndness? Jt ls narur.1110 Sol)' tlw pcop& c MT
..u,..nn, _ _ ,.,...,.,
ttlio tt 10 ~(r11n from bduv So, aJu.1
is fimdiffl,
alio m, bruuJ, Urot .tnl Or cnvt n. Wf! doo'1
,tr.isoru: Jni"rru.lJw Is trul": rt.uo ns must such f'\'1iltu11ons JUSC. btt:.luse thdr
bt ap,,Wt o( rnoliv•tins thol t for whom &.u (or would, ui:tt ddib tntio n, 611) 10
1hey tt.asons.
find thcm compdlmx-
Ocw ts arr requ irrd for mot inrio n. lntm ulis u ut In .a difJicvJc pos.,oon bac. If
Mor.ti oblig.ations •pply 10 .agt:nts lnde- io1erru.lism is trut', t~n .absenct of l sound
p,ndtntly of thd, de>itts. dclibtt-.Mi~ link from one·s modntJOnS 10
Thl"ttf0tt mor.a.J"11 is fdsc.
cit-Ing mc:.aru th.u che:rt k oo reuo o 10 CS.. Now
if blune rtqu ira faUutt 10 ..dh ttt to good
,and tht: , I I ~ of mis motlY.Uion.aJ
~inl lO lhis .atgumtnl, wh.11 rt.uo ns we s
link enufls an ibsr:ncl" of rt.a.sons, thl"n age:m
dtptnds on our motiv•tion.a.J ap,ciry.
m monUy bwn <l,ss If .,.,;c , o( <Vil b<us
in turn dq>m ds on our ddi m.
DO such link to lhl"ir rnotiv.ations. Thl" worsr of
obligMloos ... - cfo<s no< dq,<t>d 00
the lot - b.1:ctmongtrs .and mls,nrhropes. lhe
dtslm . ni.r .ro. . "" m,y mrlrdy Id
n..r.m Su.lclxn o, th, Hlmmi<r> of the worid -would
NI IO fulliU our mor>/ obl l,.- .. .
thl"l't'by be imm une from blun t. And htn~
aonJ r.uion.aUsm is r.a.1~.
pttstun.ably, from punb hmc nt. since P"'Jlff
Hett J wm1 10 consJdcr only 1he meri ts of thl"
~ punJshmcru is pttdic.l1ed on bwncworthlncn.
. . P,,,,l ist of thisUJum<OC.A<ronllng l o
The .argumco1 an bl" put mor e smig h1-
'9tk> bYor' reuons intcmtlimt, a rellOO must be
lorw,nlly .. folk,ws,
~of mo dvm ng In rbe S<JUt rlw chctt Is
lDrnt rwon.a.J ttl.ation th.t obwns ~-c en the
modntions; I. If in1mw:im1 is trut , then ooe has DO
;... i,. .....,. ,nd on• • tmd ng
1, mson 10 41 J/4'- log Is .-J ly Ulll'<bred
,,,. ,. ..... b<, ,s 11,m ud Wlilwns (198
10 OM's existing moUvMionl.
lk-5 ) p,a Ir. •• - ddib <nd ,. rour e" fiom
Ifoat b,as DO rut0 II . , . , Ihm ODC WI't be
••" sul ijoc a,.- .-i,. .·ro rbe bel idw l.
jusdy bluntd o, puaJ,l,od '3, 1101 . .Inf
b ~ .... .... .,.. ..,. ..-. So lf
6.f Ru_u S/,Q(t'r-LanJau

3. The n•f ore 1f J111~rn.tJJ..s du:=n one .and ug uc ag, uns t the
an Is tru_ ;;ed (or exh,lt.'ncc ()f
c.m 't be.• JtHtly bJ.amt-d or 001 res pan sib ilit y. Pcr s,
in the 6~ ~)' ,
4>- iug . if 41o-ing is ration.apu nb 1rc l,uc d 10 on e is pro per ly lb.h ie lo
Uy u, bb, me or ~ " - . :
out "·, rxl stln g mo civ atU
)ns . Th ere ,1,re we U•l mo wn ,ug t,ch cve 1.h~l 1hl
r uni shf !d um cnt s t o ~
•. Som ~ a~c nu ort Jus tly bJ,1 slo n, wh Jch a~most no on t,he rc ts? Mc;
for the ir rvH det."d.s, eve n .n1ed <> ~old.1.nce e be .Ii ~ N~
tho ugh a lhJs is an op uo n for the ~ t s ,h.,,t onp ly ih,
of suc h cvnduc..·1 w.a.s r,ni ona lnternaHst,
lly unrela1ed So lnt crn alls ts vc fac ed .,.eonc d1s tnc ted
10 the ir mo tiva tion s.
wit h : be run ,,vc r, t lu.v
wi thh old ing blu nc fro
The refo re fnt~rn.1.hsm i.s m the very c ~
5. fa.lse. hu m. nit y hu 10 offer, or em bd · If I - • g>.nl
bracing .";;"1< .,.,o n1a .n, u.u nt h...-r
able vie w of bl•mewonhi •
Tho..-.c wh o cm1
1kc the con clu sio n ha.V ness <hot 1111~ (Y.rk ~Uey. l h.iv c
t" jus t l\\/ 0 con nec tio n wi th sen siti 10 choose from. sin vit y ind ildh , ,rrunedJ..iu:ly int en
ce Lhe firs, premise reasons. Extern.Usm easily
is a con cep nal tru th. n1 e sec ond pre avoids this"<t11<, • anc e of ()l.bers to h
mi se is and tha t is go od reu on
strong. It ties bl.uneworthiness to prefer it~ dr. ited lulte:r wl ul
(and suitability for nalism. Since that is so,
pwu.sJunenl) ro the existence we ue I "' ,e:a.s<>O to offer_ up
of re.isons. To reject rejecting the first premise in\ s\tu auo ns
the second premise is to inSist of the -
that agents may be nalist argument, an d so the
bl.1.meworthy despite la.ekin ugurnen i 1 }lave mo st reas.or
g .tny re.i.son to re.f r.ti n Call • second mtiralional 1 t,Jevertheless. sue
from their unseemly con ist •rg lad (
duct. Such a stand Ra1iolkll Egoist Argument: pro vid e at de
commJts one to tJ1e l-ie
w that one could be pro um .., \
p- tho ug h ou r Loter
erly bl,meworthy for <t>-ing
even though on e had I. R•tional Egoism is true. only be hin der ed
no reason not 10 ct>; blameabl The appeal to
e for <t>-ing. tho ug h 2. Eth ical Egoism is false.
no consideration at all inclin wh at re1.sons we
ed ag•inst <t>-ing. I 3. Th ere for e Mo ru RatiONJism
thiJi.l: that is a very su .ng e
view. For we rightly Is w.e_ twO arguments d
suppose tltat whenever som epsm- Th e firs
eon e is bJ;>.meworthy, Both premises h•v e bro
there is in principle some exp .ct ap pa l. &QIODOffiY- Aulo<
lanation of this fact, eg ois
some fea1ure in virtue of m is the the sis W t on e bu a ~ lot f -nl ued en ds •t I
wh ich .n •ge nt is .n d on ly if ~i ng wi ll pro
bl.uneworthy. That feature mu mo te 011e's i.. ,_ few act ion , even
st em bo dy • failing. Eth ica
And this failure is best under l ~o ism is the vie w tlw 011e 1s _ ., by die agent no t
stood as • failure to ob Ug ate d to 4> if and on ly du mg e) his sell
apprecate or ;idhere 10 con if ~i ng Will Jll'OIIIClt
siderations favor on e's SKrlfice him se~
or oppose some attitude, cho sel f-i nte res t. The denW of etblcal tp a
ice, or action. But entails that adherence to acxne rea son tc
such considerations are jus mo nl
t wl ut reasons are. So a.I ng the ir liv•
rejecting the second premise may sometimes fail to
leaves on e with an int ere pro moce om's .i CDDdemned fro
st. Th e en do rse me nt of
wum> view of lhe
conditions un de r ndooa1 e, - If less dra m• ~
which agents are properly sub en tai ls tha t on e lac ks ru so n IO paform K1iaa
ject to bwnc. da cld "s to be,
The Ju t option is to reject the fou that fail in thi s way. There
fore, the _ . . . . do aa tio n suffic
rth pre mi se. of the
ID dlls CUllm, It hel se vie ws entails dw on e ma lilnn, she neve
ps If we focus ~a in on y
be maall
,. ._ IIU 6a an , Slf, OD obligated to 41 even though on W OU gh wi thh
lhe disciplined e la cb a. -- •
b p .. . ar die liDp-miDde 41. Th em or e this combinatio
d, principled D eDllils di ll_ . "11!tsoldierQSt
. . wbo ntea lbe fourth ntionalism is false. t- ei he •ge e
pre mi se
. . . . . diM Ibey ought IO
Here I just want to assume u
is false; in other words,
ed lla i.- to 1
lt: ... _Y et if tha& premllt (1) • - u~
Since I rtject die condus tunel
im. • .. . .-
lsQ Ji d. Iw ill ta bi ss ue wi uc hj
lh dl e_ .,, ,,_ -
moonemrm ~ n d rm l. .-. . -
1, nuy be thal .. .. .. ..
-tl .., ,._ ,,
supplies a good - II
.i,~ .,..tiy ~I~" ° 1h1j hi I ~ 0,1I)' l1nd of x-JOd
.,oil tht'tt" 1,l M('I\I of u• firmly hold lud1t·
Mon!! 111tic.NbYft

i.ndc-pen<k'" V'llue of li\.ltonomt, 1,nd cbiin tlw

one·, \II.T:lfa1t 1ilot-.e b .ill d"'-1

nuua to 1,n
··- ·

i~ :,,.ft t.M1 imply thie f.&Jsity _of 1h1i tbn.&

If I He 6gCnt . Autonomo., a c ~ mq 1111 IOlT"le cnn

.,c.110f'01\e di~lU (tfflJy CfQ!il llli d~ Mrttt , o1botu u1rply ruio, u. hu1 only ~v1i1 1~ly - only
h.l~ n-.uon 10 )~u OUI Uld """Ull b«1iuw to tbt utimc . thM. KU.n& on web .a
IO bl' run O"fl'. I
,.., btf.. If J stt • g.1ng of )'OUth s comt t • young chok e promou:s onc"l own Vt-tlfw e-. Ju. r., u I
uunt bier and bc-21n to dug hr:r m10 • un hoVl." C'tt, lhcre l l QO tood uaun wnt
... ""'
r""Pll ,1l1c-); I tu,~ n::uon 10 notify W police. for this t·undu1.10n - no IOUnd ,u-gument th.II
Ml<W.-i thu auu>nomy is OW)' ,~u-
.ic. ,.nrutd~tdy intt-:rvt~. and c.i..11 for the ._~,.w-
........... ,t.«o fOlkn 10 help. lfl 1poc .a k"nOulJy ckh) • 1il>le in lhu v.•1,y.
TI1c lhttnl itwc ll to all<M· foe~ u1d~pe.ndcnt

ifiOd ...
•~rd b,L:rr wlule In the b.Kl.wooc.b. I luve
f('&JOll 10 offer up my ('.&nl ttn. Of COUrs

.nagu,e sllu,uions wher e. -1U thing s
it \lo'C an
cunsk kN'd.
~km 1.
1mpo nantt of .autonomy. but to c\aun 1hat
au1onomoui. choi « .ind M"lf-imcrcst an ~ ,
conflict, bee ,~ autonomou:i. chot« : innru bly
nlOSC t\"UOO not to perfo rm
r ..,..,._ 1
t,;(Wrchc-16.s, slKh cu~ ceru.inly •ppu r 10 pl'Om()(a stlf-imc1tS1.: ont bu ttaso n to Cl> if
~( pro'- ~,, k.lSt dcf~u ibk re,ho n for KUO n, n'Cn a.nd only if Cl>-ina prom oto one's sc-lf intcr at,
;n, n. ibouih our 1111eres1s .att not ~ - ~y and,, 4>-ing promoc.cs one's sclf-
_,,, bl' hmdi:ttd. by rt:nde rlng such ~d. h11t.n:st ii one auto nom ou~ cboo sts to Cl>. Sul
Tbt •~•I 10 our dccp ly-hd d bt-.l~fs .ibou t why think this? Why think u lm~ lblc for an
.U ,uwn s "'C h.ive cm be supplemen1ed by agent to lnow thai an action w,11 <Wmgc- bis
IIIO MfU~ OIS dn1g no:I 10 undtt m1nc e f.ltio
rul intt.rrstS but to au10ll0m<JIU5!y choo se to do it
first relies on the bnpcwwx.-e of
flllllDl· Tht: anyway? h cuW nly possible Llut
~ y . Autonomous cho. tts foe dewe d or
m.ty, with n:le•l"andy full infor matio n ~d a
ends .11 lcut SOOlClimu ,uppl y re.uo ns mini mum of exter nal p~u ~, choose: to
1, n-t"n wbeo s.ucb choit tS kn<::M-n perfo rm acuo ns that lhcy bthC"l·e will dama ge
,gtni noc 10 enhn ce (or perh.lps only to tht-ir lnlt.rcsts. Surtl y lht. burd en is on one who
~) hn. sdf-in tettS( . If a. sokticr dtdd d 10 tlw in e-.·cry such use the agen t muSl
himsc-lf for his comr idcs, then M lw eithe r mistl le bis inlef't'§U, be igno run of rdc-
vam facts, or somehow subt ca 10 far gn:,n er
~uoo 10 ule the me.ins n«CS Yl'f to
, rhtir lives. even thoug h such actions ue
external prt:ssure tha..n wu initially lnug med.
ltd from the riliorw.l egoist stmd poin l. A second ugum ent again st ratk>rw egoism, a. pcno o autonomously Wt'S its inspiration from .lll ugum t.nt agililst a
10 bestow ID illlODymous ch.&rit.ble
strong form of elh.i al t-got un, whic h <:Wms tlut
MdlicientJy wze
to do h<nelf some >CU u, righ1 if and only if, ond ......
.. Ibey
prom ote one's sclf-intcrcM.. The won gest criu-
! anratbdesl bu some ~UO D 10 any
With her reolution. RrllOOS hrre. u in ctsm of tthia.l ~ Y n is iu ilubility to justify iu

~IDldiercHt, m,1.y also stem from thr nttd s of policy of prefc renti .J uu1m ,n1. In ,IT.a . ,tluc.u
. . . the ,gem is U)'in g 10 help. 8u1 llu1 isn'1 <g<>isnl Wlct ions • policy in wh,ch uch pcnon
gets m ekva.te or her interests ewer ill Olhtr '\.
10 mu, Ul< rdevillll poin t Ail ""' is
1jNr d IS• m:og nitio o tlut auto oom ous choi
ces Such • policy is • dq>Utlltt from !he def.uh,s supply rwo ns for >Ction, ..,.en ethi al position in whic.b cqwls shou ld receh·e
' •IICh chok ,s ful 10 promo<• !he ,gen ,·, equal trUu n<DL In n,spo ru,c 10 th, ctwi tc 1h.1
, ..... .... <thic.u <g<>ism lic,ns,s discrimilwory auun <nt
... oaly lWO Wl)'S 10 dispute ,his ilJlti• (b,u usc it W1Ctions in,otin& !he wtlb tt of
t"'8duaoa, '111c &. is limply ID dmy !he oth<n .. i... lmp orw, t ...... ont' • _,., wltbow.
66 - ~ " ·' - - -

tw.11f)·1n1 thd ~ ) . rfCM<iD ,...o

~ift. Tht lint ii to .IOC,tp 1hM 1hrir 1heof)' It
cnud1111. lir¥tltd by \lllhu,n.aM.
&NI in KC wtll promote a..·,
w ~ no N,b --hMf!'fff lar P'1ont,
.!:.."- _ ..
.,.,~ ......... ,

I ..,..,,....-
polky o f ~ ~ ~ ~ • . bul I ( ) . . , , . thlt -..ta crilkhln d.iirns dw 11\k (.a.a'°'-.'\ rfLPd',£cz-d

dw. b~Lllllll-, brotlftt.1 ,dro,-.-c l,r.MUft' dw& toflW tt»on fur prlorky t a ~ ~....
sld. vncqlW ett.atl'Mnl 1'lc - - dwf;thitptklritJ'dck-f'C,1._M}iklftdllin~
b CO UJ:ue dVil f'I0'!-111 K noil • poltC'f
of prdtl'fflli.J trutmC"Dl, but b
dtft••Ni bywch thmpuothn ~ •
nttdf .tind ifl~. \\Ir, nttd ON)' lbt - .....
...~ b f ~ i
q:i/1wt.&n. the antl-it&0111 poioc.,'Wt
(l4,hn tOitM4obliJI (l97l) ~u·
The W!Cond n-p1r docsn 'c work. II W)"I Wt ~1oiod1vi•
,ato f,r u 10conoedit lNt 11 b fu1t at..,.~
f'IObm i$ "g.iliurWI hKIIN' 11 conltn on t'ffl'Y \'.l()f'1plY· l'el 1t-
1hat OOf' b .i.11<:M-ed 10 giVit IOtnt
~· pu,on Mlnt' privtk'p £Wl)n gtu 10 1m1 ~t fot "'
10 ones,t.lf. ....-Me Still dmwklin1 I ~
htt UlkmtS U man: lmporw11 tfwl
for the qois1'1 d11lm tlw luch J>riontrtt, r,00"" OI ~·
fflt '1. 8ul thas ts DOI enM!Jh lO inw.liu: the foO",•,c~l
oa}y morally corwdttation •
Olhffl l ~ h t y clc:let
It \Uikn me that tbit raric:lN)~--
lrt:~ cJttteUdeSl"'
IIOC ftiO{y such ttt.lltllffll. &h.K.aJ flOism h
P"""lylhe...,.°"l«OOM. W.mipo11o, U'thll~ud
tMt kb wnpty a bnite 00 tlw mtrt11~
f'l~W\l.llUIODeW"IIM"-f"-e ryone:lfiJthtU.- _,o«""
Bui II a mc-g&JiWWI anmotbtt
rtuon to promoce one', sdf-inteltsc. . . 11'!
mo,&J bdiJ'~ CODI.ti
- ii ~ - , one pmon to fl~ bmt-lf oomplrtf'
nttcf .an aJJUrDffll (cw th&nking thM thalsdiit th.I... un't be
only rwon lhcrt ooukl powblybt.5'tdiadit
V)()lhtt for no ""uon odltt th1ft tlll': bu"
bn'111:lf-niood, and it confhas wu ._.,
the fKI W1 ibr is tht .author of dx .1ctK)(I. 111dJef_.«O
Tbt otha lTply ~mits due tthiCll ~sm ls "'"°""'""I dttply bold bdwf,.,,,. -
tgoiM cwm, 1twt the only c:omk:lmaoa. . ca
.1 rolkY of untqlW U"«'.llnk°nt, bu1 sctb 10 The 6™
Ju~nfy this polky by dung • ~nt dlfft:rtncc support or justify ui actk:111 Is i t s ~ eoquct
Wl Jusc1fidl lM iof,qu.llity. Noc ~I diKTlmini- 10 ..rf.1n1...... Bu< why doo', W Ill, - - .........g.Tht;
don Ii bad-101n< scudems. for insu.nce, dnttY- nttek. warns and autonomous mokaot• llut to poill
td'r As.. OlMn Jk, and so on. So long u .r.ooonsu.... ,bul,"-"""'lllizlot - aklfil reqe
r.. .-.

ont c.111 cite: .1 ~ t difTnmtt dw jusdfin dw la'¥a dmn?Tbty 1ft: cli&ffltt edqUftte.
ibt datftttntuJ UToltmrDl, such tmtmtlM b --t1e..i!lonlyon e"""" •ai The tinl
1ft aot ont's own. Effl'I if wt: «IDCfdr (•-,

...,plNdy ..,_.boanf. - suppc,oo 1h11 ~.~a.ri

r pou't1t "'1f lllld IO Nm wh&I JOU t...t,.

do-> !hat Ibis - ---
- - -hr doa II malt. Ibo , . _ I
lliaYS. DO<

_ ...,.......,...,...wr... .........
_ ,. . .. , - . . ...c1o.,,i..mon11y
..... ,........ ._....,
lllljllllili<dpo llqo(~-- bifeon~

.... ..,,.,...
,......... _ _ _ ...,_ma•-
,_Pfdhe- pt oot's own conccrm , . .
lkuadoa to
,. .,_1111o-o« ...,och,nn,,.,_,.,..1 >ossuc11-•
""'juldfy It. h im'1 deu wbol could.

- . . ..... am8im - - "'

,,. ____ _

- - • ........ far_,,.,,,

"lll'btl\iD_d,a _ _ . , _ .
"'-"'educal ........ ,. . . .,..
,th ,ct he -f~
... ,11 tN' ;mn ent th., t h
M or al ~ 67
,,_.,1 lnle n!,s t1
thC' ro'" '-Y ol prcfe""'nli in So thn-e- ~u 1"' ""° nli lN l
((M P"U H~ IO.
n " UM up Po n~ on e ~°"' ,.,.l lbo ut htin1 Ill
IfJn the- end r, egot.U md i'n d~
u·t1 ~ .1ppt,,
- ·· n..
ollh Qlh "- -'U<:b ~u
:id on fl" " cJ,cD tM Jutkon.&I E,o iit
Argun)e:,w 10 ~P J,I~ Cm lbt oi1 twl r do.l.J'ft,. but do tlkl l ~ U y
al'O\lnds fw rtj tttl ng mo
t~ u,lk>n.lism. J, wh.h UIY ITUOl'I for
c:,t llU H.
rod l"fical ~ - dt.u-ly
t.uPJ)ly such lnd,onc:tw
1n f.i< 1o fi:~
Cc)rlf,ldct, the n, 7k MG 11 on ttM: ~. tJ rau om .li~
4 <klkln. b, lr'I C\l n1~ 1
w' tks t:t ts. i1upirt<I by ,UI irn por t,U
U llrlic:lc by Pl11J1pp.1 f'00 IO t'ap l._ .nt h~
the w e~ of l.11w ,1nd cti qU nte . in-r,;A.n dw ,ck,11 of
(l9 7Z ). R,qu1tT.nlt"JHJi Th e nJl 'UN tio n. I be -I~
lct.s of'1 he1 rdo i1t1 c 10 CUl'hJW~ ,. w. of
11. Wt CO \dd
10 lnc hnd u.t b rf'i ;tud Jurbd.ction A jwiMlicuon ddinc:d wt
• bru te f~ enl C'n u. do no t cnt.1111 Qb a
coniply. Yrc thn e ttq uir u,nd.trd.. tluc. dK:Utc hc hn
/f)C ' prl ori ly puftt.tly M ddi:M'd kf' rito n.
,,. ,~ u h Kt ion - on e rnixhc ht- of mc rnb ttl, (Th e wt nwy by volun-
be dd irw d
mi oN l Of" rc-,uorwble 10 rtj
ttt thf tr 1tr kiu rn. illy. H 1n t~ l.a,w. or nu.y
,ri ty Is 1~ s.ame go a for mo1.1luy. , du. nl& bk U.OCUOon
foot ·s CUim ls th.le 1hc: t.&ry ilk-gu1n«, u Wl1h
10 ~n ts ~g .1, dk u ilkJD of lht d11lettnt
Jusa be e.a ~ its td1cts appty or bnd te: du b. ttt. .
- the y" "' atf'gOric.ll liu s cl rnt'.mbtn:hlp
ls lrn po rw u f°" odW:r
o(c hd r dHU't'S ot lni un c.s i<k
al ptulo,,ophy, bu t
ind us rtt ud'1 mu
n tlu1 mor.ll obhg.a• c.o ntn u, np ecu lly po hti
nts wi th rc.uon, 10 do n't much ffl lllt t h~ .)
'The- nu ft or ed q~ le,
riORS ~ i l y supply •ge , do no t nec a& l.r1 ly
b,rh,we mor,lly. As m Arg
wtl ffll fro m ~ y
or tho6c of a ho ud gu ne t
, bKiUM" t ~ ttt no
1tc:ni1h1, hue 11 can supply ttu on s for KU OO
this an 't be .absohudy w.1 1n.appltt.1ble to
the r.atioGalist, wh o, ~ h ie ; they
Jhlti tbr bu rdm of pro of10 e the fflC¥l.Ql
ril he r of who find tht-msdvres ou wd
_mme.,._ ugumeo1, mwa
fai2 ol du s
dm w> ds of J.w
i ~ A \'V kty ol bo
one"s utn-juriidic:tiorul
or s un up l.u n
lbl ltl. An Kddc:nl of
. . . . . . . . . . . . . llw lh< no t su ht« t IO tht civ il
f- .......... LIi f.a iotrbuically ru
1'1lle _, ... w e 1s &1Jow
dw tbr y are
,oa .
no t,
bin h txp uim wby I
sta tw ~ of &hiopi<1.
Ao ~uu,oomous chok
- . ,

aa al og r- .,.pwns wh y th< a>dc of the

. , . . . .. .. ..i ... .u cl is DO t 1.pply to tM .
bw 1n d Prot«-ci"C" Order of m s does
.. .. .. .. .. . and " - ol n ••hy I a.m no&
TtM! choio::s of othe:n up bi
bound to uphold lhc duue
s of ., Prime M ini uu
bi lo bl s
hp od l_ ,,, .p n, i,l em ,d c.W ~ tuK >D S, uw i Ol htn , the
or Prt sld cn1 . Fo r lh
do ma in (bw. niq ur ttt .
m or .J str icl ura of the rcl cv wt
-n ilo so le dq 1" '1 eh m ,a fr•terlW socittics, ttc .) rNY
fut 10 i.pply in i.
o lt '-
·- ~ d m y ll u l« N ia CiYffl cu e. And if suc h IW \du ds
fw to i.pply to
,. . dlaaana wh m, 10 II)' lb<Sufish
ch bu on they wi ll t:&il 10 supply
Oll l''s ilCUOOS. the n•
. _ . ... . monDyuhitr&r)< .
o haven·, iny dcsl"' one wi th ru so ns for action
,_ .,, .,. ... ., ro tbose wh pt: of the rc kv w ru ks ii
ln this ~m e. tht SCO
<s don't
• - Ill oh<yinr !hem. Bu1 such rul
thc m,dvcs limhed. Tho lim lt II up l,i nt
d by lh< -
ity all by
.. ,. .. _ _ bo oo ro nn orij• of wc h rule.. For
"'Y giffll 00 0,- .nD OI! .
- - , a -- - ......,., whm they do , only
mor.J wh<th tt h bt focw<d on i.w , .u qu ai
, Of play.
rala 1f t a> nl< mi ,_ ,.; th od h, r,1 01 ts N IK

.._ .. on t1 N JI K lrw oa 10
ng the rules lM convmuoa. The:
. . , . _ , ar beause ldheri
because oo e is no t• pu ty IO
lo oe rn ,y hive. If II<. an d, .., ... 1f t all
. . ... ,._ O lb er lll lo m f< r,quittm<n11 ofllw, <liqU<
.. . .. ,. _ pa pe dy laytns !ht fub knl . . , ~ ol <O IM n-
ao pm oD il cimumaibtd. F o r .
. _ .. .. .. .. . lll li_ iaciplo pa ib lt
- " G ri p. II ii llw ap ii pr
, .. w .. .. ., ...... "' .. n.
n' ,. a-SWrt-i--

"'"'WIK irntr~ t,,y conwn11,01uJ nole<

lhffr~ r H ~ INI UI\C Ol\ty (.'Ol'IOfl!Z"\11),
;=ion~in-; ;7~:•:.''7~,~ ~'t1vl..m,,tnc..,ob t«u"'-t
by 1uclf t• ,wum,l with ~twC' to the 1~;"'

\", Mouluy ii d,(T,.,..rn IU M'(lf~ " I'""'''"~ •l'llf'I'"'"°"

~ry Kt><>n 1., mo,-•lly C"'"ollwl-k - ~n
prunounal"l'Wnl is $,lnl~ OM vi pnn•"•il>Ully
if 1hc ntton,.hsm - tndttd, 1111,ny moul oh;ttu"
rf'~ rnor•I u1ioo,11l'.\m. ,1rt Ind~-=:: ,.,._..,
vr.h"-h fl\
The-ff 11 no ~--•tilll tllf' ·rnor•lil)' gm'\ot • ()M 1rouncb ror dt,ubt\ng monJ obf«:1M""' 14

1\\ Cf'n'~
~x nvr nnoun« .--.t.111y. may ,t('t W11hou• rtcud
IO tlw nwx,J wu.- alon,t·• ~UCI. m,y In fKI
00\lf'iit' - •II of vr-·h11. h, in lhe uw:t. I lhin\-.
,n,""f:~ - bul I an»Ol do lh.-l hnt, (I lit
.hne ua

\~ •-itb (hr u,i:...noon ,:,/ ~hntnJ lmmor~ ,t-ttn,»"

.Kt rJfort in Sb..ftt-Llncbu, 1001) llri
hut .&11 J«h di~ave .arlttjiel do PIJI frtt tbw I &flUnw'N dw I Wil ..on""
one &om lldCcptibi.liey IO ,...,ul Tk.,.,._.. rn. Utnl!Sk ~ .
I~ nu, d1Jtinrut~ mor.-1 ~ul~" from
thost ,n the- bw, ,oqUNlt or g.11'™"-
1. If moul u.1ion1.1bm \, true, tlw-.n ltlOrl;I
Wlu1 expl,iM 1M1 sptdil chluC1rr of moul ln~•no

facts ue tnuh1i\C1lly rtl!1,0n•1lvtng, ,1ga\nll
. u ~ ! I lhink k muM b(- 1tw cliiln du1
There: no lnulnsk.1lly rea~·ti~
mQl"~IIJ ts ot>,«tlw, In tM' Stn5e uf ~tnl l \rnpllCl
<On'«1 ~ndnn)y o( .-tw1h« a.nyoat th1nb folCU•

II). ~do,q'I Cff.llt the prin0JW' thil gtticr,Ut

). Tbere(ore moul nnon.&llsm k UlW:,

...... n_,qllin'rnffl(:I. Tht: pr1nd~ in: DO( ~r/ I
I think lNl Jftffil• (1) k fo1lw. 1..nd Will~
bp ,oddo DOI .11pply 10 llS in \"UtUI!'
olcoawodon&l .grttmrnli. t.b"AI ttquimn<ntS my 1imt' heft uyin& to Wl'W II 10. I ilio thinl,
IR iDnC.apablc b«,ldc: cbty uc no1 of our OW1I pttbaf- surpillntly. tb&t the first ~misc~
-.. be £me. luc 1 ""°°"t 10 into thu hm.

__ ......_..,
'BisdoaDOlnpld n why m o r a l ~ Aa1tntk>1Whu will sq that all rta~rn ckmt t
from an agmt's prtnpcaiff:. F<w con'loidH tht
Uff'Dlll~: lf mtOM Ubl of ont',
dnlrn or UllrftltS, thtn wlw:rt: do thty oomr
__ , _ _ o( _ _ C,-! (And i... an ..., know lh<m') Villa,

............. Alpnml.-

CUff dt.m an ~ t ' t own pttspecth~. c.ouW

a tourU of normati~ 1..uthonty? lo
lff"le II

tmiM 1h11 a set of facts could wtthio.
·--... .- dMmsch'tl normath" authority for igtnt!.,
of thrt.r ootloob on hfe:, SttmS obsc\l·
rand". Uld _.,.to"- tho ,ff«t o( pmN·
IUftly cuning olT u,y h<lpful ,sp4n,t1oo d.
lfdillis-....- _ltbink...,b MDO
dlolce N to - " ' - tbt my,t<ri<s. I d11rl
thore 1m111 be some lnlrlmlally - ~ .no·
,.sofuu I an Stt, ti<S. To ,.. this, consider tbt pu,llcb ,,.._.
ftl<a-.!Wio ft .

......... .._
ooodltioas of tpblmnC and moral - - - -
-.alliyts - Wt wy this.,.- ..... _ .. bcl,o,< oh<
lnllh. and rocoaform _,....... .,.,,.h-
.,.,....tu '...._ .. .....
• Ala- isDOl<XllllladlelO . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
"'-• .... i,.. t,9

IC«'p ll Che 1ru1h of a C'Ondi, °""" UWU lft'lftll 'llwt t He 1'10 l'<r:ol!.On\ ll &ll &pt,n

.. noth1 n1 ~ i d . a n ( ~ n t . butd rnin 11-..c
h,u from apa,," "'i.u .,.. ., Pft'p ttai~
ten« "·
.i~un 1lhl
""""' "' 10 .K'«pCIM'COO~rri
'>f'<! l~nt.l t',no1 ju1e
dulg ) ,..uo n1 •tNt from
r.i1klf t.i.ll\t 1nMM.l
Wlthi .n
~ i - an be
ltllO ftl

_,,,yo t,f«'tl ""'WI -,:" 'ti. '/~ (pou Jbly . or

,.,rJo ;tmm tsor -" Ol,poi;t nWl ng ,uch an inf< ',..~. n1a ~d and Cln 1n a11e5 collu ck with
11 ffdrbc COfll pt1(' lgllM I. rt:.u.o m tl\M UC
Pff'P K•
..,,-,J ot,ftt th1.1 ts •ht" belk W 1tu1 .ill rw- n• nol'I
. lh.u CffU.1.o
,1r fi~ "n1 I ckro',w,d .ilrhn ('r h.iVT httn ..
illf'd, tlval.TI)e <'P,Jl<'mic rnion .ilbt
ot,ft< 1'11J. m. of ·~·i nl dwoC hff bmch rr WU &mo na (\ind 1 ol) rt:,'° ""' b btlk f att 11kc
hthav,e In an ephc emkl lly appropriM(' fnhio
j,Jch intco ln ht, ,.!Ilk .,wt )'('t ~ , . , dr.iwing lh<' t~tTible- rond u- h
!left. (lnuk e,oln ..-nt,r.ictic&J rons, dtt.u klns, such u SUit.Unlnl when our P,.ic: tk:n UK.I: lhnt ru,o m, wluc
m:: noc .i.11 of OUr awn nuk ing. ~"" b , n 10
su,bili1y. m,1y<' .it.iin st
bdi,e,ve llw tbt unb b touih Jr ffl'llnd. thM
11th lllwd la.1t t->
1M c:ruth. ffld nuy. for .i.nythlna .s,..a,d
llld t~-o art four. .ind ,tu, the ~UC ":nt
CIJ. t,t so ~ton g ll 10 OUIW t'lgh it In gr-t('D
:..-d o Bui tfw s.iilf f who hold s
ouc hope follows from .i conchdon.i.l and

1· ,,_ .U ~n «. md concr.i.ry 10 the logic.ii Wt don' t l1\U.e 1 ~ ttuo ns up: O'lOM J!CnP
... - mon J
of her own beli('fs. Is in some "<'"1 Ii~ tte0g ni.te such f'l".UOOS, but

.... ...Yin. . Is, In docs not dtpm d 01'1 tht pttsp tcti.W : \Un to
. - ,c-0ng .ig.iln si r('.isO!l, lndt td, she
1he worl d. Thow: ~ v n th.ic
f.ul ruo t·
• ,rmr . t,rhlv ing •hou gh ~IO In
niu these rt.i.'101\S .i.rc mbs in& l<MT'ltthin

Is KUil&

•11" tbM k fullr unc:ltrsu.nd.ihle. She
Thef t ll"t" cku p,a.r.aJldi wnh mon l ntio n-
«-N Y 10 suflidendy good ttno ns - f'l"asoos

l. 11W: mou l r.iUomlist w.ys dw aru in

_ _ ..... ""' °"'"'

bff q,is- aliffl
. . - ~ IO fdl htr. and Ul)'O Qt in suppty
,o belln ,, ,... .. kind s of fKU - mor.aJ facts -

___ u QS for
U5 ~ith ttUO M for K1io n. u wdl
... ... .-11 r1n r ......., .. - ·
be lie f.~ has a ""a.son to rtgu d
:_.,_,_a11_,,..... .. -
11, llf_ . • tlllDs commtu OM to the msc-
_. t¥\l.
lS en.I, bee.Ill .Ko(' If is true t~t &"'nocide b
_ , .... .... .... .... .Din llc.. ...,.
,o And ~cry ont tw ttHO n not lO pun dpit t: in
~ - bee.awe it ls a faa obb-
- - - - - ... --t bo r.c ti...lf aucd to rt:frun from ,uch participiOOO.. Or. to
,. . . . - - .... . 10 -11 .0n th( usu.ii enm ple, no wors e(()( btin g
us~ :
- - ...... - belief Is somtbow
.... .... .... pis In ord er., jutd fy we biw: re~ to .allcviue mcxht:r pnson's
, I . . . If, unusuolly, sue< ns II
excruda1ing pa_in, if wt an do so elTectivdy at
_ _.. .,.. .... .,.. i,o ffry Ihde <X>SI 10 oun dves . TllCff: cons idtn -

--1 11 11 1~ lions in such ascs tlu.t jlz$tify web

j».iD , ""'° if doing so is neithtr deslrtd (or its
own sue. nor lmln .unm tiJ to one' s <ksi rH.
INI Cffllln things WI ThoR who ovtrcome thtir indifTere:nct: md
to offer mis u.nt t in such ases ue
- ~Hon-giving inde-
acting appropri,ately, or mo,. IND approprwdy.
-... ..... ..i. 6oaJ 0< uncondi-
•-be d 10 things by agents. 'Jb<ir 1C1ions u, proper. 1,gitilll,11< and jUSlllicd.
Th,y wouldn'r be, ...,. rh<tt no, .... ,." .U 10
- INI .u """""
Slffl l
und eruk • them. Such ll\,ly be d<fusible,
• ... ., own contingcn1
• mtghr lllow for bur rh,y apply IO us .... , ID !be absena: of Ill'(
would inslrWDmW rel.moo co -·• gook.
Hen , Is rho audll fallutt of mtinliONliun
.... In 1U effon ., caa doubt OIi rho poosibility of
70 RwSlwkfl,or,Jou

,.. .ac~~giec:I 1nlr1n..Kally ".al~bk,_

10 I~
u,uinWC n:~S. ll mu\l (o:~·fi;~I:; :::

wMn ooe" \'.lndid.te lnlno.o;1c v•IUQ U1: '-

,~·!Jul"'lu.trt.-SOOS"'"IC'lu, • lo(,t If ~,.,-.:u«orly.1t...t •

)Ch'n qu<-ShO<lffl, Um, $U,HCj;y l"l'iu"f." ' ·
,,.. .n,oo - ckp-Dlt ,rnordr Ol'I one· s ou1 ,,..rt ..~tl_..._.

Suprx>Sl" one du,ns 1h,u &ny s.llU.MJOll I..Q. f..c.
tb(i· '11'1;'ten·1 tkpnkknt in I.his y,.•,1y, iht'nklt~ ,10 mno,."C'nl child h, m,;ainlor)Cf Mlkly ""h...ti g,.-i11j ~,•U
~Xi "'-owd hr noup,:'r.pccm.U - tbr:sr"'~ thot
U1trul!.1C tt.lSOllS ,1f1t'.I'. di Yd OflC1t
condinons of .to .anrinuon.i,h..i ,tirorr, ""'I! KC
pk.1,ure for his 1or~111or b bad. in 1~~'-t.t

this true! P.u1 1herc's ~ry Im.le OQe Un Is..·,

,,u.o""~ .and off,
wmrooe who ~so·, tw,h('Ve ,hu. TIM> tn
\~ ttws. &Jl)' sucb ttKorr ,s hoiSl by its o,,r.'11 pc1.1.rd.

for ht· au o•~••n lights speh " h.1,1. notluua. Ul

11d 10 m;'\.·,mn~ 11 10 ,1n)'OIK noc. .,,Jre.idy
moral n,tW0.1lu.t •~ 1n much~~ ho.,.~ 1he, oorm.i.11vny of
According to h<:r. thctt is no"'°"' f u ~ ~
r::. 1111~1 U not td
clldu~•"dy by do,
1 ~ popul.11 the
«lffl"IJKyetof1t, merns. lf,unintJOIW.l~H JJUO!',
kmd of TIQrnu.m·t- COllli-ldc-r,11,on f">Cn ,...~ pc:,,illt h,..ff Ii th.
tMn All ,os.w ,1rr cooungrnt on one'.i prrsp«-
mou.l f.-ccs c.ui de.rh~ thodr tt~•givU1g 1,~b ricW - ,1
th~. brip,:.-untlr. no prrsp.•rth-e 1$ supttk>f lo n()l'fll.&th'T COl'l~i-
But ju$.l U the in.ability to cne ii more f ~
wo-"lhcr (1:•«P' u ,ui:lgcd w from within ;a ~ - Thor ,.atk
~nu.I 1..-ons1den1ion donn ·, ncces._\VlJy Under
g1vn pc~'"IC'· whlch ptt~pcctiff U )~\( In paanl 10 ,1 lund <
rn.iile t.lM: cJ,1_im .about imrmsic:: "·.Jue. 50 lOQ •
oo .,.-q r1.1>(J(Wly Of q,1stC'JTlK~ly supn-K>l to fund.1~11,1.I tt
nttdo 't u~Tmme the cUun .abou1 norm.iu,11)
~ ) - For if .ilf p«spe('lh~ "'~ oonpcr- rt.l-u,(l•il'l'irtgf<
One mui.t ..tt0gmze the hmns of DOftn.,.u~
sp:-cuv~ "'-'ptriof. 1h1.1; 'M)Wd pw,.m lh.11 , r,rL111td- Thor ,n
-iwd hM:, f f ' I ~ of their pcnpecu•"II!', mort,m.1.tion.
clopped when
ream 10 ,rndone 1he suprriOI" outlook. And this TI1,11 Mid, r.i.1kxuJim mus.t concede tlut 1~ noff1HUVh)' oi
• WU1 Is db.allowed by uitir.1u(m.hsm. So f,r,o1cd th«.lry don ncM. mjoy ,tw, dq"" opl•n,.1011' r.

o[ endon,emnu u the vcrcha ,,..~ tt-K.h la the ,g.11J'I.S1. .1•.ny on

wccumbs 10 lM: kind of iHJU-


,..,.,_, - ,_
eumple in wbkh • duld b. nu.imed. Bui 1h11, th..- cl\,l.rge 1h.
- &hal undertnaDH ,1 1k>bll rdMiVUID.
_____ lbouldn't be 9ffft u a ttuniblint block 10 Ketp.. ~bletoupl
M oltlm Kill lir.-n lhort ol aa KCOU111 of
ollk1!o1Rtkw&albm.Mor.alr.tion.llismb•mucli r.SK> ~t'I

.... w.w--.-,d..,....,tM.-.c-, man: complkal:ed. RU otM.ous 1,nd kss imme- nen;l.ncri~.
. . .o/ .._.,. appealin& ffl'W Ihm I.he one: C l : ~ Ill 1(1.amrlg
lht aample. Funhn. lhr par.and ~,th de(codin1 m<X"Wty u.y,
... ,.._....,._o1..,
_ _ _- ...
•· dums al iDUimk •.alue .tlou.ld .alen us to lht

............. _.,
_ n!'"°" - .,,..

dlflitalty ol tllllificmoa. Ul these wntub.. u,,


,.,_._,_ JUAi6cadoa btn: ... rMltU "'dc(W,.Jng
mmll dtutned IO udumiM die R.\rcv.ant VW"A;
•rr· an't 11ettlc ,i
,twory or r
ud addllClas aomc DCJO<OIKlus.ive: coasid<n·

. . . IIDr illlllace. - lkJaJ dlM &.wot il. ID CUC IIIC.h & $ II
1. . . . . . . - - . cboutbt bJ' bl DIClft IO bt too "aT.ak IO ~bwli
.......... . . .....,_..,.. ol:jusulic.Mloa.,.. n«d"'
re ....

- , ,__....,lblsialllwoanb<
..... _ _ _ _ _,...,P'.,.,a1
_, . .ir
- -. . . . . . . . . - - , N I >
- . I - - . . _ i..pliabilny ,J
u,,""'""""""'--.. - -..
kiodfrom..._ _ _ _ ........,

- o fproalal-
Coosider boda -
..,._ .... _ . .

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